`Approved for use through 11/30/2020. OMB 0851-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`§ Application Number
`§ muliiote forms if more than one signature is required, see below*,
`WARNING: Information on this form may become public. Credit card information should not be inchuded on this form. Provide
`i credit card information and authorization on PTO-2038.
`This is a request under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a) to extend the period for fling a reply in the above-identified application.
`The requested extension and fee are as follows (check time period desired and enter the appropriate fee below}:
`One month G7 CFR L7G)
`Two months 37 CFR 1.17(a@)y}
`Three months (37 CFR 1.1 7(a(3)3
`Four months (37 CFR 1.77(ah(4)
`Five months (37 CFR 1.17 (a)<5)}
`Small Entity Fee
`Micro Entity Fee
`Applicant asseris small entily status. See 37 CFR 1.27.
`Applicant certifies micre ently status. See 37 CFR 1.29.
`Form PTO/S8/15A or B or equivalent must either be enclosed or have been submitted previously.
`A check in the amount of ihe fee is enclosed.
`Payment by credit card. Form PTO-2038 is attached.
`The Director has already been authorized to charge feesin this appiication fo a Deposit Account,
`The Directoris hereby authorized to charge any fees which may be required, or credit any overpayment, to
`Deposit Account Number 50-0447
`Payment made via EFS-Web.
`i| applicant.
`i| attorney or agent acting under 37 CFR 1.34. Registrationnumber.
`‘Takashi Saito/
`October 12, 2023
`Takashi Saito
`202 756 8244
`Typed or printed name
`Telephone Number
`NOTE: This form must be signed in accordance with 37 CFR 1.33. See 37 CFR 1.4 for signature requirernents and certifications. Submit
`* Total of 1
`forms are submitted.
`is required by 37 CFR 1.138(a). The information is required fo obtain or retain a benefit by the public, which is to file (and by the
`This collection of information
`JSPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR 1.17 and 1.14. This collection is estimated to take 6 minutes to
`complete, including gathering, preparing, and submitting the completed application formto the LISPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any
`comments on the amount of time you require to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden should be sentfo the Chief information Officer,
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450, DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS
`TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Mail Step PCT, Commissioner for Paterits, P.O. Box 1456, Alexandria, VA 22315-1450.
`Privacy Act Statement
`The Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-879} requires thai you be given certain information in connection with your
`submission of the attached form related to a patent application or patent. Accordingly, pursuant to the requirements of
`the Act, please be advised that: (1) the general authority for the collection ofthis information is 35 U.S.C. 20D) (2); (2)
`furnishing of ihe information solicited is voluntary; and (3) the principal purpose for which the information is used by the
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is to process and/or examine your submission related to a patent application or
`He you do noi furnish ihe requested information, the U.S. Patent anc Trademark Office may not be able to
`process and/or examine your submission, which may result in termination of proceedings or abandonment of the
`application or expiration of ine patent.
`The information provided by you in this form will be subject to ihe following routine uses:
`The information on this form will be treated confidentially to the extent allowed under the Freedom of
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`A record from this systemof records may be disclosed, as a routine use, in the course of presenting evidence
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`A record in this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a Member of Congress submitting a
`request involving an individual, to whom the record pertains, when the individual has requested assistance from
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`A record in this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a contractor of the Agency having
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`with the requirements of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, pursuant io 5 U.S.C. 552a(m).
`A record related to an international Application filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty in this system of
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`Organization, pursuant to the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
`A record in this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to anoiher federal agency for purposes
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`$4Ub S.C, 2904 and 2905. Such disclosure shall be made in accordance with the GSA regulations governing
`inspection of records for this purpose, and any other relevant (Le., GSA or Commerce) directive. Such
`disclosure shall not be used fo make deierminations about individuals.
`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to the public affer ether publication of
`the application pursuant io 35 U.S.C. 122(b) or issuance of a patent pursuant io 35 U.S.C.154. Further, a
`record may be disclosed, subject to ihe limitations of 37 CFR 1.14, as a routine use, io the public if the record
`was filed in an application which became abandoned or in which the proceedings were terminated and which
`application is referenced by either a published application, an application open to public inspection or an issued
`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a Federal, State, or local law
`enforcement agency, ifihe USPTO becomes aware of a violation or potential violation of law or regulation.