`20(38- 155 I 8 13?
`{43)1321329 cf publication of amfiica him i} R {19.2008
`HOIH 181%?
`{2:99 1.0.?)
`(21$)Applicatmn {lumbar
`(221)13ate at” filing
`{7 Dimplimm
`(5:1)813’1’3‘02‘1 DEVECE
`YAER-15X_I_)s\ 1m EASE if
`PRUEHEM TO! BE SCKNEDI To pmwidee fl mac'hruifingy of nmking rm (333911??ng {minim
`{Him'lpiiuf'i and easy to iiififiii-‘JJfiflih in um: titlilli’ppéfid with mm m.- mmre Eight ssmmms each
`itxdepte‘ne‘ienfly iighfin ,1 {m and mff.
`SOLUTION: The bumm device is g‘ai‘m-‘ii‘lmi wifl‘t a y‘siuz‘aiity of Eigi‘a‘i soux'ces each
`din. of each
`:imiizependamjy lighting (m and off. A §::'§:u.:r'z:fl:itgd (if fight guide prying guiding i:-
`iight smmms ilewardi :Em ir‘r:21c:iiz‘3.i:ian (113.1“;261jt1m and a. light“Shielding pra'ufit in maniac: with
`eamh of adjrsx‘milt Eight guide parka and (:(Wt‘fl‘ing each 0f the adjacent light guide. [saris
`(2.xs'fept. an irrmfiatiaim {1i mation part. am :i:‘nxigg‘ratwii.
`JFD and INPIT‘ are not msgzronsible for any
`damages caused by the use {If this transiatimx
`1.’I“hi:‘< :‘im‘m:,n‘nmtn.. has been httalnxiat'f..ed £33.? com puiim‘, Sui: the {.1‘ansialzitn'a may Hui:
`mfieci: the wig; m1} pyertiaeiy;
`33“” Shows this wa‘mti whim can not be ixn‘;3_:1sla.i’;edm
`3.11} the drawinggat any wm‘ilss are: mat: 1111113553 ted.
`{Claim 1’1
`Each is :1 331112110 21,
`ifk?‘$-‘:i(3:€! which has, :21, plu:i'aii,i:y of 21gb}; muraeg tmmed 0n and. swimhed (if?
`‘i “(imam dis). 11113 3»:
`A pim‘ali‘t}: (,si’ 'iig’m guide Sfifitiimz‘sf WY'lifif'i lead easth Mgi’lt; 0? Hits: afar-emmaimed light
`source 11-11 11111;»: {1111131111011 of'1'111312111-101‘1.
`Each (11' the 231111112111931timed Eight. guide 1mm 11111.1(:11 is adjzmmt 1:0 is: 1111111)}:th and i1:
`rem 1'10 exz‘m‘spi:
`has :21 shade 1331‘}: which itiisvmfs 121211531 {1f H161 light. $111131?! Semiii':111 which ix £1121}:
`f0}:- fl‘ui} a£70113n].m:11.inmed 61113311013. 1}? 1111133111111,
`The aft} 1'1311'113211121013 131d. 81311151! part 21.1113 the {1:11:11‘8111 1111115111: 1316. “gm guidsas Rentinm 1-1176: 1mm
`2’11‘11111121’111 {havice by which his aha1‘3111.:-11'ized.
`{011131112113 Ckwcriptioxi 0f the, 13111121151119}
`{View 01' 12.21112 Em: 1321: 111011]
`The 1111:153131'111
`11913111311 LU the 1:111:21“: deviue which has :1
`111111111111 wuich
`ir‘ #11113 1111:; Eight :1 head,
`{Back {5113111111 {if 1.353 1:5 11111125111110171]
`Conwmtkm2115.13,: a light 8111111111 is i118031,)om'aqed 83:16. there i.*« :21 171111211031 s,>per;fi:im1. {1111:1011
`Which i:x‘1‘3.di::11.e;~; Eight; ahead. Such :1 13.131111: >111. {53:19:11} 1.311111 1111112031 apemms {3N 11.1311} SF}? 171‘
`a switch by being depreawd. The UN 1113:1111: and {)FF stat-:1: of a Ewing}: 21m shs'ng': by
`whether the fight: of the light EO'UI‘CiEr 1:11" 11 1111113111131! 131::81'111'1‘111111 {1111mm i25- zz1iz»i:-ach<zsad, 011* 111; 1121.54
`1311:421{11111511121131 Tim Luchzufiug}! 0f 11110311 :1 11113111121) 1.11111211311111 111111211111} is viesécnffi'm} i111
`domxment 1,.
`{Panama (11111111111111. H 13 P 2005 " 2281;351:191
`filiiss111‘iption 11:1" the ilziwenmm}
`i.¥’1‘0h.hm:1 m be! 30.11.1211 by 1:11: mmmtinlfi
`As; 11:11? the 11111111113} npmrmzjntn {mtiznn whinh hm: :1: light: 8013111122 111?? :21 min}? an, mm ma 1:111:33
`01112111111011 bu 1:11.111 has one fight $011111159. 1'1'111‘1refow,
`:1 prim" art; is 1111111112111 11g 0: 111111111111; off
`the fight. 1:11" 21 fight. 80111111?! and 0,111}: MW 31.311118
`:1: n he shawl). When the fight: warm
`which 0.111? {1121:1113} (1}:1::1‘211‘11(111 hutinn him ShUWS three 1::1‘ 111011: 1111111123,
`ii, is Linssflnie 1.1::
`'21:: use We 111‘ 11111111: Eight. 8611111583 w h 11:21]
`{>111 Ch tum»: m1 :1 mi wiufi‘uw off" 1:11-11:1111111111111:1 y. In
`this 1312159., a: 11m} ‘11:. is newsgax'y ‘11:: have 21 light guide SGCUCH’! and :3, 1111;211:113
`1:11.111: 1:0 {each
`fight. 31111113112
`:1 1111211111111 01:11:23.12101‘1 11111111011 111'11111‘geg. Since 1121:; {RECESSHI‘}? m :1
`11:11:51: the
`fighi. guidg 141115111111 and. {3113: 551113.111? part; 121:: {each light. 5011.11»): amateur: {1131 uperzztwn 11113110111123:
`The 11112312131;
`iawem‘im: 11:33 mark: 111 View 1:11" 13111:}:
`:1 Situat‘nzm, and 11111111 11:
`11161 each.
`pmvide the (is: 93 ‘K.€.‘:{3h'n(jkigy of 219991113'133‘ 9991991011 111 which a mama: 91 opera {mm b 1.1211191]
`i9 (Rampant. in the manual Operation him-{m W‘hifih 13219 [-WD in? mere light: 9012.991?sz turned
`{:31 and awimhed {sz indeprmden{.1}; and,
`{33519331119 for 9::{i‘9-‘zing px-«fi:{¥£9mj
`A plurality of light: guide 99:9,.1'099 which the! 3399.99.91: inventim} i9 :1 buttizun device: which
`2:: piuI'ahiy of
`light, 9:939:99 w‘itaiei’x w (are made in omier
`to achiew‘.
`1-1huvwmenLmnm} (3113911.. and {9.21931 turns an and 9wi1'it'hfg9 m"? ix}dapaud911913: and Maui
`email light; of the :=:,fbrmnenMimi-1d fight 909mm 9:: £119 Chi‘flct-m'fi nf' 'r'atiiaiziim, Remit}: mi? the
`af'mfementinned 1i g‘m; guides seci'jun w‘rftic'if: L9: adjacentzi‘: in i9: t:0m’rh.e<:i. it; has a 9315:9193 pmft
`which 993mm each m" the light guide:- SQi'f'fitm which i9 adjalcen'i his excepi. for the
`afm‘mmmfirmed dimmiion M" 3";’u}iz~:\i:i(m, and the a'fi'n‘iis”162111130an sin-1&9 139m. and this
`:Eifi)rmnrze:1.1‘.immd light. guide section am mm.
`{Effect 9f the. 1mm: 1.92911
`:‘Xcmmfiing {If} the {Heirnulegy of 1:319 px‘emém. EIWEEEfiun, each '39 399929929. 93 make a. memua}
`03199919191 button (:(n'npam: in the manuai {mm’fli‘im} buimn wi'nch has. two {9‘ “NM? 11". 5:11 i:
`901219399'tl'uzr‘rmd 0:0 and swzitnhmi aft" in(is.pamdcn'tly. am} 9;
`9:19:33; opcssratéon bemmea 9395;;
`{89:91. Made 0}." C :1 )fst’ying 09 i. Hm liW’fifilYkn’l}
`Héswinaffix-Yr, mm tgzmhmiinmm: of $316: 9:999:13;
`ijn's-‘iiérntjxm E9 {himzrii’nfiiti
`in. (kiwi? with
`refbronce in Dra win 5.59
`1-53.99};j with rei'ex’mjce to F 3.9; .1 , it; demerihea about Elbe (Iii:iflfiguiffltis)fxl -:‘:’>.’:(‘;‘:11:‘:1§)1ies (9733:1329 humixil
`iii mi 99. 1 [H23 M" {211% 9 m'nh<:,sriinmn 1:.
`{00 1 9};
`Fig.1. 19 the fi gum whitih dgwqéflcqmd thfl {jun'lg'Jiment which £’:€)I’Tté$‘ti1il.fl:fi$
`the knittm'l device
`HM of this enflmdiment. In Fig.1,
`11.319 Malian (29997.9 1 {it} has.
`the b11999] 181, {I'm
`traumaartsy}i; n:ua.i:tari;zii 102, {he (1.9196! 103, tim 911(k)? 11 (H, the H.13:¥E;sex' (3:111:31): 185. {he
`subatraize 1%, the i339}; newer ,1 if}? , etc. The button 191 Comthes, when a 2.1991" {iem‘esaaeém
`13194191113299 tiiléfX-‘iitvéé in!)M'ihisnmhmf111mm.Thetramparentmamriai 1.02 (hm-‘9 the fight.
`of :11 light. 991.1}799 in the 13111.1..{9'1 1m (.iiriamjo'n. According n; this 9mhi.>s'.i'i,n:us=z'11, as for the
`its-a(19;;sajxgsm; mamxriai m2, firm 93:99:19 part. and. (he light guide matiam am unified, Tm:
`(3399121119 nf this mm;pc:a9:iiti.[m am :nmnmmed £99939. T119 {1999 1.03i9 for hu’idih'ig; {he 'iimii.t..i;2n
`10 1. the: 93791119139 ram i. Imitm‘ial 102. the: 91160.19 :1 {if-1,. {111%. The slidm‘ 1.94. Uri-1.99:11im baitk the
`pawer in which {hf}. button 181 was. pushed by the 9991‘ £299. The rubkm‘ (tam‘i'wc:‘¥. 1033
`5355551555513 5155515551555'551 555513555 155555 3155555551 5511:1555 555515<55u5 11.155 '555 Mupnmc 5.5} 1:155: 55515555555"
`15:55:55 5.1555.5515515321?11151, 555551. 5‘55:111525555 UN and 0191.5 55115155:: 1555155555 51555‘55‘55 15.11}. 1155-5 $15115555:;255.255.
`1.1113 555 5:555:55‘15215551 55.55.5115 the :11'5115‘555‘15755,
`A 550.1555- 53135555555152.5551. 551‘ 1.1155 155511.055 (1.5?VSLT1B "11)1).
`A 5515555512111}! 5151" 1:15:151; 555555555555.
`‘1‘15'53 1155,1155: 5555555535.
`.155 15355255555155? 555525515 55555.. 1555 11 5551515551 2155551 55:55 1"..15'3'1.) {Light 1.131555 515:1 555.: 1355551523)
`5,5515). may 155:: 55515115555155; 1’05" 55555555555155. 51.55525555115555 555 5:15:15; 5355515555111555525.555: 51555 <5515n55'555 11115
`15255555 {our
`11,535 1.
`55155111355 51525555555
`1152255555555.50155. 555;-555-25531 11):...
`.5555155555 11g1m55<515551115e55155555555 .1555155555115'1555‘ 15151.
`115*5"5555.55555' 5155:5155155113 551‘521555 (15.555555555555555. 5551515315 (35555555211. 5511553 5.1555 1555555555 515555555 2555-:
`151555515 551‘ :5 (15.555555555555551. 15:53 35555555 55551515515 51055551551: 01" 55 15155555111355 551‘ 155-55555 155 1115551:
`55.55.5555 1555? 555552555555515215155‘515551-15555 111.115”. 25 555551.55 )5": 5515555555.:5555'155555315 5525 ‘1: 55.515.15.515. {5555555111 1.551155.
`55555555552555.5555 5. is 51 52355551552521.
`1‘55555 5.555515
`55511::55255.55? 1:0 ifig‘fi ,11555 {5555.11555‘5'15555‘ 1555555 51555 55355555555115 5:51 5117552515‘.‘555<55.5555555
`5555515551251 1112 555 Fig.1 i.<-,. 515,:85'35‘5155551,
`1.555.155 55.1
`.155 .1‘5.1.2. 1.155555:5".‘55530555‘55555. 51555555551551
`11112 155.53
`5.5555515! 35552115555'1512'55'1,'112'525i1,
`1139'11, 5153515: 5555.251
`.102':15, 5555:.
`152555515 55552551525551.5551 55:1‘11g‘1'551g55.1<:15:: 5555551115555
`'11,)2‘225 1., 1.1322252,
`1112:2511 is". 55551.,55:155:5'1555I55555::
`113111550135155.5‘115015555'155) 551.53.,
`1:55 1.5155535525152555.
`55"525~.155555555 5555r.1,5555511\55~2‘ 155.1155 152555555555 515.5510 555555: 1.11“ 1'55.5:
`:5 <125<<15 {:5555‘1.T155_: 5555515555551 551
`315555155 5555.55: 115)) 155s 5501.55.55'1555555555‘ ,55‘5.5.55 555:5 ”1555‘ 55555555555152 55.55515. 555515555: 551 5:5 5:5515'55‘59.5 5:155»
`1.55 151515515 5551515555152. 1:115:51; 111.19 55. 3.151525151157551, {55321531115251}.
`1555.55 5-51
`55.511115 55511555555539 1.55 Fig.3, 5.155;: 5555113115555
`:‘15‘55555. 5:1'55555555555555
`.11 5'55“ 11555.- 13555::225555555155.
`555555555‘m11'113555 151;, 1 53:5.15585'5551'155551.
`.155. Fig.3, 5515;555:155 555555rt.11'1)‘3 1:55:5 :25 «51555515555511.5‘. 5155551525 {52551.511.12 15 1525:; 51555.5155551 111555 525551555:5-5 5:555
`121555 3.1551555" 111-21 $55155. 551555551555 5505'. 5.0155315; Eight. 5:55 51555 "8.11518?" 1115-1 $55155.
`1555} 1.61
`As 31.555555555155135”2 .5 55551 '15"5155211, 9.1555515: 55255.555.111;,'115 5s 5355555555551 55\5555555 1155‘ 55555.15 'i.5‘5'.‘::551'i.555:55.555 5555.535;
`5;.51 1555151 95.515152 555555515555 1(3‘3'21'1, 1.112'52,
`55,5551 "1533'.5.5 5555 5.155555. fight 555225}! 55551. 155551;.
`11.55351. 545515.153:
`353555551055. 10215.1, 1.11'1'52, 5151111193111 555551 5151555515: 5525555. 1112'15 3.55.5 555.551.52.511.
`1.5%5‘515555515‘5gy 15:5 5555555515125? 5.15551. 55555155555 555555-5555515 (51' 51,555: 1155155. “55551 55555511115551 1.1113.- 51, 11113-552,
`555551 10351511 55.55551 '3'15555‘155. 55:55:511521215'5.5: 5505 55555115551. 1’5555 555.5555555155 5211555555. 5.55755 22551155555551 5551,5215
`adhgminVVV-‘V Vita... and .111. maV be good V2150 as one and VVVaVV fiVV‘VVV VVVVVVgV‘VVHV: When 1"VVV‘VVVV mg
`intVésgVV‘VHVV aiVVsV‘ mV3.1V11fVVth VézVV31 (V3 hghi.guh:t1u «Mum 10:32:111, 10:3" :13. and i.(1f3*z13.
`gmdi 1:0 maid shada part 302"?) .‘VV‘VVVIVVV‘ifVVVg these.
`Nflx’i, the (tombVgVVV‘aiVVm (“411111.130 m an VTVVVV‘hVVVVV11: Siam?! (13.11.1111 1VVVHVVVV V1V~VVV.’ 101'} is
`V1 EES(:I‘11.3V'€V(1 .
`1.00 :V 8.1
`First... with VrV;eFVVV.‘e3:VV:e 1V1 F3334. the exaVan'VIV: {1131.3333- 1.112121}51'.er ”11.318 bLVVi'VVVI V1VVVVV:V-i{3i1V..-
`ViV-‘thV‘ibV-Vd .
`{0V} 13.31
`In Fig.4. the. 1‘VVVV..VTVVVV 1V1} hams {EOVQI‘iV’lg 11.11 'a. This covering 1131-21 is 21V part which {Quakes
`when EV user V'EVIVVVV‘VVSVVVVS 1hr»: hu'li'llim dVEVV‘Vine
`'ThVV £1019. for V::VVV<VVV‘ing 111111 3.0 VV'V'adiszVVIV
`UV‘VV‘.11 fight (if 1.19m guirfilu BUGI301} 11.123111 .13323 :12. and 1.1.1383 1;»: made. (.TVVVVV?VV‘V.VVg IE 01% has
`.1013). A~:.-: 31M“ this Vagina 1.0.13},
`:3 {.1318.K‘Eiiffsffil‘, 3-th figVV’VfVV. V-‘m.
`aaVVi'e disngaer‘i, fur
`VaxaVVi'VVVVhar. There are, a hole whim :E'VVV‘VVVV;
`Vz'V‘VV-V iriiill‘l'n (311' a V::ha.V‘VZVV‘ViVEVV‘,
`thus {igni‘fig 91.6., and. {-1
`1i)?i:ilil§ipfli‘82[}i.01"t-it’fiii£}Sil‘VI‘i‘iflil part. in VfVEegiiOVTV 101th)_.
`.1 mi VV119:1 the 13th(2713:9671 by {he Siider‘
`11M-1”i§1h1‘}l1'\131£“~(‘ i’lfi’fi‘hdl‘ditm‘ {3gL1)‘(:,t,81.-{3.are{1.1391213’8d.
`' in P151.31 is shown in Fig.5.
`{002 1.1
`in 13335.5.
`1;VV_VT..V'.Vm 101.
`fixV‘flVV-VV' ham $113331!
`11m V‘f. 301.1:
`(V'UVVVV? than ahfl‘fl?”{11.8133430319d
`achieving i1 V1.1 ‘11 any} region. H1133, mic. Shade part. 13311313 and. 1'0 keep the iiigifi. led to
`each effight guide .~:.VV2(;V§V<;V.V:V M33711. 31.113313.. 2::in 1(3‘3'3‘3 {'CV‘DBE 3V:112311;; V0 the VVEVVZ1VVV‘ 103 8131.1.
`1, raglan f (Vilma? 131nm time iV‘V‘eVdfixation part 03' (inventing; 1 {31‘31 5". (when: light. guide gerrsiliaisn
`1113113, 11313-32», and 103—323 1 Si‘VVVV‘iVV 132113. 1011‘: 1S V‘VEVV‘VVVV'} at the back surface ('ji'V'SUVBI'mg
`Whiz. Therm 33th: than": 13.01.st whim. .123 1} when it. V‘:V:VV:VV.me2Vs in. (53.311 021‘ VVVjVVVVVriV‘Vg 1301.13 and
`aback». VVVVV‘V‘. 1.1.1313, and. each guide semen 3 (Via 1. EVV‘B 3:3. 311:1].110:3 (13 1.1mm.:V‘VVV'VVV:
`m VVVVVYE'V 01" 3.3135 1.10132.
`TheMR. 11125- (110 VVVfl 3V:VVVEVVVVVHV1V»: "V'VVSVVV. {WIS{a{33‘3’10133133‘318builfldiii‘.1}§?SE'fi’I‘E-Em} .V‘VVS'VVV. V233,,
`101: emmmlu and VVV‘V‘ Wham VA VI
`(‘1 (EH? V0 {VVVSVVVK VVV: thV‘ii mat.
`:21 31mg}{dine
`{VVV‘VaVc'VV’VVV ’1.‘1VVV;V‘VV13V:
`their. .iighf. 1V32kaage m 3.11:3:
`{V‘eVV'VVVVVVVV‘eVVV. 11121128.?in 0.1" the V’VVVV‘VV‘VVVVV 03. the
`butmn (1 mice 100 01' an ithzfsiVlViV egg-1:13.139 pV‘V,-.VVV;VVVV:.VEVG..
`”We subtV.V.;-.VV.V..
`1.1.115 has light. Source :‘VUV‘r-a}, 106-1313. 11333-423, em. Light guide Sectiuu
`111‘?“ leads 123.132 fligi'ziz (33' 1.331313 ROLVTC“ 113631. VVV the .E'V'VVVV'V.
`fVVcV: {33' VtVVVVJV‘iVVg ‘iiNL‘V-V. Ligm
`333333333. 33331333333 1332332 333333334: 3.2332 2333233.- 333 2333233. 33033333933333-3‘1" 333 312333 2333333: 3333335: 333" 3.!33‘4‘433‘33'333
`. 2.3333331. 3333333333333 1333212323 3333324 33333232' 33233, 333' 3334333 3333333333 333333313 33.33.3333 2333333 3333333.
`333' 3223333333‘3n 33 3332.13.
`A33 33313333333233 332'43333333‘333 3.3923“ 2.33 29334.32 is 2323033333 2233 29334.33.
`In Fig.6,
`33332333333232 3:32" 322333 3523333353
`3313-3 '32-; 333.3233.333333302332333:
`33332-3333 33333.. 3333‘ 323323333333233, 333332
`3..3‘33.31sp3‘-.33.‘33333.. 333‘ 31.3333352333333333.. 23333333333. TOP?) 33:33333333333333‘2 33233333333 is 332331332 3.33: 37333333313333; 33313-
`3333 3333313334 33333 332' 3223333. 333.3333 332' 3:2333: .34333391 332-3. "2233: 3‘3333333333‘ 323333333333: 33233 31333333233533 333333323333:- e‘m} 333'
`222333 5432332333 2.3233.
`33323133333‘3333 3‘3332333 3333323333 333333-333 20:3 '33-: 33333233; 3‘33223:3333 (33:...3‘. 2333‘ 3333333332:33:.
`'2233‘. 3353232393
`3:33.33333313: 3.335 3133333323335 3.23.3? {432331233 3‘ 1.3.342. 3333.32 3.3. 33-: 1333 (33333333333. 33.23333 3333.23 3:233:33 313033.”: 3.1333333?»3733133333..
`3323333333.} 332' 3223.33: 34733333332333.3233: 3333.3.
`(333 32333: 33333334333333:
`133322. 3333233: 340333333: 3323323 3333333 2.
`33333133333:-3333‘3’3‘33:.i333333323 3334333. 323333333233
`23233332.. 306332.. 333333 3328-3332,
`33-3 3333323333 333‘‘3333‘3‘33 T233342 2'3{2.33 33353333313 13332-2) 33: {32:33:93.2 3:333
`3233‘. 433323.433333‘. 33.323 3333 93333343033 03 333333323333 83332 03 3233‘.
`:2233“:333.3‘ 3333.
`A 3;3$333.">3 3:32:32. 32.33133333433233373 3325313335 33333333373 30]. 3333232 333333333 31233:: 332232.333" "333-12 3.33. 3327333.: 3.223333231233323 3333.23.33
`9.332353313333233 2.3333 '22333 33323330)? 3‘3333 21333.3:
`.303"3 2.4 {33343233332 2133‘ 3.23334? 3333333‘3333‘3‘ ."33333 “32323333303334?“
`2325 33333.33 33:33:23
`3233‘ 332332333 2333-2
`3.33 3233‘ 2333333333 2323 32.3.3‘333_:3.'33‘_333
`2332‘ 3333333 33333332333333 23.333333.
`3.3333 3333313133:
`3233' 3331333333333: 333' 323333 333.32:.333:3‘333e 33.25 23323 3333333333333? 33:3 32:33: power by
`33333133333323.3033. 33,33,331 333 332.3 7.333.314 3’.)N 33:33.32. {'3 33.2? 3133' 3223323 233.333.3331 322333333133. 13333.
`2.33 5‘3333‘32333332333‘ 3333.332:
`2234223313333 3233:3333 322333 133333733334‘33333322353333 333333333233 333' 33.233333331333333333.3333332 2.334233.
`33333333333 .3 323.3313 2.. 3.3233332, 33235-3333. 333333 3.333333 may 3303'. 333:: 32333333333, 333332 33333.33 333.: 33333333333133. 3'33;
`3.23333 33333233333333333333.. 3.3333 333333.033 (2323333233 3033 347333333
`33:3333 333323333333 3233332
`31333323233333; 3.3333;
`'3 32613.3,
`1333223 by 3-3
`33%33333‘333-333303‘3 33313333332, 3’03? 33:33233'3333333.
`'23: 3.4: in 3.2333 3333.33.33 3332333123 32322 333' 2333233; 33333333133 1033-3333,. 33232-3232.
`33333332323, 3333333 10322.3 213333333 3.333333332333333 (32'2" 33332323323133.3332 3333‘ 33x32333333333. When. 3333;423:333 (33333315, 334233.
`3333333333 33333-333
`3.333323 3313333
`23.3.3233: up 33.23333 33333.2333. 3.33:3.3.
`333:4'2‘33. 3333333313.:
`:3'333'331333' 3.313. 233.333 33' 22342233. 47333333333 3.2323333 2333373333153? lights up 3.33332 .33.
`(3.333.33r33343‘53333 2'333‘323333‘
`31333333!' 43333.3 3W3313333 3333.333 3.1324333443033333} 332‘. 23.34233 3333333333 23233 3232 3.333133523 3.3:.331‘3‘32322, 3333322 30823
`W!322 3333 33333..
`As. mentioned idiom, Since the light: guide $GC¥130H and the shade 3'13 Ni- are an ifieci. a
`bumm deevige ijiamnmas iiujmpaci: and asaembiy {sgiiei'aiiim 1383011185: easy:
`'Fz'iciiitating of
`M35211! bi}; i‘);‘)mr:zit.:i0n i)€;‘£’.[)fllei\3 more mmarka hie when. firming :11: iighii guide simian a nd :11
`Shfldlh part iniegrzleiy.
`As i'flé‘:fl’§;i(1fl€?fii aimvee :::it.hsmgh [he en'ii‘imiinmnt: of this in'vmtiijin'n has {men ezi‘piz'ainmi in
`:i‘uii detail wiiii’x miizer‘mrice ti) Drawings, apmixif’ic mmpositiim is not FilSil-Yifi'iijd in {his}
`whimdiumeut and the: change. of fiat-‘xign em. {if the: +ange which {meg Hui: deviate .i'wm the
`81: m In m3" of this; ‘i n \ren'tii‘i i1 2?!le 'ii'iitltuind.
`Specific fin? exzzu'npia, by am aboverim'moned m'ixinxiimam, aiiii'ii‘iugh each light with
`sadism and Rimming! part ni’ iiiu'eii‘. light mism‘iiera Riiflii be unified, the numbezn‘ (if Eight
`Smii‘ei‘zes is net. necegsarii}; )TfZESt-I‘Zim-(Ed to this. The numi‘mr i‘)!’ light Siil‘iBTCfGR mom: jusi‘. i113
`Altimugh the Example in the case {if :‘ax‘i‘angiing the irradiatifln part by flea-itch Eight SGLII‘QG
`veez‘pamiicuiax’iy W213 descrfim’i by the Edam-W»:-n‘mntimwd en‘ii'n‘xiimem, iii? example. the
`:{3izisiiziunzzii remtismsiiiygi (if an _h:~:i'a(i_izatt.i(m pa r1: is a r‘hiti’ary.
`Airiimigh min/QI'mg a!" a iz'iz‘ismn iii-Mi
`:21 kale, and. U19 iighi: guiiita‘. maxim: pm:iisi:3rzzi§ii§d {Ale
`huh: and. iiimmc‘i thee pifli'tlTfl-‘a‘iQiHH p311: of fig;
`iii}? the. Etho‘k‘ii‘ffilfl’nii‘ifn‘ifld. «germinatiiHiram; fa}?
`is. not. necmssmily restrimrxi
`in this. For exampiig,
`itaii‘{m11519331:21::ng etc, £3185" {him the perimiaLinn part 0i light 3:)» making light iransznit-.
`Thai is {his m‘nimt'iimam: {i088 uni. limit :11 design. Designsg sad} as {mm Of a button
`deflect) and a pm"memiiim part of Eight, are a rim; '21 P32".
`{Brief IKEHLY’iptIiOI} of the '{h'awings}
`A E-VE‘i’G.
`in {mm mnbmiimeni. of this present. invemiim,
`it. is the. figure simwing {he
`dim-131(3)merit View 0f 3 indium i‘iiwice.
`A ““18; 2] 1;": {he embodimamg it, is :11} armw View of ii Li‘s,sigpiLi'em. n'uzii:.c::r‘iai.
`A iFiG. 3] In the Gliyili‘}£’){ii}“fli‘jlL, it: is an mmw View Of a 11mmSpartant; {1131mm}.
`A 13.13“}.
`:11] in. tings sgsmbudinwnL it; is; a. i'rcmi: view of :21 button (:ieviirias.
`A WW}. 33! in. Mina: {ambciidimeni, it. is a. moss Emitizimml View Ufa buiimt‘: devicm
`A il"i(ii. 6] in. the em hm‘ii men 1;,
`it. it; :11 amiss swam: :21}. View 01‘: a humm devica
`{Expia n it Litmus of lattem 0r Iliiilnijil‘iiisi
`A button Cievice, 1011 A Emma, {(31113 (imaging, 3.61.314)
`3 H203 1&1?)ng ‘19 £761 £Rshz1u;iaée
`part, 162%: A. i:r2‘a.ns_p:21:mm. material. 21{‘)2-;2‘I 5%, Eight guii‘isaz section, HRH): A shade part, m3:
`liftwming, HEM}: A slider, Mm: Rubbxasir msntaurh, 1081 A mihsts'am, H3811: A light warm,
`it (16%: A light Murcia m? I
`'iiaack (gm-war
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