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`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`Off/09 A0170” Summary
`Application No.
`Art Unit
`AIA Status
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`Disposition of Claims*
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`) ) ) )
`6 7
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`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`3) C] Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`4) CI Other-
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mai| Date 20181119
`Continuation Sheet (PTOL-326)
`Application No. 15/432,508
`Continuation of Attachment(s) 2) Information Disclosure Statement(s) (PTO/SB/08a and/or PTO/SB/08b)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date: 02/14/2017, 06/15/2017, 06/27/2017, 07/31/2017, 09/01/2017, 01/04/2018
`Application/Control Number: 15/432,508
`Art Unit: 2119
`Page 2
`Notice of Pre-AIA or AIA Status
`The present application is being examined under the pre-AIA first to invent
`Claims 7-13 are pending.
`Claims 1-6 are cancelled.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 101
`35 U.S.C. 101 reads as follows:
`Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or
`composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent
`therefor, subject to the conditions and requirements of this title.
`Claims 7-19 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 101 because the claimed invention is
`directed to non-statutory subject matter.
`The claim(s) does not fall within at least one of the four categories of patent eligible
`subject matter because the claimed invention is directed to a judicial exception (Le, a
`law of nature, a natural phenomenon, or an abstract idea) without significantly more.
`The claimed invention is directed to non-statutory subject matter because the claim(s)
`as a whole, considering all claim elements both individually and in combination, do not
`amount to significantly more than an abstract idea.
`The independent claim(s) recites, in part, ‘receiving unit that receives a setting signal to
`set a predetermined air- conditioning operation with an upper-limit temperature and a
`lower-limit temperature of a room temperature set’, ‘drive unit that drives an object to be
`Application/Control Number: 15/432,508
`Art Unit: 2119
`Page 3
`driven to regulate the room temperature’, ‘control unit that controls an action of the drive
`unit’, and ‘control unit, in the case of reception of the setting signal to set the
`predetermined air-conditioning operation, controls the drive unit to perform the
`predetermined air-conditioning operation so that the room temperature will be the
`temperature within a temperature range that is lower by a predetermined temperature
`than the upper-limit temperature and that is higher by a predetermined temperature than
`the lower-limit temperature, in the predetermined air-conditioning operation’ (claim 7).
`These elements describe the concept of collecting and processing data (to generate a
`schedule), which corresponds to concepts identified as abstract ideas by the courts,
`such as the following:
`Comparing information regarding a sample or test subject to a control or target
`data (Ambry/Myriad CAFC).
`The additional element(s) or combination of elements in the claim(s) other than the
`abstract idea per se amount(s) to no more than: methods and devices for gathering data
`and processing data which are needed to implement the abstract idea.
`Viewed as a whole, these additional claim element(s) do not provide meaningful
`limitation(s) to transform the abstract idea into a patent eligible application of the
`abstract idea such that the claim(s) amounts to significantly more than the abstract idea
`itself. Therefore, the claim(s) are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 101 as being directed to
`non-statutory subject matter.
`The result, output, or function of the data processing found in claim 1 must be positively
`embodied within a statutory category of invention. When the claimed novelty or the
`inventive step is found within software processing, language such as “by a processor” or
`Application/Control Number: 15/432,508
`Art Unit: 2119
`Page 4
`“a processor configured to” or “a result which is displayed on a display” is not sufficient
`to place “the claim(s) as a whole” in a statutory category of invention.
`Dependent claims are also directed to non-statutory subject matter and when combined
`with independent claims do not cure the deficiency under 35 U.S.C. 101.
`For further clarification see MPEP 7.05, 2106, USPTO Interim Guidance July 2015
`Update Quick Reference Sheet (available from www.uspto.gov).
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 102
`The following is a quotation of the appropriate paragraphs of pre-AIA 35 U.S.C.
`102 that form the basis for the rejections under this section made in this Office action:
`(b) the invention was patented or described in a printed publication in this or a foreign country
`or in public use or on sale in this country, more than one year prior to the date of application
`for patent in the United States.
`Claim(s) 7-13 is/are rejected under pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(b) as being
`anticipated by Ehlers et al. USPGPUB 2008/0217419 (hereinafter “Ehlers”).
`As to claim 7, Ehlers teaches a household electric appliance (paragraph 0055
`“controls the central HVAC system”) comprising: a receiving unit that receives a
`setting signal to set a predetermined air- conditioning operation with an upper-limit
`temperature and a lower-limit temperature of a room temperature set (paragraph 0100
`“thermostat 4.18 within the control panel 4. 10. The virtual thermostat 4.18
`contains an information section or display 4.20 and a plurality of thermostat
`buttons 4.22. The display section 4.20 includes information related to the actual
`or real time conditions at the site” and paragraph 0101-0103 and FIG. 4C, 1A-23,
`Application/Control Number: 15/432,508
`Art Unit: 2119
`Page 5
`0008-0010); a drive unit that drives an object to be driven to regulate the room
`temperature (paragraph 0086 “multi-speed fan. This fan is designed to operate a
`several speeds depending on its design and operates at a low speed setting when
`the heating process is active and at a high speed when the cooling process is
`active” and paragraph 0087-0088); and a control unit that controls an action of the
`drive unit (paragraph 0010-0011 “controller is programmed to operate an
`environmental system within the dwelling with at least two different set points for
`temperature and humidity” and paragraph 0088-0091, FIG. 1A-23, 4A-4C), wherein
`the control unit, in the case of reception of the setting signal to set the predetermined
`air-conditioning operation, controls the drive unit to perform the predetermined air-
`conditioning operation so that the room temperature will be the temperature within a
`temperature range that is lower by a predetermined temperature than the upper-limit
`temperature and that is higher by a predetermined temperature than the lower-limit
`temperature, in the predetermined air-conditioning operation (paragraph 0100 “heating
`and cooling set points are set to 58.degree. F. and 85.degree. F. ” paragraph
`0101-01 11, FIG. 4A-40).
`As to claim 8, Ehlers teaches further comprising: a detecting unit that detects the
`room temperature within a room in which the appliance is installed and transmits results
`of the detection to the control unit, wherein the control unit, in the case of detection by
`the detecting unit, in the predetermined air-conditioning operation, that the room
`temperature is higher than the upper-limit temperature, causes the drive unit to perform
`a cooling operation so that the room temperature will be a first setting temperature that
`Application/Control Number: 15/432,508
`Art Unit: 2119
`Page 6
`is lower by the predetermined temperature than the upper-limit temperature (paragraph
`0088-0110 and FIG. 4A-4H and 1A-IC).
`A8 to claim 9, Ehlers teaches wherein the control unit, in the case of detection by
`the detecting unit, in the predetermined air-conditioning operation, that the room
`temperature is lower than the lower-limit temperature, causes the drive unit to perform a
`heating operation so that the room temperature will be a second setting temperature
`that is higher by the predetermined temperature than the lower-limit temperature
`(paragraph 0088-0110 and FIG. 4A-4H and 1A-1C).
`As to claim 10, Ehlers teaches wherein the control unit, in the predetermined air-
`conditioning operation, controls the drive unit so that the room temperature will be a first
`setting temperature that is lower by the predetermined temperature than the upper-limit
`temperature when an operation mode of the appliance based on the setting signal is a
`cooling operation, and controls the drive unit so that the room temperature will be a
`second setting temperature that is higher by the predetermined temperature than the
`lower-limit temperature when the operation mode of the appliance based on the setting
`signal is a heating operation (paragraph 0088-0110 and FIG. 4A-4H and 1A-1 C).
`As to claim 11, Ehlers teaches wherein the control unit, in the case of the
`predetermined air-conditioning operation being set based on the setting signal during
`the operation of the appliance, controls so that the operation mode in which the
`Application/Control Number: 15/432,508
`Art Unit: 2119
`Page 7
`appliance is operating will be continued and, as to the setting temperature, the
`operation will be performed according to the upper-limit temperature and the lower-limit
`temperature set with respect to the predetermined air- conditioning operation
`(paragraph 0088-0110 and FIG. 4A-4H and 1A-1C).
`As to claim 12, Ehlers teaches wherein the receiving unit receives the setting
`signal to set the predetermined air- conditioning operation from a mobile terminal
`(paragraph 0050-0052 and 0056).
`As to claim 13, Ehlers teaches a household electric system comprising: the
`household electric appliance of claim 12; and the mobile terminal that transmits the
`setting signal to set the predetermined air- conditioning operation (paragraph 0056-
`It is noted that any citations to specific, pages, columns, lines, or figures in
`the prior art references and any interpretation of the reference should not be
`considered to be limiting in any way. A reference is relevant for all it contains and
`may be relied upon for all that it would have reasonably suggested to one having
`ordinary skill in the art. See MPEP 2123.