`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`5Search Query
`5Plurals 5Time
`5201 9/1 0/1 15
`»\»\»\»\»\¢ \»\»\»\»\\»\»\»\\¢ »\»\»\»\»\»\J \\\»\»\»\»\»\»\»\»¢
`5(U320070291131-$ or U320090116558-EB or
`5US—20030215014-$ or US—20110293195-$).did.
`EEXQEéQZQlQfi)1919; ‘
`54 and direct$3 with neighbor$3
`54 and neighbor$3
`5"20040008784" "20070211802" "20040190615'
`5((Toshiyasu) near2 (Sugioll-INV-
`Takahiro near2 (Nishi
`5((Youji) near2 (Shibahara)).lNV.
`Hisao near2 Sasai
`multiple plurality) near5 referenc$4 near5
`5(imag$3 fram$3 pictur$4) with identical
`5switch$3 with predict$3 with direct$4 with
`5current with block same cod$3 with mod$3
`5switch$3 with predict$3 with direct$4 with
`5current with block same cod$3 with mod$3
`5H04N19/00721,103,105,114,573,51,503,50.cpc 5
`5201 5/ 07/ 155
`5201 5/07/1 65
`file:///C/Users/j18828/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`:predict$3 with direct$4 with fixed
`(multiple plurality) near5 referenc$4 near5
`E(imag$3 fram$3 pictur$4) with identical
`E814 and S13
`E(two "2" multiple plurality) near5 referenc$4
`Enear5 (imag$3 fram$3 pictur$4) with identical
`E816 and S13
`(two "2" second ) near5 referenc$4 near5
`E(imag$3 fram$3 pictur$4) with identical
`Epredict$3 with direct$4 same cod$3 with
`SE19 same 320
`Ereferenc$3 with (imag$4 fram$4 pictur$4) with
`Edetermin$3 with predict$4 with direction with
`.“3 \»\»\»\\»\»\»\\
`. E
`E E
`E822 and s23
`E813 and S19
`E822 same 820
`Ereferenc$3 with pictur$3 with ind$4
`Eswitch$3 with ind$4 with referenc$3
`flag$4 head$4) with direct$4
`file:///C/Users/jleeZ8/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`gs33 g6
`E829 same 830 same 832
`1201 5/09/0531
`g829 same 830
`greierenc$3 with pictur$3 with ind$4 with
`g(identical "same" similar)
`g836 same 830
`greferenc$3 with pictur$3 with ind$4 with
`(identical similar)
`greferenc$3 with pictur$3 with ind$4 with
`(identical similar "8AME")
`header and switch$3 with mod$3
`gs47 and 848
`greierenc$3 with pictur$3 with ind$4 with
`(identical "8AME")
`greierenc$3 with pictur$3 with ind$4 with
`3201 5/09/0533
`file:///C/Users/j18828/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`Es51 and s44 and S46 and s48
`Esso and s44 and S46 and s48
`Esss and s70 and s48
`E871 and switch$3 with direct$3
`file:///C/Users/j18828/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`Ereferenc$3 with pictur$3 with (index$3 indices)
`Ewith (identical)
`E856 not s53
`header same direct$3 with fix$3 same (cod$3
`Eencod$3 and decod$3) with direct$3
`E860 and S48
`Edirect$3 with flag with predetermin$3
`Edirect$3 near predict$3 with flag$4 with
`Epredict$3 near3 direct$3
`E862 same 863
`Epredict$3 with flag$4 with predict$3 near3
`Esss and s44 and s48
`Esss and switch$3
`Esss and switch$3 with direct$3
`EAST Search History
`Spredict$3 with flag$4 with fix$4 with direct$3
`Edirection with flag$4 same predict$3 with
`:874 and 870
`:874 and s44
`Spredict$3 with fix$4 with direct$3
`:874 and 877
`Eswitch$3 with mod$3 with fix$3 with prediction
`Ewith direct$3
`Eswitch$3 with direction same mod$3 with fix$3
`:with prediction
`:switch$3 with direction same mod$3 with fix$3
`Eswitch$3 with direction with mod$3 with fix$3
`883 and 844
`:883 and 870
`E882 and s70
`:21 :05
`Eswitch$3 with mod$3 with direct$3
`E887 and 844
`S887 and s70
`Eswitch$3 with direct$3 with mod$3 with fix$3
`E890 and s70
`Eswitch$3 with direct$3 same mod$3 with fix$3
`Sand 870 not 891
`file:///C/Users/j18828/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`Eswitch$3 with mod$3 with fix$3 with prediction EUS—
`Ewith direction
`Edirection with flag$4 same predict$3 with
`E894 and (pictur$3 fram$3 imag$3)
`Epredict$3 with fix$4 with direct$3
`E895 and 896
`E894 same (pictur$3 fram$3 imag$3)
`E898 and 896
`E616587 E(cod$3 encod$3 decod$3) with mod$3
`E8100 and S101
`E8103 and (encod$3 cod$3 decod$3) with
`E8443844E @AD<"20101217"
`Edirection with flag$4 same predict$3 with
`Epredict$3 with fix$4 with direct$3
`E8108 same (pictur$3 fram$3 imag$3)
`E3110 and S109
`E8107 and S106 and 8111
`file:///C/Users/j18828/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`‘ 4:1118115
`E8113 and (encod$3 cod$3 decod$3) with
`E8113 and (decod$3) with predict$4 with mod$3
`Ewith block$3
`E8113 and (decod$3) with imag$3
`E8113 and referenc$3 with index$3
`E8113 and referenc$3 with fram$3
`E8113 and referenc$3 with (fram$3 imag$3)
`E(uni-predict$4 unipredict$4 uni with predict$4)
`bipredict$ bi-predict$4 bi with predict$4)
`E8121 same 8122
`E8123 and (inter with pictur$3 interpictur$3 inte
`E8123 same (inter with pictur$3 interpictur$3
`E8121 with 8122 with (inter with pictur$3
`Einterpictur$3 inter-pictur$3)
`E8128 and 8127 and 8126
`E8121 same 8122 same (flag$4 informat$3
`Esyntax$3 mark$3)
`58130 same (inter with pictur$3 interpictur$3
`E8128 and S127 and S131
`EEs134 E|4810
`E8121 same (flag$4 informat$3 syntax$3
`EEs122 same (flag$4 informat$3 syntax$3
`E14: 35
`I :E2016/09/19
`file:///C/Users/j18828/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHistory.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`E8133 and S134
`‘I “““nnnnn‘n“““““““““““““““““
`E8135 and (inter with pictur$3 interpictur$3 inte .
`E8128 and 8127 and S136
`““““““u “““““““““‘“‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘
`‘l ‘t‘tttt‘tttt‘tttt‘t“““““““““““““““““
`E8121 same (flag$4 syntax$3 mark$3)
`E8122 same (
`flag$4 syntax$3 mark$3
`E8138 and 8139
`E8138 same 8139
`\ .............. ...............................................................................................................................
`E8128 and 8127 and 8141
`E8142 and (inter with pictur$3 interpictur$3 inte .
`E 2222222222222: ‘t‘tttt‘tttt‘tttt‘ttg """"""""""""""""""""""""""""‘“""""""""""‘“""“““““““““““‘J ““““““““‘J ‘2‘tt‘tttt‘tttt‘tttt‘ttté “““““““““‘l 2‘2‘tt‘tttt‘tttt‘tttt‘tttté
`E8127 and 8126
`8144 AND "375".CLAS.
`E8127 and 8141
`8146 AND "375".CLAS.
`E8147 and (inter with pictur$3 interpictur$3 inter-E
`‘I “““nnnnn‘n“““““““““““““““““
`E 2
`Edirect$3 with (flag$4 informat$3 syntax$3
`Emark$3) with (inter with pictur$3 interpictur$3
`““““““u “““““““““‘“‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘
`E8151 and 8150 and S149
`file:///C/Users/j18828/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`mark$3) with (inter with pictur$3 interpictur$3
`E8151 and 8150 and 8153
`E(uni with predict$3 uni-predict$3 unipedict$3 un'E
`Ewith direction$3 uni-directi0n$3 unidirection$3)
`E(bi with predict$3 bi-predict$3 bipedict$3 bi wit
`Edirection$3 bi-direction$3 bidirection$3)
`E8158 and predict$3 with direct$3
`Edirection$4 with (flag$4 informat$3 syntax$3
`Emark$3) with (inter with pictur$3 interpictur$3
`E(uni with predict$3 uni-predict$3 unipedict$3 u
`Ewith direction$3 uni-direction$3 unidirection$3)
`(bi with predict$3 bi-predict$3 bipedict$3 bi withE
`Edirection$3 bi-direction$3 bidirection$3)
`E8160 and 8161 and 8162
`E8444287E @AD<"20101217"
`E 2016/09/20E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E8165 and S164 and S163
`S164 and 8163
`8167 not 8166
`Edirection$4 with (flag$4 informat$3 syntax$3
`Emark$3) same (inter with pictur$3 interpictur$3
`E8169 and 8161 and 8162
`E8165 and 8164 and 8170 not 8166
`E(8160 and 8161) with (flag$4 informat$3
`Esyntax$3 mark$3) and (inter with pictur$3
`file:///C/Users/j18828/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHistory.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`:interpictur$3 inter-pictur$3)
`:s165 and S164 and S172
`5201 6/09/21:
`:8164 and S172
`:s174 not 8173
`:head$3 with (flag$4 informat$3 syntax$3
`:mark$3) and (inter with pictur$3 interpictur$3
`:(s16o and S161) and S176
`:s165 and S164 and S177
`:s164 and S177
`:s161 same 8162
`:419465 :direction$4 with (flag$4 informat$3 syntax$3
`inter with pictur$3 interpictur$3 inter-pictur$3)
`:8161 same 8162 same 8181
`:s183 and S182
`:8184 and S164
`:s185 not 8174
`:((referenc$3 inter) with pictur$3 interpictur$3
`:s161 same 8162 same 8187
`:6183 and S187
`:8189 and 8164 not 8184
`file:///C/Users/j18828/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`E8191 and ASP with imag$3
`2E01 6/09/21E
`E8191 and ASP same imag$3
`2E01 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E8181 and 8182
`E8181 and 8187
`E3195 and 8161 and 8162
`E8165 and 8164 and 8196
`E8197 and flag$4
`E243530 E(forward$3 backward$3) with (flag$4
`Einformat$3 syntax$3 mark$3)
`170946 E(uni with predict$3 uni-predict$3 unipedict$3 u
`Ewith direction$3 uni-direction$3 unidirection$3)
`(bi with predict$3 bi-predict$3 bipedict$3 bi with
`Edirection$3 bi-direction$3 bidirection$3)
`E8200 and 8201 and 8199
`E8204 and 8203 and 8202
`uni with predict$3 uni-predict$3 unipedict$3
`bi with predict$3 bi-predict$3 bipedict$3 )
`E((referenc$3 inter) with pictur$3 interpictur$3
`E8208 and 8199 and 8206 and 8207
`E3204 and s203 and 8209
`E201 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
`E201 6/09/21E
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`EAST Search History
`E8211 E2015
`E8199 same 8211 and 8200 and 8201
`E8203 and s212
`E8214 and direction$3
`E8214 and direction$3 with (informat$3 flag$4
`Esyntax$3 mark$3)
`E8214 and direction$3 same flag$4
`4444444444444. 4444444444444444444444444. 4444444444444444444“““““““““““““““““
`4444444444. 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
`4444444444. 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
`4444444444. 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
`E 2016/09/22E
`E21 :28
`E8214 and direction$3 same flag$4 same
`E(imag$3 fram$3)
`E21 :28
`E8214 and (cod$3 encod$3) with mod$3
`E21 :47
`E8220 and (cod$3 encod$3) with block$3
`4444444444444444444. 444444444444444444444444444‘
`E8220 and (cod$3 encod$3) with block$3 same
`4444444444: 4444444444444444444. 44444444444444444444444444:
`E “
`E8220 and predict$3 with direct$4 with flag$4
`E8220 and direct$4 with mod$3
`E8220 and (decod$3 with mod$3
`E8220 and (forward backward direct$4) with
`E8220 and pictur$3 with referenc$3
`Efix$3 with (forward backward direct$4) with
`E01 :53
`44444444444! 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444
`Efix$3 with (forward backward direct$4) with
`Eflag$4 same head$3
`E8444614 E@AD<"20101217"
`file:///C/Users/j18828/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`SE231 and 8230
`E8234 and 8232
`Eselect$3 with (forward backward direct$4) with
`E8444614E @AD<"20101217"
`E3237 and 8239 and 8236
`E8241 and 8236 and 8237 and 8238
`Eencod$3 with (forward backward direct$4) and
`E(cod$3 decod$3 encod$3) same (forward
`Ebackward direct$4) and 8242
`decod$3 same (flag$4) and 8242
`E(decod$3) and 8242
`E8247 and bidirection$3 and unidirection$3 and
`E(inter-fram$3 inter-block$3)
`E8247 and inter-block$3
`E8247 and interblock$3
`file:///C/Users/j18828/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`8247 and block$3
`. E
`20040057523" "7453941".pn.
`21 :57 E
`(EINTERPREDICT$3 inter with predict$3) with
`E(b|ock$3 macroblock$3 macro with block$3)
`Esame (pictur$3 fram$3 imag$3 video$3)
`E3254 10305
`E(|NTERPRED|CT$3 inter with predict$3) with
`E(b|ock$3 macroblock$3 macro with block$3)
`E(|NTERPRED|CT$3 inter with predict$3) with
`E(b|ock$3 macroblock$3 macro with block$3)
`Ewith (pictur$3 fram$3 imag$3 video$3) with
`(whol$3 entlr$3 everyall)
`E(|NTERPRED|CT$3 inter with predict$3) with
`E8256 1749
`E(b|ock$3 macroblock$3 macro with block$3)
`Ewith (pictur$3 fram$3 imag$3 video$3) same
`E(direction$3 vector$3) with (flag$4 indicat$4
`E ““““““‘4 ““““““““““¢ cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
`cccccccccccccccé ccccccccccccccccccccccccé
`ccccccccccccccccccc. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccé
`E8256 and "375".clas. and @AD< "201 01 21 7"
`E201 7/03/ 1 43
`E(|NTERPRED|CT$3 inter with predict$3) with
`E(b|ock$3 macroblock$3 macro with block$3)
`EWith (piCtUF$3 fram$3 imag$3 video$3) same
`E(direction$3 vector$3) with (flag$4 indicat$4
`Emark$3) and (bi with direct$4 bidrect$4 bi-
`Edirect$4 bi with predict$3 bipredict$3 bi-
`\ .............. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
`E(|NTERPRED|CT$3 inter with predict$3) with
`E(b|ock$3 macroblock$3 macro with block$3)
`Ewith (pictur$3 fram$3 imag$3 video$3) same
`E(direction$3 vector$3) with (flag$4 indicat$4
`Emark$3) and (bi with direct$4 bidrect$4 bi-
`Edirect$4) same (bi with predict$3 bipredict$3 bi-E
`E8259 and "375".clas. and @AD<"20101217"
`E(|NTERPRED|CT$3 inter with predict$3) with
`E(whol$3 entir$3 every all) near5 (block$3
`macroblock$3 macro with block$3) with
`E(pictur$3 fram$3 imag$3 video$3) same
`\ .............. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................
`E(direction$3) with (flag$4 indicat$4 mark$3)
`E(|NTERPRED|CT$3 inter with predict$3) with
`E(whol$3 entir$3 every all) with (block$3
`Emacroblock$3 macro with block$3) with
`E(pictur$3 fram$3 imag$3 video$3) same
`(dlrectlon$3) with (flag$4 lndlcat$4mark$3)\w E
`E(|NTERPRED|CT$3 inter with predict$3) with
`E(whol$3 entir$3 every all) with (block$3
`macroblock$3 macro with block$3) with
`E(pictur$3 fram$3 imag$3 video$3) same
`E(direct$3 direction$3) with (flag$4 indicat$4
`E8264|12 S263 andE375"\claSEEand\@AD<\"201 01217" EUSIORIONI2017/03/14
`file:///C/Users/jleeZ8/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`(bi with direct$4 bidrect$4 bi'dir30t$4) With (bi
`Ewith predict$3 bipredict$3 bi-predict$3)
`“22222222222! 2222222222222222222“““““““““““““““““
`(bi with direct$4 bidrect$4 bi-dir30t$4) With (bi
`Ewith predict$3 bipredict$3 bi-predict$3) with
`Ebi-predict$4 with bi-direct$4 with only
`Ebl-predict$4 with bi-direct$4
`E8269 and "375".C|as. and @AD<"20101217"
`Ebi-predict$4 with bi-direct$5
`E8271 and "375".c|as. and @AD<"20101217"
`bEi-predict$4 with bi-direct$5 with only
`2222222222222. 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
`E 2017/03/14E
`t 2222222222222: 22222222222222222222¢ 2222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222¢ 22222222222222222ttttttttttttt
`E8273 and "375".Clas. and @AD<"20101217"
`E(|NTERPRED|CT$3 inter with predict$3) with
`Epredict$3 bi-direct$5 with only
`122488 E8and "375".clas. and @AD<"20101217"
`E8275 and "375".C|as. and @AD<"20101217"
`222222222222: 2222222222222222222. 22222222222222222222222222:
`E(|NTERPRED|CT$3 inter with predict$3) with bi-
`Edirect$5 with only
`“22222222222! 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
`E 2
`E(|NTERPRED|CT$3 inter with predict$3) with
`E(bi-direct$5 bi-predict$4) with only
`E8279 and "375".C|as. and @AD<"20101217"
`E"5737019" .pn.
`E(B-b|ock$3 B-typ$3) with (bi-direct$5 bi-
`Epredict$4) with only
`E(B-block$3 B-typ$3 b-fram$3 b-imag$3
` 2
`EE8283 lE75
`file:///C/Users/j18828/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`E(|NTERPRED|CT$3 inter with predict$3) with
`§(Interpredict$3 inter-predict$3 inter with
`Epredict$3) with (bidirection$3 bi-direction$3 bi
`E(interpredict$3 inter-predict$3 inter with
`Spredict$3) with (bidirection$3 bi-direction$3 bi
`Ewith direction$3) with (cod$3 encod$3
`§(interpredict$3 inter-predict$3 inter with
`Epredict$3) with (bidirection$3 bi-direction$3 bi
`Ewith direction$3) with (cod$3 encod$3 decod$3)E
`E8459220E @AD<"20101217"
`E8290 and ("375".c|as. H04n19/$.cpc.) and 8291
`E(interpredict$3 inter-predict$3 inter with
`Epredict$3) with (bidirection$3 bi-direction$3 bi
`Ewith direction$3) with (cod$3 encod$3 decod$3)E
`E8293 and ("375".c|as. H04n19/$.cpc.) and 8291 .
`E8293 and 8291
`§(interpredict$3 inter-predict$3 inter with
`Spredict$3) with (bidirection$3 bi-direction$3 bi
`Ewith direction$3) with (cod$3 encod$3 decod$3)§
`Ewith fix$3
`E8296 and ("375".c|as. H04n19/$.cpc.) and 8291 .
`Epredetermin$3 with (cod$3 encod$3 decod$3)
`Ewith mod$3
`Einterpredict$3 inter-predict$3 inter with
`Epredict$3) with (bidirection$3 bi-direction$3 bi
`\»\»\»\»\\»\»\»\\¢ »\»\»\\»\»\»\E \\\»\»\»\»\»\»\»\»¢
`E E
`E8299 and 8291
`\MMMME \MM‘MMMMQ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\MMMMMMM“
`file:///C/Users/j18828/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHist0ry.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`E(|NTERPREDICT$3 inter with predict$3) with
`(Ebipredict$3 bi-predict$3 bi with predict$3)
`Edirection$3 with (interpredict$3 inter with
`E8301 same 8302
`EH04N19/00721,103,105,114,573,51,503,50.Cpc E
`E8463519E @AD<"20101217"
`E8303 and (S304 S305) and S306
`E8303 and (S304) and S306
`Edirection$3 with (interpredict$3 inter with
`Epredict$3) with fix$4
`E8301 same $309
`E8310 and (S304) and S306
`Edirection$3 with predict$4 with fiX$4
`E8301 same $312
`E8313 and (S305 S304) and S306
`E8313 and S306
`Edlrecti0n$3 with predict$4 with (set$4 defin$3
`E8301 same 8316
`E3317 and (S305 S304) and S306
`E(|NTERPREDICT$3 inter with predict$3) with
`E(bipredict$3 bi-predict$3 bi with predict$3)
`file:///C/Users/j18828/Documents/e-Red%20F01der/13993230/EASTSeaIChHistory.13993230_AccessibleVersion.htm[10/11/2019 7:15:52 PM]
`EAST Search History
`E ‘
`E(bipredict$3 bi- predict$3 bi with predict$3) withUESr
`‘F) F)
`E8319 same 8320
`333333333333333I 3333333333333333333333333I 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
`333333333333333I 3333333333333333333333333I 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
`I .............I ...............................................................................................................................
`E8321 and (8322 8323) and 8324
`I .............I ...............................................................................................................................
`E8321 and (h04n19/$.cpc.) and 8324
`“““““““‘5 “““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““
`E8321 and 8324
`E(|NTERPRED|CT$3 inter with predict$3) With
`E8320 same $329