`Attn: Certificate of Correction Branch
`Attorney Docket No. 2006_l 856A
`Confirmation No. 8086
`In re patent of
`Miho HAYASHI et al.
`Patent No. 7,887,690
`Issued February 15, 2011
`UNDER 37 CFR 3.323 AND 37 CFR 3.811b!
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`In accordance with the provisions of 37 CFR 3.323, it is respectfully requested that a
`Certificate of Correction issue to correct the following:
`(73) Assignee: Panasonic Corporation, Osaka (JP)
`Riken, Saitama (JP)
`The USPTO is hereby authorized to charge any fees under 37CF.R. §§ 1.16, 1.1 7, and 1.492, which may be required by this
`paper to DepositAceount No. 23-09 75.
`The USPTO is authorized to charge the fee under 1.17(i) ($130.00) and the $100.00 fee
`required by 37 CFR 1.20(a) to deposit account 23—0975.
`It is noted that the correct assignees’ names were submitted in assignments prior to
`payment of the issue fee. Copies of the Notice of Recordation documents and Patent Assignment
`Abstract of title are attached showing recordatidn to Riken on January 24, 2007 at Reel 018794,
`Frame 0223 and the recordation of Panasonic on November 18, 2008 at Reel 021851, Frame
`0808. The failure to include the correct assignees’ name on the PTOL-85b form submitted
`December 6, 2010 was inadvertent.
`Accordingly, a Certificate of Correction is respectfully requested
`Respectfully submitted,
`Miho HAYASHI et al.
`/Wi I I ia m R.
`Digitally signed by/William R. Schmidt, ||/
`DN: cn=/Wi||iam R. Schmidt, ||/, 0, ou,
`emai|=bschmidt@wenderoth.com, c=US
`By SChmidt, ”/
`William R. Schmidt, 11
`Registration No. 58,327
`Attorney for Patentees
`Washington, DC. 20005-1503
`Telephone (202) 721—8200
`Facsimile (202) 721-8250
`May 23, 2011