`Approved for uae through TOMCAS? OMB O86LONI
`US. Patent and Trademark Cifice, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Ureter the Papensork Reduction Act of 1985, no persons ane fequired fo respored fe a codlection of information uniess ff displays a vad OMS control number.
`TS ADMSOT NeTi kndwnsos 37 CPR)
`Not Yet Assigned
`international Anoiicatian No.
`frtemational Fig Cate
`Proty Gate Chained
`& September 2019
`3 October 2018
`Tite of iavertion
`First Named fiventor
`Kiyomi Kozuki
`Applicant herewith submits to the United States Designated/Elected Office (DGTEO/US) the following items and other information.
`This is an express request io begin national examination procedures (35 LLS.C. Aah) NOTE: The express request uncer
`SS UGC. S77 Ch wil not be effective unless the requirements under 35 U6.C. 3/dick 1), (2), and i4) for cayrnent of the basic
`national fee, cagy of the iInfermational Acpicatian and Enatish fransiation thereof Gf required), and the cath or declarstion of
`the inventor(s) have bean recetyed.
`A copy of the Intemational Application (25 US20. 34{ex2} is attached herets Gnot required if the Intemational Application
`Was Hrevicusly communicated by the Intemetional Bureau or was fect in the United States Receiving Office (ROALIS):
`Ta.[] Assignment papers (cover sheet and docurmentish. Name of Assignee: 8.[| 3/7 CFR 3.730} Staferment fivien there is an Assignee}.
`Cancelafion of amendments mace in the international phase
`an.[| De not enter the amendment made in the mitermetionsl phese under PCT Article 19.
`ab.[| De not enter the amendment made in the mitermationsl phese under PCT Article 34.
`NOTE: A proper amendment made in English under Anicle 12 or 34 wil be enteredin the LS. nationad chase apniication absent a clear
`grstruction frorn agolicant not io enter the amendments}.
`The following items 9 to 17 concern a docunrentis} or information included.
`9.[| An information Disclosure Statement under 37 CFR 1.97 and 7.98.
`A pretirinary arsencdment
`An Enalsh language transtation of the infernational Apolication (35 U.S.C. 39 TichH2ey
`is attached hereto.
`.[| has Geen previnusty submitted under 35 LES. Toad}
`An oath or dectaration of the inventor(s} (35 U.S.C. 37 chsh
`is attached.
`.[| was previously ited in the infernational phase under PT Rute 4.1 ?divh
`ftems 5 to 8 below concern amendments made in the international shase.
`PCT Anicte 19 and 34 amendments
`5 [| Amendments to the claums under PICT Article 19 are attached (nat required ff comraunicated by the International Bureau}
`(35 USC. SPiN.
`[| English fransieation of the PCT Articte 1S amencdmentis atiached GA LES. S¥texah.
`[| English transtation of annexes (Article 19 andlor 34 amencdmenis only) of fhe Intemational Pretiminary Examination Report is
`aflached (25 U S.C. 37 t{cKSh.
`An Application Date Sheet under 37 CFR 178.
`. [| A subside specification. NOTE: A substitute specification cannal include claims. See 37 CFR Pisaib)
`A power of attomey andar change of address letter.
`4 cormmputerroadaile form of he sequence listing in accordance with PCT Rule ?3ier3 and 37 CFR 1.824-1.825 (nat required
`if Sequence hsting in text format was incicafed an the PCT Request as part of the infernational Application and the sequence
`Hoting was published as par af the international agpication}.
`Examination fee (27 CFR 1492e)}
`«ifthe walien opinion prepared by (ISA/LS or the intematiansl preliminary examination report
`prepared by FPEATUSindicates af claims satisstyprovisions of PCT AricieeSveeecueeess
`2A8 other situations _
`weeee ee
`Search fee (37 CFR 14820%4
`Hf the written opinion presared by ISA/USor theinfemational preliminary examination report
`prepared by JPEA/LSindicates all claims safsfy provisions of PITT Articie S14) |
`«Search fee (37 CFR 1 445{ax7}) has been paid an the Intemationat application to the USPTO|35
`an Intemational Searching Authanty ...
`eintemational Search Report prepared by.anSAotherthan theusandprovidedt‘fo the‘Office
`oF previously communicated te the US by the 16 ..
`«Aft other suations _ oe
`TOTAL OF 18, 18, and 20 =| $
`Additional fee for specification and drawings fed in paper over 100 sheets (exchiding sequencelisting
`in compliance with 37 CER 1 d2tic) or de} in an electronic medium ar computer peogramfisting in an
`electronic medium) (47 CFR 1 ASayy.
`Fee for each additions! 50 sheets of paper or fraction thereofcece ec ecececec cece teeter
`Total Sheets
`Eidra Sheets
`Number of each addifianal 58 or fraction
`thereof (round upfo a whole number}
`ene SABO
`$ $
`Surcharge for fumishing any of the search fee, examination fee, or the oath or declaration
`after the date of commencement of the national stage (27 CFR TASREADee ce teen eeee $160
`Fee for submission of Sequence Listing test He of 300 MB ta BOD MB (SY CFR T2tOHY$4,060
`Fee for submission of Sequence Listing text file af mone than B00 MB (SY CFR TSHR eee
`Processing fee for fummshing the English insmslation hater than 3G months from the
`earliest claimed pronty date (87 GFR TPSaGHeect ee cee ence a gee nett ett cetee gee seer eensStag +
`[| Applicant asserts small entity status. See AY CFR 12). Pees above are reduced by 2
`Applicamt certifies micro entity status. See 37 OFR 1.29. Fees shove are reduced by 44.
`fach formPTOMSB1SA or B or equivalent.
`Fee for recording the enclosed asaignment (27 CFR totinh. The assssigniment must be
`accompanied by an appropnate cover sheet (G7 CFR 228, 3.34)...
`lettottretttottere es SOOper propery
`fPage 2 of 3]
`PROTS96 (10-20)
`Approved for uae through TOCA? OMB OBS:LO
`OS. Patent and Trademark Ciffice: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Ureter the Papensork Reduction Act of 1985, no persons are fequired fo respored te a codlection of information uniess 4 displays a vadOMS control number.
`U.S. APFLN. No. {if known - see 37 CFR 7.5}
`Not Yet Assigned
`Other ems of information
`Drawings 10 sheets, PCTABIS36 (Serore Noatios}, ACTASARIS
`The folfowing fees have been submitted.
`Basic national fee GF CFR (4GMAeee tte §320
`‘Michael J Caridi/ bate|March 23, 2021
`Registration No.
`Michael J. Carici
`fPage 3 af 3}
`PROTS96 (10-20)
`Approved for uae through TOCA? OMB OBS:LO
`OS. Patent and Trademark Ciffice: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Ureter the Papensork Reduction Act of 1985, no persons are fequired fo respored te a codlection of information uniess 4 displays a vadOMS control number.
`[| A check mm the amount of $
`fo cover ihe above fees is enclosed.
`[| Please charge my Deposit Account No. 56-2886. inthe amount of S$ to-cover the above fees.
`‘The Oirector is hereby authonzed to charge additional fees which muy be required, of credit any overpayment, fo Deposd Account
`as folkave:
`anyrequired fee.
`fb[| any faquired fee axcept for exness. clans fees raquired under 37 CFR 1 _492{c) and fe) and muttigde dependentclaim
`fee required under 37 CFR T492(f).
`information on this jorm may become public. Credit card information should not
`Fees are to be charged to & credit card. WARNING:
`be included on this form. Provide credit card information and aufhonzation on PTCL2038. The PTOCO38 should only be mailed or
`faxed to the USPTO. However, when paying the basic national fee, the PTO-2038 may NCT be faxed fo the USPTO.
`ff fling by EFS-Web, do NOT attich the PTOQ2038 form as a POF along with your EFSWeb submission. Please be
`advised that this is nat recommended and by doing so your credit card information may be displayed via PAIR. To protect your
`information, itis recommended fo pay fees online by using the electronic payment method.
`NOTE: Where an appropriate time limit under 37 CFR 1.495 has not been met, a petition to revive (37 CFR 1.137 (a) or {b}} must be filed
`and granted to restore the international Application to pending status.
`Statement under 37 CFR 1.55 or 1.78 for ALA [First Inventor to File}Transition Applications
`This appticatian (7) clainys priority fo or the benefit of an application fled before March 16, 2043, and (2) also contains, or contained at
`any Bme, a claim fo 4 claimed invention that has an effective filing date on or afler March 16, 2013.
`NOTE 1: Byproviding this statement under 37 OFR 4.55 or 178, this application, with a fling date on or after March 16 2013, will be
`examined under the first inventor to Ble pravisions of the Ald
`NOTE 2: AUS. national silage application may not claim prionto the international application of which itis the national phase. The filing date
`aa us. national stage application is the infemational filing date. See 35 L5.C. 363.
`Correspondence Address
`The addressassociated with Customer Number. OR[] Comesporionce address below.