`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 2231371450
`Toshiyasu SugiO
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`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
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`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`0/7709 A0170” Summary
`Application No.
`Sugio et al.
`Art Unit
`AIA (FITF) Status
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`Period for Reply
`Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a). In no event, however, may a reply be timely filed after SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing
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`1). Responsive to communication(s) filed on 15 July 2019.
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`4)[:] Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Expat/7e Quay/e, 1935 CD. 11, 453 O.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims*
`3,5,10,12 and 15—17is/are pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s)
`is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`E] Claim(s)
`is/are allowed.
`Claim(s) 3,5,10,12 and 15—17 is/are rejected.
`[:1 Claim(s)
`is/are objected to.
`) ) ) )
`6 7
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`[j Claim(s)
`* If any claims have been determined aflowabie. you may be eligible to benefit from the Patent Prosecution Highway program at a
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`Application Papers
`10)[:] The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
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`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
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`1.[:] Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.[:] Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No.
`3.[:] Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage
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`Paper No(s)/Mail Date_
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`3) C] Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`4) CI Other-
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mai| Date 20191011
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`Page 2
`Notice of Pre-AIA or AIA Status
`The present application is being examined under the pre-AIAfirst to invent provisions.
`Response to Arguments
`Applicant's arguments filed 15 July 2019 have been fully considered but they are not persuasive.
`In particular, the applicant arguesthat the claimed invention in claim 3 is not taught by the prior art of
`record since it is unclear to the applicant how Nakagamiteachesthe claimed invention.
`In particular, the
`applicant explains their understanding of the prior art, arguing that the sections of Na kaga mi direct to
`reducing the amount of motion vector used in bi-directional prediction, motion compensated image
`generated from one reference picture using a motion vector and will use a pa rt ofanother reference
`picture for another motion compensated image. However, to clarify, the examiner would like to explain
`how Na kaga mi was applied. When applying Na kaga mi, the sections of 11173-177 was important in
`establishing the teaching of how a prediction direction flags were generated, in that an ’identification
`flag' that is indicated can represent a ”filtering prediction mode”,11176, and is also capable of indicating
`that, ofthe indication flags possible, ”bidirectional prediction mode” can be indicated from that
`”identification flag”, 11177. When this bi-prediction mode is indicated, 11177, bidirectional prediction
`occurs as described in 1123, where motion compensation is directed to two motion compensation
`directions. Perhaps more supportive, 1112 will disclose that also the when using the ”indication flag”
`indicated ”bidirectional prediction mode”, the prediction will enter a ”bidirectional prediction" that
`directs to ”a plurality of frames arranged in two temporal directions as reference frames" when the
`”indication flag” does indicate a direct-able ”prediction mode”. When the ”identification flag” does not
`indicate filtered prediction mode, it will then move tojust choosing one of the ”unidirectional prediction
`or bidirectional prediction", 11176 and Fig. 12, but just not indicated previously and then follows the
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`Page 3
`same type of prediction as described in 1111 and 20 and Fig. 12-s34. Because of this, the prior art does
`indeed disclose as claimed when a mode has been flagged, it can be bidirectional prediction, and when a
`mode is not particularly flagged, it can be either bidirectional or unidirectional and perform
`”unidirectional prediction or bidirectional prediction" simila rly as claimed. For this reason the examiner
`considers the prior art to teach the claimed prediction direction fixing flagging as claimed.
`Additionally, applicant argues Suzuki discloses a difference block from a macroblock ofa frame
`referred to in a forward direction and does not consider the relied upon ”decision flag” to teach the
`claim element of ”prediction direction fixing information”. It is not clear what is the disagreement
`regarding this citation ofthe decision flag and would like to restate that particular”decision flag” was
`cited since it is a flag which is ”appended to the frame header”, 11141, and indicates a direction which
`relates to the stored difference data for a frame ”B-VOP refers to in a backward direction". This all
`provides information from the decision flag appended to a frame header that a bidirectional predictive
`mode is in in a backward direction, 11139 63, 69. And maintains that this teaching of Suzuki is
`appropriate and teaches the claimed invention.
`Arguments towa rds claims 3, 5, 10, 12, 15, and 16 are similar and are disagreed with and
`maintained as previously responded to.
`Additionally, amendments to claims 3, 5, 10, 12, 15, and 16 have been fully considered and are
`addressed with a new prior art as will be disclosed below.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`The following is a quotation of pre-AIA35 U.S.C. 103(a) which forms the basis for all obviousness
`rejections set forth in this Office action:
`(a) A pa tent may not be obtained though the i nvention is not identicallyd iscl osed or described as set
`forth in section 102 ofthis title, ifthe differences between the subject matter sought to be patented
`a nd the priora rt are such thatthe subject matter as a whole would have been obvious atthetime the
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`invention wasmade to a person havingordinaryskill in the art to which said subject matter pertains.
`Pate ntabilityshall not be negatived bythe manner in which the invention was made.
`The factual inquiries set forth in Graham v. John Deere C0,, 383 U.S. 1, 148 USPQ 459 (1966), that are
`applied for establishing a background for determining obviousness under pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 103(a) are
`summarized as follows:
`1. Determining the scope and contents of the prior art.
`2. Ascertaining the differences between the prior art and the claims at issue.
`3. Resolving the level of ordinary skill in the pertinent art.
`4. Considering objective evidence present in the application indicating obviousness or
`Claims 3 and 10 are rejected under pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being taught by Suzuki et al. (US
`20070291131 A1) in view of Koto et al. (US 20030215014 A1) with Koo; Han Suh et al. (US
`20100266042 A1) in view of Nakagami; Ohji et al. (US 20110293195 A1)
`Regarding claim 3, Suzuki teaches,
`An image coding method for coding (”controlling image coding mod e")[title], using inter
`prediction, (”images are coded using a predictive mode containing the inter-frame
`unidirectional predictive coding mode and the inter-fra me bidirectional predictive coding
`modE")[1119] a current block included in a current picture, (”frames 313” contains a frame
`header 312 and "a piuraiity of macrobiocks 320”}Efi148j the image coding method comprising:
`adding, into header data, a prediction direction fixing information (”decision flag is
`appended to a frame header")[1ll41, Fig. 19] indicating that a prediction direction
`(decision flag appended for”each frame that B-VOP refers to a backward
`direction")[1l136] for coding all blocks using inter prediction in the entire current
`picture (image coded is ”B picture or B-VOP" with a determination if bidirectional
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`Page 5
`coding is to be used as ”inter-fra me coding")[1]63, 69] in a predetermined coding mode
`is fixed to one of a uni-prediction and bi-prediction; (”coded by the inter-frame
`bidirectional predictive mod e")[1l139] and
`coding the entire current picture (”coded data sequence”generated by the image
`coding apparatus 18)[1]139] in the predetermined coding mode, (”when the coding ofa
`frame to be cod ed” was completed ”coding mode information outputted”)[1ll30]
`based on the prediction direction fixing information (a
`not_coded" flag 326" stored in
`a macroblock header 322, which is part ofa data structure ofcoded data sequence
`generated by image coding apparatus 18 [11139, Fig. 18-21], which stores of P-VOP
`which is, ”a frame that B-VOP refers to in a backward direction")[1l142]
`wherein predetermined coding mode is a direct mode, (reference mode selection
`circuit 38 will output frame predictive mode information to indicate "codingis
`performed using the forward predictive mode provided with the global motion
`a prediction direction flag (”decision flag")[1]139] indicating the selected prediction
`direction (frame refers to ”a forward direction ordifference data”)[1ll39] isadded into
`a bitstrea m. (with coded data sequence ”contains a decision flag")[1ll39]
`But does not explicitly teach,
`coding, using the bi-prediction, all the blocks coded using inter prediction when the
`prediction direction fixing information indicates that the prediction is fixed to the bi-
`direct mode in which a motion vector ofthe current block is predicted from a motion
`vector used for a coded neighboring block,
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`Page 6
`when the prediction direction flag is ON in the direct mode, the prediction direction in
`the direct mode is set to bi-directional prediction for coding with reference to two or
`more reference pictures are referred; and
`when the prediction direction fixing flag is OFF in the direct mode, a selection is made
`between (i) the bi-directional prediction and (ii) uni-directional prediction for coding
`with reference to one reference picture as the prediction direction of the current block
`However, Na kaga mi teaches,
`coding, using the bi-prediction, (”execution of a bi-directional prediction by motion
`vector scaling")[1]171] all the blocks coded (”macroblock 61” is encoded)[1]171] using
`inter prediction (”motion compensation prediction" corresponding to the ”inter-frame
`distance" used for motion vectors of”forwa rd and backward predictions” that relate
`to the ”above prediction mode”)[11169,171, Fig. 30] when the prediction direction
`fixing information (”flag indicating the above prediction mode")[1]171] indicates that
`the prediction is fixed to the bi-prediction; (”i.e., the execution of a bi-directional
`prediction by motion vector scaling" flagged for encoding)[1]171]
`It would be obvious to one with ordinary skill in the art to combine the image code mode
`control of Suzuki with the motion vector encoding of Koto to apply a scaled prediction for bi-
`directional prediction. The reason for this would be to provide for reference frame skipping
`conditions which allow macroblock skipping to improve encoding efficiency.
`But does not explicitly teach,
`direct mode in which a motion vector ofthe current block is predicted from a motion
`vector used for a coded neighboring block,
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`Page 7
`when the prediction direction flag is ON in the direct mode, the prediction direction in
`the direct mode is set to bi-directional prediction for coding with reference to two or
`more reference pictures are referred; and
`when the prediction direction fixing flag is OFF in the direct mode, a selection is made
`between one of (i) the bi-directional prediction and (ii) uni-directional prediction for
`coding with reference to one reference picture as the prediction direction of the current
`However, Koo teaches additionally,
`direct mode (”direct prediction mode identifying unit 710 identifies a prediction
`modE”)[11114, Fig. 1-710] in which a motion vector ofthe current block is predicted
`from a motion vector used for a coded neighboring block, (”In case that the spatial
`direct mode is applied according to the direct prediction mode flag, it is able to obtain
`motion information ofblocks neighbor to a current block in the first place")[11114]
`It would be obvious to one with ordinary skill in the art to combine the image code mode
`control of Suzuki with the motion vector encoding of Koto with a direct mode like Koo which can
`indicate a direct mode even fir a B slice. This allows the use of neighbor blocks for direct
`prediction mode ofa current block and save bits required for improved compression efficiency.
`But does not explicitly teach,
`when the prediction direction flag is ON in the direct mode, the prediction direction in
`the direct mode is set to bi-directional prediction for coding with reference to two or
`more reference pictures are referred; and
`when the prediction direction fixing flag is OFF in the direct mode, a selection is made
`between one of (i) the bi-directional prediction and (ii) uni-directional prediction for
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`Page 8
`coding with reference to one reference picture as the prediction direction of the current
`However, in the same field of endeavor, Nakagamiteaches,
`wherein predetermined coding mode (”filtering prediction mode")[1]152] is a direct
`mode, (”the image that is obtained by adding an image representinga high -frequency
`component to the motion compensation image MCO is generated as a prediction
`when the prediction direction flag (”identification flag")[1]173,176,177] is ON in the
`direct mode, (step of 531 which ”step 531 that the identification flag represents that a
`process is to be performed in the filtering prediction mode”)[1il73,176] the prediction
`direction in the direct mode is set to bi-directional prediction (”identification flag
`represents that a process is to be performed in the bidirectional prediction
`mode")[1]177] for coding with reference to two or more reference pictures are
`referred; (such that filtering prediction modes is based on "prediction circuit 44
`toward the filtering circuit 45 represents that two motion compensation images are
`supplied” which indicates two directional motion compensation and additionally
`exemplary, ”a plurality of frames arranged in two temporal directions as reference
`frames, and determines macroblocksin the reference frames correspondingto a
`prediction image on the basis of motion vectors”)[11123,112,173-177] a nd
`when the prediction direction fixing flag (”identification flag”)[1]173,176,177] is OFF in
`the direct mode, (step of 531 which ”step 531 that the identification flag does not
`represent that a process is to be performed in the filtering prediction
`modE")[1l173,176] a selection is made between one of (i) the bi-directional prediction
`and (ii) (”p rocess is to be performed in the bidirectional prediction")[1ll77] uni-
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`Page 9
`directional prediction (”process is performed in the unidirectional prediction
`mode")[1]177] for coding with reference to one reference picture as the prediction
`direction of the current block (”generating a frame to be encoded B0 through
`bidirectional prediction ”u sing en coded fra mes at temporally past and future times
`with respect to the current time as reference frames" which explains the bidirectional
`prediction used)[1111, Fig. 2, Fig. 12] (”conventional unidirectional prediction,even
`when a plurality of reference frames can be selected")[1]20]
`It would be obvious to one with ordinary skill in the art to combine the image code mode
`control of Suzuki with the motion vector encoding of Koto with a direct mode like Koo with the
`image processing of Na kaga mi which evaluates the identification flag for a prediction type. The
`benefit this provides is a controlled filtered prediction in two directions can be considered in the
`same time as prediction in traditional unidirectional or bidirectional prediction, giving more
`prediction type choices.
`Regarding claim 10, Suzuki teaches,
`An image decoding method for decoding (”image decoding apparatus 350”)[1]145, Fig. 22],
`using inter prediction, (”images are coded using a predictive mode containingthe inter-frame
`unidirectional predictive coding mode and the inter-fra me bidirectional predictive coding
`modE")[1119]a current block included in a current picture, (”frames 318” contains a frame
`header 312 and “a piuraiity of macrobiocks 32G“}Efii149} the image decoding method
`decoding, from a bitstrea m, £“coding decision circuit 385} amuires"}fii14?ia prediction
`direction fixing information (”decision flag is appended to a frame header")[1ll41, Fig.
`19] indicating that a prediction direction (”flag information 316 indicating” whether
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`Page 10
`this VOP has difference data or not in a frame header 312 of B-VOP ora ”frame header
`312 of a frame B-VOP refers to a backward direction")[1]141] for decoding all blocks
`using inter prediction in the entire current picture (”decision flag may be appended for
`each B-VOP" where image coded is ”B picture or B-VOP" with a determination if
`bidirectional coding is to be used as ”inter-fra me coding”)[1]136,63, 69] in a
`predetermined decoding mode is fixed to one oia tini~predictien and a bi—prediction
`(”coded by the inter-fra me bidirectional predictive modE")[11139]
`decoding the entire current picture {whether a first code biock coded by the inten
`frame bidirectienei predictive modei‘ii‘iifili in the predetermined decoding mode,
`("image decoding apparatus 3583 decodes trames coded in an intenframe hidirectienai
`predictive anodE”iifi‘i1ii§, Fig, 24} based on the prediction direction fixing information (a
`”"not_coded" flag 326"” stored in a macroblock header 322, which is part of a d ata
`structu re ofcoded data sequence generated by image coding apparatus 18 [11139, Fig.
`18-21], which stores of P-VOP which is, ”a frame that B-VOP refers to in a backward
`wherein predetermined decoding mode is a direct mode, (reference mode selection
`circuit 38 will output frame predictive mode information to indicate "codingis
`performed using the forward predictive mode provided with the global motion
`a prediction direction flag (”decision flag")[1]149] in the direct mode (decision flag
`refers to ”a forward direction ordifference data")[11139] is decoded form the bitstream
`(”d ecoding method decision circuity 380 acquires a decision flag”)[1]149] and the
`current block (”macroblock")[11149] is decoded based on the decoded prediction
`direction flag, (”if the decision flag is of a value indicating” ”the decoding method
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`Page 11
`decision circuit 380 instructs" that the ”difference data to be decoded to generate and
`image of the macroblock")[1ll49]
`But does not explicitly teach,
`decoding, using the til—prediction, ail the biockg decoded using inter prediction when the
`prediction direction fixing information indicates that the prediction direction is fixed to
`the hi~predictiong
`direct mode in which a motion vector ofthe current block is predicted from a motion
`vector used for a coded neighboring block,
`when the prediction direction flag is ON in the direct mode, the prediction direction in
`the direct mode is set to bi-directional prediction for coding with reference to two or
`more reference pictures; and
`when the prediction direction fixing flag is OFF in the direct mode, a selection is made
`between one of (i) the bi-directional prediction and (ii) uni-directional prediction for
`coding with reference to one reference picture as the prediction direction of the current
`However, Koto teaches,
`decoding, (”decoding the frame f3")[1]172] using the bi-prediction, (”performing bi-
`directional predictive decoding”)[1]172] a II the blocks coded (”motion vector of
`respective macroblocks ofthe decod ed frame F3”)[1]172] using inter prediction
`(”motion compensation prediction" corresponding to the ”inter-fra me distance" used
`for motion vectors of”forward and backward predictions” that relate to the
`”prediction mode" with respect to the "macrob|ock”)[11169,172, Fig. 30] when the
`prediction direction fixing information (”which the flag indicating the above prediction
`modeis set")[1]172] indicates that the prediction is fixed to the bi-prediction; (”motion
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`Page 12
`vectors forforward and backward predictionsat the macroblock 60 are calculated" for
`performing ”bi-directional predictive decoding" based on ”flag indicating the above
`prediction mode is set")[1ll72]
`It would be obvious to one with ordinary skill in the art to combine the image code mode
`control of Suzuki with the motion vector encoding of Koto to apply a scaled prediction for bi-
`directional prediction. The reason for this would be to provide for reference frame skipping
`conditions which allow macroblock skipping to improve encoding efficiency.
`But does not explicitly teach,
`direct mode in which a motion vector ofthe current block is predicted from a motion
`vector used for a coded neighboring block,
`when the prediction direction flag is ON in the direct mode, the prediction direction in
`the direct mode is set to bi-directional prediction for coding with reference to two or
`more reference pictures; and
`when the prediction direction fixing flag is OFF in the direct mode, a selection is made
`between one of (i) the bi-directional prediction and (ii) uni-directional prediction for
`coding with reference to one reference picture as the prediction direction of the current
`However, Koo teaches additionally,
`direct mode (”direct prediction mode identifying unit 710 identifies a prediction
`modE”)[11114, Fig. 1-710] in which a motion vector ofthe current block is predicted
`from a motion vector used for a coded neighboring block, (”In case that the spatial
`direct mode is applied according to the direct prediction mode flag, it is able to obtain
`motion information ofblocks neighbor to a current block in the first p|ace")[11114]
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`Page 13
`It would be obvious to one with ordinary skill in the art to combine the image code mode
`control of Suzuki with the motion vector encoding of Koto with a direct mode like Koo which can
`indicate a direct mode even fir a B slice. This allows the use of neighbor blocks for direct
`prediction mode ofa current block and save bits required for improved compression efficiency.
`But does not explicitly teach,
`when the prediction direction flag is ON in the direct mode, the prediction direction in
`the direct mode is set to bi-directional prediction for coding with reference to two or
`more reference pictures; and
`when the prediction direction fixing flag is OFF in the direct mode, a selection is made
`between one of (i) the bi-directional prediction and (ii) uni-directional prediction for
`coding with reference to one reference picture as the prediction direction of the current
`However, in the same field of endeavor, Na kaga mi teaches,
`wherein predetermined coding mode (”filtering prediction mode")[1]152] is a direct
`mode, (”the image that is obtained by addingan image representinga high -frequency
`component to the motion compensation image MCO is generated as a prediction
`when the prediction direction flag (”identification flag")[1]173,176,177] is ON in the
`direct mode, (step of 531 which ”step 531 that the identification flag represents that a
`process is to be performed in the filtering prediction mode")[1il73,176] the prediction
`direction in the direct mode is set to bi-directional prediction for coding with reference
`to two or more reference pictures; (such that filtering prediction modes is based on
`”prediction circuit 44 toward the filtering circuit 45 represents that two motion
`compensation images are su pplied")[11123,173-177] a nd
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`Page 14
`when the prediction direction fixing flag (”identification flag”)[1]173,176,177] is OFF in
`the direct mode, (step of 531 which ”step 531 that the identification flag does not
`represent that a process is to be performed in the filtering prediction
`modE")[1l173,176] a selection is made between one of (i) the bi-directional prediction
`and (ii) (”process is to be performed in the bidirectional prediction”)[1ll77] uni-
`directional prediction ("process is performed in the unidirectional prediction
`mode")[1]177] for coding with reference to one reference picture as the prediction
`direction of the current block (”generating a frame to be encoded B0 through
`bidirectional prediction ”u singen coded frames at temporally past and future times
`with respect to the current time as reference frames” which explains the bidirectional
`prediction used)[1111, Fig. 2, Fig. 12] (”conventional unidirectional prediction,even
`when a plurality of reference frames can be selected”)[1]20]
`It would be obvious to one with ordinary skill in the art to combine the image code mode
`control of Suzuki with the motion vector encoding of Koto with a direct mode like Koo with the
`image processing of Na kagamiwhich evaluates the identification flagfor a prediction type. The
`benefit this provides is a controlled filtered prediction in two directions can be considered in the
`same time as prediction in traditional unidirectional or bidirectional prediction, giving more
`prediction type choices.
`Claims 5, 12, 15, and 16 are rejected under pre-AIA 35 U.S.C.102(b) as being taught by Suzuki et
`al. (US 20070291131 A1) in view of Koto et al. (US 20030215014 A1) in view of Chen et al. (US
`20090116558 A1) with Koo; Han Suh et al. (US 20100266042 A1) in view of Nakagami; Ohji et al. (US
`20110293195 A1)
`Regarding claim 5, Suzuki teaches,
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`Page 15
`An image coding method for coding (”controlling image coding mod e")[title], using inter
`prediction, (”images are coded using a predictive mode containing the inter-frame
`unidirectional predictive coding mode and the inter-fra me bidirectional predictive coding
`modE")[1l19] a current block included in a current picture, ("frames 31%” contains a frame
`header 312 and "a piuraiitv of macroblocks 32fi"lifiii4fii the image coding method comprising:
`(i) adding, into header data, (”frame header”)[1]141] a prediction direction fixing
`information (”decision flag is appended to a frame header”)[1ll41, Fig. 19] indicating
`that a prediction direction (decision flag appended for ”each frame that B-VOP refers
`to a backward direction")[1l136] for coding all blocks using inter prediction in the entire
`current picture (image coded is ”B picture or B-VOP" with a determination if
`bidirectional coding is to be used as ”inter-fra me coding”)[1]63, 69] in a predetermined
`coding mode is fixed to one of a uni-prediction and bi-prediction (”coded by theinter-
`frame bidirectional predictive mode")[1l139] and
`coding the entire current picture sequence (”coded data sequence"generated by the
`image coding apparatus 18)[1]139] in the predetermined coding mode, (”when the
`coding ofa frame to be cod ed" was completed ”coding mode information
`outputted”)[1]130] based on the prediction direction fixing information (”indicating
`whether a first block coded by the inter-frame bidirectional predictive mod e")[1l139]
`and the first prediction direction flag, (a ”"not_coded" flag 326" stored in a macroblock
`header 322, which is part of a data structure ofcoded data sequence generated by
`image coding apparatus 18 [11139], which stores of P-VOP which is, ”a frame that B-
`VOP refers to in a backward direction")[1l142]
`wherein predetermined coding mode is a direct mode, (reference mode selection
`circuit 38 will output frame predictive mode information to indicate "cod ingis
`Application/Control Number: 13/993,230
`Art Unit: 2483
`Page 16
`performed using the forward predictive mode provided with the global motion
`prediction direction identified (frame refers to ”a forward direction or difference
`data")[1l139] by the first prediction direction f|ag (”decision flag”)[1]139] is set to the
`prediction direction ofthe current block, (with coded data sequence ”containsa
`decision flag”)[1]139]
`a second prediction direction flag (”decision flag" such as for a second macroblock
`when a decision flag is acquired for each macroblock)[1]139,138] indicating the
`selected prediction direction (frame refers to ”a forward direction ordifference
`data”)[1ll39] is added into a bitstrea m. (with coded data sequence ”containsa
`decision flag”)[1]139]
`But does not explicitly teach,
`codihg, wing the bi~predictioh, ali the blocks, coded using inter prediction when the
`prediction direction fixing infermation indicates that the predictien direction is fixed to
`the hi~prediction, and (ii) adding, into the header data, a first prediction direction flag
`indicating the fixed prediction direction; and
`direct mode in which a motion vector ofthe current block is predicted from a motion
`vector used for a coded neighboring block,
`when the prediction direction flag is ON in the direct mode, the prediction direction in
`the direct mode is set to bi-