{11)‘Puhkicati0n number
`{43)13ate cf publication of amfiica him :1 M16. 1995}
`HQILH 13/92
`(31:)Appliaatian number
`(gamma uf filing
`fifllfl 9&6
`HGII‘I 1-3572
`3-38 1 2319537
`JAPz-XN AV 3.51371“? SN E‘E..I'~.)(’§'FR€)N
`{WAD N‘JM‘B‘K}.
`'};:’_¥{.(,}.E’5'i_is}??? T0 .815? S{'}_1'N'J€EDZ Tu :i'ethme the ens};
`SOLUTION: A heme? 31 1'0? i’m‘iding a fight emitflng diode :29 {hr a fighting im‘iicamy
`19311" 2:33 3:5 fiwmesd lililt-iifgi'ii.n}r' with H.113 whim}? dome. S? (if :2: rubber switch 3-4 for iigi‘iting
`the fight. emitting diode $38, and a, light Shielding wafl 43 {01" _p:P0w’:1}ting {hi} fight of a
`bum) 38 {’01: zit lighting design mam: 13,15 fmm being 'msk‘mrd mum} i212» thfi': 1i- ghifing imiic‘:;_1'mr
`3113 m; 23 is: j.niieg}:'al'§.y mgis'kied with the he‘hfhi‘r 31.. A.L’,(1:‘_sr‘ai}i.in1g‘mthis Htxrucmznraie, the number
`of part“. Emmi mm he 1333.13“:th a preascr‘ihiixti Space} Which was m‘m-‘idqzed by use of :52 jig
`bflizweezit the Eight. unwitting diode and} this upper surfing of a mastic Elohim due in the.
`problem m"
`ihem:u~.1l stress in thugs past.
`is dimmnawfi with and.
`that asagmtnmmg iH
`facili :3: her} in 1‘ 12h is 11301133311.
`JPU and. INF?!" are not; respnnsibm fm‘ any
`damagea caused by the use of this 'transiatkm‘
`I..’T‘h:is (i.()s‘3£3.ntl<itni; has been transmtnd h}? (:mnpumr. 81) Chi! trandfltfimm 31133; not
`reflect: the r,n*ig.i3'1:;1i. precise?! 3
`2“” Shaw‘s; the ward which can. not be {.1'zmsiaizmi.
`3.11} that ithi‘mvi,ngs, any wards are not i:r::emhzxtsad.


`{Claim HA Eight. Si'illll‘fifj which has an {awning m fw,a:'1t3, a m} an mgmrating knob which him
`2m iiimninz‘itien dez‘sign w‘xri‘. and an iiiumizmfiiun indimmr Se
`Mm“: is :1 fight- 50mm} IE
`Eli‘i‘fljlgfid at. the: aim"; e.-memziumed {awning {sf :1 hmmng in which it. was Gov-fared with this
`{id {if firm back side by .51 al.615511'11'he, and. 313.51%;st
`tin-.1. ahovwnmintinned whah‘aie iii u :3::i:13.1.e
`Hm €Ek§‘_fii)’¥‘€5‘iniirniiifinillitifi.
`:iihu’nirmjtfinn «iitaesign. p;au:"i., E}; attvsaufiling a light. mnifling (13413119 ham
`mi :11 hmdm: and a rubber switch which {make-s rim light {emitting dimie mm (m, and
`<:~.=,1.t‘rying um; priésssfing omsrzzttiun m"
`the: a1km?mamfiiimm} {EEDCRVIQYEg knoix 3:} an
`if} u mi:13.i.efl puz‘sh imimn ~‘{:h with em indi “:3 mar made mm Stx‘w‘nux‘e whid‘x :11 ruhhm‘
`dam“. of the Hbi‘wa't:u=,ez’;izion:3,ed mifi'n-wr switCh is In: rsefi.
`(,téii‘l"ii-‘§§ mu! swi‘ichwm. and the
`indicatmf motion iiiumzimexLaces
`with the 1";iguthu'EdmI1
`Edam-"Ern‘x‘sez'mmtmi light em '1'“ iiiintiie, An ifhnnin:«3ted push bu'liitjm swiiic'i‘t with an
`indicate}: whmvin a shading; mm which the. Shave"HIP-IIHUDPd hqidey' is 'imxaegraiiy
`.fiin‘mmil with Hm abin-‘9“nmrstiomntl rubbcésr dome, amt! mavemtg a mnfl’eundinga lump of
`the ahm-‘rrnmntinmisti illmml’uim‘t light. to the ahowwnen[Kim-“d iii1:1171‘i1‘1z2n1itm iudiaamr‘
`$6035.01}. inixégrzaifly in Hm ’i'xifldm.‘ {as fimrm(i..
`{Ueixziifed Descri ration of“ the In \"éjfl'fl'jfl'flj
`{New} of the Eweniimfl'fl'ua design fihuninzztm‘i in :2: dark £113,013! is. Miner} in an. 011mm Ling
`knnb, and? {his irwemmn Friekfixiés to the ‘i§.3‘ ted? push bu‘mm switch wiflti an. indicaim.‘
`wi’ih which. The iif}(§li~:§;ifiifli‘ which indiuafims that «3};ursr‘ai1i‘ng 3mm by iImmirnaizinn was
`further pmxfidezi by Him mpvmmlg knob.
`{likascriphii‘m of the Prior .ENI’YJLEMJ
`tEsxflflftifie {3131.119 {EURE’BI}fiDiTRffi
`iiii‘utitmj‘e (If? this kind of
`push {tunnel} witch is Shown in 1339.3 and 3. Fig.2 ionks at a: switch from the 'frstn'mfaae
`side {iuiutss‘atim'rsides Side}, and. Fig.3} Shaw‘s the gentginn. atmmzure. The {menix’ag 3.2 is;
`3.xrwii3ud by the. Emmi: face 0f the ’he’msmg 1.1, and the mm ‘31:ng knt’m .13 is. sis.:>mfi in this
`awning 12. B: is wmsidm‘ed as the: cap shape with which the back side was; Opened. wide.
`the paint. of the siidm.‘ 1 <1 whinh. forms: an. :211'31'311'3X31fi:iflvlffly i‘izscixiuguffizir pipe. m1 this hack
`shit? is. imemed, min} the: anemia 31;: kmb 13 is unit-Mi with the: slider 1.4. {lambimsxiimn
`WM; the. operating knob 13 and the glider 1.4 is performed by making the projec:i¢is:>n 15
`ywnsxfidesd by {he w::ripher:;zl sux‘i‘mm 0? mm point: {if the slider i1 4 m the lacking 10.19 Ni
`f“~""“¢’ii 5“ {he ii’e-Fiphfin-‘zfl med] oftxhe 0113:: ailing knub :13,
`Milifiéfiil‘n. the, {narm-"ardlmflI'swji‘rd c;‘i:ir«asc£:.i.(ntr (axial directkm} of the Sikh-.33? i! =1, {he S‘I-Efp 1'? is:
`fln‘mm} in a Summumfi. yumticm at a point. and {mm this: step 1‘7, em (mist-d9. is made
`imrge and. IN. the back has the guide SECTiO‘fl 18 ‘I‘he guitjie 85350131 an 18 i5 guided with the


`guiiER 111133 11:3 1131111g11'1'.1‘-:13 1211113 [1111111113 in 11-31:: 3.1221031 1111311 3311111 3.3111 01111111111: 113113 1:31:11 E'11'111R111g
`3.11, 111113
`«21111131311111; 11101=1111112111E 33:12:11 3.3193931}: 111 33.1111111‘1331’111211'111111’13
`REEEERR‘ 31! ER 3111131121113 313' 1:311: SE.0p§1§eE“-3,E when 1.371121 11111;) E? 113111,.1119R with 13111 R10ppE-11‘ ‘31 E1}
`which 33111111113 11111311113111g was «311.113.1913 0113. 3:11 1131121 guide W113}. EB.
`31111131 13 113121.33. have 11311::
`:Ecassign 3111111:
`3‘53 and 331.11
`'13.3111111111113011 3113111111111 1191;131:111 :33 1.11
`()pé‘fl‘flE-EOEE‘SECEGS 1.111111. {371111111- 3‘111'211
`{1:21.111}. E11 1.31ER
`(11111111139 1.310-
`3'111:311112:1111E 31-.11111 213 ER 211.011.1113 E11 1:311: 11111111111110 3111113112153
`3'1: 111111311111 "“3"“ ‘33 and 1.31:13333:111111111111011 1111111111111 «31311111 1:13.15- UUHREIELHNE 51311? 311113
`111113 R3131: 113 13111 111131111111? E11111 :3518 {1111‘“1-1111 311311321111911 {Em11151111310133 WREE 111' 13111 331391
`211113. 1:311: 11;}11'331230211
`:36 3311121111113
`111 51311311?
`1.331131111111111 1111 (E 22111 1.111111'1133 EengEEL and ER 31113113, 33: is 1.111111113111113 11111113 31'. 11130311111 17-31111: 11111111‘11'113121
`Rurfam 1'13" 3.3111 1.111111121131111"1131311113 1‘1111‘11-11'3‘3131R 111111.1'11E311g 11111131 33, {ER 13.3111 311p 1113' 1.31131 11111321331111
`11112131. 215111113 Rh 1:111:11 in 'Efi‘ig.3.
`3000133011 12-32115: 11131121" 31111113,
`1.311111 exam 11315: R3111me 1:311? 33311111111111.1.1.111 13111111111
`:33 1:11
`(1011111113318 113 1 131311111‘1111‘
`113. "AL.''.'E‘U'
`(11113.1.313. 1313R 13:11:111'31‘ E11:
`5.33111111111211111111 design.
`11:111. 22 3711111111
`11911111111113; 3111031
`1.11111111112111-11111. (111‘ 11'.- 311.111 11111111311111111111315} 1.1111111111121311, 11111331 11R 1211.111111131111111. 1111131311: 1'eR11'1. 21111.3 ER:
`3":111‘1111113 31:. (1011111113; 1311.1 31111.11:- 3‘1211‘1'3 12111113 431111” 1311.13331111'1111111'111111 (111313.111 1112311122. 111.10 11311113.
`EUEEEEESE’E‘E'ER R1131R1111111 L? ER 1:11 1E11-1 hack 11.113131 1.11" 1311.1 311111111111: 71]., 1.11113 1'1: ER 111111111113
`311211131. Ride 31}; 1.31314: 1.111311133111111 227.
`11 Eight. Runyon 111:1" E33.11111231'11213111111
`{Ensign 1.111112 22, 3311: 312111111 11381311.12.1111313211311E.131.1 32311:: 31131313111131! L3“; 111 323115 111111111311 11111131311113.1331:
`11111111117111: 131111311.
`:39 1113111131 emitR 3.311311: 1.11
`11.3111 11113111111211.1‘
`:25 3111111111? 1'R 121111111311313. The
`31.11311. 1111111311111;
`1331111111 291R 11111131111 1.1111
`1:1'18 111313111 31.2 111111110913 111.1
`1:11:11 11113111111111) 21.
`11121112112131: 1.3111. 31212113 33 19-. 71121301331113 $3121 3319 33111121111331'31039. 3‘2 113‘ 313131 31113123121? 33., 13111113 :31: .38 311213123, AR.
`323111 high 1; 11111 11.1.1111;
`(3111113121 :39 waR 11311111111 E11 Fig.3. it. is. 113111112113 E11 RpRRR 1311'.'11';E1'-.51:E
`11:31.31 3.3112
`11,11‘11111111 1111113 2:11 311 1.3111."9.3313111: 1.3, 111113 121;»;111R11R 11:31.31 3.31.11 1:11:11: 1.1111 3111111 11E 1.3111 1111331:113.111?
`3.333313313333111 1113331111: switch LEE 3311* 1111111111; 1111 3318Eight:
`11111113.:31'15; 133111311 29,
`1111211211113311111 11312361121 1111121122:113.11g 11.111111111'113 «119:111813 1:11.111.1331.9321111121'1g 123111121111151‘111':11111 1211511111 (131'
`{2311‘ 1131911111111 31111131333,1 111121.91 171111111313 0111:.
`11111113 11111311111; 13111. 311-1311. 111111133111; 133111311 25311:111‘1'1 1111
`11.1 111.1,:1cE1ecE 1.11 1.3111 R1131RE:1‘111:11 247. The 1111.11 (13‘ 1111111111111: 1111111111111 3-5121 11.111.331.131111 111311131 {31.31
`111131311,1‘ RWHE‘E:
`«'.‘-.113 {0.1111913 1111 EEEF: 1111131111.:1‘11112’73321R (11111111111101? 311'?1.3111 1111313111? 131111111
`'3?11'1 113111.31.11.2131121111113111‘1111313111 21511113131131 1111-1301511 3.3111139 111113.313;1111331311111 £15121 £11113. 231331 111.113
`3.3111 1111111111111: which (1111111111115 was 311111111113, 12131.13 the. 11131131111" 131211.111: 3? 1R 01111111113121?”311(3) 1-1-1331
`1.3111 11131311111111: 111111. :38 E131: which 1.311% 1:11p 11111 13311111 11171311111113 1R 311171111113 1'11 {31.11 312193; 11.1113 111"“ 1.3111
`113113111" 1E


`{131311383311‘ 341112551111: 1,1}191‘1111'101‘1 {31" the 01:55.1‘511'111g 3111011 13 is 1111111111} 1.11.11. 11111.1 the slider H
`511111515 1:111 the 1‘11 M1111 Switch 3-"? 4::0115111131‘1‘516 215 the 5311111131.1011111115115011. the .1‘1:1l‘:1be:1’ (10111121 2537
`.15 {1115551111. 21.1111 i1. 1‘11311‘11‘151‘35. and the. {zomimfiing film 1533 win. (tantam the 1:101}?-1:t11nt.;zu‘:i.5
`3111131191115 85:11 and. 35?}, and. will C11 31?); out ctrndLufixiun. of 1.3113111, 213111 a switch will has 3191;. {.0
`SN. '1‘hex’ei1y, the, light {quitting 113131.113: 299 is tui'nied 1m. and H111 fight. guides Of 1,331! fight is
`cartrimfi out. nuizs‘ide with 1.311;: 111151211111? 15.115 25 3.5 m1 1111;111:211101‘
`’1‘311211‘1243‘11‘5, the
`{131111111011 (211.0 :1'121111g11322132the 1113112312113i11g 51:11.11? 111‘ {31125 «:.a;;.1£:1‘111.‘1:11g 31:11:11) 13, 1.15... the 0115111111115?
`51.11.19. of this 1111511.
`in d 111111.111" 51112113031 ‘33.
`1111112011 5wi1d1, by the 1311111111211.1011 (£153)? 11};
`o!" {the .ii1111113118111311
`{00(3313011 the 1.1113111? 11:21:01}. in. dark {12:11:55. 5111111 :12; nigh 1,, th 1;! 111111;) ‘38 1.5 1:111'111311 1.11.1 and me
`1111111111111 1511111 design 13121115.. 22 i5 11111111311511.1111: by the Eight of {.1115 11111111)
`‘38 5111 that 1111
`15111113101" 111111 1111051313511 {3111 {10151111111 11113112 (mixiei‘giing knob 13 131-15113} AR 11 11
`1111111111.- for
`pen(351111111013 01‘ the Eight in this 11111521115111g 11111115 33, :15: 9311113511 in, Fig.3, the match «21 3. and
`13111111113111.1111 4'12 1111':1111111511111 1111911111111 :28 1:11" 121111 51.111113 wad} 19111‘111111 3101151111: 111, 411111 the
`guide 5121;111:111 18. 01713113 slider 14, a 1.1113 the? 111111210111 which (1131113151315,
`{00 103313111. light: afiihis lamp 28 turns frmn the back and 01513111. 5111:2111: 151-, and it: gmea into
`the ind 11:51.01“ 512115 ”25.5116 11iti‘1nugh the 11;‘.112r;.1i§111g knob 13 is 1.1 11011 11111211.:{i11g 5121.11.11, 1n
`m‘dar 1:11 111131112111. the. {aha11011111111111 wi‘tich U113: 1.1111 1111.111) 1:11.111 indicates“ 23 1.1311111111511115. the:
`53111131” 11;: 1111:1111 =13 which 1.1113131113121115 :1 511:1{1‘1‘1111111111335 1111.1} {1 1113111151} 1:5 {111111111111}. The 51151111152;
`wall «I? 3 15 made 3.1.1111} 5111113111112 which puts 1311? 1:12:13." 11nd. 1113171111111. 13f the slider M- b}! the
`{naviphenad 513:1"f'111111i n!" the 310111121 31. and. is integrfidly 113111131111 wiih H111 hohim' ii}. The
`1.211311112211112; 17111111311111.1011 1311111.: 11111211111111; 5112111111811111111 11.111151131111011 by having 5111.111 1.1 shad} 11;:
`152111 433.
`{1111.1 :1 13
`{3321131113111 ‘11:) he 50111501 by 1:211}: 1:11-11:11121111113}? the: way, 55 11181111111181} 211101-11, the 11011151: 3 1.
`ginrcin-"ictiatsd. with the 253111111111; 1.152111 {13 is fm‘zmsd with the injecticm“111111131511! pmdurxt. made
`.1111, 123113111 were the {1131111131111},
`‘5’1‘0111121 plastie in the; {1111111521. and £1.11“ 1.11.15 1‘91.
`Nanwfiy‘. if the (1.113111151111111 ni‘ 1.: 11181311118111:
`1121‘ 111111111" 15111112111511.11‘1 15 {3121111115611 1315 leads {$3
`whit-.1) 110115151. [if 1:1
`1111521111131: 1111111211311.
`11K thee light. tsunitijng; {1101:1152 291. for 1&1x511fi1gg1ie.
`11111111115 by 51:11:21,111 g 11.1113: Eight 111111 112111;; 1111111111 231,111 the 121111 51111311131 01" {he 311111151“ 31 5111512
`1311:- hmder :11 £5 :21 product 1111211111} frm'n 12:. 11113151511). 31111112 512112555 :15 added 1:1) 11 50111112111111: 13221111.
`{2.115 5111151111111 :27 11f 1:111:11. E15111 33, 21111.1 13115: worst
`with the fight. 5111512111111; {315111.112
`:35} 11.111?
`when {he 311111.11-11‘ 3]. expa 1.16.5 at {3113 {3.11113 1311" an {sign-Etta} {121111119111{13.111 .- 11. Sr
`111111;: 1111333111111
`Wm 0111311)? on £13115 {511113.11}: that thlit light 1111113111113: ($1116.12 ‘23 1,11: 11 51:11 daring part. is; 1:1;11‘11ag‘151i
`with this 11 111.11. 511111.255.
`{00 1 ‘3}?"1‘1‘11:11111311:, 115 {$11.11 1111111131“ W115 5311711111 1111 Fig.3, 11511 :21. {351211111 13111.
`1.113522111211511, the 111311,.


`eez'niizti 11g a‘iiode 29 and {be man! an a‘fime OHM 110111391“ 31 at: the mm? m“ an alasembii}, and he
`i8 trying m provide {has fixed gap (:1, and {car this rs: (m: asssminbhr namm was had, {and
`the assmn b1}; had taken time, am} (aff‘me It. iz-‘za in. the object {31" this; izweniaia‘:an prcavifiing this
`iflu{nixaaatmi 311mb.huttunswim}: with an indicaior an :emi-zmzraijiy i3 alumina, and cam reduce
`Hui» numhm (sf warm in View a? Hm pmi‘jiem :nmntimmd 311mm: and.
`ii: «Eéi‘aiflidfi‘tfl
`«immature armzripm'mive ti’aex‘efs’n‘ea
`{31113528135 for Solving; yr’u‘iflemé'l‘he fight smtrce. which has 2m emailing in firm“: 1., am} the
`emanating km‘ab which has: an i1}Lax'nin:ani.‘i0'a3 design pm't and an illuminatim: indimim‘
`Section ‘12;
`} aa‘rzeanged at {he :zaiji‘wae‘:mazaxfaizéomad openiafag of {ha} imaging $10
`which it. was (Sumaét‘eti with {the Mail offize back side by" the SHbEL’i‘aiii? in this’ inveaflia‘au, and
`thfi a13(anmentimmd sui‘mii'a‘m filltmimne 2am iihamitmtinn i‘iaasign part: B}!
`zit-{Jacithing the. light. emitting diode held. at. {he hoia‘im‘, and. £5163! mahber mama»: which
`mastkeas the light: emitting rhudaa': turn on, and, carrying an: i: ma aging 01.n=:x‘ai:-i01‘1 0f the
`0:136:31:ngkind}, in the} illuminflmd pug-1h button swim}; with :im indicamr‘ made into the
`S‘Lx‘umxu‘e wi‘riciii the rubber dame (If 8 :x‘iuijber' {switch iii pressed, atizixi't‘ies out; maritizh‘ml.
`and an iilumimifim h’adicatm' Stamina ifhmnimflm with the iLm‘Imd-m'a light (:ernifiih'ng
`(Made, The shading wax}! which the abowsvmeau:immd holder is integrally {brand with a,
`.i‘quiér fit‘).!}il{;':, and I‘H‘xififfifi'fifi')‘ a a;Lu‘m‘nu'u‘hfigs lump 01‘ 11h? abovaa-menLimmd ii}uniz'ia‘lzizx’it
`fight. to 2m. illumhilaan'sioin indimtmr sa-éctimm integzuzdly in {he holds}? is fimmed.
`{Mafia for sizzrryiatig (mt. the inventini‘lfl‘hif: séxzfin‘aa'iimaHL of the is‘lvmfi-ima is demmibxirii
`according to 2m Eaxaamgiie with refm’eme ta} Dwawings. Fig] shows one Example of this:
`:inwzamjaim 2: Rd has given identjm‘a} ends»; in Fig.3 am} the 31son";ia:aafa m whim}; it". cain‘respammg.
`The wzzu'iina wan «its wi'nci'a prevm'aizss a wra'mmdmgs lump of the light. oi’the hum) :38 {.0
`than E:1<ia¥dm:~ 3} and the 5.111;:min-21131010 indicator (gamma) 2‘3 holding the ¥,ig¥'ai:. emitting {Made
`26.? menial intzeagx‘zflly form in this; nxaatnphs: With the. rubber admin:- 3?” of the 1111131301“ swi’ida
`34-. Ahami: ether {1011;10:15,
`it. is the. 521 me as that: of stramitm'e wtax-'en'f,iuna.zfliy which was
`si‘mwn. in Figfi, and Vigil and :21
`(i3’t:§a;}ge do not have {he 2'3gumamamre SHE?“ {mm the
`front-facet: sight), eiizhm‘,
`{OOIMVFM unific;m;ia:an wi't',..h Hm hoic‘hzsa‘ 31 in, Maid} the! ahatiing wiza'ii «iii wag provided
`ziaxmrufi, and the tuiuhe'r dome 3‘? is 3.36:31'fi}2:'niu-_ad by mrtmuimg the RHEUflM‘. 2'? a}? the
`:mflflmr {Mamas 8'}, am} Shag: {name part 5} which i}p£]{3$§i}ifi‘f**, and. combining with the:
`jpeerzig‘amarifl surfz-mas cizf’ the situaufing W21“ 4:3 Sinai: the Yubbm‘ (Mme. 3? (sfi'ti'uza rubbcasr flwi'ich
`34 serves: as. the armature of it being foramu‘i with flexible nmtmi 315, such 1:»: aiEimu
`rubber, and the ha‘a‘ider :31 being thawed with with a fiexihha Iifiiifllmj‘iéfl, 3 21d, l‘mlx‘ling the


`fight. whiting diode ‘39. AS shown in Fig.1, even if" i:
`:5: Eight.- mniigging diode 35:51:»; stuck an
`{.11 9. {up gurfmm {if thas Mich»? 551 and it mounts it. the problem that a goidexiing part. with
`the light. emitting diode 29 m‘ tha suhsziimte ‘3"? 0f the lead 33 is (firiue‘ageti with her-1i:
`Strum Mae beibx’e (10:38 not 0mm:
`{001(flirf‘henasi'bm, it is nut Biicitiltitfififl’f‘y to g‘mn-‘titha a. gag) ififi'i‘W‘QJESD the light (amiimag diwde 29
`MM the top sut‘f‘mm whim ho’ider‘ 31 using a fixture em. like? hafh‘xv‘e. and mm, :gztzat"§,’(1:r*r}tz the
`part and am asaembiy simply.
`{an :1 ’3}?
`{Effias'zi Hf" the '1nventh‘nfiAa déeSffii’ibfifd abmre, auntordh’ag to this invmmion. by hzwing
`integrally {firmed Him )fuhhcam 6mm 33", am! Hm htfkkw 3} and the Sim-Ming waft} «42-3 of the
`rubber Switch 34', ii. nan compare with the {’Om'u'fi; the mmiher mi" paw; can be reduced,
`and it. can {:(ntxséiii'f:'ui.e fhnmfijim that much inexywmsfiw. Since. the infidel“ I}? mmzpi‘ises
`(minim 3'10 s'woit'i
`};1}1'{!1}}{‘.<)Tl}. by heat. 580% It. hecoms‘as
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