`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria1 Virginia 22313-1450
`Akinori HATSUNO
`Seed Intellectual Property Law Group PLLC
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5400
`Seattle, WA 98104
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`Notice of the Office communication was sent electronically on above—indicated "Notification Date" to the
`following e—mail address(es):
`patentinfo @ seedip.c0m
`PTOL—90A (Rev. 04/07)
`Application No.
` 13/605,856 HATSUNO ET AL.
`AIA (First Inventor to File)
`Art Unit
`Office Action Summary
`MOBEEN AHMED its“ 3721
`-- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address --
`Period for Reply
`Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 37 CFR1. 136( a).
`after SIX () MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`If NO period for reply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`- Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will, by statute, cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133).
`Any reply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication, even if timely filed, may reduce any
`earned patent term adjustment. See 37 CFR 1 .704(b).
`In no event, however, may a reply be timely filed
`1)|:I Responsive to communication(s) filed on
`El A declaration(s)/affidavit(s) under 37 CFR 1.130(b) was/were filed on
`2b)|ZI This action is non-final.
`2a)|:l This action is FINAL.
`3)I:I An election was made by the applicant in response to a restriction requirement set forth during the interview on
`; the restriction requirement and election have been incorporated into this action.
`4)|:| Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Exparte Quay/e, 1935 CD. 11, 453 O.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims*
`5)IZI CIaim(s)1;8is/are pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s)
`is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`is/are allowed.
`6)I:I Claim(s)
`7)|Z| CIaim(s)_1-8is/are rejected.
`8)|:I Claim(s)_ is/are objected to.
`are subject to restriction and/or election requirement.
`9)I:I Claim((s)
`* If any claims have been determined allowable, you may be eligible to benefit from the Patent Prosecution Highway program at a
`participating intellectual property office for the corresponding application. For more information, please see
`:/'/\W¢W.LISI>I‘.0. ovI’ atentS/init events/
`iindex.‘s or send an inquiry to PPI-iieedback{®usgtc.00v.
`Application Papers
`10)IZI The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`11)|Xl The drawing(s) filed on 9/6/2012 is/are: a)I:I accepted or b)lX| objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a).
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121 (d).
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`12)IXI Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or (f).
`Certified copies:
`a)IZl All
`b)|:l Some” c)I:l None of the:
`1.IXI Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.IZI Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No. 13/605856.
`3.|:| Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`** See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`3) D Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`1) E Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
`Paper No(s)/Mai| Date.
`4) I:I Other'
`2) E InformatIon DIsclosure Statement(s) (PTO/SB/08a and/or PTO/SB/08b)
`Paper No(s)/Mai| Date 9/7/2012.
`US. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL—326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mai| Date 20150312
`Application/Control Number: 13/605,856
`Art Unit: 3721
`Page 2
`The present application is being examined under the pre-AlA first to invent provisions.
`The drawings are objected to under 37 CFR 1.83(a) for the following reasons:
`The drawings must show every feature of the invention specified in the claims.
`Therefore, the "printing circuit board” of claim 3 and 6 must be shown or the feature(s) canceled
`from the claim(s). No new matter should be entered.
`The drawings are objected to as failing to comply with 37 CFR 1.84(p)(4) because
`reference character “43” has been used to designate both door (in Figure 2) and rails (in Figure
`The drawings are objected to as failing to comply with 37 CFR 1.84(p)(4) because
`reference character “78” has been used to designate both flat lid (in Figure 1) and drop
`passageway (in Figure 10).
`The drawings are objected to under 37 CFR 1.83(a) because they fail to show printing
`circuit board (#91) as described in the specification. Any structural detail that is essential for a
`proper understanding of the disclosed invention should be shown in the drawing. MPEP §
`Corrected drawing sheets in compliance with 37 CFR 1.121 (d) are required in reply to the Office
`action to avoid abandonment of the application. Any amended replacement drawing sheet should include
`all of the Figures appearing on the immediate prior version of the sheet, even if only one Figure is being
`amended. The Figure or Figure number of an amended drawing should not be labeled as “amended.” lfa
`drawing Figure is to be canceled, the appropriate Figure must be removed from the replacement sheet,
`and where necessary, the remaining Figures must be renumbered and appropriate changes made to the
`brief description of the several views of the drawings for consistency. Additional replacement sheets may
`be necessary to show the renumbering of the remaining Figures. Each drawing sheet submitted after the
`Application/Control Number: 13/605,856
`Art Unit: 3721
`Page 3
`filing date of an application must be labeled in the top margin as either “Replacement Sheet” or “New
`Sheet” pursuant to 37 CFR 1.121(d). If the changes are not accepted by the examiner, the applicant will
`be notified and informed of any required corrective action in the next Office action. The objection to the
`drawings will not be held in abeyance. No new matter should be added.
`The disclosure is objected to because of the following informalities
`In [0042], “an supplemental medium " should be “a supplemental medium”.
`Appropriate correction is required. No new matter should be added.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 112
`Claim 1-8 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 112(b) or 35 U.S.C. 112 (pre-AIA), second paragraph, as
`being indefinite for failing to particularly point out and distinctly claim the subject matter which the inventor
`or ajoint inventor, or for pre-AIA the applicant regards as the invention.
`Claims 1 and 2 recite the limitation of "the back-and-forth direction." There is insufficient
`antecedent basis for this limitation in the claim.
`Claims 3 recites the limitation of "the printing circuit board" There is insufficient
`antecedent basis for this limitation in the claim.
`Regarding claims 5 and 8, the phrase "such as" renders the claim indefinite because it
`is unclear whether the limitations following the phrase are part of the claimed invention. See
`MPEP § 2173.05(d).
`All remaining claims are rejected for depending on a rejected claim.
`Appropriate corrections are required. No new matter should be added.
`Application/Control Number: 13/605,856
`Art Unit: 3721
`Page 4
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`The following is a quotation of pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 103(a) which forms the basis for all obviousness
`rejections set forth in this Office action:
`(a) A patent may not be obtained even though the invention is not identically disclosed or
`described as set forth in section 102 of this title, if the differences between the subject matter
`sought to be patented and the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole would have
`been obvious at the time the invention was made to a person having ordinary skill in the art to
`which said subject matter pertains. Patentability shall not be negatived by the manner in which
`the invention was made.
`Claim 1,2,3, and 6 are rejected under pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over US
`PG-Pub 2006/0230710 of lshiwatari et al. (henceforth referred to as lshiwatari) in view of US PG-Pub
`2010/0175352 of Solomon (henceforth referred to as Solomon).
`Regarding claim 1, as best understood,
`lshiwatari teaches a solid preparation packaging
`apparatus (lshiwatari: Fig. 1 #1), in a main body (lshiwatari: Fig. 1 #7) of which a solid preparation
`accommodating unit (Fig. 1 #2) having a plurality of tablet cases (lshiwatari: Fig. 1 #3) disposed in an
`array (lshiwatari: Fig. 1 #3) is disposed at an upper portion (lshiwatari: Fig. 1 #3), each of the tablet cases
`accommodating solid preparations by type, the solid preparation accommodating unit having a discharge
`mechanism (lshiwatari: Fig. 9 #23) for discharging the accommodated solid preparations; a transfer
`mechanism (lshiwatari: Fig. 5 #54) unit for receiving the solid preparations discharged from the tablet
`cases and collecting the solid preparations into a charging port (lshiwatari: Fig. 2 #74) is disposed below
`the solid preparation accommodating unit; and a solid preparation packaging mechanism unit (lshiwatari:
`Fig. 3 #13) for forming a pouch (lshiwatari: Fig. 28- not labeled and para 0136) on a strip of packaging
`sheet (lshiwatari: Fig. 30 #72) and for charging each pouch with the solid preparations collected in the
`charging port and sealing the pouch is disposed below the transfer mechanism unit (lshiwatari: Fig. 3
`#13), wherein:
`the solid preparation accommodating unit, the transfer mechanism unit, and the solid preparation
`packaging mechanism unit are each individually accommodated in the main body (lshiwatari: Fig. 1) so
`Application/Control Number: 13/605,856
`Art Unit: 3721
`Page 5
`as to be capable of being pulled out or pushed back in the back-and-forth direction (lshiwatari: Fig. 5 and
`para 123);
`the solid preparation packaging mechanism unit includes a printing mechanism unit (lshiwatari:
`Fig. 28 #73 and para 0136) for printing on the pouch;
`the electrical component chamber is provided with a central processing unit circuit board
`(lshiwatari: Fig.34 #97) (also referred to as a CPU circuit board) for providing collective control to the solid
`preparation packaging apparatus, and a power supply (lshiwatari: Fig. 34 #33) for supplying power to the
`solid preparation accommodating unit, the transfer mechanism unit, and the solid preparation packaging
`mechanism unit; and
`a flexible wiring cover (lshiwatari: Fig. 3 #48) which is continually curved as the solid preparation
`packaging mechanism unit is pulled out of or pushed back into the main body is mounted across the
`electrical component chamber and the solid preparation packaging mechanism unit in order to pass,
`through the flexible wiring cover, wiring of the solid preparation packaging mechanism unit to the central
`processing unit circuit board and the power supply (lshiwatari: Fig. 3 #48 and para 0123).
`lshiwatari is silent on the main body is provided with an electrical component chamber below the
`solid preparation packaging mechanism; However, Soloman teaches the main body is provided with an
`electrical component chamber (Soloman: Fig. 1.2 #800, 90) below the solid preparation packaging
`mechanism. lshiwatari and Soloman are considered to be analogous arts because both apparatuses are
`used for packaging medicines. Therefore, itwould have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art, at
`the time of the invention, having the teachings of lshiwatari and Soloman before him/her, to modify the
`teachings of lshiwatari to include the teachings of Soloman because having the electrical component
`chamber below the packaging mechanism allows for the predictable result of keeping electrical
`components, contained in the electrical component chamber, clean from falling medicine debris/dust.
`Regarding claim 2, as best understood,
`lshiwatari teaches a solid preparation packaging
`apparatus (lshiwatari: Fig. 1 #1), in a main body (lshiwatari: Fig. 1 #7) of which a solid preparation
`Application/Control Number: 13/605,856
`Art Unit: 3721
`Page 6
`accommodating unit (Fig. 1 #2) having a plurality of tablet cases (lshiwatari: Fig. 1 #3) disposed in an
`array (lshiwatari: Fig. 1 #3) is disposed at an upper portion (lshiwatari: Fig. 1 #3), each of the tablet cases
`accommodating solid preparations by type, the solid preparation accommodating unit having a discharge
`mechanism (lshiwatari: Fig. 9 #23) for discharging the accommodated solid preparations; a transfer
`mechanism (lshiwatari: Fig. 5 #54) unit for receiving the solid preparations discharged from the tablet
`cases and collecting the solid preparations into a charging port (lshiwatari: Fig. 2 #74) is disposed below
`the solid preparation accommodating unit; and a solid preparation packaging mechanism unit (lshiwatari:
`Fig. 3 #13) for forming a pouch (lshiwatari: Fig. 28- not labeled and para 0136) on a strip of packaging
`sheet (lshiwatari: Fig. 30 #72) and for charging each pouch with the solid preparations collected in the
`charging port and sealing the pouch is disposed below the transfer mechanism unit (lshiwatari: Fig. 3
`#13), wherein:
`the solid preparation accommodating unit, the transfer mechanism unit, and the solid preparation
`packaging mechanism unit are each individually accommodated in the main body (lshiwatari: Fig. 1) so
`as to be capable of being pulled out or pushed back in the back-and-forth direction (lshiwatari: Fig. 5 and
`para 123);
`the solid preparation packaging mechanism unit includes a printing mechanism unit (lshiwatari:
`Fig. 28 #73 and para 0136) for printing on the pouch;
`the electrical component chamber is provided with a central processing unit circuit board
`(lshiwatari: Fig. 34 #97) (also referred to as a CPU circuit board) for providing collective control to the
`solid preparation packaging apparatus, and a power supply (lshiwatari: Fig. 34 #43) for supplying power
`to the solid preparation accommodating unit, the transfer mechanism unit, and the solid preparation
`packaging mechanism unit, the electrical component chamber being further provided with an image
`printing circuit board (Fig. 34 #73, Fig. 32 and Fig. 33) required for the printing mechanism unit to print
`based on image data; and
`a flexible wiring cover (lshiwatari: Fig. 3 #48) which is continually curved as the solid preparation
`packaging mechanism unit is pulled out of or pushed back into the main body is mounted across the
`Application/Control Number: 13/605,856
`Art Unit: 3721
`Page 7
`electrical component chamber and the solid preparation packaging mechanism unit in order to pass,
`through the flexible wiring cover, wiring of the solid preparation packaging mechanism unit to the central
`processing unit circuit board and the power supply (lshiwatari: Fig. 3 #48 and para 0123).
`lshiwatari is silent on the main body is provided with an electrical component chamber below the
`solid preparation packaging mechanism; However, Soloman teaches the main body is provided with an
`electrical component chamber (Soloman: Fig. 1.2 #800, 90) below the solid preparation packaging
`mechanism. lshiwatari and Soloman are considered to be analogous arts because both apparatuses are
`used for packaging medicines. Therefore, itwould have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art, at
`the time of the invention, having the teachings of lshiwatari and Soloman before him/her, to modify the
`teachings of lshiwatari to include the teachings of Soloman because having the electrical component
`chamber below the packaging mechanism allows for the predictable result of keeping electrical
`components, contained in the electrical component chamber, clean from falling medicine debris/dust.
`Regarding claim 3, as best understood, lshiwatari in view of Soloman teaches the printing circuit
`board of the printing mechanism unit is disposed at the solid preparation packaging mechanism unit
`(lshiwatari: Fig. 28 #73).
`Regarding claim 6, as best understood, lshiwatari in view of Soloman the printing circuit board of
`the printing mechanism unit is disposed at the solid preparation packaging mechanism unit (lshiwatari:
`Fig. 28 #73).
`Claim 4 and 7 are rejected under pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over US PG-
`Pub 2006/0230710 of lshiwatari et al. (henceforth referred to as lshiwatari) in view of US PG-Pub
`2010/0175352 of Soloman (henceforth referred to as Solomon) and in further view of USP# 2,661,884 of
`Lawrence et al. (henceforth referred to as Lawrence).
`Application/Control Number: 13/605,856
`Art Unit: 3721
`Page 8
`Regarding claim 4, as best understood, Ishiwatari in view of Soloman teaches all of the limitation
`of claim 1 from which claim 4 depends.
`Ishiwatari in view of Soloman is silent on a step-down transformer
`is provided as a component of the power supply, and the transformer is mounted at a weight balance
`position at the center of a rear portion in the electrical component chamber. However, Lawrence teaches
`a step-down transformer (Fig. 5 #93) is provided as a component of the power supply, and the
`transformer is mounted at a weight balance position at the center of a rear portion in the electrical
`component chamber (Fig. 5 #93). Furthermore, it is common knowledge that placing heavy objects
`at/near the bottom-center of structures provides stability due to counter-weight moment provided by the
`heavy weight. Therefore, it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art, at the time of the
`invention, having the teachings of Ishiwatari in view of Soloman and Lawrence before him/her, to modify
`the teachings of Ishiwatari in view of Soloman to include the teachings of Lawrence because having the
`transformer mounted at the rear center portion of the electrical component chamber allows for the
`predictable result of providing stability to the medicine dispensing apparatus.
`Regarding claim 7, as best understood, Ishiwatari in view of Soloman teaches all of the limitation
`of claim 1 from which claim 4 depends.
`Ishiwatari in view of Soloman is silent on a step-down transformer
`is provided as a component of the power supply, and the transformer is mounted at a weight balance
`position at the center of a rear portion in the electrical component chamber. However, Lawrence teaches
`a step-down transformer (Fig. 5 #93) is provided as a component of the power supply, and the
`transformer is mounted at a weight balance position at the center of a rear portion in the electrical
`component chamber (Fig. 5 #93). Furthermore, it is common knowledge that placing heavy objects
`at/near the bottom-center of structures provides stability due to counter-weight moment provided by the
`heavy weight. Therefore, it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art, at the time of the
`invention, having the teachings of Ishiwatari in view of Soloman and Lawrence before him/her, to modify
`the teachings of Ishiwatari in view of Soloman to include the teachings of Lawrence because having the
`Application/Control Number: 13/605,856
`Art Unit: 3721
`Page 9
`transformer mounted in the rear center portion of the electrical component chamber allows for the
`predictable result of providing stability to the medicine dispensing apparatus.
`Claim 5 and 8 are rejected under pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over US PG-
`Pub 2006/0230710 of lshiwatari et al. (henceforth referred to as lshiwatari) in view of US PG-Pub
`2010/0175352 of Soloman (henceforth referred to as Solomon) and in further view of JP101 18159 of
`Kazuji (henceforth referred to as Kazuji).
`Regarding claim 5, as best understood, lshiwatari in view of Soloman teaches the main body is
`provided at a top front portion thereof with a specific solid preparation supply unit (Fig. 43 #57) for
`supplying, to the transfer mechanism unit, specific solid preparations accommodated in a plurality of
`buckets (Fig. 43 —not numbered), each having an upper opening (Fig. 43- not numbered)
`on a top surface region of the main body behind the specific solid preparation supply unit, a flat
`surface is formed (Fig. 3- #1 A) to place thereon an input unit such as a personal computer for transmitting
`and receiving information to/from the central processing unit circuit board; and
`lshiwatari in view of Soloman is silent on a flat-shaped lid to cover the buckets can be removably
`placed on the specific solid preparation supply unit. However, Kazuji teaches a flat-shaped lid (Fig. 19
`#48) to cover the buckets can be removably placed on the specific solid preparation supply unit (Brief
`description of the drawing for Fig. 20). lshiwatari in view of Soloman and Kazuji are considered to be
`analogous arts because all three apparatuses are used for packaging medicines. Therefore, it would have
`been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art, at the time of the invention, having the teachings of
`lshiwatari in view of Soloman and Kazuji before him/her, to modify the teachings of lshiwatari in view of
`Soloman to include the teachings of Kazuji because having a removable lid on top of medicine buckets
`allows for the predictable result of preventing contamination of the medicine contained within the buckets
`when the cover is on top of the buckets and cleaning/charging of the bucket when the cover is removed
`from the top of the buckets.
`Application/Control Number: 13/605,856
`Art Unit: 3721
`Page 10
`Regarding claim 8, Ishiwatari in view of Soloman teaches the main body is provided at a top
`front portion thereof with a specific solid preparation supply unit (Fig. 43 #57) for supplying, to the transfer
`mechanism unit, specific solid preparations accommodated in a plurality of buckets (Fig. 43 —not
`numbered), each having an upper opening (Fig. 43- not numbered)
`on a top surface region of the main body behind the specific solid preparation supply unit, a flat
`surface is formed (Fig. 3- #1 A) to place thereon an input unit such as a personal computer for transmitting
`and receiving information to/from the central processing unit circuit board; and
`Ishiwatari in view of Soloman is silent on a flat-shaped lid to cover the buckets can be removably
`placed on the specific solid preparation supply unit. However, Kazuji teaches a flat-shaped lid (Fig. 19
`#48) to cover the buckets can be removably placed on the specific solid preparation supply unit (Brief
`description of the drawing for Fig. 20). Ishiwatari in view of Soloman and Kazuji are considered to be
`analogous arts because all three apparatuses are used for packaging medicines. Therefore, it would have
`been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art, at the time of the invention, having the teachings of
`Ishiwatari in view of Soloman and Kazuji before him/her, to modify the teachings of Ishiwatari in view of
`Soloman to include the teachings of Kazuji because having a removable lid on top of medicine buckets
`allows for the predictable result of preventing contamination of the medicine contained within the buckets
`when the cover is on top of the buckets and cleaning/charging of the bucket when the cover is removed
`from the top of the buckets.
`The prior art made of record and not relied upon is considered pertinent to applicant's disclosure.
`Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the examiner should
`be directed to MOBEEN AHMED whose telephone number is (571) 272-0356. The examiner can
`normally be reached on M-F (8:30 am to 5 pm).
`Application/Control Number: 13/605,856
`Art Unit: 3721
`Page 11
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner’s supervisor,
`Hemant Desai can be reached on 571-272-4458. The fax phone number for the organization where this
`application or proceeding is assigned is 571 -273-8300.
`Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the Patent Application
`Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for published applications may be obtained from
`either Private PAIR or Public PAIR. Status information for unpublished applications is available through
`Private PAIR only. For more information about the PAIR system, see http://pair-direct.uspto.gov. Should
`you have questions on access to the Private PAIR system, contact the Electronic Business Center (EBC)
`at 866-217-9197 (toll-free). If you would like assistance from a USPTO Customer Service Representative
`or access to the automated information system, call 800-786-9199 (IN USA OR CANADA) or 571 -272-
`Examiner, Art Unit 3721
`Supervisory Patent Examiner, Art Unit 3721