`(43}Date af pukiicatfim 0f amfiicatéan
`{2006. 01)
`{21Mppiicatium number
`(22mm: a? fifiing
`PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a Shari; puise radar in éow cansumptéen gadwer,
`using a Submiiiimeter wave band (UWB) of 22:29 GHZ.
`SOLUTION: The short poise radar inductee a transmitting part 21 for repeatediy
`radiating short puise waves to a space 1; a receiving part 39 fer receiving anti
`detecting the reflected wave of the short poise waves radiated into the space i; a
`sighai processing part 45 for performing ehaiysis preceseing of an object its existing
`in the space it, oh the basis of detection output of the receiving part 30; arid e
`controi pait SO fer controiiihg the transmittihg part 21 and the receiving part 30, on
`the basis of the anaiysie resuit of the Signet procegsihg part 45. The controi part 50
`stops the suppiy of a power source Eit to the transmission pert 21 withih a period
`tihtii the transmission part 21 radiates the next short poise wave after it radiates the
`shert poise to the space, and stops the suppiy of a power Source Br to the receiving
`part 30 Within a period, except the period of receiving the retieeteti wave in the
`radiated short poise wave,
`{H30 and INPET are net teepeheipie for any
`demagee caused by the we ef this treheiatieh.
`1.This document has been transiateti by computer, So the transietion may not
`reflect the origihai preciseiy.
`2.**** shews the were which can net be trensiateciu
`Bin the drawings, any wards are not trensiateci.
`{Cieim 1]
`A transmission section (21) which repeats and emits. a short nuise wave :0 space,
`and a receive seetien {30) which receives and deiects as reflected wave 0f 22 Sheri:
`puise wave emitter; to aferementioneri space, In a short puise radar which has a
`signai precessing section (45) which performs anaivsis preceseing of an object
`which exie‘ss
`in aforementiened space based on a detection eutput of
`aforementioned receive section, and e contrei part (50) which performs contrei of
`the aferementioried trensrnissien section and 53 receive section based on an anaiyeis
`resuit G? the aforementioned signei erecessing section,
`The aforementiened centroi part,
`A short guise radar stopping current suppiy m the ei’orementiened transmiseien
`sectien within a peried after the aforementioned tranemiesion Section emits a Shari:
`puise wave to space untii it emits the feiiowing snort puiee wave.
` .iiiEL 3
`{Ciaim 2}
`The aforementioned cootroi past,
`The short guise radar according to ciaim it stopping current suppiy to the
`aforementioned receive section in a period except a period for receiving as reflected
`wave about a short poise wave which is within a period after the aforementioned
`transmission section emits a short poise wave to space untii it emits the ioiiowirig
`Short poise wave; and was emitteci.
`[Cieim 3]
`The aforementioned controi part,
`The short poise radar according to ciaim 1 or 2 making the aforementioned short
`poise wave emit to space after specified time eiapse after startihg suppiy of a power
`suppiy to the aforementioned transmission section, and stopping soppiy of a power
`suppiy after radiation of the short poise wave,
`{Ciaim 4}
`The aforementioned controi part,
`The short poise radar according to ciaim 3 Stopping current sophiy to the
`aforementioned receive section after a period for receiving a reflected wave about a
`short poise wave which started euppiy of a power supoiy to the aforementioned
`receive sectien in accordance with a suppiy star”: of a power euppiy ever the
`aforementiened transmission section, and the aierementioned h’ahsmiseien section
`emitted ire space passesc
`{Cieim 5}
`The aferemeritioned controi part,
`The short guise radar according to ciaim 3 or 4 characterized by euppiyirig bias
`newer suppiy befere srrppiyihg a pewer suppiy to the aferementioried transmiesiori
`secticiri or a receive section.
`[Ciaim 6]
`The aforementioned controi part,
`Ciaim 1, Ciaim 2, or the shark puise radar awarding to cieim 3; 4, or 5 centroiiing so
`that a radiatieri intervai of a short puise wave by the aforementioned transmission
`section becomes iong when an anaiysis resuit which shows that: an object does not
`exist in aforementiened space is received from the aferemenhoneci signai processing
`{Chaim 7‘;
`it has a temperature senser,
`The afaremerationed controi part,
`The short puise radar according to Ciaim 1 characterized by changing a Stop eeriod
`of current suppiy to.
`the aforemedtioried tranemission section according to
`temeereiure which the aforementioned temperature sensor detected!
`[Ciaim 8]
`Ii; has e temeerature sensor,
`The aforementioned controi part,
`The short puise radar accordidg to Claim 2 characterized by changing a stop period
`of current euppiy to the aforementioned receive Section according to reinderature
`which the aforementioned temperature sensor detected.
`we and ENPET are riot reseeneibie for any
`damages eeueed by the use of this trensia‘rion,
`L'Friis document has been treneiated by computer, So the transiatiori may not
`reflect the originai preciseiy.
`2.**** shows the word which can not be trarisieied.
`3.1m the drawings, my words are not trensiated.
`[Detaiied Descriptidn of the Invehtiah}
`{Fieid of the Invention]
`The present inveritidn emits a puise wave with narrow width (short puiae wave) to
`space with a given peridd, Among the short puise radars which anaiyze the object
`which receives and detects the reflected wave fmm the abject in space, and is in
`space based an the detectidh output, It: is reiatad with the techhoiogy far carrying
`out power consumption reductidn of the Sheri; puise radar used with the 22~2§~GH2
`submiiiimeter wave heii‘ (UWB) curreritiy especiaiiy assigned far the in—vehicie radar,
`a visuaiiy impaired person’s radar for waik suapori, etc.
`[Background of the inventidri]
`The puiae radar which investigates the object of space using a puise wave has the
`campasitidn fundamentaiiy Shawn in Figugi
`Nameiy, the transmiasiori section 11 receives trigger signai G output with the given
`period Tg frdm the contrdi part 16 mentioned beiow, has a predetermined carrier
`frequency, generates the puise wave Pit of the Specified width in sync with trigger
`sigma! G, and emits it to space via the transmission antenna 11a.
`This. puise wave Pt is reflected by the ebject 1a in Space 1, and that reflected wave
`Pr is received and detected with the receiving antenna 12a of the receive sectien 12.
`The Signai precessing eecticin 15 makes reference timing timing to which the wise
`wave was sent out, for exampie frem the transmission section 11, and eheiyzes the
`timing to which the detection eutput D is eutput from the receive sectien 12, and the
`object la which asks for the Output wave and exists in space 1. The contrei past 16
`pestering: various contmi t0 the transmission section 11 and the receive sectien 12
`based en the precessing resuit of the signai precessing eection 15, etc"
`The fundamentai campesitien at such a ptiise radar is disciesed in the foiiowing
`Patent decement 1 and 2.
`[Patent document 3} P H? ~ 012921A
`{Patent document 2} 3? H8 ~ 313619A
`A5 a thing for meant put in practicai use in recent years amahg the puise radars
`whieh have such basic constitution, A iahgudistance narraw angie range is seamhed
`by high power using a miéiimeter wave bait (77 GHZ), The wide ang§e range of a
`short distance is sea 'ehed by inw-pawer satanic using a submiiiimeter wave (22u29
`GHZ) with the thing aiming at the supper: at the time of high speed operation, such
`as coiiision preventinn and travei controfl, and the thing aiming at the supper? at the
`time of tow speed running has dead angée assistance, parking—thancarnih~the~garage
`assistance, etc:
`This submifiiémeter wave bait has a pian in he used fer a UWB (Uitra Wide Band)
`wire-Sass communicatinh in the future, and it is thaught that it Es used for not aniy an
`inmvehicfle radar but a vésuaiiy impaired person’s radar for waik support, a Sheri:
`aistance communication system, etc.
`Since UWB is a hroahhand, m a radar system, the short puise of 1 n5 0r $6255 of width
`can be used, and a radar with high axia§ reach/Eng power can be reaiized.
`[Descriptinn of the Inventéon]
`{Prebiem to be seived by the invemtion}
`However, in order m reeiize the shert puise radar which used this UWB, the varieus
`issues which sheuid be seived occur:
`One of important issues is" the newer censumptien reduetien in censideretédn of
`inciusidn en various vehicies, pertabie use, em, and especéeiiy,
`in the case ef the
`eystem for weik support,
`it needs to make the whoie equipment smaii and
`iighiweight, and needs te drive equipment by a smeii ceii inevitabiy for a iong time
`30 that pertabiiity may become easy“
`On the ether iieriitii the semiconductor device used with a high frequency band iike
`the above UWB cannot meet
`the abeve~mentioned demand, even if power '
`censumpiien simpiifies the circuit configuratidn ef equiement Eergeiy compared with
`the iow semicenductor device for frequency bands,
`The present invention seives this prebiem and an object of the preeerai: invention is
`to provide the shert puise radar er” Sew pewer censumption.
`[Means fer sewing probiem}
`In order to achieve the aforerrientieried abject, it is a shert puise radar (if Cieim 1 ef
`the present invention,
`The transmission section (21) which repeats and emits a short puise wave to space,
`and the receive section {30) which receives and detects the reflected wave of the
`Short puiee wave emitted te eferementiened space, In the short puise radar which
`has a sigma? processing section (45) which performs eneiysis processing at the
`object which exists in aforemeritiorieti space based on the detection eutput of the
`aforementioneti receive sectien, and a centrei part (50) which eertorms centroi of
`the aforementioned trensmiseion Section and a receive section based en the eneiysis
`resuit of the eftirementioned eignei processing sectien,
`The aforementioned controi part,
`is characterized by stepping the current suppiy to the eforementiened
`transmiseion section within a period after the aforementioned ti‘ansmissien section
`emite a short puise wave t0 space untii it emits the feiiowing snort puise wave:
`The short wise radar of Ciaim 2 0f the present invention is set to the shert puise
`radar according to céaim 3.,
`The aferemehtiehed centrei hart,
`It is characterized by stepping the current suiapiy te the aforementioned receive
`section in the period except the perioe for receiving the refiecteti wave about the
`short puise wave which is within a peried after the aferementiehed transmission
`section emits a Sheri“. puise wave te space untii it emite the feiiowing shert puise
`wave, and was emitted“
`The short puise radar at Ctaim 3 of the present invention is set to the shert puise
`radar according to eiaim .‘i. or 2,
`The aforementioned contrei part,
`it is characterized by making the aferemehtieried shert puise wave emit to space
`after specified time eiapse, after starting suppiy {if a power seppiy to the
`aferemehtiehed transmission section, and stepping suppiy of a power euprfiy after
`radiation of the shert puise wave.
`The short guise radar ef Ciaim 4 of the present invention is set to the short puise
`radar according to ciaim 3,
` .
`The aforementioned controi part,
`in accordance with the suppiy start of the power Suppiy over the aforementioned
`transmission section, suppiy of a power suppiy is started to the aforementioned
`receive section, and after the period for receiving the reflected wave about the short
`puise wave which the aforementioned ti‘ensmiseion section emitted to space passee,
`is characterizeti by stopping the current suppiy to the aforementioned receive
`The short puiee radar of Ciaim 5 of the present invention is set to the short puise
`radar according to ciaim 3 or 4,
`The aforementioned controi part,
`Before suppiying a power suppiy to the aforementioned transmission section or a
`receive section, it is characterized by suppiying bias power suppiy.
`The short puiee radar of Cieim 6 of the preeent invention is set to Cieim 1, Ciairn 2,
`or the ghort poise radar according to ciaim 3, 4, or 5,
`The aforementioned controi part,
`When the eneiysis
`reeuit which shows that an object does not exist
`aforementioned space is
`received frem the aferementiened signai precessing
`section, it is characterized by contreiiirig so that the radiatieh intervai ef the shert
`puise wave by the aforementioned transmissien sectien becemes iong,
`The short guise radar er Cieim 7 of the present invention has a temperature sense
`in the short puise radar according to ciaim 1.,
`The aferemehtiened contrei part,
`According to the temperature which the aterernentioned temperature sensor
`detected, it is characterized by changing the step eerieci ef the current suppiy te the
`aforementioned trensmissien section.
`The sheit puise radar of Ciaim 8 of the present invention is set to the short puise
`radar accerding to ciaim 1,
`It has a temperature sensor,
`The aforementioned contrei part,
`According to the temperature which the aierementiened temperature sensor
`detected, it is charaeterized by changing the step period of the current suppiy to the
`aterementiened receive section,
`{Effect Of the invention}
`Thus, in the meat putse radar of the present inventien, since it was made to step the
`current suppiy to a transmiesion section at feast within a peréed after transmitting a
`anon: puEse wave untifi it transmits the fofliowtng snort puise wave, very few radar
`Syetems 0t" pewer consumption are reaiizebie.
`Fewer consumetien reductien becemes pessibie further by performing current
`suppiy to a receive section intermittentiy.
`The characteristic Change of the device tn a big change of envimnmentet
`temperature can be prevented, and it can be made to Operate stabiy eccerding to
`the temperature detected with the temgaerature senser with the compoeitéen to
`which the stop perind of the current suppiy to a transméesion section or a receive
`section is changed.
`{Beet Mode of Carrying Out the Inventéen}
`t-iereénafter, an embodiment 0f the invention is described based on Drawings.
` .
`Fig.1 shows the compositien 0f the short puise raciar 20 tn which the present
`inventien is eppiiedi
`This Short puise radar :20 is constituteci by the transmiseien sectien 21, the receive
`section 36, the signai processing sectien 45, and the centrei part 50.
`Whenever the transmissien Section 21 receives trigger signai (3 output with the
`given period Tg tram the centroi part 59, it generates the Sheri: puise wave Pt at
`predetermined carrier frequency Fe (for exampie, 26 GHZ} with the specified width
`"in (for exempie, 1 n5), and emits it to space 1 from the transmissien antenna 22.
`The transmission antenna 22 may be shared with the receiving antenna 31.
`This transmissien sectien 21. is provided with the feiiowing.
`The esciiiater 2.4 which carries out the oeciiiation eutput of the signei of carrier
`frequency Fc eniy wiiiie
`having received the nuiee generator 23 which
`generates puise signai Pa of the width Th in sync with trigger Signei G, anti wise
`signai Pa as shown in Fig.1.
`The pewer amniifier 25 which ampiifies an output eignai of the eeciiiater 24 and it
`i if
`suppiies to the. transmissien antenna 22.
`The band rejection fitter (BRF) 26 which ohpresses extraneene emissien out of hand.
`1 chip of esciiiators 24 turn by MMEC, and here tn the inside, The gate circuit 2.43
`where the AND circuit and NANCE circuit of input community were unified as shown
`in Fig.2; It has the deiay circuit 24e which is deiayed and inputs into ene input buffer
`24h the inverted output of the emittermfoiiower type input buffers 24b and 24::
`cannecteci to the input part of the gate circuit 24a, 24d 0? output buffers connected
`tn the outputting part of the gate circuit 24a, and the gate circuit 24a. '
`in the estiiiater 24 of this compesitien, white puise signei Pa of the cycie Tg shown in
`(e) of Figfi is input into the input buffer 24c, as Shawn in (h) of Fig.3, the eeciiiation
`output at the signai Pb ef the square wave at predetermined frequency (carrier
`frequency) is carried out to the ietter of a burst.
`Aithough decided by the sum totai of the input/cumin deiay time of the input buffer
`24b and the gate Circuit 2432, and the. time cieiay of the deiay circuit 248, the
` ,Ei
`frequency at this output signai Pb, Since the input/euteut deiay time of the input
`buffer 24b anti the gate circuit 243 is a fixed veitie decided depending on a Circuit
`eiement, genereiiy here, cens‘tituting so that a part at constant of the deiay Circuit
`24e may be changed, and adjusting this censtant w osciiieting Frequency w the
`abeve UWB —— it has set to a center (for exampie, 25 GHz) substantieiiy.
`Since it is the cninpesition which controis the osciiiation eperetion oi" the esciiiater 24
`itseif by poise signai Pa as mentioned above, this transmission eectien 21 does not
`generate carrier ieakege theoretieeiiy. Therefore, what is necessary is to take into
`consideration restriction of the pewer flux density specified when using UWB eniy
`about the instant power of the Sheri: puise wave output at the time of an esciiiation,
`anti it can use the eieetric newer specified effectiveiy to the utmost
`The compesition e? the abnve~rnentiened esciiiator 24 0f Fig.2 may be an exampie,
`and may be ether circuit configurations. Even in such a case, a burst wave without
`the above terrier ieekage can he obtained by opening and cioeing the feedback ieop
`fer an osciiiation by puise signei Pa, or turning on and off the power euppiies (current
`source etc") of an eseiiiating circuit by nuise signai Pa,
` .n
`The sighai Pb output from the oeciiiatcsr 24 is ampiified by the pewer ampiii‘ier 25'
`which coneiste (if power" FET etc, and is suepiied to the trahsrriissieh antehha 22 via
`BRF26. For this reeseh, from the transmission antenna 22, the abovementioned
`short puise wave Pt ie emitted its) space 1 of a survey object. The gain of the pewer
`ampiifier 25 is changed by the centre! part 55.
`The power suppiy Bt over the guise generatei' 23, the osciiiator 24, and the newer
`ampiifier 25 0f the transmission section 21 is suppiied via the eieetric power switch
`27, tin—off contmi of this eiectric power switch 27 is carried out by the centre! part
`Oh the other hand, the receive section 30 receives reflected wave Pr item the object
`is of space 1 via the receiving antenna 31, After ampiifyihg the reception sighai R hy
`i..NA(iew heiee ampiifier‘i32, the band pass fiiter (BPF) 4-1 with a bandwidth at about
`2 {Bi-{z band—iimits, and it detects the hand—iimited reflection Signet R“ by the detector
`circuit 33. The gain of LNABZ is Changee by the centrei part St).
`The branch circuit 34 where the detector circuit 33 carries eut inphase (0 degree)
`branching er” reflection Sighai R“ eutput from EFF-41, It is cohstiteted by the Sirieerity
`muitipiier 35 w iich carries out the iiheerity muitipiicetioe of the reflection eignais by
`which in«pheee branching wee carried out, and the iow pese fliter (LPF) 36 which
`extracte hasehahd component W from the output Signet of the Einearity muitieiier 35a
`Aithough there are same sygtems, Such a5 using a doubie baiance mixer,
`in the
`iirxeerity muitipiier 35, how to censtitute using the Giihert mixer as whet carries out
`high~speed ogaeration can he cansidered.
`The Giibert mixers are 3 sets of differential ampiifiers 353, as Shown in Fig.4. it
`cdneiste 0f 35b and 355, and the difference iheut of the let sighei V1. is carried out to
`the difierehtiai empiifier 35a, and if the difference input of the 2nd signai V2 is
`carried out to 2 sets of differentiai empiifiers 35b and 35c eohneeteti :9 the toad side,
`eniy a sighai component equai te the product of the let signai VI. and the 2nd sighai
`V2 wiii be eutput frem the and resietahce R3 and R4,
`When it is in phase to the iineerity muitipiier 35 of this tempositioh and the sigma? S
`(t) of the shape at a sine e? Fig.5 ae shown in (a) is ieeut into it in the shape at a
`burst; for exemeie, that output Signet, Becoming the waveform which carried out
`the square of the input Signet S (t), as Shawn in (b) of Fig.5, the enveiepe curve
`{basebanci} W is propertieeei to the eiectric power 03‘ input signai'S (t)
`Thus, since the iineerity muitipiiei’ 35 which consists; of a piureiity ef differ‘ehtiai
`empiifiers can be constituted frem MMIC very smeii and does net moreover need to
`sueeiy a ioeai signai, there is iittie power censumetiee and it eede.
`Besebend signei W obtained in the detector circuit 33 is input irate the sempie heiti
`circuit 37. The sempie hoid circuit 37 has the compositieh which inputs; baseband
`sighei W into the integration circuit by the reeistence 37a erect the capacitor 37b via
`the switch 37:, as the principie figure is Si’iOWi‘i in Figtfi, If the euise eégnai PC from
`the euise generator 38 cieses the switch 37c, and integrates with basebahd signei W
`between high ievei (a iew Eevei may be sufficient) and the guise sighai PC is set ta 3
`iew ievei, the switch 37c wiii be opened and an integrated resuit wiii be heid.
`Aithough the cycie of trigger signei {3, etc. carry out the cycie ef a sempiing 0f the
`sempie iieiti circuit 37, Le, the cycie of the guise sighai PC, and being deecribed as
`that of a potate here, the cycie ofe Sempiing may be an integrai muitipie of the cycie
`T9 of trigger signai <3.
`The wise generater 38 generates the puise eignai PC of width Tc which Signet (3‘ (it
`may be the trigger signei'G itseif) in sync with trigger Signet G was received, and
`eniy the time "id specified by the cahtmi part 50 t0 the Signet G was deiayed, anti
`was specified by the centroi part 50, and outputs it to the eampie hcid circuit 37.
`The signai H integrated with and heid in the sampie heid circuit 37 is converted to e
`digitei vaiue by Ali) whvertei“ 39 immediateiy after the heiciing, and is input into the
`signei precessihg sectien 45.
`The power euppiy Br ever LNABZ, the detector circuit 33, the sampie heid Circuit 37,
`and the puise generater 38 0f the receive section 30 is euppiied via the eiectric
`power switch 40. Onmei‘f centre? of this eiectric newer switch 40 is, carried eut by the
`conti‘ei part 50,
`The signai processing section 45 cenducts aheiysis about the object ta which exists
`in space 1 based on the signai ii acquired in the receive section 39, and reports it
`with the eutput equipment (for exampie, an indict-star, e veice generator) which does
`not iiiustrate the aneiysis resuit, and notifies iniormatien required for centrei to the
`controi part 50.
`The centroi part 50 performs various contrei to the transmission sectien :21 and the
`receive section 36 according to the processing resuit of the signei precessing section
`45 eccerdirig to the scheduie preiirnineriiy riecicieti about this shert puise radar 20.
`Whiie this controi part 50 steps the current suppiy to the transmission section 21
`within a period after the transmission section 21 emits a short puise wave to space
`1 untii it emits the feiiewihg short puise wave, The current suppiy to the receive
`section 30 isstoppeti, and gnawer canstimption is reduced in the period except the
`peried fer receiving the reflected wave about the shert puise wave which is within a
`period after the transmission section 21 emits e short puise wave to space untii it
`emits the feiiowing short puise wave, and was emitted
`v5l cl .
`By the case where the main power soppiy Bi: and the circuit which needs suppiy of
`bias power sopbiy before supoiy of Br are ioceted iri the transmission section 21 and
`the receive section 30, the power consumption of the bias power subbiy shouiti just
`carry out the firm gas of the bias power snooty to it beihg few when current does hot
`heed to be sent iike for exambie, the gate bias of PET" When the power consumption
`of bias power 5:19be is iarge,
`the switch for the bias~power~suppiy supoiy is
`provided separateiy, and after suppiyihg bias power snooty, a main power suppiy
`may be suppiied.
`Next, it describes about one examoie of this short poise radar 20 of operation,
`The controi part SO is the constant period Tg {for exempie, 10 me) about the eiectric
`power switches 27 and 4G,
`in the eeriy stages of investigation as shown in (e) of
`Fig.7, It is made to turn or: TW (for exambie, 400 he) every for a definite period of
`time, and a power suppiy is suppiied to the transmission section 21 and the receive
`section 30 (here, ooratroi of the abovementioned bias bower suopiy is described as
`Here ON time Tw of the eieetric power switches 27 and 40f Time Twl { required
`since the voitage of the power suppiy sunniied to the transmission section 21 and
`the receive sectinn 30 is stahiiized 3 (for exampie, 200 ns), It is the totai time of time
`TwZ (for exampie, 200 ns) for the detection pmcessing and samnie hoici precessihg
`tn the eiectric wave which went and came back in the iehgest investigatieh distance
`(for exempts, 15 m) to he cempietetii
`And whiie setting the gain at the newer ampiifier 25 as deiauit vaiue and setting the
`gain at LNA32 to the timing to which time Twl has passed since the timing which the
`eiectric power switches 27 and 40 turned on at the maximum, As trigger signai G {if
`the cycie T9 is given to the trensmissign section 21, puise sighai Pa of the width ‘i‘p
`(for exempie, 1 ns} as shown in (b) of Fig.7 is made to input into the esciiiator 24
`and it is shown in (C) of Fig? from the transmission section 21. The short guise wave
`Pt a? the width T9 is made to emit to space 1 by carrier frequency FC {fer exampie,
`25 shz).
`it reflects by" the object is which exists in space 1, the reflected wave Pr is tieieyed
`oniy the time Tx eccerciing to a hethuway distance from the transmit timing of each
`short puise wave Pt to the abject in, for examnie, as shown in (d) at Fig}, and the
`Sheri: puiee wave Pt emitted from the tranemiesion section 21 is received by the
`receiving antenna 31.
`In the receive seetieh 33, after empiifying this i'eceptieh eignai R by LNABZ, BPF41
`band—iimits, heiee eiectrie newer is reduced, that output sighei R‘ is detected with
`the iiheerity muitipiier 35 and the iew pass fiiter 36 of the detecter circuit 33,. and
`baseband cempment W 03“ Fig.7 253 shown in (e) is detected
`Oh the ether hand, n the sampie heid circuit 37 u» (f) cf Fig.7 __ iike __ the puiee
`sighai PC of width Tc: (for exempie, 1 i’iS) w Tci from each trahemi
`timing 0f the short
`puise wave Pi: w 2 id, it deieys -- every 3 Td and inputs‘ Here, ii: deScribes by the
`case where the time deiay ”id is equai to the width of the wise PC.
`Since time fer an eiectric wave to gen and come back to the 15 m is about 100 fig
`when the distance to the far ecige of space 1 of a survey object sheii be iees than 15
`m as described abeve, The reflected wave irem iese than .15 m can he covered by
`being deiayed item the transmit timihg of the short puise wave Pt by the maximum
`to mom
` V
`By the time time TWZ passes since each transmit timing of the sheit puise we‘ve Pt,
`the reflected wave from predetermined investigation distance wiii reach, and
`received detection wiii he carried out, The current suppiy te the transmissien section
`21 and the receive sectien 30 is suspended as shown in (a) at Fig.7, untii TQ~TW2
`passes after the time "M2 passes‘
`Here, if time Tg is carried eut and time Tw 53 get te 400 i‘iS for 10 ms 33 mentioned
`abeve, comparativeiy, Tw/Tg Wiii be 0.04 {4%) and the power of it wiii be saved 96%
`by simpie caicuiatieh compared with the case of the current suppiy time te the puise
`transmitting cycie T9 where a pOWéBi‘ euppiy is aiweys suppiiedu
`And since the pulse Signet Pt: from the let time to the 3rd time does not overiep
`besebend compeneht W as shown in Fig.7, the sempie heid Circuit 37 wiii integrate
`eniy with a neise compeneht, anti the integrated resuit and retention veiue serve as
`zero substantieiiy.
`Anti when the 4th time and the 5th euiee signai PC overiep beseband compeneht W,
`E i
`E ii g
`iike (g) of Fig}, Besehend signai W finds the integrei within the high ievei hence of
`the puise signai PC, and the integrated resuits Hi and H2 are heid, and iike (h) of
`Fig.7, it converts to e digitai veiue and outputs to the signai processing section 45.
`The signai processing section 45' detects the distance tea the object Lia, an Objective
`size, etc. based en these retention veiues H1 and H2”
`For exampie, when the retention veine ii mere than a predetermined ievei is input,
`it detects the distance te en (abject by Whether it was obtained by the sempiing
`which is what time. When the retentieh vaine H more than e predetermined ievei
`centinues, the number 03‘ times of centinuing detects an Objective size:
`This cietectien intormetien is netitied to the centre} part 50. When it is shown that
`the distance to an abject hes the near detectien informatien notified, fer exempie,
`and the strength of reflected wave Pr is Eerge, the centmi part 53, The gain of LNA32
`is iowereti, and the input ievei of the detecter circuit 33 wiii eise iower the gain of the
`pewer ampiifier 25, if required, anti it makes more exact baseband component W
`detect in the next investigation so that it may became the iinear eperatien within the
` i
`i iiii
`scope of the iineerity muitipiier 35.
`When a weak reflected wave i' tram / near the far edge of investigation epace 1 }
`needs to be aheiyzed, the gain at the power ampiifier‘ 25 is raised.
`According to the state of space 1 e? a survey abject, the size of the ebjeet ‘2, etc., it
`eeprepriateiy changes aisci about reset time Tc of the sampie heid circuit 37‘, and
`acquires required investigatien information.
`Aitheugh current suppiy ehiv of the tetei time Q? time TWZ required to receive the
`reflected wave about stebiiizetieh time Twl of power eueeiy veitage and
`predetermined investigatien distance was carried out to the trenernissien section 21
`and the receive sectien 3G here, As shown in (a) 0? Fig.8, to the transmission section
`21, carry out current suppiy eniy {if the tetai time (if the width Ti) of puise signei Pa
`of (e) {if Fig.8 to stabiiizetien time Twl, and it receives the receive section 30, if
`current stippiy eniy of the tetai time at time TWZ required t0 carry out received
`detection e? the reflected wave about stabiiization time val and predetermined
`investigetien distance as shown in (in) of Fig.8 is carried out, power consumptien can
`be ieesened further:
`Aithougn it is necessary to change current suppiy time, power consumptien can be
`further ieseened by stoppi