`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`12 August 2004 (12.08.2004)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2004/066780 A1
`(51) International Patent Classification7:
`B26B 19/38
`A45D 27/46,
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date: 19 January 2004 (19.01.2004)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`21 January 2003 (21.01.2003)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): MAT-
`Oaza—Kadoma, Kadoma—shi, Osaka 5718686 (JP).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): SAITO, Atsuhiro
`c/o Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.,
`Oaza—Kadorna, Kadorna—shi, Osaka 5718686 (JP). YA-
`MASHITA, Mikihiro [JP/JP]; c/o Matsushita Electric
`Works, Ltd.,
`1048, Oaza—Kadoma, Kadoma—shi, Os—
`aka 5718686 (JP). IWASAKI, Jyuzaernon [JP/JP]; c/o
`Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd., 1048, Oaza—Kadoma,
`Kadoma—shi, Osaka 5718686 (JP). KAMEOKA, Hi-
`royuki [JP/JP]; c/o Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd., 1048,
`Oaza—Kadoma, Kadoma—shi, Osaka 5718686 (JP). IBUKI,
`Yasuo [JP/JP]; c/o Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd.,
`1048, Oaza—Kadorna, Kadorna—shi, Osaka 5718686 (JP).
`TANIGUCHI, Furnio [JP/JP]; c/o Matsushita Electric
`Works, Ltd., 1048, Oaza—Kadoma, Kadoma—shi, Osaka
`5718686 (JP). YANAGI, Kotaro [JP/JP]; c/o Matsushita
`Electric Works, Ltd., 1048, Oaza—Kadoma, Kadoma—shi,
`Osaka 5718686 (JP). SHIGETA, Hiroshi
`[JP/JP]; c/o
`Matsushita Electric Works, Ltd., 1048, Oaza—Kadorna,
`Kadoma—shi, Osaka 5718686 (JP).
`[Continued on next page]
`(57) Abstract: A cleaning system for cleaning an
`operator head of a hair removing apparatus such as a
`dry shaver (1a) The system includes a cleaning device
`having a housing (20) configured to hold the shaver
`upside down to place the operator head (92) in a bassin
`(50) for cleaning the same With a liquid supplied
`from a tank (100). The apparatus incorporates an
`externally controllable electric circuit (14) for driving
`the operator head in accordance with an external
`electric signal generated by a controller (92) within the
`device. The devices housing has a signal transmitting
`means (91) [or transmitting the electric signal, while
`the apparatus has a signal
`receiving means (13)
`which comes into electrical interconnection with the
`signal receiving means which comes into electrical
`interconnection with the signal
`transmitting means.
`The signal receiving means is disposed intermediate
`the height of the apparatus such that
`the electrical
`interconnection can be made within the height of the
`apparatus, requiring no extra height dimension to the
`system [or the electrical interconnection.
`/ 100
`6/1 7
`63 62 65


`W0 2004/0667 80 A1
`211.; c/o Hokuto
`Agents: NISHIKAWA, Yoshikiyo et
`Patent Attorneys Office, Unleda—Daiichiseimei Bldg. 5th
`Floor, 12—17, Umcda 1—chomc, Kita—ku, Osaka—shi, Osaka
`530-0001 (JP).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FT,
`KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG,
`MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH,
`PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SY, TJ, TM, TN,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW),
`Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), Euro—
`pean (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR,
`GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK,
`ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report
`before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
`For two—letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the ”Guid—
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations ” appearing at the begin—
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.


`WO 2004/066780
`The present invention is directed to a cleaning system of a hair removing
`apparatus, particularly a dry shaver with the use of a cleaning liquid.
`U.S. Patent No. 5,711,328 shows a cleaning system of a dry shaver
`having a cleaning device. The device is formed at its lower end with a basin for
`accommodating therein a shaver head of the shaver, and a tank containing a
`volume of a cleaning liquid and communicating with the basin through a liquid
`supply channel. A pump is provided to supply the liquid from the tank into the
`basin for cleaning the shaver head, i.e., cutters and the associated parts. The
`dry shaver is elongated in shape to have the shaver head at its top end and an
`electric port at the opposite bottom end. When cleaning the shaver head, the
`shaver is held on the housing upside down with the shaver head placed into the
`basin. The housing is provided with an electric terminal to give an electric signal
`to the dry shaver in order to drive the shaver head while circulating the liquid from
`the tank to the basin for enhancing the cleaning effect. The electric terminal is
`made for connection with the electric port’at the bottom of the shaver.
`For this
`purpose, the housing is provided with a vertical stand carrying the electric
`terminal at its upper end for connection with the electric port of the shaver held
`upside down by the housing. Thus, the portion of the vertical stand carrying the
`electric terminal adds an extra height dimension to the housing, in addition to
`making itself as a hindrance to the placement of the shaver upside down on the


`WO 2004/066780
`housing, thereby detracting from the compactness of the whole system as well as
`the convenience.
`The present invention has been achieved in view of the above problems
`to provide an improved cleaning system composed of a hair removing apparatus
`and a cleaning device for cleaning an operator head of the apparatus. The
`apparatus has a height and carries at its top end an operator head. The
`apparatus incorporates an externally controllable electric circuit for driving the
`operator head and/or charging the apparatus in accordance with an external
`electric signal. The cleaning device includes a housing configured to hold the
`apparatus upside down, a basin formed in the housing for accommodating
`therein the operator head. A tank is provided on the housing to contain a
`volume of a cleaning liquid.
`The cleaning device includes a supplying means
`for supplying the cleaning fluid from the tank to the basin for cleaning the
`operator head, and includes a controller for activating the supplying means as
`well as for providing the electric signal. The housing is formed with a signal
`transmitting means for transmitting the electric signal, while the hair removing
`apparatus has a signal receiving means which comes into electrical
`interconnection with the signal transmitting means for giving the electric signal to
`the electric circuit when the apparatus is held by the housing. The important
`feature of the present invention resides in that the signal transmitting means is
`disposed at a portion of the housing upwardly of the basin, and that the signal
`receiving means is disposed intermediate the height of the apparatus. Thus, the
`mechanism or parts for the electrical connection between the signal transmitting


`WO 2004/066780
`means and the signal receiving means can be located within the height of the
`apparatus being held by the housing of the device, and therefore add no extra
`height dimension to the combination of the device and the apparatus, thereby
`making the whole system compact sufficient to be installed in a limited space.
`In a preferred embodiment, the signal receiving means is composed of
`terminal pads formed on the exterior of an apparatus’s casing, and the signal
`transmitting means is realized by a set of contacts exposed on an exterior of the
`housing for pressed contact with the terminal pads, respectively.
`Alternatively, the signal transmitting means is composed of a primary
`winding that is concealed within the housing and is electromagnetically coupled
`to a secondary winding held within the apparatus. The primary winding is
`electrically coupled to the controller, while the secondary winding is electrically
`coupled to the electric circuit of the apparatus and defines the signal receiving
`means. The primary and secondary windings can be therefore concealed
`respectively within the apparatus’s casing and the device’s housing to establish
`contact-free transformer coupling.
`Preferably, the housing is provided with holding means which holds the
`apparatus in a position where the signal transmission means is kept in electrical
`interconnection with the signal receiving means, insuring the electrical
`For establishing a reliable electrical interconnection between the device
`and the apparatus, the holding means is preferred to include a mechanism that
`gives a bias for urging the signal transmitting means towards the signal receiving
`means. That is, the mechanism may be in the form of a pulling unit that pulls
`the apparatus towards the housing, or in the form of a pushing unit that pushes


`WO 2004/066780
`the apparatus against the housing.
`Further, the housing may be shaped to have a bearing surface for
`bearing the apparatus. The bearing surface is inclined with respect to a height
`axis of the housing and is provided with a stopper for engagement with a portion
`of the apparatus such that the apparatus is guided along the inclined bearing
`surface and develops the bias force by its own weight when it is engaged with the
`These and still other advantageous features of the present invention will
`become more apparent from the following description of the preferred
`embodiment when taken in conjunction with the attached drawings.
`FIG. 1
`is a perspective view of a cleaning system shaver in accordance with a
`preferred embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 2 is a schematic view illustrating the operation of the above system;
`FIG. 3 is a rear perspective view of the system in a rather schematic
`FIG. 4 is a front view of a dry shaver of the above system;
`FIG. 5 is a circuit block diagram of the above device illustrating the operation of
`the above system;
`FIG. 6 is a front perspective view of the above system with the dry shaver being
`removed therefrom;
`FIGS. 7 and 8 are vertical sections of the above system, respectively with and
`without the shaver;
`FIG. 9 is another vertical section of the above system;


`WO 2004/066780
`FIG. 10 is a rear vertical section of the above system;
`FIG. 11 is a front view of the above system;
`FIG. 12 is a vertical section of a detachable tank utilized in the above system;
`FIG. 13 is a top view of a drip pan utilized in the above system;
`FIG. 14 is a vertical section of the drip pan;
`FIG. 15 is a vertical section of a cleaning device in accordance with a
`modification of the above embodiment; and
`FIG. 16 is a vertical section of a cleaning device in accordance with a further
`modification of the above embodiment.
`Referring now to FIGS. 1 and 2, there is shown a cleaning system for
`cleaning a hair removing apparatus, for example, a dry shaver 10 or epilator with
`the use of a cleaning liquid. The system includes a cleaning device which has a
`housing 20 with a base 30 and a stand 40 upstanding from a rear end of the base.
`Formed at the front end of the base 30 is a basin 50 which is configured to
`receive an operator head, i.e., a shaver head 12 of the shaver 10. The cleaning
`liquid is stored in a tank 100 detachably mounted to the stand 40 and is
`connected to the basin 50 for supplying the liquid into the basin and for
`recovering the liquid therefrom.
`The device includes a pump 70 which is
`controlled to circulate the cleaning liquid between the tank 100 and the basin 50
`for cleaning the shaver head 12. The cleaning operation continues for a
`predetermined period. Thereafter, a control is made to collect the liquid from the
`basin 50 into the tank 100, details of which will be discussed later.
`recovery of the liquid into the tank, a fan 200 is actuated to produce a forced air


`WO 2004/066780
`flow over the head 12 for drying the same.
`As shown in FIG. 2, a drip pan 60 is disposed immediately below the
`basin 50 for collecting the liquid dripping and/or overflowing from the basin 50.
`The drip pan 60 has a top opening which communicates with a drain port 52 at
`the bottom center of the basin 50, and also with an overflow duct 34 leading to an
`upper edge of the basin 50. The drip pan 60 has a filter 63 for entrapping
`contaminants dislodged from the shaver head 12 and carried on the liquid
`dribbling through the drain port 52 into the drip pan 60. The liquid thus cleared
`of the contaminants is fed through a connection port 65 to a fluid intake channel
`22 leading to the tank 100. The pump 70 is disposed in the fluid intake channel
`22 for drawing the liquid from the basin 50. The fluid intake channel 22 is open
`to the atmosphere through the drain port 52, the overflow duct 34, and also
`through an air vent 36 formed in the base 30 around the basin 50. Thus,
`depending upon the level of the liquid in the basin 50, the outside air is drawn
`alone or together with the liquid by the action of the pump 70 into the tank 100
`through the fluid intake channel 22. The tank 100 is provided in the form of a
`hermetically sealed container having an inlet and an outlet. The inlet is defined
`by a fluid inlet tube 102 which is detachably connected to the fluid intake channel
`22 for taking in the liquid and/or the air. The outlet is defined by a liquid outlet
`tube 104 which is detachably connected to a liquid supply channel 24 formed in
`the housing 20 and leading to a spout 25 upwardly of the basin 50, as best
`shown in FIG. 9, for flowing the liquid down into the basin 50. Turning back to
`FIG. 2, the liquid outlet tube 104 is connected to a U—shaped sucking tube 105
`which extends deep into the tank 100 to a point adjacent to the bottom of the tank
`for sucking the liquid.
`Further, the tank 100 is formed with an air exhaust tube


`WO 2004/066780
`106 detachably connected to an air exhaust channel 26 which extends within the
`housing 20 and is open to the atmosphere through ventilation windows 28 or
`clearances in the walls of the housing 20. An air valve 80 is disposed in the air
`exhaust channel 26 to selectively close the tank and open it to the atmosphere.
`The air valve 80 is realized by a normally—closed electromagnetic valve which
`opens upon being energized or supplied with an electric current. A cap 112 is
`detachably and sealingly mounted in a filling port 110 in the upper end of the tank
`100 for replacing or replenishing the liquid.
`Now, the operation of the device is discussed with reference to FIGS. 2
`and 5. The device includes a power supply 90 providing an electric power to
`various electrical parts, and a controller 92 responsible for controlled operations
`of the associated parts. When a switch 94 is activated, the controller 92
`responds to provide a supply mode and a recovery mode in sequence.
`In the
`supply mode, the pump 70 is activated with the air valve 80 being kept closed,
`i.e., the tank being kept hermetically sealed.
`Initially, the basin 50 is
`substantially free from the liquid such that only the air is drawn and accumulated
`in the tank 100 to increase the inside air pressure. As the air pressure
`increases, the liquid in the tank 100 is forced to expel out through the liquid outlet
`tube 104 and the liquid supply channel 24 into the basin 50.
`In this connection,
`it is noted that the drain port 52 of the basin 50 is dimensioned such that the flow
`rate of the liquid dripping into the drip pan 60 is smaller than that of the liquid
`being supplied from the tank 100, thereby increasing the amount of the liquid in
`the basin 50. After the basin 50 is filled with the liquid, an extra amount of the
`liquid is caused to overflow into the drip pan 60, maintaining the liquid in the
`basin 50 at a constant level.
`In this connection, the air is continuously drawn


`WO 2004/066780
`into the tank with the superfluous liquid to keep supplying the liquid into the basin
`50, i.e., circulating the liquid between the tank 100 and the basin 50 for cleaning
`the shaver head 12. The supply mode continues over a predetermined time
`period during which the shaver head is activated intermittently orcontinuously to
`shake the contaminants off, enhancing the cleaning effect.
`The supply mode is automatically followed by the recovery mode in
`which the pump 70 is activated with the air valve 80 kept opened to collect the
`liquid from the basin 50 through the drip pan 60 into the tank 100. With the air
`valve 80 being opened, i.e., the tank 100 opened to the atmosphere, the air
`drawn by the pump 70 is exhausted through the air valve 80 so as to recover the
`liquid and collect only the liquid in the tank 100. The recovery mode continues
`over a predetermined time period to collect the whole liquid into the tank. Near
`the end of the period, the shaver head is controlled to be activated for shaking
`the liquid off. Thereafter, the fan 200 is activated to dry the shaver head with or
`without the shaver head being actuated. Thus, the supply mode and the
`recovery mode are accomplished with the use of a single pump and the air valve.
`As schematically shown in FIG.3, the tank 100 is L—shaped to have a
`wide header section 114 and a vertically elongated section 116 overlapping the
`rear face of the stand 40. The tank 100 is mounted on the housing 20 with the
`horizontal section 114 resting on a mounting face 41 on top of the stand 40.
`The fluid inlet tube 102, the liquid outlet tube 104, and the air exhaust tube 106
`are integrally formed with the tank 100 to project on the bottom of the header
`section 114 for detachably connection with the fluid intake channel 22, the liquid
`supply channel 24, and the air exhaust channel 26, respectively.
`For this
`purpose, the ends of the channels 22, 24, and 26 are integrated into a


`WO 2004/066780
`combination socket 28 formed in the mounting face 41, as shown in FIG. 10.
`Thus, the tank 100 can be attached to the housing 20 from the above.
`The device further includes a filter detector 98 which issues a stop signal
`when the drip pan 60 is not in position below the basin 50.
`In response to the
`stop signal, the controller 92 deactivates the pump 70 and the associated parts to
`cease the above operation. A display 96 is included in the device to give
`information about which one of the supply mode and the recovery mode is
`proceeding, and the elapsed time.
`Further, a signal transmitting terminal 91 is
`provided on the side of the housing 20 for transmitting an electric signal that is
`received in a shaver controller 14 to activate the shaver head 12 or a charging
`circuit 16 for charging a battery 15. As best shown in FIGS. 6 and 7, the
`terminal 91 includes a set of contacts 93 exposed on the front wall of the stand
`40 for contact with a corresponding set of pads 13 formed on the exterior of the
`shaver 10. The pads define a signal receiving terminal 11 represented in FIG. 5
`through which the signal is transmitted to the shaver controller 14. The contacts
`93, i.e., the terminal 91 is located intermediate the height of the stand 40 for
`intimate contact with the pads 13 or the receiving terminal 11 when the shaver 10
`is held upside down to place the shaver head 12 into the basin 50.
`Alternatively, as shown in FIG. 15, the housing 20 may include the signal
`transmitting terminal in the form of a primary winding 93A for transformer
`coupling with a secondary winding 13A placed within the shaver as the signal
`receiving terminal.
`In this modification, both of the windings can be concealed
`within the housing and shaver, respectively.
`As shown in FIG. 6, the stand 40 carries a holding means, i.e., a
`mechanism of holding the shaver 10 in position. The mechanism includes a pair


`WO 2004/066780
`of clasps 42 which are spaced widthwise with respect to the height dimension of
`the housing 20 and are pivotally supported to the stand 40 to be movable
`between a holding position of bracing the shaver 10 and a releasing position
`permitting the removable of the shaver. The clasps 42 are biased by coil
`springs 43 to the holding position in which the clasps 42 engage the opposite
`sides of the shaver 10. Each of the clasps 42 is formed at its upper and lower
`end respectively with inclined guides 44 for sliding contact with tapered head
`sides 18 as well as top tapered sides 19 adjacent to the shaver head 12, as
`shown in FIG. 4. Thus, the clasps 42 can be forced to open temporarily in the
`release position when the shaver is moved vertically to place the shaver head 12
`into the basin 50, allowing the easy attachment of the shaver, after which the
`clasps close by the action of the springs into the holding position. Also, when
`the shaver is moved vertically to pull the shaver head 12 out of the basin 50, the
`clasps 42 are forced to open by contact with the top tapered sides 19 of the
`shaver, permitting the easy detachment of the shaver from the device.
`In the
`holding position, the clasps 42 urges the shaver 10 towards the stand 40 in order
`to keep the pads 13 of the receiving terminal 11 pressed against the
`corresponding contacts 93 for reliable signal transmission therebetween.
`In this
`embodiment, the clasps 42 establishes a pulling unit that pulls the apparatus 10
`towards the stand 40, Le, a portion of the housing 20 opposed to the apparatus
`under the bias of the springs 43 for reliable electrical interconnection between the
`apparatus 10 and the device.
`As shown in FIGS. 7 to 9,,the stand 40 has a front face which is
`configured to guide the apparatus 10 to a holding position where the shaver head
`12 is received within the basin 50. For this purpose, the front face has is a


`WO 2004/066780
`guide face 46 which is inclined with respect to a vertical or height axis of the
`housing 20 and which is formed at its lower end with a stopper 48 for abutting
`against a shoulder of the apparatus or shaver 10. The stopper 48 is positioned
`so that the apparatus 10 is caused to lean upon the front face of the stand by its
`own weight, thereby urging the pads 13 of the receiving terminal 11 against the
`contacts 93 of the transmitting terminal 91 for reliable electrical contact
`In this sense, the electrical connection can be made
`successfully even without relying upon the springs 43 of the Clasps 42.
`FIG. 16 shows a modification of the above system in which the housing
`20 carries a holding means 403 in the form of a pushing unit that includes a
`pusher 42B movably supported by the housing 20. The pusher 42B is normally
`biased by a spring 433 to have its end abutted against the shaver 10, thereby
`holding the shaver in position and at the same time developing a contact
`pressure between the signal transmitting terminal 91 B of the housing 20 and the
`signal receiving terminal 1 1 B of the shaver for reliable electrical interconnection
`In this modification, like parts are designated by like reference
`numerals with a suffix letter of “”B.
`The drip pan 60 is made detachable to the housing 20 for easy cleaning
`of the filter 63 as well as the pan 60 itself. As shown in FIGS. 7, 8, and 14, the
`drip pan 60 is provided in the form of a drawer having a front handle 64 and the
`top opening which comes into fluid communication with the drain port 52 of the
`basin 50, the air vent 36, and the overflow duct 34 for receiving the liquid and/or
`the air therethrough. A recess 32 is formed at the front end of the base 30
`immediately below the basin 50 to accommodate the drip pan 60. The inner
`bottom of the pan 60 is inclined downwardly towards the connection port 65 for


`WO 2004/066780
`smoothly guiding the liquid to the fluid intake channel 22. As shown in FIG. 14,
`the interior space of the drip pan 60 is divided by the filter 63 into a first chamber
`61 and a second chamber 62. The first chamber 61 is in direct open
`communication with the drain port 52 and the overflow duct 34 for collecting the
`liquid and/or the air respectively therethrough, thereby depositing the
`contaminants carried by the liquid on the filter 63. The second chamber 62 is in
`direct open communication with the air vent 36 and with the connection port 65
`for feeding the liquid cleared of the contaminants as well as the outside air into
`the fluid intake channel 22.
`For this purpose, the filter 63 is bent into an
`L-shaped section, as shown in FIG. 14. The pan 60 is formed with an electrode
`(not shown) which is sensed by the filter detector to determined the presence of
`the pan in the recess 32.
`The drip pan 60 is designed to have a liquid storing
`capacity larger than that of the basin 50 in order to collect the entire volume of
`the liquid from the basin 50 even if the pump 70 should stop during the supply
`mode. The filter is preferred to have a filtering area of 700 mm2 or more.
`Further, instead of providing the removable drip pan 60, the filter 63 alone may
`be detachable to the housing for frequent cleaning purpose.
`The cleaning system in accordance with the present invention can be
`equally applied for cleaning the epilating head of a hand-held epilator or other
`operator head of similar hair removing apparatus.


`WO 2004/066780
`1. A cleaning system comprising a hair removing apparatus and a cleaning
`said apparatus having a height and an operator head at its top end, said
`apparatus incorporating an externally controllable electric circuit for driving said
`operator head and/or charging said apparatus in accordance with an external
`electric signal, said cleaning device comprising:
`a housing configured to hold said apparatus upside down;
`a basin formed in said housing for accommodating therein said operator head;
`a tank provided on the housing to contain a volume of a cleaning liquid,
`a supplying means for supplying the cleaning fluid from said tank to said basin
`for cleaning the operator head;
`a controller for activating said supplying means as well as for providing said
`electric signal,
`said housing being formed with a signal transmitting means for transmitting said
`electric signal,
`said hair removing apparatus having a signal receiving means which comes into
`electrical interconnection with said signal transmitting means for giving said
`electric signal to said electric circuit when said apparatus is held by said housing;
`wherein said signal transmitting means is disposed at a portion of the housing
`upwardly of said basin, and said signal receiving means is disposed intermediate
`the height of said apparatus.


`WO 2004/066780
`2. The cleaning system as set forth in claim 1, wherein
`said signal receiving means comprises terminal pads formed on the exterior of an
`apparatus’s casing, and
`said signal transmitting means comprises a set of contacts exposed on an
`exterior of said housing for pressed contact with said terminal pads, respectively.
`3. The cleaning system as set forth in claim 1, wherein
`said signal transmitting means comprises a primary winding that is concealed
`within said housing and is electromagnetically coupled to a secondary winding
`held within the apparatus, said primary winding being electrically coupled to said
`controller, and said secondary winding being electrically coupled to said electric
`circuit of the apparatus and defining said signal receiving means.
`4. The cleaning system as set forth in claim 1, wherein
`said housing is provided with holding means which holds the apparatus in a
`position where said signal transmission means is kept in electrical
`interconnection with said signal receiving means.
`5. The cleaning system as set forth in claim 4, wherein
`said holding means includes a mechanism that gives a bias for urging said signal
`transmitting means towards said signal receiving means.


`WO 2004/066780
`6. The cleaning system as set forth in claim 5, wherein
`said housing is provided with a pulling unit that pulls the apparatus towards said
`housing to define said mechanism.
`7. The cleaning system as set forth in claim 5, wherein
`said housing is provided with a pushing unit that pushes the apparatus against
`said housing to define said mechanism.
`8. The cleaning system as set forth in claim 5, wherein
`said housing has a bearing surface for bearing said apparatus, said bearing
`surface being inclined with respect to a height axis of said housing and being
`provided with a stopper for engagement with a portion of the apparatus such that
`the apparatus is guided along the inclined bearing surface and develops the bias
`force by its own weight when it is engaged with the stopper.


`FIG. 1


`WO 2004/066780
`FIG. 2
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`WO 2004/066780


`WO 2004/066780
`FIG. 5
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`FIG. 6


`WO 2004/066780
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`WO 2004/066780
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`WO 2004/066780

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