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`Ha fimely submission io enter the national stage of an international application is compllant wih the conditions of 05 LIS,
`37) and other applicable requiraments a Form PCT/OO/ECY909 Indicating acceptance of the apalicator aS a nahional stage
`submission uncer 38 UL8.0. 3771 wil be issued in addition to the Fling Receipt, in due course.
`Now Infernational Application Fed with the USPTO as a Reesiving Office
`Hoa new international apealignis being Hercand ihe interiaignal aodication includes the necessary compcnents for an
`inker ational fing date
`(see PCT Article PT anci MPEP 1510), a Notification of the international Apphoation Nurnber and
`of the
`ral Filing Dale (Form POCT/RO/105) will be issued in due course, subject fo prescriotions concerning national securiy,
`ane thedate shown on this Acknowledgement Receipt will establish ihe international Hing clafe of the apnlicaiion.