`This ie5acontinuatiom.application.of International Patent
`Claims the benefit of priority’to Japanese Patent.App1icatiot1Nou
`2013«203338 filed September 30, 2013. The full contente of the
`International Patent Application are incorporated herein by
`Technical Field
`The present disclosure relates to a working chamber, such
`medical experiment enviionmentel device and a pharmaceutical
`experiment environmental device,iflwhichziworkieuuiie inserted
`into a box Shaped work space to conduct work.
`Description of the Related Art
`In Japanese Patent Application Laidwopen Publication No.
`2011—177091, an isolator is disclosed that can.prevent dust from
`being mixed into cells and the like and can prevent dust
`effecting<miltuzezworke eucilae c ll.manipuletion. This isolator
`supplies gas downward from above a working chamber by an air
`current control neane, and discharges the gas in the working
`Chamber from discharge hole portions provided on‘a work plate.
`The present disclosure is to provide aiworking‘chamber that
`improves workability.
`A working chamber according to the present disclosure


`includes: a box»sheped body case including a work space in an
`interior thereof and an insertion portion,
`in a front eurfsc.
`to which a worker’s arm is inserted; a supoly unit
`configured to eupp1}r,
`into the work epeoe, gas in an exterior of
`the body case through.e supply filter provided at the upp-or front
`into the work Space by the supply unit to a back surface side of
`the worksspace after the gas gasses through the supply fi ter;
`and an illleinating means pO'itioned lower than the louver and
`in front ofthe louver in the work soaoe,
`in an upper part of the
`work spa.e in the body'oaee, at least one surface of the louver,
`which fiaoes the illuminating means, being a reflection surface,
`front dee oriptione of
`the present specification aod, of
`aooom anyi ng dxrawinge.
`Eor more thorough unders tan.ding of the presen.t invention
`and.e&vantagee thereof, the following deeo read
`in conjunction with the accompanying drawings,
`in which:
`Fig.l.isEiperepeotivexmKWJillustratingéulis oletor‘eystem
`acoordioy to an embodiment 1;
`is a perspective View fill 11streting the isolator
`system when an incubator is mounted thereto according to the
`embodiment 1;
`3 is a front View of the isolator system according to
`the embodiment 1;
`Fig. 4 is a 4-4 croeewseotionel View oi a glove box in Fig.


`is an explanatory View showing a course of an
`i1].umineting light from an illuminating unit according to the
`embodinweht 1;
`a Q Q)SQ m S(1) R (D U QQ;Q} iment; and
`cross~seotions1 vieurof the glove hoxzeocording
`is an exp1' anetory View sh.owing a course of an
`11 umineting'light fireflies.iiiumineting‘unit aocordinthJanother
`At lee‘t the following detaiis will become apparent from
`descriptions of the present specificatiion.andtfifthe accompanying
`Hexeinefteer, embodiments m711 he described in detail with
`reference to drawings as necessary. However, a description in
`m‘re detailed than necessary may be omitted For exampie,
`detailed descripti one of we11 known matters and the repeated
`descriptions of We stant ia11y t11e same configurations may be
`omitted. This istxsprevent the tol1owing’des'ription fronabeing
`unnecessarily redundant
`than necessary, and to facilitate the
`understanding of a person skiiied in the art,
`Note that the inverters_provid.e the accompanying drawings
`and the following descriptions to help a person skilled in the
`art fully“undetstandifleapresent disclosure, andauxanot intended
`to limit the sub.ect matters desori.bed in the claims thereby.
`Embodiment 1)
`An.isolstorssystem 3.0G mlili‘he described hereinafter as an
`example of a working chamber in an embodiment 1 with reference
`to Figs.
`1 to 5.
`The isolator system 100 in the embodiment 1 is a device


`eon ignred to perform, for example, work for cell culture,
`in a steri 12zed environment.
`manipulation, observation, etc.,
`2-0 m
`(I) P4C .
`e that sterilization means an act of killing microorganisms,
`and toe like,
`to bring a state closer to a sterile
`Note that,
`in the present embodiment, it is assumed that
`the Z axis is an axis along a vertical direction in which the
`isolator system 100 is pr vided is a standing manner, and a
`direction toward the upper side is +Z direction and a direction
`toward the lower side (downward) is *2 diiec
`It is assumed
`that the Y axis is an axis talong a direction.§wpendieular°to the
`front surface and the back surfiaoe of the isolator system 100,
`and a direction from the front surface, where omen ings for
`conducting work in the interrioor of a work space are provided,
`toward the back surface opposite to the front surface is ~Y
`directios., and5;dirtttias.£iomtimibaok,surfm e towwar
`the front
`surface is +Y’direotion”
`It is assumed that the X.axis is an axis
`wheniseeanronithe front, andaidireoti nEron:the.leftsideém1rfaoe
`toward the right side srrfaoe when seen from the front is +X
`direction, and,a«direotioo.frow1the right side surface toward.the
`1eft side surface is ”X direction.
`[1. Isolator System]
`As entire configuration of the isolator system 100
`25 will be described with reference to Figs” 1 to 4. Fig.
`1 is a
`perspective View illustrating an isolator system 100 accordilig
`to an embodiment 1. Fig. 2 is a perspective View illustrating
`the isolator system 160 when an incubator 200 is mounted thereto
`according to the embodiment 1. Fig.
`3 is a front View of the
`Lu (I)
`isolator system 100 according to the embodimeot 1. Fig. 4 is a


`414 cross—sectional View of a glove box 110 in Fig. 3,
`As illust ratedrin.Fig‘ l, the isolator syStefillOGtaccording
`to the embodiment l includes: a clove box 110; a centrifuge unit
`120; an observation unit 130; a sterilization unit 140; an air
`conditioning uz1i t 153; a control unit 160 (see Fig 1}; a pass
`box 170; and an air conditioning unit 180.
`lustrated in Fig, 2,
`in the isolator system 100,
`incubator 200 is the side surface opposite to the side
`ctrrace to which the pass box 170 is provided in the glove box
`10. Tlie incubator 200 includes a storage chamber anct shown
`in the interior thereof. The storage chamber is a chamber for
`storing a culture, and is partitioned as a space to restrain
`invas1on from the exterior for example, by
`rec angular‘parallelepipedwshapedlxncbody; The storage chamber
`is partitioned with, for e amcl e, stainless steel plates, The
`incubator 200 is demountably configured with respect to the
`isolatcr system 100, Thus, culture can be coitrolled in each
`incubator‘zOO. For‘example,aidediceted.incubator‘ZOQ canlxaused
`for each donor,
`thereby restraining occurrence of failures such
`[U CD
`as mixwup of culture.
`As illustrated in Fig.
`the glove box 110 includes a
`substantially beX sh.aped work space A,
`formed in tile inte ric
`therecE, that is isolated.Erom the surroundings to cond.uctwrk
`in.the sterinized environment. A.detailed.ccnfiguraticn.w1ll b
`described later, The centrifuge unit 120 is provided below the
`glove hex 110, and can be connected from the work space A.
`centrifuge unit
`in the interior
`centrifuge configured to centrifuge a sample to work the
`workspaceit Theobservatiorunit130‘mssrovicmibel1 theglove
`box 110,
`and can be connected from t.e work space A.


`observation unit 130 includes,
`in the interior thereof,
`observation device configured to obsierve a ssmp1 e to work with
`in.the work.spaoe.A. Further, the observation.unit 130 includes:
`lifting mechanism. capable of
`lifting and lowering the
`provided in the exterior, with which the lifting mechanism is
`A worker operates the 11 ft11ng mechanism using the
`handle, so that the observation device can he moved up into the
`space A) when;
`the observation. device is used, and the
`servetion.device cam be hous ed.intthe observation.unit 130 when
`the observation unit 130 is not‘usedo The sterilize tionfiunit 140
`is provided below the glove box 11G,
`to supply a steirilizing
`subs tanoe eioh as hyd;ogen into the glove box 110 The
`sterilisation unit 146 in the present embodiment is oonfigin ed
`to spray sterilizing mist, obtained by converting sterilizing
`liouid into mis through.a nozzle the glove boxl110,
`to steriiize the interior thereof.
`The air conditioning unit
`50 is provided.above the glove
`box 110, and is configured to control the air conditioning in the
`interiorthereof. Thebes Cundlt-Ofl ngtrn1;].501nclude sasupply
`uni“ 150a and a discharge unit lEOb. The air oondi tioning unit
`1:0 is configured to supply gas into the work space A using the
`supply’uni 5150s, and d1 soharge the gas in.the werRLspaceA using
`the discharge unit 150 b.
`As Fig 3,
`the control uniit 160 issprovided
`above the glove box 110 and the pass box 170, and is configured
`tcacontrol the<operations of theaieviees suciiaas the sterilisation
`unit 140 and the air sondition1m1g unit 159.
`The pass box 170 is provided to the side surface of the glove
`box 110 to allow the worker to bring a work obj eat from the exterior


`into the interior of the work space A In the interior of the
`pass box 170 , a conveying space .3 is formed in which the work ohj ect
`is temporarily stored.
`the conveying space E has airtightness
`with respect to surrounding environment. Before the work object
`is inserted into the work space A from the exterior, the work object
`is sterilised in the cvonveying space E An opening for moving
`the work. object is provided to the side surface of the pass box
`170 and faces an opening provided to the side surface of the glove
`foo}: 110, so that the glove box 110 and the pass box 170 are fixed.
`In this way, the work spaceA and the conveying.»space E commmicate
`with each other while maintaining airtightness. The opening of
`the pass box 170 has an operiahle/closeble door installed thereto.
`The door can eparate the conveying space E3 from the work space
`A while maintaining airtightness . The air conditioning unit 180
`is provided at tne upp-or portion of the pass box 170, and is
`configured to control the air conditioning in the conveying space
`B .111 the pass bex 1'70.
`[2 Home Box
`The configuration of the glove box 110 will he described
`N 0
`with reference to Fig. 4. Fig. 4 is a 4M1: cross-sectional View
`of a glove box in Fig. 3. As ill1strat ed in Fig. 4, in the glove
`box 110,
`the hox—shaped body case is configured with a front
`surr ace pl ate 111 having a plurality of front surface openings
`H2 which are insert ion portions for worker’s hands, a hack
`nrface pltae .1113, a top surface plate 21.14;, a bottom surfacesplate
`115, and left and right side surface pl at s. The glove box 110
`in the interior thereof: a work plate 3.16 on which work
`is conducted; and a partition1ng plate 137 provided to the 1hack.
`surface side of the glove box. The hos: shaped work space A that
`is a space for conducting work is formed with the front surface


`plate 111,
`the top sur ace plate 114,
`the work pl
`ate 115,
`so as to restrain.baeterial invasion from the exterior.
`In the
`glove box 110 of the present emboeiment,
`the work plate 116,
`par‘it ioni1mg plate 117,
`the bottom sorta oe plate 115,
`the b'ok
`{F2 h: H111 a
`oe plate 113,
`the top surface plate 114, and the left and
`H l". LC}.
`a. y
`t side surface plates are configured with stainless steel
`g...)p at s, which is easily cleaned and sterilized.
`of front surface openings 11.2. The front surface plate 111 is
`openable/clo sable about a hinge provideé an EApper end thereof
`serving as an axis. Thus,
`the ront surt’ ace of the glove box 13.0
` opened/closed” Openings foz‘mountifig the pass box 170 and
`The pass box 170 is mounted. to the opening on the right side surface
`plate of tile glove box 13.0, and the inouba toI 200 is mounted to
`the operii;
`on the left side surface plate thereof. A worker
`conducts work in the interior of the work.spaee A througb,gloves
`at the time of working.
`A bottom surface duet D1 is formed.hetween the work plate
`116 and the bottom surface plate 115 as a discharge path thr ugh
`which.the gea in the work.spacefa is discharged. Further, a back
`surface duit D2 is een.the partitionlrg slate 117 anfi
`N U?
`the back surface plate 113 as a discharge path through which the
`gas ih the work space A is discharged” The bottom surface duet
`D1 and the back surface duet D2 communicate with each other. The
`gas supplied,fromLhe inlet 151 flows substatxt lly1ln.aejlrettiou
`Indlta'td.oy a:rows in the figure, and.passes through the bottom
`surface duct D1 and.the back surface duet D2 to be diseharged.from


`the outlet 156.
`In this way,
`the gas flow can he stabilized in
`the work space A.ahd contamination can be suppressed.
`The top surface plate 114 in the gloW box 110 is provided
`with an inlet 151 and an outlet 156. The inlet 151 is dis*osao
`at the upper front of the work space A, and the outlet 156 is
`disposed at the upper rear thereof. The gas is supplied into the
`work space A from the inlet 151, ahd the gas in the work space
`A is discharged from the outlet 156.
`In the glove box 113, a
`particulate trap filter 152 such as an HEDA filter is mounted to
`the inlet 151 to secure the stterile environment in L,he interior,
`and the gas is supplied through the particulate trap fiilter 152
`into the 'love box 110” Further, aparticul ate t1ap tilt r1 7
`such as the HE?A filter is menot
`the ozltlet 15 6, and.the gas
`in the glove box 110 is discharged.from the interior'of the glove
`box 110 through the particulat
`trap filter 15”].
`C311 the work space
`A.side of the top surface plate 114 in the glove box 110, a louver
`153 is provided that guides the gas supplied into the work space
`A.hy the supply unit 150a to the back surface side of the work
`space A,
`that is,
`tc the partitioning plate 117 side, after the
`gas passes tl1rW=gh the particulW e trap filter 152, The upper
`portion of the louver 153 is fixed to the top surface plate 114
`so as to allow the lower portion of the louver 153 to be closer
`to theahaok:surfaoe side-than.the upper‘portiontthereof.
`the louver 13d 1s inclined to the back surface side from
`the upper portion toward the lower portion“ Further,
`surface of the lou.ver 15 3 is mirror- 'ihiehed to he a reflection
`the front
`An illuminati ng‘unit 118 is provided at the upper front of
`the work.spaoe.A in the glove box 110 for easily conducting works
`by brightly illuminating the interior of
`the work space A,


`the work plate 116, The illuminating unit 118 is
`positioned lower than the louver 353ah6.1h.fr0ht of the louver
`153 in the work space A.
`in the isolator system lOG,
`illuminating unit 1 fl is provided to the upper front side of the
`wo..k space A in a horizontal direction.
`{3. Effects, etc.
`is to: explanatory*'view =3 owing ea course Cd? an
`illuminatihg light from :15illuminating unit 118 according to
`the embodiment 1.
`As stated shove,
`in the present embodiment,
`the isolator
`system 100 (vorking chamber)
`includes: the box shaped glove box
`110 (body case) having the work space A in the interior thereof
`and the front surface openings 112 ( neertlon portions) on the
`frontsurfacethereof,txawhichaiwother’sarmsere t;o beihserted;
`the supply unit 150a (supply part) configured0 supply the gas
`outsie the glove box llD into the work space A through the
`particulate trap filter 152 (supply filter} fot‘air'tutplyy which
`is provioed at the upper front of the work space A in the glove
`hox.llo;-the louV'er‘lSBt at guides the gas supplied.into the work
`1 s
`pace A by the supply unit 150a to the back surface side of the
`work space A after the gass passes through the particulate trap
`filter 152; and the illuminating unit 118 (illuminating means)
`positioned lower than the louver 153 eiid in front of the louver
`153 in the work space A in the upper poxrti Ch of the work space
`A in the glove box 110, and at least one surface of the louver
`153, which faces the illuminating unit 118,
`is a reflection
`Thus, not only the gas flow in the work space A is stabilized
`contaminationieasuppres edlniallowingtjmzlouver‘153tx3guide
`the gas supplied from the upper front of the work space Ato the
`in: U}
`N '1)“:


`back surface side,as illustra:. ed11 Sig. 51, but also workability
`or" workers can be improved by reflecting the light at
`illuminating unit 118 by the louver 153 to illuminate the work
`plate 116, as illustrated in Fig. 5.
`On the other hand,
`if. a member for collecting the light of
`the illuminating unit 118 to the work plate 116 is provided
`separately, the cost is inLcreased due to the i norease of the number
`ot parts, andalso workability is deteriorated since the werk space
`A becomes narrower.
`However, the isolator system 100 111 the present embodiment
`is provided with the louver 153,
`and thus both suppressing
`contamination and illuminating the work plate 116
`can be
`colfigured by one member.
`Further, the iselator sysstem 100 includes : the particulate
`trap filter 157 (discharge fiilter) for discharging gas, which is
`provVided at the upper rear of the glove box 110;
`the discharge
`unit 1501::- (discharge part) that. discharges air
`:1 the work space
`*0 the outside through the particulate "rap f lter 157; and the
`1": (f1
`partitioning plate 3.1717hieh is provided on the b surface side
`of the glove box 1.
`to form a ventilation passage between the
`back surface plate 113 of glove box 110 and the partitioninc pl“ te
`117 and partition air currents into supply air and discharge air.
`Consequently, the isolator system 100 can separate the air
`current supplied into the work space from the air current to be
`discharged from the work. space A This can further suppress
`(Other Embediment)
`As described above, the embodiment: has been descrihed as
`an exampleatten thesislique disclosed inhe present appliea tion.
`LO C)
`dowever, the present
`isolosed technique is not limited thereto,


`ie applicable to an embodiment
`in which modifications,
`replacements, additions, omission; and the like are made as
`appropriate. For,her,
`the components described in the above
`embodiment 1 can be combined to configure a new embodiment”
`Then, other embodiments will hereinafter be exemplified.
`Note that,
`the same oomponente as those in the embodiment 1 will
`be designated by the same reference numerals as those in the
`embodim_mnt 1, for convenience’ sake,
`In the embodiment 1,
`the glove box 110 has been described
`as en.exemple of the body oeee. Tie glove box 110 is not limited
`to a body case for en isolator in which work is conducted in the
`mrk. space A through gloves, The present dieoloeed. technique is
`useful.aleo foraioleenix,1iatrEioabinet,hevingth2front surface
`openings 112 to which no glove is mounted”
`In short,
`the body
`case may be the one in vm] .h.ges is supplied into the wori space
` adjuet an environment of the work epaoe.A,
`in an experimental
`environmept dewice nwhi oh a worker ineerte hie/her hand into
`the work epeoe A to conduct work in the interior thereofo
`at thhe upper part of the work space A that is the glow
`box 110 in the embodiment 1.
`In this case, it is necessary for
`the top be provided.with.hole portione through.w11oh.the
`supplied gas pee see. Fig. 6 is e erosewseotiozlal View of a gloJe
`box 190 according to another embodiment. The glove box 190 shown
`in Fig 6 includes a top board 119 having a plurality of hole
`portions. Fig. 7 is an explanatory View showing a course of en
`lluminating light from the illuminatino unit 118 ac cording to
`another embodiment“
` thelouverlSB ie d.epoee


`The illuminating unit 118 is dispesed below the tap beard 119,
`and the light at
`the illuminating unit 118 passes through a
`plurality of hole perti OflS te lu‘-t a refl ectien eu1wf ee of the
`'heh, therefleetedlightreflectejhythexef1eetien.
`surface passes
`t e p.31ura1.ity‘ ef hQ1e pertione and
`illuminates the werk plate 116 of the werk space A.
`Censequently, as illustrated in Fig. 6,
`the gas supplied
`from the upper fr 0th 015' the werk space A by the 1011ve.153 is guided
`to the back surface side, and alse the gas passes threugh the
`plurality of hole pertiens ef the tap board 119. Ceneequehtly,
`the gas ie uniformly supplied into the work space A. Thee,
`air current in the werk space A is stabilized.and contaminatien
`is suppressed. Eurther, as iluetrated in F'e. 7, altheugh the
`intensity 017 light ef the illuminating unit 118 is reduced because
`the light passes threueh the plurality 0f hole pertiohe of the
`tap board 119, it is possible that the illmminating light that
`has 1aassed through the top boardl 19 is reflectefi by the louver
`153toilluminatethewerkplatellé. Thiscanimprevewerkahility
`of workers.
`Nete that,
`the shape of the leave: 153 is not limited to
`a plat plate shape, but may'he a shape in whith a sectionai Shape
`on Y Z axes plane is a pretr11ded shape te the werk space side,
`that is, the center part hetween.the upper part and.the lower part
`at the louver 153 may have a shape swelling'to the i11umineting
`unit 118 side, Thus, it hecemes pessihle to allow the reflected
`1 e
`light t0 he reflected over a wider range, so t
`at a wider range
`cm1thewerkplate116canbeilluminated. Thiscanfurtherimprove
`workahi lity at werkerso

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