`GAKH,Yelena G.
`Seria] No.:
`Group Art Unit:
`June 24, 2010
`Docket No.:
`20249.0050US WO
`Mail Stop RCE
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O.Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Dear Sir:
`I, Ryoko Tanaka, hereby declare as follows:
`I received my bachelor’s degree in Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology
`from Okayama University, Okayama-shi, Japan in March 2002.
`In April 2002, I joined Panasonic Healthcare Co,Ltd, in Toon-shi, Japan, which is
`the assignee of the above identified application, and since then I have engaged in the
`research and developmentofvarious diagnostic measurement devices as a research
`associate in In Vitro Diagnostics Business Unit of the company.
`I am familiar with the efforts to develop the product of the present invention and
`the history of diagnostic measurement devices.
`I have reviewed and understand the above identified patent application and the
`claims therein, and have reviewed the Office Action dated February 27, 2013.
`S/N: 12/810,391
`In my opinion, one of ordinary skill in the field of diagnostic measurement
`devices would have recognized the following at the time the priority application (JP
`Application No. 2007-335425) of the present application was filed:
`1. An area recognized on the imagein Fig. 6 in square millimeters was used to
`represent the amountof the specimen based on the description on, for example,
`page 19, lines 1-3 of the original specification.
`2. The term “development layer” was commonly known in the art. On of ordinary
`skill would have understood that a developmentlayer of a test piece was a layer
`that allowed a specimento flow on the layer under capillary forces.
`3. A “development layer” could be formed with a porousstructure to aliow capillary
`effects to occur. A specimen could be developed in the developmentlayerby,for
`example, capillary action occurring in the porousstructure of the development
`4. The term “immobilizing portion” was generally knownin the art. An
`“immobilizing portion” would have been understood as a portion including a
`material that allows a substance in a specimen to be bound for measurementofthe
`substance. For example, an antibody against the substance in the specimen would
`have been recognized as one type of material that could be used for immobilizing.
`5. An “immobilizing portion” could be formed by, for example, preparing an
`antibody solution, applying the antibody solution on the porousstructure, and
`then drying the porous structure at a room temperature.
`6. Areaction agent such as an antibody could be bonded to an immobilizing portion
`of a test piece to be able to react with a target substance in a specimen supplied to
`the test piece to detect the presence of the target substance in the specimen. For
`example, antigen-antibody, enzyme-substrate, or effector-receptor could be used
`as reaction agents.
`S/N: 12/810,391
`Onskilled in the art would have recognized that various “labeling substances”
`were usable for improving the detection. Example included a detectable marker,
`such as a color marker, for example, a gold colloid, meta! or nonmetal colloid
`particles, enzymes,proteins, coloring matters, fluorescent dyes, or dye particles
`such as latex.
`Various “substances” could be measured in a specimenbyselecting an
`appropriate antigen or antibody for the test piece. For example, an antibody,
`immunoglobulin, a hormone,a protein, a protein derivative such as an enzyme
`and peptide,a bacteria, a virus, Eumycete, mycoplasma,a parasite and infectious
`substance, chemicals, or a tumor marker were known to be detectable. These
`substances could be measured when reacted with specific antibodies. Specific
`examples of the substance included chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), corpus luteum
`hormone (LH), thyroid stimulating hormone,follicular forming hormone,
`parathyroid stimulating hormone, adrenallipid stimulating hormone,estradiol,
`prostate specific antigen, hepatitis B surface antigen, myoglobin, CRP, myocardial
`troponin, HbA 1c, albumin,or thelike.
`It was generally known that capillary action would take place in a capillary space
`as long as at least one dimension of a space is formed sufficiently small.
`Capillary action would not be limited to a round narrow tube. For example,
`capillary action could take place in a flat space that has a thickness of 0.5 mm.
`On skilled in the art would have understoodthat the term “specimen measurement
`method” meant a methodthat is used to measure a substance containedin the
`. It was generally knownthat, to calculate an amount ofa substance contained in a
`specimen from an optical property of the specimen, an image sensor could be
`used to measure reflectance, absorbance or luminanceofthe substance labeled at
`an immobilizing portion.
`It was generally knownthatan optical property of a specimen could be used to
`S/N: 12/810,391
`calculate the amount of a specific substance contained in the specimen by a
`predetermined algorithm.
`I, the undersigned declarant, declare further that all statements made herein of my
`own knowledge are true andthatall statements made on information and belief are
`believed to be true, and further that these statements were made with the knowledgethat
`willful false staterients and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or
`both, under section 1001 of Title 18, of the United States Code, and that such willful false
`statements may jeopardize the validity of the application or any patent issuing thereon.
`Ryoko Tanaka
`hune 12.2013_KeygokoSanahka