`Application Number
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`Address to:
`Modified PTO/SEED (07-2009)
`February 21 . 2017
`Noritaka lGUCHl
`Hannah S Wang
`20 17 ~0448T
`Mail Stop RCE
`Commissioner for Parents
`13.0. Box 1450
`Alexandria. VA 223 l3 "1450
`Confirmation No.
`This is a Request for Continued Examination (RCE) under 37 GER. § Ll 14 of the aluwe—itleritlfied application.
`Requestfar Continued Examination (’RCE) practice under 37 CFR 1.114 03085170! agph/ to any ulililj/ L.‘ plant a plicalion filedprior to June 8,
`[995 or to any design application. See ,z’izsiruczion Sheet/’01" RCES (not to be submitted to [he ('JSPTO) on page 2.
`Examiner Name
`Attorney Docket Number
`Submission required under '37 ORR. § 1.114 __ Note: If the RCE is proper, any previously filed unenteretl amenrlrnents and
`amendments enclosed with the RCE will he entered in the order in which they were filed unless :appllcnnt instructs otherwise. if
`applicant does not wish to have any previously filed unentered amendmentt’s) entered, applicant must request non—entry ol' sueh
`if a final Qfliee Action is outstanding, any amendments filed after the final Office Action
`[X] Previously submitted.
`maybe considered as a submission even lf this box is not checked.
`Please consider the arguments in the Appeal Brief or Reply Briel‘previously filed on
`[1 Gther
`I: l E closed:
`l ,
`l } Ante nutrient/Reply
`l l Affidavil,(s)/Declarat.ion(s)
`Information Disclosure Statement ODS)
`ll Other:
`Suspension of action on the aheve~iclentified application is required under 37 CFR, § l,ltl3(o) tor
`a period of months (period of suspension shall not exceed 3 months; Fee under 37 CFR. § l.l7(i) re Auired).
`I: 3 Other
`(The RCE fee under 3'7 (LEE. § l.17(e) is required by 37 GER. § 1.114 when the RCE is filed.)
`The Director is hereby authorized to charge the following fees to Deposit Account No. 23-0975.
`[l RCE fee required under 37 CFR. § l.l7{e)
`5 Extension oftirne fee {37 CFR. ’9‘ H36 mugs H7)-
`1 Other:
`Check, in the amount of 5}; enclosed
`[Kl Payment is made by Credit Card for the following fees in the amount of $1,5tltlot}
`{X} RCE fee required under 37 CPR. § 1. l7(e)
`{X} Extension of tinte fee (3’7 OER. § l.l36 and § 1.17)
`l Other:
`/Stepheo W. Kopehlkx’
`201 9.1 (1.03 07:47:28 m04’llll‘
`it 2.3 49
`Stephen W. Kopchik
`Registration No, 6 l9215
`l025 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 500
`Washington. DC. 29036
`Phone:(2l}2) 72 l—XZtll}
`Fax:(2l}2) 72l~8250
`October 3 2019
`The USPTQ is hereby authorized to charge anyfces under 3 7 C. FR. §§ 1.16, 1.1 7. and 1.492. which may be required by thispaper to Deposit Account No. 23-0975.