`United States Patent and TrademarkOffice
`www .uspto.gov
`Katsuji Taniguchi
`SUITE 1200
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`Application No.
` 14/005,869 TANIGUCHI ET AL.
`Art Unit
`AIA (First Inventorto File)
`Office Action Summary
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`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mail Date 20160426
`Application/Control Number: 14/005,869
`Art Unit: 3744
`Page 2
`Notice of Pre-AlA or AIA Status
`The present application is being examined underthe pre-AlA first to invent
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`The following is a quotation of pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 103(a) which forms the basis
`for all obviousnessrejections set forth in this Office action:
`(a) A patent may not be obtained though the invention is not identically disclosed or described
`as set forth in section 102 of thistitle, if the differences between the subject matter sought to
`be patented and the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole would have been
`obvious at the time the invention was made to a person having ordinary skill in the art to which
`said subject matter pertains. Patentability shall not be negatived by the manner in which the
`invention was made.
`Claims 1 and 3 are rejected underpre-AlA 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being
`unpatentable over Yamaoka (US 2005/0230096), and furtherin view of lritani et al. (US
`6,430,951), and Bruss (US 6,584,795).
`Regarding claim 1, Yamaokadiscloses a vehicle air conditioning apparatus
`An outside air inlet (119a) through whichoutside air is introduced from outside of
`a passenger compartment (Figure 10 and Paragraph 7),
`Aninside air inlet (118a) through whichinside air is introduced from inside of the
`passenger compartment (Figure 10 and Paragraph 18),
`A heat exchanger (120) that exchanges heat between inside air introduced
`through the inside air inlet and outside air introduced through the outside air inlet
`(Figure 10 and Paragraph 10),
`Application/Control Number: 14/005,869
`Art Unit: 3744
`Page 3
`A blowerfan (101) that blows outside air introduced through the outsideair inlet
`(Figure 10 and Paragraphs 3, 7),
`An evaporator (105) that coots outside air or inside air blown by the blowerfan
`(Figure 10 and paragraph 4).
`While Yamaokadiscloses a heater core (106) that heats the outside air cooled by
`the evaporator and sendsthe heated outsideair toward the inside of the passenger
`compartment (Figure 10 and Paragraphs 3-6: Air from 119a passes evaporator 105 and
`heater core 6 before entering the compartmentvia 104), Yamaokais silent with respect
`to the heater core as comprising a condenser.
`lritani teaches a vehicle air conditioning apparatus comprising: a blower (132), an
`evaporator (207), and a heater core (203), where the heater core heats outside air
`cooled by the evaporator and sends heated outside air toward an inside of a passenger
`compartment(Figure 1), and where the heater core is defined by a condenser(Figure 1
`and Col. 14, lines 42-50: Part of an existing loop including elements 201, 202, 203,
`207). As aresult it would have been obvious to one having ordinary skill in the art at the
`time the invention was madeto configure the heater core as disclosed by Yamaoka as a
`condenseras taughtbyIritani to improve system efficiency by utilizing a readily
`available source of heat(i.e. utilizing heat available in an existing vapor-compression
`heat exchange loop).
`Yamaokafurther disclosesa first flow passage is formed through which outside
`air flows in the order of the blower fan, the evaporator, the condenser, and the inside of
`the passenger compartment (Annotated figure 10),
`Application/Control Number: 14/005,869
`Art Unit: 3744
`Page 4
`A second flow passage is formed which is separated from the first flow passage,
`and through whichinside air flows in the orderof the inside air inlet, the heat exchanger,
`and the outside of the passenger compartment, and
`Wherethe heat exchanger exchanges heat between outside air introduced
`through the outside air inlet by suction powerof the blower fan (Figure 10: Suction force
`against points upstream of the blower), and inside air introduced into the second
`passage after passing through thefirst passage and the inside of the passenger
`compartmentby a blowing force of the blowerfan (Figure 10: Blowing force against
`points downstream of the blower), and discharges inside air which has been subjected
`to heat exchange to the outside of the passenger compartment by using a drain hose
`(122) (Figure 10). However, Yamaokais silent with respect to the drain hose as
`discharging drain waterto the outside of the passenger compartment, the drain water
`being generated when outside air is cooled by the evaporator.
`Bruss teachesa vehicle air conditioning apparatus (14) comprising: conventional
`heating and cooling units (Col. 1, lines 60-67), where the vehicle air conditioning
`apparatus generates condensatein the process of cooling air (Col. 1, lines 8-10), where
`a drain hose (40) discharges inside air which has been subjected to heat exchange to
`the outside of the passenger compartment (Figure 1 and Col. 2, lines 1-12), and where
`the drain hose is provided for discharging drain water to the outside of the passenger
`compartment(Figure 1 and Col. 2, lines 1-12). As a result it would have been obvious
`to one having ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was madeto configure the
`drain hose as disclosed by Yamaokato discharge condensate as taught by Brussto
`Application/Control Number: 14/005,869
`Art Unit: 3744
`Page 5
`reduce incidenceof drain hose clogging and system damage by configuring the drain
`hose with positive air pressure (Bruss: Col. 1, lines 30-51: Positive air pressure forces
`condensatefrom collecting in the drain hose).
`and Sow passage
`wnwoanag,FIG. 10
`pascangercompariment ~
`nS 707
`ie 9a
`Regarding claim 3, Yamaokadiscloses a vehicle air conditioning apparatus as
`discussed above, further comprising: a vehicle comprising the vehicle air conditioning
`apparatus according to claim | (Col. 1, lines 30-35: The system is configured for use in
`combination with a vehicle).
`Claim 2 is rejected under pre-AlA 35 U.S.C. 103(a) as being unpatentable over
`Yamaoka (US 2005/0230096), Iritani et al. (US 6,430,951), and Bruss (US 6,584,795),
`and further in view of Lee et al. (US 2005/0252647).
`Application/Control Number: 14/005,869
`Art Unit: 3744
`Page 6
`Regarding claim 2, Yamaokadiscloses a vehicle air conditioning apparatus as
`discussed above. However, Yamaokais silent with respect to the heat exchanger as
`comprising a sensible heat exchanger.
`Lee et al. teaches a heat exchanger (200), where the heat exchanger comprises
`a sensible heat exchanger (i.e. conducts sensible heat, rather than latent heat)
`(Paragraph 45: The heat exchangeris formed from all aluminum). As a result it would
`have been obvious to one having ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was
`made to configure the heat exchanger as disclosed by Yamaoka from materials
`conducting sensible heat exchanger as taught by Leeetal. to improve “absolute”(i.e.
`sensible) heat transfer efficiency by utilizing materials having relatively high thermal
`The prior art made of record and not relied upon is considered pertinent to
`applicant's disclosure:
`US 4,604,873 discloses a vehicle air-conditioning system.
`US 4,412,425 discloses a vehicle air conditioning and ventilation system.
`US 2006/0242984 discloses a condensate drainage system.
`Anyinquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the
`examiner should be directed to JASON THOMPSON whosetelephone numberis
`(571)270-1852. The examiner can normally be reached on Monday-Thursday.
`Application/Control Number: 14/005,869
`Art Unit: 3744
`Page 7
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner's
`supervisor, Judy Swann can be reached on 571-272-7075. The fax phone numberfor
`the organization wherethis application or proceeding is assigned is 571-273-8300.
`Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the
`Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for
`published applications may be obtained from either Private PAIR or Public PAIR.
`Status information for unpublished applications is available through Private PAIR only.
`For more information about the PAIR system, see http://pair-direct.uspto.gov. Should
`you have questions on accessto the Private PAIR system, contact the Electronic
`Business Center (EBC) at 866-217-9197 (toll-free). If you would like assistance from a
`USPTO Customer Service Representative or access to the automatedinformation
`system, call 800-786-9199 (IN USA OR CANADA)or 571-272-1000.
`Examiner, Art Unit 3744
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 3744
`(571) 272-4910