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`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`Off/09 A0170” Summary
`Application No.
`IGUCHI et al.
`Art Unit
`AIA Status
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`Paper No(s)/Mai| Date 02/21/2017 and 09/11/2017_
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`3) C] Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`4) CI Other-
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mai| Date 20190116
`Application/Control Number: 15/437,483
`Art Unit: 2454
`Page 2
`Notice of Pre-AIA or AIA Status
`The present application, filed on or after March 16, 2013, is being examined under the first
`inventor to file provisions of the AIA.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`In the event the determination of the status of the application as subject to AIA 35 U.S.C. 102 and
`103 (or as subject to pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102 and 103) is incorrect, any correction of the statutory basis for
`the rejection will not be considered a new ground of rejection if the prior art relied upon, and the rationale
`supporting the rejection, would be the same under either status.
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103 which forms the basis for all obviousness rejections
`set forth in this Office action:
`A patent for a claimed invention may not be obtained, notwithstanding that the claimed
`invention is not identically disclosed as set forth in section 102, if the differences between
`the claimed invention and the prior art are such that the claimed invention as a whole
`would have been obvious before the effective filing date of the claimed invention to a
`person having ordinary skill in the art to which the claimed invention pertains.
`Patentability shall not be negated by the manner in which the invention was made.
`Claims 1- 10 are rejected under 35 U. 8. C. 103 as being ungatentab/e over Digital Broadcasting
`Systems Develogment Subcommittee Association of Radio Industries and Business, hereinafter DBSDSA
`Interim re art on ultra-hi h-definition television broadcastin s stems mu/ti
`leXin method
`in vieW of
`AOKI (A study on lmg/ementation of MMT in Next Generation Broadcasting Systems).
`Per claims 1 and 9, DBSDSA teaches “A transmission method comprising: generating a stream
`including a plurality of Internet Protocol (IP) data flows (Pg.10, Para.1, In broadcasting, these multiple
`IP data flows are multiplexed on one TLV stream. A TLV stream is a series of TLV packets
`identified by the TLV stream ID, and contains TLV transmission control signals (TLV-Sis) such as
`TLV-NIT (Network Information Table) and AMT (Address Map Table) as TLV packets) corresponding
`with a plurality of services in broadcast, the IP data flows respectively storing the corresponding
`services of the plurality of services; (Pg.54, Para.1; Pg.9, Para.4; Pg.9, last Para., Then correspondence
`between the IP data flow and service ID is made using AMT; While the content unit is defined as
`the package in MMT, this package and the service are used with one-to-one correspondence; As
`Application/Control Number: 15/437,483
`Art Unit: 2454
`Page 3
`shown in Fig. 3 .1.4, multiple MMT packages can be multiplexed on the same IP data flow) and
`transmitting the generated stream in a determined channel” (Pg.9, Fig.3.1.4, “TLV stream” “Physical
`channel”; Pg.10, Fig.3.1.5, “TLV stream (Transmission unit in broadcasting)” “Physical channel”;
`Pg.7, Last Para.-Pg.8, First Para.; Pg.53, Last Para.-Pg.54, First Para., TL V-SI is the transmission
`control signal for multiplexing of IP packets, and it provides the channel selection information and
`information on correspondence between IP address and service; Channel selection by the user is
`executed by specifying the IP data flow or the service ID. Then correspondence between the IP
`data flow and service ID is made using AMT. Next, TL V-NIT is used to identify the physical
`channel for the corresponding service ID to execute the channel selection process).
`Moreover, DASDSA discloses “one-to-one” correspondence between broadcasting service and
`MMT package in an IP data flow. In addition, DASDSA further discloses multiple MMT packagesm
`contained in an IP data flow, which seems to imply that a single MMT package or multiple MMT packages
`may be contained in an IP data flow and thus “one-to-one” correspondence between broadcasting service
`and IP data flow (broadcasting service-MMT package-IP data flow). However, DASDSA does not
`explicitly disclose that a single MMT package or multiple MMT packages may be contained in an IP data
`flow and thus does not explicitly teach the “one-to-one” correspondence between broadcasting service
`and IP data flow.
`In analogous teaching, AOKI explicitly discloses MMT packages (Pg.356, last Para., When a
`MMT package is received) in IP data flows for services (Pg.359, Para.2—3, the IP data flow to be
`received. The service ID corresponding to the specified IP data flow is identified using AMT... The
`IP packet received as described above contains the MMT packets) and multiple packages may be
`contained in one IP data flow (Pg.359, Para.4, In broadcasting, multiple packages may be
`multiplexed in one IP data flow), which indicates a single package may be contained in one IP data
`Thus, given the teaching of AOKI, it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art
`before the effective filling date of the claimed invention to combine the teaching of single or multiple MMT
`package(s) contained in a single IP data flow of AOKI into one-to-one correspondence between
`broadcasting service and MMT package so that one-to-one correspondence between broadcasting
`Application/Control Number: 15/437,483
`Art Unit: 2454
`Page 4
`service and IP data flow is formed when there is only a single MMT package in a single IP data flow. One
`of ordinary skill in the art would have been motivated to do so because this is combining prior art
`elements according to known methods to yield predictable results, specifically, incorporating a known
`method of MMT package in IP data flow of broadcasting (a single MMT package contained in a single IP
`data flow) as taught by AOKI into another known method of MMT package in IP data flow of broadcasting
`(one-to-one correspondence between broadcasting service and MMT package in IP data flow) as taught
`by DASDSA to yield predictable and reasonably successful results, especially when AOKI and DASDSA
`are in the same filed of endeavor of MMT broadcasting for services in data flows (KSR MPEP 2143).
`Per claims 5 and 10, DBSDSA teaches “A reception method comprising: receiving a stream
`including a plurality of IP (Internet Protocol) data flows (Pg.10, Para.1, In broadcasting, these multiple
`IP data flows are multiplexed on one TLV stream. A TLV stream is a series of TLV packets
`identified by the TLV stream ID, and contains TLV transmission control signals (TLV-Sis) such as
`TLV-NIT (Network Information Table) and AMT (Address Map Table) as TLV packets) corresponding
`with a plurality of services in broadcast in a determined channel, the IP data flows respectively storing
`the corresponding services of the plurality of services; (Pg.54, Para.1; Pg.9, Para.4; Pg.9, last Para.,
`Then correspondence between the IP data flow and service ID is made using AMT; While the
`content unit is defined as the package in MMT, this package and the service are used with one-to-
`one correspondence; As shown in Fig. 3 .1.4, multiple MMT packages can be multiplexed on the
`same IP data flow) and reproducing one of the plurality of services from the received stream” (Pg.9,
`Fig.3.1.4, “TLV stream” “Physical channel”; Pg.10, Fig.3.1.5, “TLV stream (Transmission unit in
`broadcasting)” “Physical channel”; Pg.7, Last Para.-Pg.8, First Para.; Pg.53, Last Para.-Pg.54, First
`Para., TL V-SI is the transmission control signal for multiplexing of IP packets, and it provides the
`channel selection information and information on correspondence between IP address and
`service; Channel selection by the user is executed by specifying the IP data flow or the service ID.
`Then correspondence between the IP data flow and service ID is made using AMT. Next, TL V-NIT
`is used to identify the physical channel for the corresponding service ID to execute the channel
`selection process).
`Application/Control Number: 15/437,483
`Art Unit: 2454
`Page 5
`Moreover, DASDSA discloses “one-to-one” correspondence between broadcasting service and
`MMT package in an IP data flow. In addition, DASDSA further discloses multiple MMT packages m
`contained in an IP data flow, which seems to imply that a single MMT package or multiple MMT packages
`may be contained in an IP data flow and thus “one-to-one” correspondence between broadcasting service
`and IP data flow (broadcasting service-MMT package-IP data flow). However, DASDSA does not
`explicitly disclose that a single MMT package or multiple MMT packages may be contained in an IP data
`flow and thus does not explicitly teach the “one-to-one” correspondence between broadcasting service
`and IP data flow.
`In analogous teaching, AOKI explicitly discloses MMT packages (Pg.356, last Para., When a
`MMT package is received) in IP data flows for services (Pg.359, Para.2—3, the IP data flow to be
`received. The service ID corresponding to the specified IP data flow is identified using AMT... The
`IP packet received as described above contains the MMT packets) and multiple packages may be
`contained in one IP data flow (Pg.359, Para.4, In broadcasting, multiple packages may be
`multiplexed in one IP data flow), which indicates a single package may be contained in one IP data
`Thus, given the teaching of AOKI, it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art
`before the effective filling date of the claimed invention to combine the teaching of single or multiple MMT
`package(s) contained in a single IP data flow of AOKI into one-to-one correspondence between
`broadcasting service and MMT package so that one-to-one correspondence between broadcasting
`service and IP data flow is formed when there is only a single MMT package in a single IP data flow. One
`of ordinary skill in the art would have been motivated to do so because this is combining prior art
`elements according to known methods to yield predictable results, specifically, incorporating a known
`method of MMT package in IP data flow of broadcasting (a single MMT package contained in a single IP
`data flow) as taught by AOKI into another known method of MMT package in IP data flow of broadcasting
`(one-to-one correspondence between broadcasting service and MMT package in IP data flow) as taught
`by DASDSA to yield predictable and reasonably successful results, especially when AOKI and DASDSA
`are in the same filed of endeavor of MMT broadcasting for services in data flows (KSR MPEP 2143).
`Application/Control Number: 15/437,483
`Art Unit: 2454
`Page 6
`Per claim 2, DBSDSA furtherteaches “wherein the generated stream includes an IP data flow
`different from the plurality of IP data flows, the IP dataflow storing program control information that
`indicates correspondence between each of the plurality of services and specification information that
`specifies the plurality of IP data flows that stores the plurality of services” (Pg.10, Para.1; Pg.54, Para.1,
`In broadcasting, these multiple IP data flows are multiplexed on one TLV stream. A TLV stream is
`a series of TLV packets identified by the TLV stream ID, and contains TLV transmission control
`signals (TLV-Sis) such as TLV-NIT (Network Information Table) and AMT (Address Map Table) as
`TLV packets; Then correspondence between the IP data flow and service ID is made using AMT).
`Per claim 6, DBSDSA furtherteaches “wherein the received stream includes an IP data flow
`different from the plurality of IP data flows, the IP data flow storing program control information that
`indicates correspondence between each of the plurality of services and specification information that
`specifies the plurality of IP data flows that respectively stores the corresponding services of the plurality of
`services, (Pg.10, Para.1 ; Pg.54, Para.1, In broadcasting, these multiple IP data flows are multiplexed
`on one TLV stream. A TLV stream is a series of TLV packets identified by the TLV stream ID, and
`contains TLV transmission control signals (TLV-Sis) such as TLV-NIT (Network Information Table)
`and AMT (Address Map Table) as TLV packets; Then correspondence between the IP data flow
`and service ID is made using AMT) and the reception method comprising: specifying the IP data flow
`corresponding to the service to be reproduced from the plurality of IP data flows based on the program
`control information; and reproducing the service stored in the specified lP data flow” (Pg.53, Fig. A2-1;
`Pg.54, Para.1-5, Then correspondence between the IP data flow and service ID is made using AMT.
`Next, TLV-NIT is used to identify the physical channel for the corresponding service ID to execute
`the channel selection process. As a consequence, the desired IP data flow is output from the front
`end section of the broadcasting receiver. The IP packet received as described above contains the
`MMTP packets. From here, the MMTP packet with value 0x0000 in the packet_id field of the MMTP
`packet header is selected to obtain the PA message and then the MP table from inside the
`message...The IP data flow and packet_id to transmit the asset which comprises the contents
`(MFU) are identified from general_location_info described on the MP table. At the same time, the
`Application/Control Number: 15/437,483
`Art Unit: 2454
`Page 7
`layout number and the MPU presentation time are also identified from the MPU timestamp
`descriptor and MPU presentation region specification descriptor. Then the MMTP packet with the
`packet_id identified as the asset is selected to obtain the necessary MFU. By presenting the MFU
`obtained as shown above at the position of the specified layout number and region number at the
`specified presentation time, video signals, and audio signals are presented).
`Per claims 3 and 7, DBSDSA further teaches “wherein each of the plurality of services is stored in
`an MMT (MPEG Media Transport) packet in the corresponding IP data flow” (Pg.9, Para.4; Pg.9, last
`Para., While the content unit is defined as the package in MMT, this package and the service are
`used with one-to-one correspondence; As shown in Fig. 3 .1.4, multiple MMT packages can be
`multiplexed on the same IP data flow).
`Per claims 4 and 8, DBSDSA further teaches “wherein each of the IP data flows is stored in a
`TLV (Type Length Value) packet” (Pg.10, Para.1, In broadcasting, these multiple IP data flows are
`multiplexed on one TLV stream. A TLV stream is a series of TLV packets identified by the TLV
`stream ID, and contains TLV transmission control signals (TLV-Sis) such as TLV-NIT (Network
`Information Table) and AMT (Address Map Table) as TLV packets)
`The prior art made of record and not relied upon is considered pertinent to applicant's disclosure.
`LeBIanc (U.S. Pub. No. 2004/0215851 A1) discloses a one-to-one correspondence between a
`service and a media queue/flow. Aoki (Development of Media Transport Protocol for 8K Super Hi-Vision
`Satellite Broadcasting System Using MMT) discloses IP data flows for broadcasting services in a TLV
`stream using MMT packages wherein depending on broadcast time a single data flow might contain
`multiple MMT packages.