`(wur OR wakeup}target beacon duty cycle start time (synchronize OR align OR concur ORcoincident) - Google Patents
`About 30.499 results
`Sotoy - Relevance + Group by - None +
` Dedugteate by - Farnily +
`Priority 2
`clans executable
`from 3 sleep state to an awake state for a device discovery windowat the
`first loge! tine value For the first comrmounication event establish a.
`vlaim 28ag,
` nied 2019-04-0 ublished 2079-0405
`he equioment in iong suspend mod
`long suspend mode period since clack drift wakes
`up ahesd of time.This Guiside, the beacon with TIM frame may need several milliseconds to complete to transmit is
`movable/wake-up that these, which can Increase whersin station, ..
`iority 2006-02-05 » Filed 2007-02-06 » Published 2000-07-16
`The devies cas emer hibernation / activity mode in varinus networks and other conmunusiostion protocals,
`The present invention allows the device tc synchronize activity cycles in one embediment to better align the
`wake times with frie, Thus, in one embediment, the devices can wake up, perform their
` raneformation computes the ro
`i, ganglation, and possible reflection that best aligns the nodes of two focal
`ooondingts systems, .. Some have proposed techniques to select the mininal set of active nodes to be awake to maintain
`coverage. Othars have propased sensor.
` ished 2003
` s neighbors ars awake as
`» The major advantage of such schames is tha: when a node is awake itis quarantesd that
`well This allows .. detect neighboring nodes In a finite time without requiring slot alignment, The proposed aaynchronous
`protocal is siso resilient to packet _.
`Lhe Tevet
`ML hea
`TY Wa Vfeskundds Baaetics
` and therefure transmits
`NSOT MISKaS an asynohroncus transmission (is, it is not sligeed io the backoff slot bounds}
`PU Se WeheAI NES power save (PS) mode, K aliernates between the doze and ihe awake states, in theWe
`Po KeetonOPO
`access contra! solutions are studied, A variety of agynohronous wake-up MACprotacals have been proposed in the
`iNerature, which take advantage of 3 radio
` fact 2074-93-11 + Published 2074408-17
`The action terminal of clain 13, wherein the contral module determines the ocaurrence tine of cach beacon according ta
`the received signal Information, and waking up the decoding module to detect the baacon means: the control The modula
`stores a symbal counvalue corresponding to a shart tiie of
`Priority 207{EES
`2077-07-30 « Published 2078-09-27
`Provided are a wireless wake ap method, a contol device and a station device. A control device dees not
`need ta teke a position of a weking window of a WUR of a shetion device woken up inte consideration, and
`(wur OR wakeup}target beacon duty cycle start time (synchronize ORalign OR concur ORcoincident) - Google Patents
`10/18/21, 1:24 PM
`Published 2012
`.. Assuming all nades have the same channel sampling interval, such 8 long preamble enguras that all potential receivers
`car dexect the preambles and
`4 awake fo receive the subseauant deta frarie, The bad consequence is that in uniesst
`transmissions nontarget nodes are .
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