`iletems mm Mod-2i
`Patenttk Litiikv Modei Nun
` 3::
` 3R2812—331917,A
`Seiected Gazette
`we and INPET are not :‘e-sga-ansibie for any
`damages caused by the use of this ti‘ansiation.
`1 .This nor
`en‘s nae been tram
`ted by computer. So the transiation may not
`reflect the angina: p-eciseiy.
` n not t
`1”” shows the word whic
`:wings, any wards a
` not {tax
`3.1:} the:
`iiaust port groviv:
`1 an iniet po:t and an
`Exhaust air fiizer movies-d. » am an ai:
`A first flow p‘ti: that inhaies the open air to the aforementioned interior of a room for
`decontamination '5 the aforementioned 64f
`a room for decontamination via a
`nterior of a: room for
`.rate an air (2:.
`ontamination Via
` gas feed / nzaminazion 9
`-. decorfiarnin:
`sing the aforementioned air cleaner and the
`s of the intent
`via its aforemen
`cieaner when the an)
`d decontamination
` to the sforen entioneo interio:
`gas is. soon
`A ”*“(irsgfi agitator.
`A nrst waive that opens and cioses said
`second waive which opens and
`‘onc‘ flow path,
`he 3rd waive ti ‘5, and
`ppiied to the aforemanti
`50' 3rd v'aive where said lst [ the J an
`' a
`mentioned air 0 ovvei', an
` of the interior of a mom for decorate
`seem-Li v'aive
`ther have a detoxication part which reduces and Ge
` the aforementioned deientan'eii‘zation gas, and
`semi second valve,
`n the aforementioned
`. tor according to
`, wherein it provi .
`efonn‘lentioned exhaust air fiiter and said 3rd flow path connects a flow path and the
`betwev the aforementioned catazyst and said second vaive among
`Representative drawing: i
`.a'id the
`d w}
`'n ‘tion gas is
`ouster according
`r of a roe-n for Secontemination, '
`tr e a fireman-tie nec‘
`gas of the interior of e rec-n1 for decontamin .i i
`.1 3rd valve eased on a measurement re
`ng c-Jntroi of s.
`we 39450:; and adjus . o internai ore“
`c... feed zone
`The aforementiexmd decontamination
` cing .
`1g which mixes a compres
` emeritioned campr '. ‘ __: ‘. and the aforementioned
`gas i:0 the a5 “ementicmed intencr sire mom for decontami .ation, suppEy oniy
`the afo
`ed compressien gas; and the
`aforementioned contrei “ant, Where said is? [ tE' '3 and a second waive are closed whiie
`Suspendirig the aforementioned air bmwer aim when only J16. aforememmned mum-"e sion gas
`is suppi:ed after the aforementioned decontamination gas was euppiied to the aforementioned
`. de
`haustinc the
`, The isoiator according to CL
`”Kim 0. a i'L' m for deo’ H
`ef the
`"| can",
` JF
`vaive based on a mea
`' ient result of ti‘ ' aforemeniiorierj
`ng canard:
`pressure sensor, and adjusting interns! pressure 0-" the aforementioned room for
`decontamination t0 the aforementioned predetermined
`=rnentioned centroi pert Cir-See: said is: [ the 3
` ' ciaim 5, wherein t?
`Eve and the aforemen
`.oniamination gas
`zone suppi. . orziy A.
`‘ed intenor of a mom for
`eforerriermr bed compre
` Previm
`ilatems sum Mod-2i
`Pamntt‘i Litfitv Mods: Nm‘
` 3::
` 3R2812—331917,A
`Seiected Gazette
` ficcumerzt
`we and INPET are first :‘e-sgmnsibie for any
`damages caused by the use of this transmtion.
`LThi; mgr
`en‘s ha° been tram ted by computer. So the. transiatian may not
`reflect the angina: p-ecise$y.
` n not t
`1”” shows the word whic
` not {tax
`3.1:} the:
`:wings, any word: a
`_ Patent docume. t 1,
`'. and hydrogen pare which w: m
`t‘: as :5
` A. with a sway purrrp; u
`decontamination treatment
` en 9611))?
`gas containing a
`ontamination gas, such as h;
` V1533“.
` , can be > enerated, the interior of a room for decentaminaticn, s
`.05.. formed.
`onzaminazion IX'EEYFHGHE Cz:
` ‘ box, can be suppfiec‘
`Penetration Air)
`ShGLfid combine ~-
` Representative drawings i
` :ntaKe/exna
` and a ULPA ( .
`c1 ar- air fiIter
`t‘j to be easy to
` 5:3 an air fiéter 3, for
`4 from the iniet 901*: of a w-
`kmom or a pass
`ntaminazion gas more than
`n nee-1"“ to be 51::
`com or a (5.1 .\ Dex, am: it was ineftment. Lm be other hand, when
`uppiied to a workroom or a pass box, Without passing an air fiiter, the
` on: minated sufficientty.
`L: of an iniet port cannet 3:
` Lem}
`53th ‘
`For exempie, in the
`th fiving body ari
` e?! suit-are, In orde.
` the? than a s
`of a workroom. or work, etc. mic. the. infinite. e:T\/:r:.7:m‘.ent (a non—fat? ring boundary is
` Serf hereafter) near dustler-sness and sterihty. Supnosir‘c that the processing which sterihzes
`. is caliec' deCu
` i211.
`which has the e
`aust pox:provided With the inietp
`'! (Hf:
`rein preeent invention which soives the
`- 1
`_ air cieen'
`' i
`thet1'1e1 a:r to ti:6
` remeh ioned 1z1terior of a mum for decontamina
`ementioned e-r cieaner,
`_ the open air to the aforementioned interior of a room for decontamination Via
`':1 ext:susts. t
`the second flow oath wt
` 1' air fiit
`deco-'1tan1i1‘1atior1 Via the afrJ‘re-‘nention . ext. .
`oath,: ‘1e air viewer r-1666 to generate the eii cmrer- t wuch e\i1au3ts the atrJre-ae:1th)-
`of the inten
`'via ':-e above—mentioned second flow path
`(9ed zone vv:iich saneEiescieeontax “ration gas to ti:’1 aforern
`»."io:' 131‘
`:3 room
`.o:1ta:11i:1atio:1 without pa"
` eir (lea
`aforementioned exhaush air fitter, Whe1 the efozememioneo decor-tan1111ot:(Jr. gas is 35roiied to
`the aforementioned interior of a room1rr=eccr1taminat:oh, it is an i:oiator having the 3rd flow
`_ of the
`.ior o." a 1‘
`for dec-Jntarnin
`About other chereot
`'cs of the present invention, it becomes clear by the description of ar-
`accompanying drawing and th ptioh.
`‘F‘fe-zt 111LheiJ1ver1tion}
`A.corrJ‘iriri to the piesee1'11_i1yerxt:rJrzti1e '
`ency of the Liechrztar=11r:at:rJr: treatment of the
`“(C7 O‘.‘ a (“REF-‘1 113-" decontamh
`BET oieaner can beimprovec.
` .ors of th' .omp
`They are each waive in ' a‘Iaage—te3t mode, each air mower, the compres3or Cm.
`diagram shows.
`are each
`aener'at 1:; me
`comp-res“ 'Cm, :1
`.' of pump 51m_
`“aw” 1g 4M: is the iiJure which 1
`3 :ontro: 13ft .e x
`3 mode nd deco:1tai11i:1ation gas es.
`{Drawii1g3Theyate e31:
`e mode, each air biower, the
`sor C111 and
`rawmg 6 itiev are each vawe in ct
`‘ ga05 exhaust a:r mooe and the ‘ei‘iie mode
` :1:
`3scr Cm, and a bio
`eratioh eacha biower, the cor-“1:11
`K diagram showing the
`.111) P111.
`ration exarrtpies of an isolator.
`:awing 7 it is. c‘. bionic die
`,ti1e,-' are ea 9
` ewirio S in the isoi ‘to:
`valve in decontamine 'on gas
`e compres3or Cm_. and a bicck diagram showing the state
`, each air oiovx .
` By the Gear-"i .ti
`become ciear at :east.
`Iiowing matters
`.. .iatoi' =
`= Cornpor
`he composition of the15.. wail" in one e11t1ot11r11e111_oftrie oresent
`invention with referee»
`$19.1. At this embodiment, the decontamin- nn e-1e~:ttsha:i be
` quired b“€XpCZ-ii‘igti.l.. 15'": 1..” '1‘“: :C1t-J :1 t
`idate for 1: ontenunation for :3
`' f the decanter
` ling the controi
`sconetituteo as he :c-3r-1 1o? decnma’r‘mmim- :r-c'
`33 in the v1
`“P213, and the dec-:
`"I ring boo‘1d13r
`for working on a 11'1 1
`the iniet po {JroVided with hiter (i11:55
`1 thru/c-i
`room 4, the pres-sure sen~
`.ntake/exhaust mouths 111. the wt
`.5 erovided. F1
`.3) press-11:6: 1P1 of 1h1 work om r—‘i concern'
`.h as dust contained in the 15:5 031'
` s :o- :e111-11J:r:g impuntiess».
`exempie, an HERA
`' cm 4 Via fitter
` ‘he 1/
`3t{‘1'} the V3iv‘t‘: V}. are
` ‘1': GH the flow path :33, The a
`exampie. and generates the air curien Nh'
`1113w patt- 'ri according to contmi sign-3:
`'ent concei‘ner an the v
`is i'unher supplied by the air
`31‘ F1, and cpene e110:
`etween the air i'
`. Via the
`eVZ ai'
`.cvided on the
` 5.277..
`controi sigra
`the gas in th workroom 4 flows out via the fi“
`n substanU' "furthex disaseemhit7d! d! .J-xicate70‘ b7! the
`(.1777 emed we the . eiyst ()2. it as
`e. by it. 17"- thi,
`'mbediment, the
`ear cun‘
`:ataivs-. C2 is e317:\.'a'enttr:- the. deto icetieh part. VH7.ch reduces and detoxicates a
`d can.7227hi:7ation substance. Theeive \I'2 i: piOV-d7:3 bet. *eeh the catal.
`C2 and the filter F2,
`the flow with P2 awarding to controi
`ignsi Sv2.
`ivorkrooih 4 via hit
`“:(oostire mode which
`-2 generaii‘I. une rid of
`7- among the flow paths
`.e veive (the 37d) V3 is provided on the flow
`732., tne other er-(5 as so made.,erti
`path P37. The veive V3 opers and cine-es the flow path PE according to ~: ntm: eignei “v i
`The decontanfinat
`(5 ten?
` runstituh intiudin
`32. and it is orm'ided
`34, and the filter i:
`seray 1’}!in
`.“may connect these h:rt?“er.
`'hich camp-ti.
`:47: Pm and the
`7'7ex that Dump P7
`send ti:e fin: '
`Arm 1.77.6 #7577107;
` :31 fer removing :rnpu:
`2 is opened Wide by the open air vie.. the hi
`‘rcm the nozzEe 72-7" the i
`‘ 9.x.
`:70: injected
`gas (“decontani hon ('
`:77ee .Jree water ieve- Wt] .17. ne mite“
`One end of tie flow path P32 is o:
`. t
`‘ie7: paths F3
`. The veive\f:
`“713’:snrovuied L777. tne r’io7v path?
`es the flow petn.9.>2
`g ta cent-“Cl
`credoetween the fi‘ter F31 and the hottie 32 amcno the
` a7: (c077r' suggiy q compre"
`2‘, to the spray
` the 7'7: tei i-.>.3. and
`enc the remnmew (compre. 7m)
`e Vaive V32 are pmwrjed
`cm the hev‘J neth P.
`_ open air according to
`i .~ignai Sam,
`the CC
` spray pump 34 via 1
`oving knee:
`v'aive V32 is provided between ti
`tex' F33 and the poit
` 7 the :t7w path F.
`.7 to contmi ,
` ais SLm are input int: -he control part .a frcm the operating pazt 23,
`4777. which mentions the
`1 la beiow Bacardi a to the mode
`3'73'17‘5371-7033 370.333.
`at. J - sgnei: $3.77: as sx-vitr'ned. The controi ear-t 1a outputs the controi sig77a-.. 33727. t
`3 50-“ cantroflmg each waive, each a:r biower, the camprsesor Cm, and pump Pm, $7731
`or: interhai j ressure 1?; and water ie7'ei WL1 besides the
` made of .
` {U
` = Operamh of
`»describes an 'mt operation of theisCtie
`biy with reference
`757:3. decontamination mode of fjfjfi‘faiiifjfl (5‘
`soietcr of this embodiment beinc sw
`decontaminating the work:'
`steriie mode'77.:opeiet:4777. (hi.n7.=5‘.
`Eng in
`o ‘uon’: 4 v‘\
`. a non-fairy (in: bounda.
`'. The decenten'finatioa mode at ope-rat
`mode (33 .m=3
`on gas Generatuw made 7’.
`ie" nteminatien n70
` own '
`'ege—test mode. in the ieekage-t
`“node conce- ned. as »
`-e ccntmi part
`5 the air mower BE, 82, eru»:‘ pump Pm, it":.s in the state 77m:ch doseetithe vaive ‘1"-
`gre-ssor Cm.
`"31, and it ooensthe veive V32 whi:e it drives the 0:77
`the spray 5717:7753 3.4 of the detenten'fination gas feed zone "7a 57;
`“Vie mm the 50.7
`“pi-ESDE-‘Jd air.t: ppiier‘ to tne unner {5.x1' in the w77-37mm 4 and t7:
`ti-e insije of the workroom 4
` » contra! part ‘7.
`' ntness of t-i'
`two-"n :i be ed 07'» interna-
`t7? the wwktoom 4 me
`the pressure. Sensor 41. For exampie, the ccntwi part 19. iudges with the a: rt:ght*7es»3
`amount of intemai pres-sure IP13ftei’ specifiec
`ge—test mode next, In
`Ir 'udge . with theairigtitriess Cf the workroom 4 being good in Seat
` Wh: ‘ 9pm
`3 mode, n‘ldrogen perox
`5.0‘11c1411l41a1'l0-1 gas 3’:fl
`tine node 0.
`enmd as shown in Fig "
`the fine of Eeakfi
`'—test mode, the co:moi oart118 ooe < the
`g. puma Pm. ans cart-es. out epermg and bios-mg controi of .
`':~ ouppted to the go": the time‘4 of Er.akagIe-test
`e 3.15.34! .5“.Jfl’ip
`mode ‘ y the centre! t. x frio7‘. tne nozzle 9.
` h. set {mm the tank 31 by
` , negative thessure memos and the hyu- 73am peso.
`rhed. And Go .
`‘47:: Pm at the spray pump 34 side I»: supphedtt-.1the oort bezow the sprav pump 34 hy the
` mad as misty sta
`7gei7 pa: we
`@353?“ of this embodiment, Cirect supply of the hytinge-‘z percxwe gas is carr
`corn4 witncut IiiterF lai44d F2 in decontamination c
` generating i
`hydrogen peroxid'
`euppiied in the. workroom 4, wuixout
`'. adsorptmn by F
`It tan cairy out deteritarmndti'm teatmehtin the
`reduced by filter
`workroom 4 eff“
`fl *etwe pr .41 air; without heating or
`.t.3a1‘3fl Jerierate hydrogen peonide (I;15. b7, using the
`The deco:7tami7atio:7gas feed:
`4'; an
` 4 stops accord
`the hvd:c-gen peroxide 3:4
`d in t!
`ed by the vat
`“oi part 15 wiii
`opening and
`Ci sing .'
`e.1re.tF3.ofthe workmorri 4 For
`' "
`own in
` ..eds the predeterm hed positive :7
`Fig.4 the \aive V3 Wu! he opened. and if intemai pi’3ssure 1P1 L-eccme-
`iow in the
`ed. And w
`17 the 4/9We V3 is
`.- the vaive VS wii! be cm
`F1. Sum.
`opened, the hydrogen pe:
`vaive V3 has few aiiowahie firow.
` ng hydroge- pemwje
`s. in the workroom 4 In decontamihetion gas generating
`After suooiv
`or. mode, the inside of the workreon- 4 is expC:ed by
`mode, in decontamination gas e74
`hydra-gen peroxide gas. In the decontamination gas exposure mode concemed, 3:4 5:70er In
`1!“? van":
` . the stat 7:5"at:or.
`‘he coxntroi p3rt.Le.
` 4 1.0F‘4C med the .I. And by "h 3 cont."
`decontamination 9455 F
`4' oniy compre
`'4 air in ti7-
`7‘. 4 from a
`.—v.he time of:eavage—te.4t mCtie, and tine controi pert 1:4 can" . out opening and
`troi oftie vat/e4...
`tic-h. gas generating mode
`the time of c'eCC-h.
`so'6: IPI of the. workroom 4.
`of the \morkrc-on- 4 is exposed in
`tor of thie- mbodiment, the in
`decon.:tahi:73tion gas exposure mode Dy the thI'LXDtJ'! {.414
`poked In
`nta:P.4-181K)‘- {2435 {4:3 '
`(5 r;(we.
`gas in the.Jerkroom 4 is e/nausted vi: niter F1, c
`'4 serex
` 1:3": oft .e workroom 4 to the preo
`Ire 1P .9. The
`werkroom 4 and filter $31 can he decehteminated 3
`hydrogen oeroxic'e 4. dution stored in the
`JTOdL.‘ 8'?t'Z‘l' 4.96.047taim47auo.1 gas.("de
`fie:ontaminaton gas exhaust air men
`357‘ mode
`. in the dec
`33 opens the mines \": 43r-Io‘V2 wii:le
`e ‘s‘or Cm
`concerned. the d
`4. and supp
`the wark-com/ ,tr4e contiC
` {at
`nai press-u. e 1P1 of the workr-1o1‘ 4 to the predetei'rmreed pc-Sitive p. Assure
`{Ptg iike the time of decontamination :
`inc; mode and decontamination gas exposure
`and t
`two-"kmmode. Th:
`4 4 via tr . flow path
`e gas in the werkroom 4 is exha
`ed via the flow path 92. Anti the hydrogen
`tr 'r‘mgen p
`peroxide gas in the workroom 4 is rea:seed by an extezi-ai fi‘e:h air 9y co.tinu: rig this cpe-aticn
`for a ore-deter:
`ent .. deoontamihatian
`After exhaustihg the hydrogen peroxide
`foam 4 suff‘
`iehtiy:r‘. deo
`gas exhau:
`:z‘ mode, it shifts to the
` 9
`steriie mode of cperatioi‘ but the centre! at. the time of the etc. ‘iEe mode at
`sthe same as ‘hat of the
`as exhaust a i mode.
`rs 4 wes made into the roam for
`iowr: in Fig.7, it '
`' (mod 9.:er
`ying :n goods required for work to the ch-riA:roam 4 Via th
`or.“ routamination ihe composs on for
`same as that of ti
`isciater of the above-—
`(1 extept for the spra' pump 34 etc. in F:g.7. The
`i whith is tomrmr: m the same-mentioned erritioriirrierit 5
`eiow Gecontamiheting
`'com 4- sifie em .3 a description.
`(J inciudinq the control pait 1b,. operati'i pa:t 2b, and
`:ator shown in Fig.7 is not
`hex 5 ha
`the exhaus mt {th
`ed with the
`atioh 9a:
`.- (exhaust air} the fiiter .
`Eniet port
`weer: with the
`and the
`t‘iow paths '4» thru/or P53 arr:— ;_ro tied by these air-intake/exhaust {Ft-Lit _ In the pass- box 5
`501' 51 which heeasame~ ihteinai ere;sure 1P2 of the 3335 box 5 concerned as
`{ht} pi‘BESUi’S 36
` 4 a other ..and the flow pat:) (the 2nd‘- PS -sa riow pet . for ethausting the
`.r.h3w path P4 is a flow path for inh "rig the open 93-
`r? .z 3''11
`in the pass “car. 5 via the
`and the cataiyst C3, the valve (the 1st} V4, and the air mower B3 are prov
`or: the
`s :t‘. the pass 10:»; 5 via the {i ter F4. and .he
`the \Ieive’. it.e 2nd) V5
`f)rovided on the flow path 9:3. "i
`e the flow path
`generates theea: Ct:rrer-t wt.
`-i sir
` ales the open air in the
`ccrdirt; to cont.
` ce itis. smail 1pm '
`,. th
`s box 5 is. psi.
`air intake/exhaust
`And the open air flow-s via .
`erned in
`ied by the ai sweet 0
`box 5 via the fitter
`'t via: the fiiter F4, and
`is further
`asst;mo64’. detm'
`:ted via. the uatai‘y'st C4, it is
`.er E3
`and the an“ bi
`valve V4 is provided between the catai'y's.
` w path P4 acetimh 3 to cantroi s
` ai 5%», the vaive V5 .s provided
`4 the fiitet F4. and ‘Ci’ iew path P5 is opened E vaiv
`' and dosed
`ia the fiiter
`' “ting mt: 55 Y‘- She [38$3-
`ontamiziato. gas etpc-sure 3.0.3“ One
`taiyst (.4 and Ch? vaive ‘
`.3 nong the flow
`a1d 'he Waive -ti1e 3rd} V6
`protect} on
`«1mg {'0 CO-‘YJ'O:
` ‘ rnir '
` , the water iev
`d further. it is provided so ti‘
`‘ 4k .31 and the bctt
`«ea-n th
`' 32 and 35, and pump Fm, the
`‘. the?
` ' F31. anti the waive \1 35 are pwwdec or. ti e flow path P33. Pump P
` in . e tank 311 a'
`rriino to the tontroi
`tratipni 531. T -e vaive ‘
`Ei F31 to the spra‘l pu..i_:> 34 or
`aiding to cont:i sig
` e SOFL
` is prox'deci by the bottie 32.
`‘ t :i‘ hand, the home 35 isopenecicwide by the open air via ti‘:
`Er) F34, and the
`tipn is
`water ievei se- ‘02' 3-3 which measures water is:
`,ei ‘...I\’t2. o: iwdmgen pe.
`orovideé by the hottie 35.
` Ie V35 and ti
`_~ connected betvveei
`L tn the flow path P32
`eh ‘i is cenn..c.ted t art bit-iow the spray pump 34', and ti'
` N
`‘ r.>,;.. On t-ie oth'
`: flaw oath P34 is
`d rm the tim. p
`'nand. one end of tt‘
`connected between the vaive V35 and the Dottie
`l, the other and
`among. the flow paths
` {at
`:onnectec' to th»
` port 'oeicw the -_i.
`37, and t:)e ma?6 ‘v’33 i5 p‘avided on
`path F34. The valve ‘-’33 ope. sand dose
`new pat1N."N 3.:
`and the waive V33 Gp
`N. es the flow path F
`3-; -:'NnN:piNeese-:l
`to the spray pump 34, and tne : ow pa'
`, the ’LTITELN‘
`_ 5r Cm and the ti
`are provided. and tie vawes \v .
`ad N134 are provided on .
`" w oath P35 and P136,
` y ihe cor-3:2 <scr Cm incorp
`the open air ace rd
`_ to the controi
`“ and cu.
`iiec' to the port above the spray pump 34
`signai 8cm, and the -::oinresse-j-Ei' concerned is cut
`'v‘atve V32 is picivvid'1d beNtweeq hNe .
`0. 37 via the flier (aii) F33.“:‘E1e
`r F33 a:id the next
`aNove the spray 9:1mm .34, and opens and doses th ficv
`ntamination and the N-ode seie on si
`input into tne contra mart 1b fro.m ope-'9ting. pert“cti The cant-o: part 1‘3 choose»: the
`werkroom 4 or the pas: box:5 as a room for decontamination accr jihg to the mom seiection
`the mode
`Ni, and it switches the mode of operation according
`' iu/m SVB, Sv31 to
`on:Nipaflthcutputsthe 70!"
`:3, 51cm, aiN-r‘ Su-Nn based on 1:3 water ievei Wti, irN-temai pressure KF
`es the room for decontar.Nination, and tne mo.cie ci- onea ien. -he deceit-tarm-
`GS compressed '1
`:i‘ and h‘,d10§€fl peroxid
`: room seité'
`Nording :0. ti
`ion signai SUN for decontamination
`ii tne i-Nrjiator shown in Fig] rrN-or‘e of operatmr: is sx-vitched according to the mode
`seIection s Wis Sun, and it is can-toned -ike tne iscizat-.ir of ti e above—mentioned embodiment.
`Iiown in
`For exampie, in the deo
`enera'ting mode to the pas-s be): S, as
`above the sway pump 3
`supp-tied to a
`tive are. we, and the deco
`zone 3b carries out direct suppi
`'! the hydrogen perox
`5 via the fi'
`rcgen peroxide gas the pas:~ :
`the hN,
`.Nig and dosing control of the vaive \-’:3 based an .
`ting inteniei pi:
` . sure {P2 of the p: . ”Nede‘t-e.minet‘ p05
`ontaiN.’:ina'tion gas gene-atihg mode of theiisa
`8‘ Z.“2;(1‘L '1’!
`11J...V 3.1-
` '1’!
`'Nbcve. The fitte.
`air cieanei‘s is not paased,‘>L3.5/at.yin . out dire N suppiv of the'ny
`jecont minat' on gas into tne workroom 4 (pass oox SE
`Khaustiho the de
`>ppiied to the inte-
`' :etei further eufficientiy. “
`r can be decm':ta
` ,..
`:or '0’ a room for det.
`cy oNC the deconta 1..
`.o‘t-Nnent of i
`air cieai-cr can he in
`JF ofa
`here the second
`flow path '92 (.
`whicn performs the
`it ficiw path 91 {PI} aha: e:(haust air which :iN-haie with
`the air bicw'er concerned white stopping the ai: tE-NNwer Bi and 3-2 (53‘ is dosed. 8y open:
`e '
`the decent
` ed ant: C
`of a mm For deb NN- arm
`a:i ax tie
`and t: e
`aner can be (N
`v' path, and an an
`tech than the secehd vaive V2 (V5) which opens and doses a
` Catav,5
`end of the 3rd flow path between
`ne-N end to an a3
`C‘ connecting tne
`cieane-N, After
`Ne container
`.he decontamination subs
` o: eniy
` Nne of decontei Nation gas
`on but at the time of (J .ntaiN.’:iiN.ation gas gen!
`ting node and
`, it can dis OK
`ning and dosing centre! of th' 3rd valve in decontamination
`' e baseu 32'-.Er:te:'nai pressuie 1P1 t i. '2) of the room for decoritar
`The decontamination gas of the in.
`demontaminatio.. can be exhausted Via an air cieaner, adjusting the
`‘:iroom tor deconta“ :natioh to the ed pCSitive press
`\g corripreseed air and a.
`the decontamina M .54:
`exposure mode after in?
`decontamination substance. genetating decanter.iiria..iori gas. in detontamihation gas
` The interior ot a
`ge..erating mode and st:ppi'ying the ir-terin-
`r’ a NJon-
`taminati» h
`' .ieaher an be SL-
`Nated by carrying
`y deconta
`.me of deo’
`out opening and L..vN
`gener ‘imde, suppiying oniy c
`. intent): of a mom to: d
`inhibiting consumption .35 a decontamination substance
`an the intemai pressure of the mom
`‘2, the airzigiuness of the mom
`air to the inte
`r Ufa
`.oiiuwn: is for r.
`'ing an um‘iet'standins 0:” the? :2:
`g tho oresent :nv Lia-'2. The equiv
`V4 and ink
`_ i-hentzsn, whm (than: rig and imprmmg the pa 'nf. :r-veni’ion.
`without deviating from the meaning.
`' {planations of letters or nume‘ais}
`:7 part 33 and 3‘.)
` )1»;
`31 / Tar-ks
`32 and 35 1" The bottle
`Jars j The centre! par: la and 2t-
` 'Jn-fi'
`reed zone 4 V‘forkro.om :.~
`1:1 and 33’ The
` a ‘ ERR-'11P
`4: and the 5. measure ser-scr
`_ 2. Doors- :
`d 3
` Vai
`81-83 / Air bicw»
`Cm ,1 Comp _
`11m / Purrzp J P‘»
`L. E—Fi’wi Fitters C]
`Catalysts \ll-‘m, ‘V3iv‘wzi
`Previous Dom rs.“ ..
` «3::
`Patentek LEM? Mode: Mmutre
` ilatems Uzi:
`Seiected Gazette
`' r
`we and INPET are first :‘espansibie for any
`damages caused by the use of this transmtion.
`astument has been translated by Kputer. So the transiatian may not
`1 .Thzs
`reflect the origina1 precisew.
`LAW” shows the word which can not be transiated.
`9.1:} the .rawings, any word: e
`not tt'ex
`rip-firm of the ‘ rawings}
`E 311}
`{Drawing 111': is a block diagram showing the composition of the is
`for in (me emb-
`i‘. B) (—ch
`’« -'
`9 (\f.)
`node, each air mower, the compr
`e '3.’ mm“ 0m.
` rawing 2‘; They are each vahxe in decor-tamm
`and a bicck diagram swo
`compressor a.
`. or the name \ *
`[Dtawmq 4]!
`generating mode add decontarmn *‘ion gas exposure rrmrJE.
`[Drawing 5' They are ea‘ vaive r- Uecontaminahon gas exposure mode, each air bicwer, the.
`'< 0'?
`m showi.
`the state of pump Pm.
` 'eriie made
`as exhaust air me e and
`.> They are
`, eaah air 1030» ‘et; the compressor Cm, and a block diagram Showing the state of
` n .he isoiator ~510m". in Fig.7, they are each valve in decc
`of pump Pm.
`'. e, each air mower, the nemprf ’ or le and :3 Mock diagran
` 5e: tative drawing
`Representative drawim
`«text & BEEF-2y Made:
` ‘ J~9§§§§ar
`Seiectesi Gazette
` HZZGiE-QIS 1917,18.
`1 aga E
`Previous Document
`(limubficstiun nus'nber
`{43)Date of publication of apsficatian .
`(21}Appiicaticn numbar
`(22)flaie of filing
`(2.705. 01,-
`(2006 . 01}
`{2006 . 011‘
`( 57)Abstraci
` 40263? with a diacharge '
`mber Via the intake fiit
`nd Fit-w path
`. configured to
`LC discharge the g
`hrough ti". «sewn- n
` n cured to
`lg gas :rlta t-
` 3y (mat as
`through the
`ter; and a third flow
` the chamber is mscharg. . v
`the c?
`Previous Document
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