08/18/2018 13:58 FAX
`Application No. 14/630,210
`Reply to Office Action dated May 16, 2018
`Amendments to the Claims:
`This listing of claims will replace all prior versions, and listings, of claims in the
`app] ication:
`Listing of Claims:
`(Currently Amended) A wireless communication method for performing
`communication in a wireless comm1mication system-beavemspeem-plumi-it-y-efibase
`WWW, the method comprising:
`communicatin between a
`luralit of base stations and a luralit
`of‘ temtinal
`stations,,respectively, each base station using a plurality of transmission beams in channels
`having different center-magnettcies from each other, permutations of the pluralig of transmission
`beams of the plurality of base stations reSulting in a plurality of combinations of transmission
`beams available for synchronous transmission by the plurality of base stations, the
`communicating iiieludjpg;
`selectively switching a combination of transmission beams used by the
`pluralig of respective-base stations among the a—plurality of combinations ol‘t_ransmission
` beams, -
`WW, and transmitting, synchrouously and
`sequentially, training frames to the plurality of terminal stations with the switched
`combination of transmission beams in each period;
`storing information representing the plurality of combinations of
`transmission beams for the plurality of base stations based on a result of reception of the
`training frames: and
`communicating between the plurality of base stations and corresponding
`terminal stations using a first combination of transmission beams selected from the stored
`information representing the plurality of combinations of tLansmission beams for the
`plurality of‘ base stations.
`PAGE 3116 “ RCVD AT 8116l2018 5:50:01 PM [Eastern Dayllgm Tlme] ”' SVsz-PTOFAX-002124 " DNIS:2738300 " CSID:2056826031 * DURATION (mm-8920446


`08/18/2018 13:58 FAX
`SEED IP LM’l GROUP-004.1018
`Application No. 14f630,210
`Reply to Office Action dated May 16. 2018
`(Previously Presented) The Wireless communication method according to
`Claim 1, wherein the result of the reception ol‘thc training frames includes a beam number and a
`signal to noise (SN) ratio.
`(Currently Amended) A wireless communication system-ia—whic—h
`mufwmmmmmamummfimm comprising:
`transmission circuitry that selectively switches a combination of transmission
`beams used by a pluralig of the-respective-base stations among a plurality of combinations of
`transmission beams, wherein communication is performed between the plurality of base stations
`and a plurality of terminal stati ns= respectively, each base station using the gluralifl of
`transmission beams in channels having different center—frequencies from each other1
`permutations of the pluraligr of transmission beams of the pluraliy ol‘basc stations resulting in
`the pluralig of combinations of transmission beams being available Por synchronous
`tLansmission by the pluralig of base statiflLeaeh-beam-efihe-eembinationsetlbeems-hevmg—a
`Wr-Wmmamkand wherein the transmission
`circuitry transmits, synchronously and sequentially, training frames to the plurality of terminal
`stations with the switched combination of transmission beams in each period;
`storage circuitry that stores information representing the plurality of combinations
`of lagsmimbeams for the plurality of base stations based on a result of reception ol‘thc
`training frames; and
`communication circuitry that communicates between the plurality ol‘basc stations
`and correinonding terminal stations using a first combination of transmission beams selected
`from the stored information representing the plurality of combinations of transmission beams for
`the plurality of base stations.
`PAGE 4/16 “ RCVD AT 8116I2018 5:50:01 PM [Eastern Dayllgnt Tlmel" SVsz-PTOFAX-OOZIZ4' DN|522TJ8300 " CSID:2056826031 ‘ DURATION (mm-sstzo4-46


`08/18/2018 13:57 FAX
`Application No. 1 4/63 0,2 l 0
`Reply to Office Action dated May 16, 20 l 8
`(Currently Amended) A wireless communication method for performing
`communication by a wireless communication system between a respective plurality of base
`stations and a corresponding plurality of terminal stations. each base station of the plurality of
`base stations using a plurality of transmission beams in different frequency bands from each
`other, the method comprising:
`communicating between the plurality of base stations and the plurality of terminal
`stations, respectively, each base station using the corresponding plurality of transmission beams
`in channels having different eenter-freguencies from each other, pennutation_s_9_f the plurality of
`tiansmissionflbeams ol' the plurality of base stations resulting in a plurality ot‘eombinations of
`transmissiOn beams available for smchronous transmission by the plurality ol‘base stations, the
`communicating inelnd_ipg;
`selectively switching a combination of transmission beams used by the
`plurality ol‘respeetivebase stations among the a—plurality of combinations of transmisi n
`beanisreaeh beam—QRWWWWWW
`ether—beamelltheeembinatiens-ef—beams, and transmitting, synchronously and
`sequentially, training frames to the plurality of terminal stations with the switched
`combination ofmmission beams in each period;
`storing information representing the plurality of combinations of
`transmission beams for the plurality of base stations based on a result of reception ofthe
`training frames: and
`communicating between the plurality of base stations and corresponding
`terminal stations with a first combination of transmission beams selected from the stored
`information representing the plurality of combinations of transmission beams for the
`plurality of base stations.
`(Currently Amended) A wireless communication controlling apparatus for
`controlling communication between a plurality of base stations each using a plurality of
`transmission beams Wands—framewmeeand a respective plurality of
`terminal stations, comprising:
`PAGE 5I16" RCVD AT 8116/2018 5:50:01 PM [Eastern Dayllgnt Tlmel" SVR3W-PTOFAX-002124 " DN|812738300 " CSID:2066826031 ‘ DURATION (mm-sslzo4-46


`08/16/2018 13157 FAX
`Application No. 14/63 0,210
`Reply to Office Action dated May 16, 2018
`timing controlling circuitry, which in operation, outputs a control signal for
`controlling a selective switching of a combination of transmission beams used by the sespeetiye
`base stations among a plurality of combinations of transmission beams, wherein communication
`is performed between the plurality ol'basc stations and the plurality of terminal stations,
`respectively, each base station using the plurality of transmission beams in channels having
`different center-frequencies from each other, permutations of the plurality of transmission beams
`of the pluraliguof base stations resulting in the plurality of combinations of transrnission beams
`being available for synchronous transmission by the plurality of base stationsheaeh—beam—oilthe
`t‘t‘ambinatiens efiheams having a difl'et-‘enl frequency hand man other iSIS'WH . Firm 3 combinations
`ref-beams, and transmitting, synchronously and sequentially, training frames to the plurality of
`terminal stations with the switched combination of transmission beams in each period;
`storage circuitry, which in operation, stores information representing the plurality
`of combinations of t_r_ggsmjssion beams for the plurality of base stations based on a result of
`reception of the training frames; and
`determination circuitry, which in operation, determines a first combination of
`tmnsmissiflbeams from the stored information representing the plurality of combinations of
`transmission beams for the plurality of base stations used for communication between the
`plurality of base stations and corresponding terminal stations.
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`08/18/2018 13:57 FAX
`Application No. 14/630,210
`Reply to Olliec Action dated May l6, 2018
`5 2018
`After entry of the foregoing amendment, claims 1, 2 and 4—6 will be pending in
`the present application. Claims 1 and 4—6 are amended. Applicant submits that no new matter
`has been introduced in the application by the foregoing amendment. Applicant submits that no
`new matter has been introduced in the application by the foregoing amendment.
`At the outseL Applicant believes it is beneficial to discuss an embodiment of the
`present application. In the embodiment, a plurality of base stations 10-1, 10-2, 10-3. l0—4
`respectively communicate with a plurality of terminal stations ll-l, 1 1—2.
`I l-3, 11-4 (Figure 9 of
`the present application reproduced below). The plurality of base stations 10-1, 10-2, 10-3, l0-4
`each have a plurality of transmission beams (numbered 1. 2, and 3).
`(Figure 9 of the present application)
`As shown in an example in Figure 2 of the present application (reproduced
`below), a total of 81 combinations of beam are available for communication between the base
`stations and the respective terminal stations when three transmission beams are available for
`every base station of‘ four base stations. The plurality of combinations of beams result from
`permutations of the plurality of transmission beams of the plurality 01' base stations.
`PAGE 7/16“ RCVD AT 816/2018 5:50:01 PM [Eastern Dayllgm Tlme] “ SVR1W4’TOFAX-002124 " DNI812738300 " CSID:2066826031 “ DURAYION (mm-ss):04-46


`08/18/2018 1325? FAX
`Application No. 14/630,210
`Reply to Office Action dated May 16, 2018
`2. PATTERN #3
`FIG 2
`0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
`0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
`0 D 01 1
`2 2 0
`BASESTATlON10-4: 0120120120
`t, t 17 ---------
`(Figure 2 of the present application)
`The embodiment of the present application calls for selectively switching a
`combination ol'transmission beams used by the plurality of base stationsamong the plurality of
`combinations of transmission beams. Further, the embodiment calls for storing infomation
`representing the plurality of combinations of transmission beams for the plurality of base stations
`based on a result of reception ofthc training flames and communicating between the plurality ol‘
`base stations and corresponding terminal stations. using a first combination of transmission
`beams selected from the stored information representing the plurality of combinations of
`transmission beams for the plurality of base stations.
`For example, as shown in Figure 12 of the present application (rerduced
`below), communication is performed using the combination ofbeam 1 on base station 10-],
`beam Zon base station 10-2, beam 2 on base station 10-3 and beam 2 on base station 104. The
`combination increases throughput and reduces interference.
`PAGE 8/16 "‘ RCVD AT 811612018 5:50:01 PM [Eastern Dayllgnt Tlmel“ SVsz-PTOFAX-UOZIZII" DN1822738300 " CSID:2066826031 " DURATION (mm-ss):04-46


`08/18/2018 13258 FAX
`Application No- 14/630210
`Reply to Office Action dated May 16, 20l 8
`OK :
`. "---4"
`‘1 1—4
`(Figure 12 of the present application)
`Examiner Interview
`An Examiner interVicw was conducted for the present application on July 17,
`2018 with Examiner Nguyen. The undersigned represented Applicant in the interview.
`In the
`Examiner interview, claim 1 and the cited references were dismissed. Although no agreement
`was reached with respect to the pending claims, Applicant thanks Examiner Nguyen for granting
`the interview and for his time and consideration.
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`08/18/2018 13258 FAX
`Application No. 14/630210
`Reply to Office Action dated May 16. 20] 8
`Meiections — 35 as C. §112.~
`Claims 1, 2, and 4—6 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. §l 12(8) as failing to comply
`with the written description requirement. The Office Action asserts that the recitation ol'“cach
`beam of the combinations of beams having a different Frequency hand than other beams of the
`combinations of beams” is not described in the specification.
`Claims 1 and 4—6 are amended to remove the above—recited subject matter.
`Claims 1 and 4—6 are amended to recite that each base station uses a “plurality of transmission
`beams in channels having dill‘crcnt center—titequeneies from each other,” which is disclosed in at
`least Figure 24 of the present application and its accompanying description.
`Withdrawal of the 35 [1.8.0 §1 12(a) rejections ofclaims l aud 4—6 is respectfully
`requested. Withdrawal of the 35 U.S-C. §112(a) rejections of claim 2, which was only rejected
`by virtue of its dependence on a rejected base claim, is respectfully requested.
`Claim Re 'ectiuns' — 35 US. C.
`Claims 1, 2, and 4-6 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. §103 as being unpatentable
`over US. Patent Application Publication No. 2010/0210219 to Stirling—Gallaeher (hereinafter
`"Stirling-Gallacher”), and further in view of US. Patent Application Publication No.
`2004/0032847 to Cain (hereinafter “Cain").
`Claim 1. as amended, recites:
`A wireless communication method for performing communication in a
`wireless communication system, the method comprising:
`communicating between a plurality of base stations and a plurality of
`terminal stations, respectively, each base station using a plurality ol‘ transmission
`in channels having different
`from each other,
`permutations of the plurality of transmission beams of the plurality of base
`stations resulting in a plurality ofcombinatlorts Qf'transmi.s'.ri0n beams available
`for synchronous transmission by the plurality ofbase stations, the communicating
`selectively switching a combination oftransmission beams used by
`the plurality of base stations among the plurality of combinations of
`transmission beams, and transmitting, synchronously and sequentially,
`training frames to the plurality of terminal stations with the switched
`combination of transmission beams in each period;
`PAGE 10l16 " RCVD AT 8/16I2018 5:50:01 PM [Eastern Daylight Tlmer SVsz-PTOFAX-002l24 " DNIS:2738300* CSID:2066826031 " DURATION (mm-ss):04-46


`08/18/2018 13:58 FAX
`Application No. 14/630,210
`Reply to Office Action dated May 16, 2018
`storing information representing the plurality of combinations of
`transmission beams for the plurality of base stations based on a result of
`reception of the training Frames; and
`.ttations and
`communicating between the plurality of base
`corresponding terminal stations using a first combination (ii/transmission
`beams selectedflom the stored infarmation representing the plurality of
`combinations thransmission beamsfar the plurality al'buse stations.
`[Emphasis added]
`Applicant submits that the subject matter of claim 1 is not disclosed or suggested
`by Stitling-Gallacher and Cain.
`Stirling-Gallacher discloses a communication system having One transmitter 116
`and one receiver 117 (Figure 10). Stirling-Gallacher discloses storing “in a table as a ranked
`list,” a list of antenna combinations of the receiver and the transmitter (1110153]). Stirling-
`Gallacher discloses “identifyl ing] the best beam combination for a given transmitter/receiver pair
`which leads to best performance” (11 [0085] and [0099 l). Cain discloses “2 nodes each with 3
`beams with each beam operating in a different frequency band, i.e., beams 21, b, and c each use a
`different frequency band" (1][0200] and Figure 10).
`However, neither Stirling-Gallacher nor Cain discloses or suggests the above-
`italicized elements ofclaim l. Stirling-Gallacher and Cain do not disclose that multiple base
`stations communicate with multiple terminal stations, respectively, in the manner recited in claim
`1. Stirling-Gallacher and Cain disclose that a base station- terminal station pair communicate
`with each other. However, Stirling-Gallacher and Cain are silent on the communication system
`of claim 1 in which multiple base stations communicate with corresponding terminal stations,
`Stirling—Gallacher and Cain do not disclose that “permutations of the plurality of
`transmission beams of the plurality of base stations [result] in a plurality ofcombinations of
`transmission beams available for synchronous transmission by the plurality of base stations" as
`recited in claim 1. Further. Stirling-Gallacher and Cain do not disclose “selectively switching a
`combination of transmission beams used by the plurality of base stations among the plurality of
`combinations of transmission beams,” and “transmitting, synchronously and sequentially,
`PAGE 11115“ RCVD AT 811612018 5:50:01 PM [Eastern Daylight Tlme] " $VR:W-PTOFAX-ODZI2¢ " DNlS:2738300 "' CSID:2056826031 "' DURATION (mm-sslwc-ca


`08/18/2018 13:58 FAX
`Application No.
`Reply to Office Action dated May 16, 2018
`training frames to the plurality of terminal stations with the switched combination of
`transmission. beams in each period” as recited in amended claim 1.
`Stirling-Gallacher and Cain do not disclose or suggest switching between the
`available combinations of beams and transmitting, synchronously and sequentially, the training
`frames to their rcspecrivc base statiOns. Stirling-Gallachcr and Cain do not disclose or suggest
`communicating between the plurality of base stations and corresponding terminal stations using a
`first cumbination of transmission beams selected from the stored information representing the
`plurality of combinations of transmission beams [Or the plurality of base stations as rccited in
`claim 1.
`Stirling-Gallachcr and Cain are directed to communication between a pair of
`devices. However, Stirling-Gallacher and Cain are silent on a systcm in which a plurality ol‘hasc
`stations communicating with a plurality of terminal stations, respectively and in which
`permutations of the plurality of transmission beams result in a plurality of combinations of
`transmission beams available for synchronous transmission. Stirling-Gallacher and Cain are
`silent on switching between the plurality of combinations of transmission beams and transmitting
`synchronously and sequentially.
`Therefore, claim 1 is patentable in view ofStirling-Gallacher and Cain.
`Withdrawal of the pending 35 U.S.C . §l03 rejection ol’claim l is respectfully requested.
`Furthermore, claim 2 is dependent on claim 1 and is, therefore, patentablc in view
`of the cited references for at least the same reasons recited above and by virtue of its
`dependency. Accordingly, withdrawal ofthe 35 U.S.C. §103 rejection of claim 2 is resPectfully
`Although not identical in scope or language, the allowability of claims 4—6 will be
`apparent in view of the reasons recited above. Accordingly, withdrawal of the 35 U.S.C. §103
`rejections of claims 4—6 is respectfully requested.
`In the event the Examiner disagrees or finds minor informalities that can be
`resolved by telephone conference, the Examiner is urged to contact Applicant's undersigned
`rcprcscntative by telephone at (206) 622-4900 in order to expeditiously resolve prosecution of
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`08/18/2018 13:58 FAX
`Application No. l 43/630,210
`Reply to Office Action dated May 16, 2018
`this application. Consequently, early and favorable action allowing these claims and passing this
`case to issuance is reSpectfully solicited.
`The Director is authorized to charge any additional fees due by way of this
`Amendment, or credit any overpayment, to our Deposit Account No. 19-1090.
`Favorable consideration and a Notice of Allowance are earnestly solicited.
`Respectfully submitted,
`SEED Intellcctual Property Law Group LU"
`/Baha A. Obcidat/
`Baha A. Obeidal
`Registration No. 66,827
`701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 5400
`Seattle, Washington 98104-7092
`Phnne: (206) 622-4900
`Fax: (206) 682-6031
`62093 73 l
`PAGE 13116 * RCVD AT SIN/2018 5:50:01 PM [Eastern Dayllgnt TlmeJ" SVR:W-PTOFAX-002I24 " DN|522738300“ CSID:2065826031 " DURATION (mm-sslzm-Mi

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