
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria1 Virginia 22313-1450
`Hiroyuki ASANO
`08/09/2017 —MARK D. SARALINO (PAN) m
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`Notice of the Office communication was sent electronically on above—indicated "Notification Date" to the
`following e—mail address(es):
`ipdocket @rennerott0.c0m
`PTOL—90A (Rev. 04/07)


`Application No.
` 15/194,750 ASANO ET AL.
`AIA (First Inventor to File)
`Art Unit
`Office Action Summary
`-- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address --
`Period for Reply
`Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 37 CFR1. 136( a).
`after SIX () MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`If NO period for reply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`- Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will, by statute, cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133).
`Any reply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication, even if timely filed, may reduce any
`earned patent term adjustment. See 37 CFR 1 .704(b).
`In no event, however, may a reply be timely filed
`1)IZI Responsive to communication(s) filed on 43/2017.
`El A declaration(s)/affidavit(s) under 37 CFR 1.130(b) was/were filed on
`2b)|ZI This action is non-final.
`2a)|:l This action is FINAL.
`3)I:I An election was made by the applicant in response to a restriction requirement set forth during the interview on
`; the restriction requirement and election have been incorporated into this action.
`4)|:| Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Exparte Quay/e, 1935 CD. 11, 453 O.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims*
`5)IZI Claim(s) 1-4,6 and 7is/are pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s)
`is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`is/are allowed.
`6)I:I Claim(s)
`7)|Z| Claim(s) 1--4 and 6- 7is/are rejected.
`8)|:I Claim(s)_ is/are objected to.
`are subject to restriction and/or election requirement.
`9)I:I Claim((s)
`* If any claims have been determined allowable, you may be eligible to benefit from the Patent Prosecution Highway program at a
`participating intellectual property office for the corresponding application. For more information, please see
`:/'I’vaIW.usnI‘.0. ovI’ atentS/init events/
`iindex.‘s or send an inquiry to PPI-iieedback{®usgtc.00v.
`Application Papers
`10)I:l The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`11)I:l The drawing(s) filed on
`is/are: a)I:I accepted or b)I:I objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a).
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121 (d).
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`12)I:| Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or (f).
`Certified copies:
`a)I:l All
`b)|:l Some” c)I:l None of the:
`1.I:I Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.|:l Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No.
`3.|:| Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`** See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`3) D Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`1) D Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
`Paper No(s)/Mai| Date.
`4) I:I Other'
`2) I] InformatIon DIsclosure Statement(s) (PTO/SB/08a and/or PTO/SB/08b)
`Paper No(s)/Mai| Date
`US. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL—326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mai| Date 20170706


`Application/Control Number: 15/194,750
`Page 2
`Art Unit: 2691
`The present application, filed on or after March 16, 2013, is being examined
`under the first inventor to file provisions of the AIA.
`Response to Amendment
`The amendment filed on 4/3/2017 has been entered. Claims 1-4, 6, and 7 have
`been entered and considered.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`In the event the determination of the status of the application as subject to AIA 35
`U.S.C. 102 and 103 (or as subject to pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102 and 103) is incorrect, any
`correction of the statutory basis for the rejection will not be considered a new ground of
`rejection if the prior art relied upon, and the rationale supporting the rejection, would be
`the same under either status.
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103 which forms the basis for all
`obviousness rejections set forth in this Office action:
`A patent for a claimed invention may not be obtained, notwithstanding that the claimed
`invention is not identically disclosed as set forth in section 102, if the differences between the
`claimed invention and the prior art are such that the claimed invention as a whole would have
`been obvious before the effective filing date of the claimed invention to a person having
`ordinary skill in the art to which the claimed invention pertains. Patentability shall not be
`negated by the manner in which the invention was made.
`This application currently names joint inventors. In considering patentability of the
`claims the examiner presumes that the subject matter of the various claims was


`Application/Control Number: 15/194,750
`Page 3
`Art Unit: 2691
`commonly owned as of the effective filing date of the claimed invention(s) absent any
`evidence to the contrary. Applicant is advised of the obligation under 37 CFR 1.56 to
`point out the inventor and effective filing dates of each claim that was not commonly
`owned as of the effective filing date of the later invention in order for the examiner to
`consider the applicability of 35 U.S.C. 102(b)(2)(C) for any potential 35 U.S.C. 102(a)(2)
`prior art against the later invention.
`Claims 1-4, 6, and 7 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103 as being unpatentable
`over Claussens et al US 2005/0168199 in view of Yuichiro et al JP2015011868 and Yuji
`Regarding ciairn “i, Ciaueeene in eg Fig, i and Fig. 2 teachers a iighting device
`a converter circuit (See Fig. 'i, Fig. 2, {0811}. [00123) inciuding et ieeet e.
`switching device i5, a first inductor i “i, and a ceccnd inducter 12; and
`the converter circuit being configured to, when the switching device is turned on,
`aiicw a first current tc ticw thrciigh the Switching device by way of the first inductor
`and eiicw a second current to ficw thrciigh the Switching device by way of the
`second inductor in a direction same as a direction cf the first current {See {9&4}
`[@9229], ncte that it end i2 Witt new in at same directicn as this Witt he the creme
`directicn ccrreeccnding tc i3 and i4 cf Fig. "if ct the creeent eppiiceticn, See eiec
`i3 end :4 ct Fig. 2 ct the preeent eggiicetich), the tiret inducter incitidihg e tiret


`Application/Control Number: 15/194,750
`Page 4
`Art Unit: 2691
`enii (”it eernnriees e eeii), the seeend inenetnr incinning e seeend ceii (t2
`net‘t‘inrises e ceii},
`the first eeii (eeit et it in Fig 2) at the first inducter (it) and the secend ceii
`(eeii ei 12 in Fig, 2} of the secenci inducter having winding directiene:
`the switching device {15) te he breseni between the first ihetieier (it) end the
`seeend inducter (i2) airing an arrangement directien (Fig, 23 the switching device i5
`is eieetrieeiitr ennnecieci between the iirei indenter ‘t‘i ene the secenti indenter 32
`in Fig. 2)
`Cienseene dees net exbiicitiy discieee a substrate en which at ieest the
`switching device , a first inducter, enci e seeenci inducter ere mounted, the first indebter
`end the seccnci inenctcr being nibentee en the substrate; and the switching device 7’
`being ntetrntee en the substrate eieng an arrangement direeiien.
`‘r’iiiehire in Fig. i, and Fig.2 teaches a substrate :20 en which at ieest the
`switching device 7, e first inetieter (reg. primary winding et 5), anti 3: secend inductor
`(eg. eeeeneery winning ei‘ 5) are nieiinteci, the first incitieter (eig. primary winding ei
`5) anci the eeeenci inductor ieg eeeeneery winding ei 5‘) being rheunteci en the
`substrate (2%); and the switching device 7" being rheunterzi en the substrate se as tb he
`present eieng an arrangement direction (egg. eieng the X axis et Fig 2(a)). This is
`taught by ‘r’triehire in ert‘ier te previde e eernpact and strtietiireiiy secure eenverter
`Circuit it weuie have been ehvieue te ene having erdinery skiii in the art at the effective


`Application/Control Number: 15/194,750
`Page 5
`Art Unit: 2691
`iiiing date to imciernent the iighting device taught in Ciaueeen with the centiguratien
`taught in Yuichirc. The mctiyatien wcuid be fer the cenyerter circuit tc be ccmcact and
`etructuraiiy secure.
`Cieueeene and Yuichirc do net exeiicitiy diecicee a first inductor and the eeccnd
`inducter being mounted on the euhetrate and arranged side by Side aiong an
`arrangement directicn eo ae tc cauee interactien between a first magnetic iieid
`ercduced by the tiret current iiewing threugh the first inducter and a eecend magnetic
`fieid prcduced by the seccnd current ficwing threugh the second inductcr, and the first
`ccii cf the first inductcr and the eeccnd coii of the second inductor haying winding
`directiene such that the first magnetic tieid and the eeccnd magnetic tieid have a
`canceiiing effect on each ether.
`‘r’uji in Fig. 2th) teaches a first inducter 21 and the second inductcr 22 being
`nteunted en the aubetrate 25 and arranged aide by side aicng an arrangement directien
`tag. it atria et Fig. 2th); so as te cause interecticn between a first magnetic fieid
`brcduced by the first current ticwing through the first inducter and a second magnetic
`tieid produced by the eeccnd current tiewing threugh the eecend inducter (See {(383383},
`“cancei each ether cut"), and the first ccii ct the first indectcr 2t and the eeccnd ceii
`cf the second inductcr 22 having winding directicns such that the first magnetic fieid and
`the eeccnd magnetic fieid have a canceiiing effect on each other (See [QGBQL Fig,
`Qibii- Thie is; taught by Yuji in cider to reduce eiectrcrnagnetic nciee due te the
`magnetic tiux {See {363%}.
`it wceid have been ecyicus to one having crdinary ekiii in


`Application/Control Number: 15/194,750
`Page 6
`Art Unit: 2691
`the art at the eiieetive ‘iiiihg eete tr) irnpierneht the iighting device taught in Ciaueeeh and
`‘r’triehirc with the eehtigiiratien taught in Ytiji. The metivatieh weuid he te reduce
`eiectrernegnetie neiee (tire to the magnetic flux:
`Regarding ciaiih 2, Cietiseens, Yuichirc, and Ynji teach the fighting device 01‘
`eieirn ti Cieueeen cities net exeiicitiy disieeee:
`a pair ct first eeii termineis individuaiiy eieetrieaiiy connected te eepcsite ende at
`the first eeii ef the firet inducter; and
`a pair at eeeehrj ceii terminate indivitjtieiiy eieetrieeiiy cenheetet‘i tn epeeeite
`enrie ef the eeeenct eeii et the secchd inductery
`the pair et iiret eeii terminate and the pair at second eeii terrhineie being rneurtteci
`en e same edge et the substrate in a directien perpendicuiar to the arrangement
`‘r’tiiehire in Fig.
`“i and Fig. 2 teaches; a pair at iiret eeii terminate {input terminei
`enci etitptit terminei et primary winding et 5 in Fig, “iji inciivicitieiiy eiectrieeiiy
`eenneeteci te enpeeite ends et the first eeii 01‘ the first inducter (the input anti euteht
`entie e? 5, gee Fig. i); and
`a pair et eeeehd eeii terminate (ingest terminei ene eutent terminei et‘ the
`eeeendery winding e? 5 in Fig. i) individuaity eiectrieaiiy eenneeted to eepeeite ends


`Application/Control Number: 15/194,750
`Page 7
`Art Unit: 2691
`et the eeeerid eeii ei the second inducter {the input end entent enee et the
`eeeeneary winding et as See Fig. 1),
`the pair of first eeii terminate and the pair et eeeend eeii ierrninaia heing nieiintetj
`en a same edge of the substrate 29 (tanner heh‘ eeige et the enhetrate 2G in
`Fig. 2) in a direction pereendieniar ie the arrangement direeiieri {the ringer hait edge
`et 2% is eteng the y directien et Fig 2(a); a direetien nerpennieniar he the
`arrangement directieng 3t eiireetien e? Fig“ 2(a)) 3). This is taught by Yuiehire in ercier
`to previde a eerneeet and etrueturaiiy secure eenverter Circuit,
`it weiiirzi have been
`ehvinee te ene having erdiriery ekiii in the art at the etieetive iiiihg date in iineiernent the
`iighting device taught in Cteuseen with the structuret eentiguretien taught in Yuiehire.
`The rhetivetieh weuiti he fer the eenverter circuit te he eemnact and etrueturaiiy secure,
`Regarding eieirri 3, Ciaueeen, Yuiehire, anti ‘r’tiji teach the iightihg device «at eiairn
`“ii Cianeeen deea net expiieitiy dieeieee a iighting device satisfying retetiehs et L3 <:
`Li and L3 <. L2,
`Li representing an externei dimension ei the first inducter in the arrangement
`L2 representing an externai dimension ef the aeeenrj inducter in the arrangement
`directien, and


`Application/Control Number: 15/194,750
`Page 8
`Art Unit: 2691
`L3 representing err intervei between the first ineticter enci the eeeehe irierieter iii
`the arrangement directieh.
`Yuiehire in eg. Fig. t enci Fig. 2(a) teaches; at iighting deviee eetietying reietiens
`Of L3 <2 Li and L3 <: L21
`Li representing eh exterhei eirneneieri ei the first ihcitictcr in the arrangement
`directien {egg the tetei ierigth et the primary wiheihg et 5 eiehg the it titreetieh),
`L2 representing err externei dimeneien at the seecrici irirjticter iri the arrangement
`directien {egg the tetei ierigth et the eeeerrriery winding et 5 eiehg the X directien),
`L3 representihg err intervei between the iiret ineueter end the eeeend inductor in
`the arrangement directieh (eeh‘te erhitrertr intervei between e eertteri et the primary
`winding et 5 anti the eeeeheiery winding e’i ti eiehg the x ciireetien et Fig. 2(a)}.
`This is taught try Yuiehire iri ercier te previee e eerrrpect and etruetereiiy eeeere
`cenverter eirenit. it weriid have been ehvietie te cne having ereihery ehiii in the art at the
`effective tiiing date te impterhent the iightihg device taught in Cieussen with the
`Structure! ceniigeretieh taught in ‘r’uiehire, The metivetieh weeid he ter the cerwerter
`circuit to he eernpeet and etreetereiiy secure.
`Regarding eieirn 4, Cieueeene, Yuiehire, and Yeti teach the iightihg device e’r’
`cieirri 1. Furthermore, Cieeesehs in eg. Fig" 1 and Fig. :2 teachers a iightihg cieviee


`Application/Control Number: 15/194,750
`Page 9
`Art Unit: 2691
`a converter circuit {See Fig. "is Fig“ 2? {WM}. {@3123} inciuciing et ieeet a
`switching device 15, a first inductor 1 t and a second inductor 12; and
`the converter circuit heing configured to, when the switching device is turned on,
`etiow a first current to tiow through the switching device by way of the first inductor
`end eiicw e second current to iiew through the switching device by way of the
`second inductor in e direction same as; e direction of the iiret current (See {88324}
`[edit], nete that it and t2 wit? how in e een‘se direction es this wiit he the same
`direction correseonding to tilt and i4 ot Fig“ '2" ot the ereeent eppiicetion, See eieo
`i3 and i4 ot‘ Fig. 2 ct the ereeent eeeiicetien}, the first inductor inciuding e first coii
`("it cornerieee at 83035); the eecehd inductor inciuding at second coii (12 cornerieee e
`the first coii {coii ot “it in Fig, 2) of the tiret inductor tt end the eecend coii (ceii
`of "E? in Fig. 2} of the second inductor having winding directions.
`Cieussens does not exoticitiv disciose e Substrate on which at ieest the
`switching device , a first inductor, and a second inductor are mounted, the first inductor
`end the eecond inductor being mounted on the euhetrete; and the switching device 7
`being mounted on the substrate aicng an arrangement direction; a pair of second ooii
`terrnineis individuaiiv eiectriceiiv connected to ooooeite ende oi the second ooii of the
`eecdnd inductor, the pair of first coii terminate and the heir of eecehd ceii terrriineie
`heing rnounted on a same edge oi the suioetrete in 231 direction oercendicuier to the
`arrangement direction.


`Application/Control Number: 15/194,750
`Page 10
`Art Unit: 2691
`Yuichiro in Fig.
`i and Fig. 2 teaches a pair oi first coii terrriineis {input terrninei
`and output terminei oi orin‘tary winding oi 5 in Fig; i) individuaiiy eiectricaiiy
`connected to opposite ends oi the first coii ot’ the first inductor (the inset and cutout
`ends of d, See Fig, "it; e pair of second ccii terrriirieis {input terminei end cutout
`terrninei oi the secondary winding of 5 in Fig. ”i) individuaiiy eiectriceiiy connected to
`opposite ends of the second coii of the second inductor (the input and output ends of
`the secondaryi winding oi 63 See Fig. its the pair of first ooii terminate and the pair of
`second coii terminate being mounted on a same edge of the substrate 20 (under heii‘
`edge of the substrate Ed in Fig. 2) in a direction oeroendicuier to the arrangement
`direction (the unner heii edge of 29 is eiong the y direction oi Fig 2(a)Er a direction
`bernendicnier to the arrangement direction, x direction oi Fig. 2(a)) it,
`Furthermore, ‘r’uichiro in Fig.
`‘i, and Fig.2 teaches a substrate 29 on which at
`ieeet the switching device 22 a first inductor (en. orimary winding oi d}, and at second
`inductor (ed, secondary winding of 5} are mounted, the first inductor tog. nrirnary
`winding of 5} end the second inductor (egg. secondary winding oi 5) being mounted
`on the substrate (2d); and the switching device T being mounted on the substrate so as
`to be present aiong an arrangement direction reg. eiong the it aside oi Fig. 2113)): This
`is teught by ‘r’uichiro in order to provide at compact and structureih,i secure converter
`it wouid have been obvious to one having ordinary shiii in the art at the effective
`tiiing date to intciernent the iighting device taught in Cieussen with the configuration
`taught in ‘r’uichiro, The motivation wouid be for the converter circuit to he compact and
`structuraiiy secure.


`Application/Control Number: 15/194,750
`Page 11
`Art Unit: 2691
`Ciaussens and Yuichiro do not exoticitiy disoiose a first inductor and the second
`inductor being mounted on the substrate and arranged side by side aiong an
`arrangement direction so as to cause interaction between a first magnetic fieid
`produced by the first current ficwing through the first inductor and a second magnetic
`fieid produced by the second current fiowing through the second inductor, and the first
`coii of the first inductor and the second coii of the second inductor having winding
`directions such that the first magnetic tieid and the second magnetic fieid have a
`canceiiing effect on each other.
`Yuii in Fig 2th} teaches a first inductor 21 and the second inductor 22 being
`mounted on the substrate 25 and arranged side by side aiong an arrangement direction
`reg. X axis at Fig. 2th); so as to cause interaction between a first magnetic fieid
`produced by the first current fiowing through the first inductor and a second magnetic
`fieid produced by the second current flowing through the second inductor (See teaser,
`“cancef each other out? and the first coii of the first inductor 2t and the second coii
`oi the second inductor 22 having winding directions such that the first magnetic fieid and
`the second magnetic fieid have a canceiiing effect on each other {See [tidied], Fig
`are); This is taught by Yuji in order to reduce eiectrcmagnetic noise due to the
`magnetic fiux {See {$333531}.
`it weuid have been obvious to one having ordinary shift in
`the art at the effective iiiing date to imoiement the fighting device taught in Ciaussen and
`Yuichiro with the configuration taught in Yuii. The motivation wouid he to reduce
`eiectromegnetic noise due to the magnetic flux


`Application/Control Number: 15/194,750
`Page 12
`Art Unit: 2691
`Regarding Chaim 8, Cieuesen, Yuiehire, and Yuji teaeh a iightihg fixture
`centprising (See eg. LEE} head 33 at Fig. 2 et Sieuseen}:
`the iighiing device at cieiin t {See retentien te stein: ”t metre); and
`a tight setii‘ce cnn’figured tn tight with iighting power supgiied than“: the fighting
`device {See Fig. 2 et Ciatteeen, LEG teed 33}.
`Regarding cteim Y’, Ciauesen, Yuiehirn, and Yuji teeeh a iightihg fixture
`centprising (See eg. LEE} head 33 at Fig. 2 et Sieueeen}:
`the iighting device at ciairn 4 {See reiectien tn eieit‘n 4}; and
`a tight setii‘ce cnn’figured tn tight with iighting power supgiied than“: the fighting
`device {See Fig. 2 et Cietteeen. LE3 teed 33}.
`Applicant's arguments filed 4/3/2017 have been fully considered but they are not
`Response to Arguments
`Applicant on pgs. 5 and 6 argues that Claussens, Yuichiro, and Yuji do not teach
`that the switching device is mounted on the substrate so as to be present between the
`first inductor and the second inductor along the arrangement direction. This argument is
`considered moot as Claussens in Figs. 1 and 2 teaches that the switching device t?) is;


`Application/Control Number: 15/194,750
`Page 13
`Art Unit: 2691
`mounted en the euhetrete {the eithetrete 20, ee ehewn in Fig“ 2) 30 as te he preeeht
`between the first inducter (hrimery winding et 5) and the eeeehe ihciiicter (eeeeheery
`wineiing et 5} aieng arr arrangement directien tee. eieng the at exie ei Fig. 2(a)).
`Appiieent argues that the Cited art {thee not teach “the heir of first (20!? terminate
`and the pair or“ eeeend Geri terminate ere recanted en a same edge of the suhetreie in e
`directien perpendicuier re the arrangement direeriert”en pg, 6, Examiner reeeeettuiiy
`disagrees; e3 Yuiehire in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 teaehee a pair et first eeii terminate (meet
`termihei end eetptit termihei et primary winding hi 5 ih Fig. i) individuaiiy
`eieetrieaiiy cehhected te ehpesite ends at the first eeii at the first inducter (the meet
`end eeteut encie et 5, See Fig. “it; e hair et secend ceii terminate (meet termihei ehti
`euthtit termihei hi the eeeeneery winding et 5 in Fig. “i; individhaiiy eieetricaiiy
`connected it: epheeite eerie oi the eecend eeii at the eeeend inducter (the ihptit eriti
`eutptit eheie et the eeeeheiery Wiheihg et 6‘ See Fig. i). Furthermere, Yuiehire
`teaches. that the termineis ere meuntee en a same edge of the substrate in e directieh
`perpendieuiar to the arrangement direetieh {the eeeer heit‘ edge et‘ 23 ie eiehg the y
`directien et Fig. 2(a)? e directier‘i perhehdiehier te the errehgemeht direetieh, X
`ciireetien et Fig. 2(a)) i}. Specificeiiy, the arrangement directien cerreepende te the x
`ciireetien at Fig“ Erie}. The rejectien 0i eieiih 4 is rewarded te iheereerete this,
`Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the
`examiner should be directed to JONATHAN G. COOPER whose telephone number is


`Application/Control Number: 15/194,750
`Page 14
`Art Unit: 2691
`(571 )270-1 732. The examiner can normally be reached on Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am-
`5:00 pm.
`Examiner interviews are available via telephone, in-person, and video
`conferencing using a USPTO supplied web-based collaboration tool. To schedule an
`interview, applicant is encouraged to use the USPTO Automated Interview Request
`(AIR) at
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner’s
`supervisor, Nguyen Chanh can be reached on (571)272-7772. The fax phone number
`for the organization where this application or proceeding is assigned is 571 -273-8300.
`Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the
`Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for
`published applications may be obtained from either Private PAIR or Public PAIR.
`Status information for unpublished applications is available through Private PAIR only.
`For more information about the PAIR system, see Should
`you have questions on access to the Private PAIR system, contact the Electronic
`Business Center (EBC) at 866-217-9197 (toll-free). If you would like assistance from a
`USPTO Customer Service Representative or access to the automated information
`system, call 800-786-9199 (IN USA OR CANADA) or 571-272—1000.
`Examiner, Art Unit 2691
`Supervisory Patent Examiner, Art Unit 2691


`Application/Control Number: 15/194,750
`Page 15
`Art Unit: 2691

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