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`CLAIMS {2515.
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`damages caused by the use of this tmnsiatiom
`LThis document has been transiated by computen So the LGHSEEUC‘D may not
`reflect the criginai precisely.
`23“” shows the word which can not he transiateo‘.
`3.111 the o‘mwings, any words are not transiated,
`Ciaim 1}
`in an isoietor which a worker put in a hand from outside and was provided with a piuraiity of
`gioves which can operate a ceii in the aforementioned workroom in a workroom at an
`abbreviated horizontai singio tier,
`Inside of the aforementioned workroom is distinguished at Beast in operation area of a ceii, and
`an auxiiiaw work area which opens a packed technicai aid which is used for operation of a ceii,
`At ieast in the aforementioned operation area, a gas is caudeci suopiied from the upper part,
`It has an air current controi means which turns to the auxiliary work area side a gas which
`flowed into the aforementioned iower part, and passes it from the operation area side of a ceii
`near the aforementioned giove,
`An isolator having had an exhaust hoie part in which the aforementioned eir current control
`means is provided by tower surface of each area, and exhausts a gas from the aforementioned
`upper part, and forming isrgeiy the total effective area product of an exhaust hole part on the
`aforementioned auxiizary work area side rather than the tote! effective area product of an
`exhaust hoie oart on the aforementioned operation area side.
`[Ciaim 2}
`in an isoiator which a worker put in a hand from outside and was provided with e pioraiity of
`groves which can operate a ceii in the aforementioned workroom in a workroom at an
`abbreviated horizontai singie tier,
`Inside of the aforementioned workroom is disfinguished at ieasr in operation area of e ceii, and 1
`an auxiiiary work area which opens e packed technicai aid which is used for operation of a ceii,
`At Beast in the aforementioned operation area; a gas is caudao‘ suppiied from the upper part;
`It has an air current
`.ntroi means which turns to the auxiiiary work area side a gas which
`flowed into the aforementioned Bower part, and passes it from the open ion area side of a ceii
`near the aforementioned giove,
`An isoiator having arranged a suction opening which is provided with an exhaust hoie part in
`hich the aforementioned air current control means is provided at iaast by iower surface on
`tne aforementioned auxriiar‘y‘ work are»: Side, and exhausts a no: from the aroremenooneo
`i iivir
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`Representative drewxng
`E 3 i 31,! A.
`Representative drawing i 1 i 2,
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`i 6,
`I Z i
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`upper part, and exhausts a gas from the aforementioned exhaust hoie part to the
`aforementioned auxiliary work area side:
`The isolator according to claim 2, wherein the aforementioned suction opening is a suction
`opening of an exhaust duct which exhausts a gas from the aforementioned exhaust hole part.
`[Ciaim iii
`he isoiator according to ciairn 2 which the aforementioned suction opening is 3 suction
`opening of a blower for exhaust air which exhausts a gas from the aforementioned exhaust
`hoie part, and is characterized by 3 Fewer surface on the aforementioned ac. 'iéaw work area
`sro‘e providing the biower for exhaust air caudad,
`{Ciaim 5]
`The isoiator‘ according to ciarm 2 equipping a iowor surface on the aforementioned operation
`area side with the auxiliary work side exhaust hoie part provided by iower surface on the
`atoremen oned auxiiiary work area side, and the operation side exhaust hoie part with the
`totai eouai effective area product.
`[Ciaim 6}
`The isolator according to any one or cieims 1 to 5 having arranged a cuiture chamber which
`cuitures a cei! to the aforementioned operation are: side.
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`IN? and INPIT are not responsible for any
`damages caused lay the use of this translation,
`1.This document has been translated by computer, So the translation may not
`reflect the original precisely.
`2.‘*" shows the word which can not be translated.
`3.in the drawings, any words are not translated.
`[Detailed Eescnption of the invention}
`[Field of the invention]
`The present invention relates to an isolator.
`[Eackgroond of the invention}
`Conventionaily, the isolator which forms the workroom on a nonwi‘airy ring boundary in an
`inside is used. (For examoie, see Patent Document 3). Within an isolator, culture of the cell of a
`human body, an animal, or a plant, culture of a rnla‘oorgahism, operation, observation, etc. is
`performed by the worker,
`Citation list}
`[Patent literature]
`[Patent document 1]]F‘,ZO(l1-518815,A
`[Summary of invention]
`{Proolem to be solved by the invention]
`Ely the way, within an isolator, culture of a cell is accompanied, auxiliary work, such as an
`instrument for an experiment and unaeaiing work of medicine, is performed, and dust may be
`generated in the case of this auxiliary work. For this reason, the dust generated at the lime of
`auxdlary work mixed in the cell etc, and than: was a oossihility of affecting cui Lire.
`An object or the present invention is to he made in Vi-EW of the situation mentioned above, to
`prevent mixing to the cell of dust, era. in an isolator. and to enable it to prevent dust from
`influencing culture of operation of a cell, arc.
`[Means for solving problem]
`In the isolator with which the worker out in the hand from outside and the present invention
`equipped the abbreviated horizontal single tier with a plurality of gloves which can operate a
`cell in the aforementioned workroom in the workroom in order to achieve the ahove~mentioneo
`object, The inside of due aforementioned workroom is distinguished at least in the operation
`l 2 i giéli
`Representative drawing; l A;
`area of a call, and the auxiliary work area which opens the packed technical aid which is used
`i 11 E ii 5 11 l 15"
`for operailon of a cell, The. gas which the gas was caudal-d supplied irom the upper part at least
`in the aforementioned operation area, and flowed into the aforementioned lower part near the ‘ ” ‘
`aforementioned glove, it has an air current control means passed towards the auxiliary work
`area side from the operation area side of a cell, The aforementioned air current control means
`was provided with the exhaust hole part which is provided by the lower surface of each area
`and exhausts the gas from the aforementioned upper paint, and formed iargelv the total
`effective area product of the exhaust hole part on the aforementioned auxiliary work area side
`rather than the total effective area product ol‘ihe exhaust hole part on the aforementioned
`operation area side.
`In the isolator With which the worker out in the hand from outside and the present invention
`equipped the abbreviated horizontal single tier with a plurality 0s gloves which can operate a
`cell in the aforementioned workroom in the workroom, The inside of the aforementioned
`workroom is distinguished at least in the operation area of a cell, and the auxiliary work area
`which opens the packed technical and which is used for operation of a call, The gas which the
`gas was sanded suppiiecl from the upper part at least in the aforementioned operation area,
`and flowed into the aforementioned lower part near the aforementioned glove, It has on air
`1/ 11
`2015/12/15 10:48
`ii. 3
`i ilii
`i ix
`\ ,4;
`Re‘rasentah‘ve drawn
`iii..tps:// w‘erwri j-~pnletp::1;.inpit."o. jp/cgiGroin/tronwebc.gLe_ije?u
`Patent 8: Utility Model Nu iii) er SearchiDetaii) i jMPlatPat
`current control means passed towards the auxiiiary work area side from the operation area
`side of e celi, It. had the exhaust hate part in which the aforementioned air curren control
`means is provided at least by the lower surface on the aforementioned auxiliary work area
`side, and exhausts the gas from the aforementioned upper part, and has arranged the suction
`opening which exhausts the gas. from the a crementioneo’ exhaust hoie part to the
`aforementioned auxiiiary work area side.
`The aforementioned suction opening may be a suction opening of the exhaust duct which
`exhausts the gas from the aforementioned exhaust hoie part.
`it is good also as composition in which the lower surface. on the aforementioned auxiiiary work
`area side provided the hiower for exhaust air tau-sled for the aforementioned suction opening to
`be a suction opening of the blower for exhaust air which exhausts the gas rrom the
`aforementioned exhaust hole part.
`The tower surface on the aforementioned operation are: side may be equipped with toe
`eoxliiary work side exhaust hoie part provided by the iower surface on the aforementioned
`auxiliary work area side, and the operation side exhaust hoie part with the totai equal eti'ective
`area product.
`The culture chamber which cultures a cell may be arranged to the aforementioned operation
`area side.
`Effect of the Invention“:
`In the isolator corirernirig the presen invention, mixing to the cell of dust, etc. is prevented
`a.d dust can be preventedirorn influencing culture of operatwn o... cell, etc.
`[Brief Description oftrie Drawings}
`' 0091
`Drawing tilt is a front View showing the isolator concerning the first embodiment of the
`present invention.
`”Drawing Zitt is a side surface cross sectionai View of an isolator.
`QDrawlngiitis the figure which Soaked at the inside of a workroom from the upper part
`Eire.. ving emas the figure which tookeo at the inside of a workroom from the upper part.
`Drawing Siit is the figure whicr iooked at tre inside of the workroom or a second embodiment
`from the upper part.
`Brewing sit. is the figure which Soaked at the inside of the workroom of a 3rd embodiment
`from the upper art.
`Drawing 7iitiis the figure which iooked at the inside of the workroom of a 4 i". embodiment
`from the upper peat.
`Blowing 811‘: is the figure which looked at tit: inside of the workroom of a fifth embodiment
`from the upper part,
`Drawing 91Et is a front view shown..5; the .soiator of a sixth embodiment.
`'Drawing‘1 O‘]Itssaaside surface cross sectionai View of an isolator.
`Drawing llllt is the figure which looked at the inside of a workroom from the upper par‘.
`Drawing 121k its the figure which looked at the inside of a workroom from the upper part.
`Drawing 13m isa front vieew showing the isolator of a seventh embodiment.
`Drawing Milt is a side surface cross sectione- view of an isolator.
`Drawing ESML‘ is the"ngure which looked at the inside of a workroom from the upper part
`rowing -6]It is the figure which looked at the inside of a workroom from the under part.
`escriptlon oi Embodiments}
`reinafier. with reference to Brawlngs, it describes about he isoiator concerning an
`bodiment of the invention.
`first embodiment}
`.1 is a front View showing theisolator concerning the first embodirrient of the present
`on as for the isoiator 10
`The giove box 11 in which an instde is main airied by the aseotic condl
`as shown in Fig.1, It has the frame 1}: which supports the glove box 11 from a lower pert; the
`blower 13 for inhalation of air and the blower id. for exhaust air which are provided by the
`upper surface or the glove box 11, and the decontamination unit 15 which tie-contaminates the
`insme of the giove box it with decontamination Gas, and is constituted.
`Space inside the glove oox 11 serves as the workroom 15 for doing the work for living body
`origin materials, such as ceii extraction and a ceii culture, The glove. box 3.3. has the housing 17
`of the core box in which the whoie surface carried out the opening, and the transparent sheet
`18 which comprises glass and resin of the rectangle which oiugs no the opening of the housing
`t7, and it is constituted so that the inside of the workroo n 16 may be recognized v-sually Via
`the transparent sheet 18 provided by abbreviated
`of the fiont‘race of the glove box 21/
`The glove box. 11 is formed in rectangular oaraiieiepiped snaoe with the longest cross
`'ho a plurality of gloves 19A, 1953, 19C, and 198 extended i.. the workroom 15
`The worker
`are nrovlded by the transparent sheet 38; and oeri'orms operation culture, etc. in a ceii, Work
`in the workroom 16 can be done by editing the gloves 19A 195.1%, and i9l; from the
`outside of the glove box 11. Each glove 19A,19E3 19Cand 19B is caudeo‘ arranged rather
`than the pars intermedia oi th.. height of the glove box 11. According to this embodiment, the
`gio‘ves 19A,195,19C and 199 are provided four, open abbreviation regoiar intervals mutually,
`and areohit in older and arranged horizortaliy at the abbreviated horizontal single tier. Namely,
`Since the’sour gioves 19A 1913,ACand 19B are lining up side-hy-ice totheeross direction
`of the glove box: land are arranged:.osswise in the g!ove box 11 Two workerson out each
`one of both hands into each glove 19A, 193, 19C, and 19D, and can work simuiteheously by
`two persons,
`‘2 / 11
`2015/i2 /15 10:48
`_,__...3:50' ma
`Patent & Uiziiity Modei Number Searcthetail) i 3~PlatPat
`The incubator 21 (culture chamber) which cultures the coil stored in the inside, the pass box
`22 used for extraction an ' insertion of the goods into t - workroom 16, the joint box 23 to
`which the inc-r
`.ator 11 is attached, and the centrifuge 20 are provided by the giove box 11.
`The joint box 23 is provided by the 1 side side surface :14A of the one end side of: e cross
`direction of the glove box 11, and has the joint box door 43A which takes up a part of 1 side
`side surfase 24A freeiy operiabie/ciosahle. The incubator 21 is attached to the ,Ioint box 23
`reely attachable/detachabie.
`incubator 7.1 is a cuitore chamber of the core but which forms environment suitable for
`uiture in a coil in an inside, and it has a function which decontaminates an inside while
`constituting the temperature and CO; concentration of an inside adjustahiy. The door ZiA
`which plugs up an inside so that sealing is possibie is provided by the incubator 21. The
`incubator 21 is attached to the joint box 23 from the outside in the state where the door 21A
`faces the joint box door 23A. And when accessing the incubator 21 from the inside of th
`workroom 16. a worker opens the joint box door 23A, extends a hand in the incubator 2.1 by
`opening the door 21A after that, and can extract and insert the coil stored in the petri dish etc.
`in the incubator 2.1. Where the incubator 21 is removed from the joint box 7.3, the joint box
`door 23A is cioseo' and a seated state with outside is maintained in the workroorri 16.
`The outer door 221A which the pies box ".2 is an anterior zoom used when taking goods in and
`out in the glove box 11, and is provided freely openehle/ciosable at the frontmface side of the
`giove box 11. It has the inner door 228 which takes up a part of side surface of the giove box
`13 he iv openable/cioeabie, and the other side side surface 248 of the other end side of the
`cross direction of the glove box 11 provides. The pass box 22 is connemed to the
`decontamination unit 15.
`When carrying in goods to the glove box 11, The outer door 22A is opened, goods are put into
`the pass box 22, the outer door 22A is closed, goods are decontaminated with t e
`decontan'lination unit 15 in his. state, the inner door 228 is opened after that using the gloves
`19C and 190, and goods can be carried in to the glove box 11 by taking our goods.
`The instrument etc. which are used for culture are mentioned as goods carried in to the glove
`box 11 using the pass box
`, and an injector is mentioned as an example. Instruments, such
`as this injector, are stored in the package managed by the aseptic condition.
`The giove box 11 is distinguished in the operation area 2.5 where culture of cuiture in a coil,
`operation, observation, etc. is performed, and the auxiiiary work area 35 where auxiiiar‘y‘ work
`or” culture is performed. As auxiiiary work, the instrument used for cuiture, pnseaiing work of a
`package of medicine, operation of the centrifuge 20,. etc. are performed.
`Specifically, the operation area 25 is a 1 side half part of the side by which the incubator 21 in
`the glove box 11 is arranged, and the auxiiiary work area 35 is another side half part on the
`pass box 22 side in the giove box 11. The boundary part S or he operation area 25 and the
`auxiliary work area 35 is pieced at the pars interrnedia between the two gloves 19E; of a central
`site, and 19C, as the two—dot chain line extended Lip and down shows to Fig}. That is, the two
`gloves 19A and 198 on the incubator 21 side are used for the work of the operation are 2 ,
`and the two gioves 19C and 190 on the pass box 22 side are used for the work of the auxiliary
`work area 35. The two centre! gloves 19B and 19C: can he used by a right and ieit hand,
`respectively, and it can also work ranging over the operation area 25 and the soxiiiary work
`area 35.
`in this embodiment, the incubator 21 side in the workroom 16 is written with the operation
`area 25 where cuiture oi“ operation of a ceii, etc. is performed, the cell used by where can be
`extracted and inserted in and out of the incubator 21 as it is using the gloves 19A and 198,
`and workebiiitv is good. The pass box 2:! side in the workroom 15 can be written with the
`auxiiiary work. area 35, the instrument etc. which were taken out from the pass box 22 can he
`opened using the gloves 19K: and 190, t is instrument can be suppiied to the operation area
`25, and wor‘kebiiitv is good.
`The ten rir’uge 20 is used for the work of separation of a ceii, etc” and is arranged in the pars
`intermedia of the cross direction of the giove box 11. For this reason. the centrifuge 20 can be
`used from both on the operation area 25 and auxiiiary work area 35 side.
`The display 26 is provided by the operation area 25 in the giove box 11. The display 26
`opposes to the transparent sheet 18, is provide. , end can display the work procedure of
`culture, etc. to a worker.
`Fig.2 is a side surface cross sectionai view of the isolator 10.
`As shown in Fig.1 and Fig.2, the blower 13 for inhaiation of air and the blower 14 for exhaust
`air are put in order and provided forward and backward above the giove box 11, the blower 13
`for inhaiation of air is arranged at the front part on the transparent sheet 18 side, and the
`blower 14 for exhaust air is arranged at. the rear part. The vaive 29 for inhalation of air which
`adjusts the cataivst 28 for lnhaiation of air and inspired air voiurne is connected to the biower
`13 for inhalation of
`The exhaust valve 30 which adjusts the catalyst 31 for exhaust air and
`displacement which purify the exhaust air discharged outside is connected to the biower 14 for
`exhaust air.
`The 'oiower 13 for inhalation of air and the mower 1": for exhaust air are divided by the
`partitioning portion 32 (Fig.2) extended Li:- and down. The inhaiation~of~air chamber 33
`extended to he lower part of the bibwer 13. for inhaiation of air to the iirnit of the abbreviation
`for the truss direction of the glove box 11 is provided, and the air cleaner 34 which catches the
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`dust under inhalation of air is provided between the inhalation—Meir chamber 33 and the
`workroom 16. The exhaust chamber 36 extended to the lower part of the blower 14 for
`exhaust air to the limit of the abbreviation for the cross direction of the glove box 13 is
`provided, and the exhaust air filter 37 which catcnes the dust under exhaust air is provided
`between the exhaust chamber 36 and the workroom 16.
`In the glove box 11, it extends to the limit of the. cross direction in the glo‘ e box 11, the
`interior wall board 40 with which the inside of the glove box 11 is divided is provided, and
`space is formed in the lower part and the back part in the glove box 11 by the interior wall
`board 40. The work plate 42 (lower surface) which he interior wall board 40 makes the plate
`material of one sheet bent, makes and is formed, and opens an interval, is arranged from the
`bottom surface 41A of the housing 17, and constitutes the bottom section of the workroom 16,
`From the back face 418 of the housing 37, an interval is opened and it provides, and it has the
`partition plate 44 which connects the back plate 43 which constitutes the back face of the
`workroom 16, and the upper end of the back pie e 43 and the upper surface of the workroom
`15, and is constituted.
`The work niate 42 is provided substantially parallel with t‘ e bottom surface 41A, and has the
`exhaust hole part 45 which extends crosswise [ oi" the glove box 11 l in the front tin and
`trailino edge. respectively. The. back plate 43 is continuously extended to the trailing edge of
`the work plate 42 onwards in parallel with the back face 418. From the upper limb of the back
`plate 43, the partition plate 44 inclines, is extended to the front-face side, and is connected to
`the lower surface of the partitioning portion 32. Space between the work plate 4... the back
`plate 43 and the pa.
`‘ on plate 44, and the bottom surface 41A of the housing 17 and the back
`face 418 functions as the exhaust passage 46, and the exhaust air from the workroom 15
`flows into the blower 14 side for exhaust air through the exhaust passage 45. The exhaust
`oassage 45 has the upper duct 4.65 (exhaust duct) which extends between the back face. 41%
`of the housing 17, and the back plates 43 u
`succeeding t. e lower duct 45A which passes
`along the lower part of the work plate 42, and the lower duct 46A. The lower part end oi" the
`upper duct 46?; serves as the suction opening 46C of the upper duct 465.
`After it passes the catalyst. 2.8 for inhalation of air, the air (gas) of the. outside of the glove box
`11 flows into the inhalation-of-air chamber 33 via the valve 29 for inhalation of air. and it
`spreads crosswise [ of the inhalatiomof—air chamber 33 ,I' whole 3, it passes the air cleaner 34,
`and dust is removed, and it flows from the uooer part in the workroom 16. The air which
`flowed in the workroom 16 continues crosswise [ whole
`in the workroom 16, flows caudad
`i‘r m the. upper part, reaches the lower duct 46A from each exhaust hole part 451 of the front
`in of the work plate 6.2, and a trailing edge, flows through the inside of the upper duct 468 up,
`passes the exhaust air filter 37, and flows into the exhaust chamber 36, The Sr which flowed
`into the exhaust. chamber 36 is sucked out. by the blower 14 for exhaust air, and is exhausted
`outside through the exhaust valve 30 and the catalyst 31 for exhaust air.
`Fig.3 and Fig.4 are the figures which looked at the inside or" the workroom 16 from the upper
`part. The state where tn 4 joint box door 23A closed is shown, and Fig.3 shows the state where
`'he joint box door 23A was opened, by Fig.4.
`r, and will be in an
`he joint. box door 23A will have the hinge 235 (Fig.1) in the merge in
`opened state by falling on the workroom 16 side on dad from the upper part focusing on the
`hinge 235.
`As shown in Fig.3, the concave part 47 for door accommodation of the recessed approximately
`rectangle is caudad formed in the work plate 42 on the operation area ZS side. The concave
`part 47 for door accommodation is formed in accordance with the form of the,
`'nt box door
`23A, and as shown in Fig.4, when the joint box door 23A is in an opened state, it stores the
`joint box door 23A in the concave part. Where the joint box door 23A is stored in the concave
`part 47 for door accommodation, the upper surface of the joint box door 23A corresponds to
`the upper surface of the work plate 42, and becomes some work plates 42.
`That is, when performing culture, the joint box doc-r 23A is used by an opened state, and
`functions as a stand for work. Culture is performed mainly on th joint box door 23A, Thus,
`since the joint box door 23A is pushed down caudad to make an opened state and it
`accommodates in the concave part 47 for door accommodation, while being able to prevent
`the joint box, door 23A from barring the display of the display 26, the joint box door 23A can be
`used as a stand for work.
`The wall is provided between the concave part 47 for door accommodation, and the lower duct
`46A, and the concave part 47 {or door accommodation does not communicate the lower duct
`46A directly.
`The centrifuge 2i) is covered with the freely ooenable/ciosa‘oie covering device 26A, and is
`placed under the work plate «32. The covering devices 20A are some of work plates 42 and
`work plates 42, and are provided flatmtanped with the work pirate 42. The and 47A of the
`concave part 47 for door accommodation is placed at the incubator 21 side rather than the
`centrifuge 20, and it is arranged so that arrangement of the centrifuge 20 may not be barred.
`The exhaust hole part 45 extends in strip-like fashion crosswise [ of the glove box 11 1 along
`the front tip and trailing edge of the work plate 42, and the ’nole of a plurality of diameters of
`substantially identical which, penetrate the work plate 42 arranges uniformly l abbreviation 3, is
`arranged, and is constituted, Since the exhaust hole part 4" is provided by the front tip and
`trailing edge of the work plate 42., the exhaust. hole part 45 does not become the obstac . of
`culture and :3-
`.ary work. Here, a hole may be . .rec‘tiy provided by the work plate 42,. and the
`liliS/lZ/lfi 10:48
`..,..o:M 0Jm
`81. Ut iiity Modei Numbersearshi'Detai i) ijmi’iatijat
`exhaust hoie part 45 may he formed in it, and a punching meta! and a ratio sated heard may
`he provided and formed in the edge hefore arid behind the work plate 42.
`The upper duct 4GB and the tower duct 46A continue crosswise { of the giove box 11 / who“CHE 1,
`and are prowaed.
`The. exhaust hole part 45 is provided with the operation area side exhaust hoie part 45A
`(exhaust hole part on the operation area side) provided by the operation area 25, and the
`auxiiiary work area side exhaust hoie part 456 (exhaust hoie part on the auxiiiary work area
`side) prowdeo‘ by the auxiliary work area 35, and is constituted.
`The operation are-1 side exhaust hoie pert 45A provides so that the concave part 47 for door
`accommodation may iap with the part, and the heie is not formed in the portion which iaps
`with the concave part 47-‘or door accommodation in detai., the operation area side exhaust
`hole part 45A on the treiiing edge side is provided oniy near the boundary part 5. in the
`operation area side exhaust hoie next 45A en the front tip side, the operation ares side exhaust
`hole part 45A is continuously provided from the bot: .dary part S at the ir-‘ubator 21 side.
`However, in the operation area side exhaust hole part 45A on the front tip sir‘e. the number of
`holesis formed in the portion aiongthe concave hart 47 for deer 35Lemmodation iess than
`other exhaust hoia parts 4.5.
`iiiary work area side exhaust hoiepart 458 is eoiitinueusiy provided
`On the other hand, the at:
`from the boundary part S in the both sides of a front tip and a traiiing edge at the pass box 22
`(Fig.1) side.
`.e hole of rn.any numbers is
`Narneiy, in the auxiiiarry work area Sde exhaust hoie nait 458,.
`provided rather than .he operat;on area side exhaust hole part 45A, and the totei effective area
`arc-duct of the hate of the auxiiiar‘l work area side exhaust hoie part 458 is iargeiy formed in
`the exhaust hoie ,oart155 rather than the toast ar‘ractive area product or the hoie of the
`operation area side exhaust hoie part 45A. For this reason, rather than the operation area side
`exhaust hoie part 45A, it becomes easy to flow through the air in the workroom 16 into the
`auxiiiary work area side exhaust hate part 458 side and air flows into the auxiiiary work area
`35 side on the. operation area 25 side of the upstream to the downstream side in the workroom
`16. That is. the air current in the workroom 16 is con roiied hy the exhaus. hoie part 45, and
`the exhaust hoie hart 45 is functioning as an air current control means.
`Next. the new of the air in the workroo.i 1612: described w:th'efererce to Fig.1, Fig.2, and
`Fig.4. In Fig.1, Fig.2, and Fig.4, the arrow X shows the now of air.
`As shown in Fig.1, by the biower3 for mhaation 9. air, it continues.rosSWise I whoie ] in the
`workroom 16 from the inhaiatienwof-xair chamber 33 which extends crosswise, and new air is
`suppiieo‘, and as are shown ir. Fig.2, and this air is drawn dose by the exhaust hole part 45 of
`orrder.. it flows..auo’aJ.
`As shown in Fig. 1, t..e air which flows beiowiiows caudati straightiy and flows into each
`auxiiiary work area side exhaust hole part 4533 of order in the auxiiiar‘y work area 35. In the
`operation area 25, most of the air which flows beiow flows caudao‘ straightiy “W”{near the
`gioves 19A and 198 j, and in the lower part of the gtoves 19A and 298, As it!5 drawn ciose by
`the auxiiiary work area side exhaust hoie part 455,. it bends and flows into the auxiiiary work
`area 35 side near the work mate 42,. and it flows into each auxiiiarv work area side exhaust
`hcie part 453. A part of air which flows through the operation area 25 ticvvs into the operation
`area side exhaust hoie part 45A. Then, the air which flowed into the auxiiiaiy work area side
`exhaust hoie hart 458 and the operation area side exhaust hoie nai’c 45A is exhausted from the
`biowar 14 ‘2»? exhaust air through the iower duct 45A and the upper duct 468.
` ary work area
`Thus, in the giove box 11 the total effective area product or" the hoie of the an
`side exhaust hoie part 458, Forming iargeiy and having made it air fiow into the auxiiiarv' work
`area 35 sideumm the operation area BS 5.tie rather than the totai e..ective area product of the
`hoie of the operation area side exhaust hoie part 45A"n sake, Even if dust is. generatedin the
`ase of the aux:
`ry work on the auxiiiary work area 35 side, this oust flows into the auxi'arv
`work area 5;.tie exhaust hoie part 435 With the air which flows into the aux.'iiary work area
`side. For tiii
`reason, dust canh.. oevented from mixing in the piaeewhere cu:ture on the
`operation area 25 side is performed.
`The air which flowed into the gioves 19A and 195 cauded at the operation area 25 in he
`neighborhood in eitherto be drawn dose by the auxiiiai‘y work area side exhaust hole part
`455 and to bend and?:cw into the auxéiiaw work area 35 side near the lower work oiate 42 of
`the gioyes WA and 1'33, Passing air tee-dad.mm the upper part and suppiying air as uniforrniy
`as possibia, the flow of air is made bent in the auxiiiary work area 35 side near the work piste
`42, and mixing of dust can be prevented.
`Since each worker uses the gioves 19A and 1913 and the gloves 39C and 193i}, two persons