`{IQMEsfiIng RENEE. 3?in PATEN’E‘S‘
`Pf} 83X. E459
`ALEXANDER EA, VA 223 1731:1250
`The undersigned representative of gig
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`313:} 9“, Hi the assignee of
`the entire right, ‘ti‘tk-t and infers-st: of the patemsfuppiiwiiens idemified by app-cmciix A by virtue of an
`assignment item 'the ,ijxxre,:}t0r{s), hereby rmsskes my and 211% previflus Fawez‘s of Afiemay, appcxims the.
`prawiiéiamers asset-3mm with thc: Cmmme: Nxsmbm $272273; as Assignee’s aitormys with fir“ pawm' of
`.ubstimtion and, vex/osmium, to pi‘nsecme said pares}: appiica‘tiom, receive any Lmters
`’atent{'s) and m
`transact a}: b‘usinsss.
`in the: United State‘s Patem and. Tradmnark Office with 399333ch ”a; said patent
`Cask: mar No. 3272?3 or Laws: ,a
`Virgifiia 223 14.
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`L the undasigmfi, cmii'fy than: I am an individuai mngwwemd to act m1. behalf of Fafiasafiée
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`Liquifi CS'VSE‘RE Haggai? {3&3 1m, $312) assignae 9f the swim: right. title and interest of ”the. identified
`paten'isfappifixatizms :idemi fied by appendix A by Vii‘me of an assignma‘ni: from the invcntmis).
`l fiarther daclam that all! statements mad-r: herein of my mm knowiedge are true and that all
`statements made on infornmtim and baiisi’am beiievad m be. mm; and .fiufimr that these Siatemeuls were
`made with the lmawiadge that wiiifui faise siaiemenis and the like 30 made; are. puni‘shabls: by fine in"
`hnpx‘isox‘n’nrznt, 91‘ E70111, under Section .5 001 a? Titie '{8 of th“: United States (211111: 11:11} 1:11:11 such wiii‘fui
`111151: 51211611111113 :11ay’j:~>a;.rdiz€
`that validity ofthe: am18921 011 02 21113312103113 13511111; {he-r3011.
` {1151311312 1111111111;
`Data 1111312311awry ..
`Tm 8512.161: “33mfiemflnmim 1 31' 11:111:13.11111111111111k11fi1p11