`United States Patent and TrademarkOffice
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`PTOL-90A (Rev. 04/07)
`Office Action Summary
`Application No.
`SHIMIZU et al.
`Art Unit
`AIA (FITF) Status
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`4)\0) Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
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`Disposition of Claims*
`1-6 is/are pending in the application.
`5a) Of the above claim(s) ___ is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`Cj} Claim(s)
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`Application Papers
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`Paper No(s)/Mail Date 09/27/2021.
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`(LJ Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`4) (J Other:
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 11-13)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mail Date 20230116A
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 2
`Notice of Pre-AlA or AIA Status
`The present application, filed on or after March 16, 2013, is being examined
`under the first inventor to file provisions of the AIA.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 101
`Claims 1-6 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 101 becausethe claimed invention is
`directed to a judicial exception (i.e., a law of nature, a natural phenomenon, or an
`abstract idea) without significantly more.
`Specifically, representative Claim 1 recites:
`“ A mounted board manufacturing system that manufactures a mounted board,
`which is a board mounted with a component, the mounted board manufacturing system
`comprising: at least one component loading device that executes a componentloading
`operation for loading the component on a board; a rule base with which at least one
`machine parameter for executing the componentloading operation performed by
`the at least one component loading device can be calculated; an operation
`information aggregator that aggregates and accumulates, for each component
`data, results of processing executed by the at least one component loading
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 3
`device, together with operation information; and an estimator that selects, as
`actual training data, component data that correspondsto an operation result that
`exceeds a predetermined reference, from the operation information aggregator,
`and estimates at least one machine parameter of a new component, using the
`actualtraining data, the rule base, and basic information of the new component”.
`The claim limitations in the abstract idea have been highlighted in bold
`above; the remaining limitations are “additional element”.
`Under the Step 1 of the eligibility analysis, we determine whether the
`claims are to a statutory category by considering whether the claimed subject
`matter falls within the four statutory categories of patentable subject matter
`identified by 35 U.S.C. 101: Process, machine, manufacture, or composition of
`matter. The above claim is considered to be in a statutory category (process).
`Under the Step 2A, Prong One, we consider whether the claim recites a
`judicial exception (abstract idea). In the above claim, the highlighted portion
`constitutes an abstract idea because, under a broadest reasonable interpretation,
`it recites limitations thatfall into/recite an abstract idea exceptions. Specifically,
`under the 2019 Revised Patent Subject matter Eligibility Guidance, it falls into the
`groupings of subject matter when recited as such in a claim limitation thatfalls
`into the grouping of subject matter when recited as such in a claim limitation, that
`covers mathematical concepts - mathematical relationships, mathematical
`formulas or equations, mathematical calculations and mental processes —
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 4
`concepts performed in the human mind including an observation, evaluation,
`judgement, and/or opinion.
`For example, steps of “a rule base with whichat least one machine
`parameter for executing the component loading operation can be
`calculated; an operation information aggregator that aggregates and
`accumulates, for each component data, results of processing executed by
`the at least one component loading device, together with operation
`information; and an estimator that selects, as actual training data,
`component data that corresponds to an operation result that exceeds a
`predetermined reference, from the operation information aggregator, and
`estimates at least one machine parameter of a new component, using the
`actual training data, and the rule base.”are treated as belonging to the mental
`process grouping. This mental step represents a processthat, under its broadest
`reasonable interpretation, covers performance ofthe limitation in the mind. That
`is, nothing in the claim element precludes the step from practically being
`performedin the mind. In the context of this claim, it encompasses the user
`making mental decisions (evaluation/judgement) with regards to mounting a
`component on a board following a particularrule.
`Next, under the Step 2A, Prong Two, we consider whether the claim that
`recites a judicial exception is integrated into a practical application.
`In this step, we evaluate whether the claim recites additional elements that
`integrate the exception into a practical application of that exception.
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 5
`The above claims comprise the following additional elements:
`e Claim 1: A mounted board manufacturing system that manufactures a
`mounted board, which is a board mounted with a component, the mounted
`board manufacturing system comprising: at least one component loading
`device that executes a component loading operation for loading the
`component on a board;
`(obtaining) basic information about the new
`The above additional elements of at least one component loading device
`that executes a componentloading operation for loading the component on a
`board are generically recited, not meaningful, do not represent a particular
`machine and/or eligible transformation, they do notindicate a practical
`application. In addition, with regards to a step of obtaining “basic information
`about the new component’, the step corresponds to mere data gathering thatis
`recited in generality and is not meaningful- represents insignificant extra-solution
`Therefore, the claims are directed to a judicial exception and require
`further analysis under the Step 2B.
`However, the above claims do not include additional elements that are
`sufficient to amountto significantly more than the judicial exception (Step 2B
`analysis) because these additional elements/steps are well-understood and
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 6
`conventional in the relevant art based on the prior art of record including
`references in the submitted IDS (9/27/2021) by the Applicant (Tan and Asakura).
`The independent claims, therefore, are not patent eligible.
`With regards to the dependent claims, claims 2-6 provide additional
`features/steps which are either part of an expandedabstractidea of the
`independent claims (additionally comprising mathematical/mental/organizing
`human activity process steps (Claims 2-6) or adding additional elements/steps
`that are not meaningful as they are recited in generality and/or not qualified as
`particular machine/ and/or eligible transformation and, therefore, do not reflect a
`practical application as well as not qualified for “significantly more” based on prior
`art of record (Claims 1-4).
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 103
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. 103 which forms the basis for all
`obviousnessrejections setforth in this Office action:
`A patent for a claimed invention may not be obtained, notwithstanding that
`the claimed invention is not identically disclosed as set forth in section
`102, if the differences between the claimed invention and the prior art are
`such that the claimed invention as a whole would have been obvious
`before the effectivefiling date of the claimed invention to a person having
`ordinaryskill in the art to which the claimed invention pertains.
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 7
`Patentability shall not be negated by the manner in which the invention
`was made.
`Claims 1-2 and 5 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103 as being unpatentable Tan et
`al. (US 20180364687), hereinafter referred to as ‘Tan’ andin further view of Ishimoto et
`al. (US20160299499), hereinafter referred to as ‘Ishimoto’.
`Regarding Claim 1, Tan discloses a mounted board manufacturing system
`that manufactures a mounted board, which is a board mounted with a
`component, the mounted board manufacturing system comprising (a mounting
`board manufacturing system including a component placing device; a library; an
`operation information counter; and a corrector [0003]): at least one component
`loading device that executes a component loading operation for loading the
`component on a board (The component placing device executes component placing
`workfor placing a component on a board [0004]); an operation information
`aggregator that aggregates and accumulates, for each component data (Learning
`result storage 32 stores learning result 50 (FIG. 5B) learned by learning unit 31.
`Learning data set storage 33 stores learning data set 40 (FIG. 5A) for each component
`data 12 used for learning of learning unit 31 [0045]), results of processing executed
`by the at least one component loading device, together with operation
`information (Learning data set 40 in which new pattern P is accumulated is stored in
`learning data set storage 33. Learning result 50 indicates a result obtained by learning
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 8
`the degree ofinfluence by learning unit 31 for each component data of machine
`parameter 14 with respect to the score of the component placing work based on
`learning data set 40 created as described above [0051]); and an estimator that
`selects, as actual training data, componentdata that correspondsto an operation
`result that exceeds a predetermined reference (Componentdata corrector 30 selects
`the component data that is the target to be corrected based on the scoreof the
`component placing work and corrects machine parameter 14 included in the component
`data [0078]; The learning result is stored in learning result storage 32. Component data
`corrector 30 automatically corrects component data 12 in which the score of the
`component placing work does not reach a predetermined level based on the learning
`result stored in learning result storage [0058]), from the operation information
`aggregator, and estimates at least one machine parameter of a new component,
`using the actual training data and basic information of the new component
`(Learning data set 40 in which new pattern P is accumulated is stored in learning data
`set storage 33. Learning result 50 indicates a result obtained by learning the degree of
`influence by learning unit 31 for each component data of machine parameter 14 with
`respect to the score of the component placing work based on learning data set 40
`created as described above [0051)).
`However, Tan does notdisclose a rule base with which at least one machine
`parameter for executing the component loading operation performed by the at least one
`component loading device can be calculated.
`Nevertheless, Ishimoto discloses a rule base with which at least one machine
`parameter for executing the componentloading operation performedbythe at
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 9
`least one component loading device can be calculated (the operator who checks
`the physical electronic component in component mounting line 4 by using rule table 33b
`that is created in this manner and pattern data 33c that are defined in rule table 33b can
`set setting values suitable for multiple operational parameters 55 [0074]).
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art before the effective
`filing date of the claimed invention to modify Tan in view of Ishimoto to incorporate a
`rule base with which at least one machine parameter for executing the component
`loading operation performed by the at least one component loading device can be
`calculated for stipulating in advance a correspondence relationship to the setting value
`of operational parameter 55 that corresponds to the setting value of component
`parameter (Ishimoto [0069]) and to manipulate operation information to interpret
`component loading data in a productive way.
`Regarding Claim 2, Tan and Ishimoto disclose the claimed invention discussed in
`claim 1.
`Tan discloses one machine parameter (as discussed above).
`However, Tan does notdisclose the rule base includes two or more rules that do
`not match and that producedifferent outputs, for calculating the at least one machine
`parameter of the new component.
`Nevertheless, Ishimoto discloses the rule base includes two or more rules
`that do not match andthat producedifferent outputs, for calculating the at least
`one machine parameter of the new component (Rule table 33b is table data for
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 10
`stipulating in advance a correspondencerelationship to the setting value of operational
`parameter 55 that corresponds to the setting value of component parameter 52. In an
`example thatis illustrated in FIG. 6B, a setting value of each of “the number of times
`that a suction operation is re-performed” 57a, “feeding operation setting of a joint portion
`that joins carrier tapes” 57e, and “the number of times that a component recognition
`operation is re-performed” 57b, as operational parameter 55, is caused to belinked to
`two setting values (low price and high price) of price information 53a that is component
`parameter 52, and is set to be rule table 33b ([0069]).
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art before the effective
`filing date of the claimed invention to modify Tan in view of Ishimoto to incorporate the
`rule base includes two or more rules that do not match and that producedifferent
`outputs, for calculating the at least one machine parameter of the new component for
`stipulating in advance a correspondencerelationship to the setting value of operational
`parameter 55 that corresponds to the setting value of component parameter (Ishimoto
`[0069]) and to manipulate operation information to interpret component loading data in a
`productive way.
`Regarding Claim 5, Tan and Ishimoto disclose the claimed invention discussed in
`claim 2.
`Tan discloses wherein features of the component data that corresponds to
`the operation result that exceeds the predetermined reference (as discussed
`above) and machine learning (Learning result 50 which is created as described above
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 11
`is referred to when machine parameter 14 is corrected by component data corrector 30.
`That is, for the component data specified by “component n” 51, in a case whereit is
`determined that any of the score items configuring “score” 42 is defective, an item of
`which the degree ofinfluence is high with respect to the defect can be estimated by
`referring to learning result 50 based on the order of the degree of influence. When
`machine parameter 14 of component data 12 is correction component data corrector 30
`selects as a target to be corrected component data in the order from the item having the
`highest degree of influence of machine parameter 14. Moreover, as the data contents of
`learning result 50, various types of data other than the order of the degree of influence
`illustrated here can be used aslong asthey include contents serving as guidelines for
`the component data correction [0053)).
`However, Tan does not disclose the operation result that exceeds the
`predetermined reference difference between the rule base and machine learning.
`Nevertheless, Ishimoto discloses rule base (as discussed above).
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art before the effective
`filing date of the claimed invention to modify Tan in view of Ishimoto to incorporate the
`rule basefor stipulating in advance a correspondencerelationship to the setting value of
`operational parameter 55 that correspondsto the setting value of component parameter
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 12
`(Ishimoto [0069]) and to manipulate operation information to interpret component
`loading data in a productive way.
`However, the combination does not disclose the operation result that exceeds
`the predetermined reference difference between the rule base and machine learning.
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art before the effective
`filing date of the claimed invention to modify Tan, in view of Ishimoto to incorporate the
`operation result that exceeds the predetermined reference difference between the rule
`base and machine learning for stipulating in advance a correspondencerelationship to
`the setting value of operational parameter 55 that corresponds to the setting value of
`component parameter (Ishimoto [0069]) and to manipulate operation information to
`interpret component loading data in a productive way.
`Claims 3-4 and 6 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 103 as being unpatentable over
`Tan and Ishimoto, and further in view of Heumann et al. (US7099435) hereinafter
`referred to as ‘Heumann’.
`Regarding Claim 3, Tan and Ishimoto disclose the claimed invention discussed in
`claim 1.
`Tan discloses machine parameters applicable to the new component (as
`discussed above).
`However, does not disclose the estimator: performs an estimation on the basic
`information of the new component using a Bayesianstatistical model to generate a
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 13
`predictive distribution of machine parameters applicable to the new component;
`calculates a posterior distribution of the machine parameters applicable to the new
`component basedona fact that an output of the rule base is generated from a
`distribution having, as parameters, the machine parameters applicable to the new
`component; and outputs a mean of the posterior distribution calculated, as a machine
`parameter to be applied to the new component among the machine parameters
`applicable to the new component.
`Nevertheless, Ishimoto discloses the rule base (as discussed above).
`However, the combination does not disclose the estimator: performs an
`estimation on the basic information of the new component using a Bayesianstatistical
`model to generate a predictive distribution of machine parameters applicable to the new
`component; calculates a posterior distribution of the machine parameters applicable to
`the new component based onafact that an output of the rule base is generated from a
`distribution having, as parameters, the machine parameters applicable to the new
`component; and outputs a mean of the posterior distribution calculated, as a machine
`parameter to be applied to the new component among the machine parameters
`applicable to the new component.
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art before the effective
`filing date of the claimed invention to modify Tan in view of Ishimoto to incorporate the
`rule basefor stipulating in advance a correspondencerelationship to the setting value of
`operational parameter 55 that correspondsto the setting value of component parameter
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 14
`(Ishimoto [0069]) and to manipulate operation information to interpret component
`loading data in a productive way.
`Nevertheless, Heumann discloses the estimator: performs an estimation on
`the basic information of the new componentusing a Bayesian statistical model to
`generate a predictive distribution of machine parameters applicable to the new
`component); calculates a posterior distribution (The reconstruction engine 120 may
`be configured to generate one or more of three different outputs. These outputs include
`an estimated model M.sub.EST, the posterior probability P(M|D), and/or expectation
`values <:f.sub.i(M)> of parameters or functions of interest using Bayesian
`reconstruction analysis. A classification engine 130 classifies the reconstructed or
`estimated object into one or more classes based on the output(s) from the
`reconstruction engine 120, Col. 7, Lines 13-20); and outputs a mean of the posterior
`distribution calculated (The posterior probability for any particular model can be
`calculated using Bayes'rule, Col. 8, Lines 56-57).
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art before the effective
`filing date of the claimed invention to modify Tan and Ishimoto, in view of Heumann to
`incorporate the estimator which performs an estimation on the basic information of the
`new component using a Bayesianstatistical model to generate a predictive distribution
`of machine parameters applicable to the new component for stipulating in advance a
`correspondencerelationship to the setting value of operational parameter 55 that
`corresponds to the setting value of component parameter (Ishimoto [0069]) and to
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 15
`manipulate operation information to interpret component loading data in a productive
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art before the effective
`filing date of the claimed invention to modify Tan and Ishimoto, in view of Heumann to
`calculate a posterior distribution of the machine parameters applicable to the new
`component basedona fact that an output of the rule base is generated from a
`distribution having, as parameters, the machine parameters applicable to the new
`component for classification purposes, but can be helpful in initial investigation,
`particularly in selecting quantities whose expectations are to be estimated (Heumann,
`Col. 9, Lines 24-26) and to manipulate machine parameters to determine new
`Regarding Claim 4, Tan and Ishimoto disclose the claimed invention discussed in
`claim 1.
`Tan discloses machine parameters applicable to the new component(as
`discussed above) and basic information of a component and a corresponding
`machine parameter value that are included in the componentdata that
`correspondsto the operation result that exceeds the predetermined reference, to
`generate a predictive distribution of machine parameters applicable to the new
`component (as discussed above).
`However, the combination doesnot disclose the estimator: performs an
`estimation on the basic information of the new component using a Bayesianstatistical
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 16
`model that has been learned using, as learning data; calculates a posterior distribution
`of the machine parameters applicable to the new component based onafact that
`outputs of the two or morerules that do not match are generated from a distribution
`having, aS parameters, the machine parameters applicable to the new component; and
`outputs a mean of the posterior distribution calculated, as a machine parameter to be
`applied to the new component among the machine parameters applicable to the new
`Nevertheless, Heumann discloses the estimator: performs an estimation on
`the basic information using a Bayesian statistical model that has been learned
`using, as learning data (as discussed above), to generate a predictive distribution
`(as discussed above) of machine parameters applicable to the new component;
`calculates a posterior distribution of the based on a fact that outputs of the two
`or morerules that do not match are generated from a distribution having, as
`parameters; and outputs a meanof the posterior distribution calculated (as
`discussed above).
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art before the effective
`filing date of the claimed invention to modify Tan and Ishimoto, in view of Heumann to
`perform an estimation on the basic information of the new component using a Bayesian
`statistical model that has been learned using, as learning data, basic information of a
`component and a corresponding machine parameter value that are included in the
`component data that corresponds to the operation result that exceeds the
`predetermined reference for classification purposes, but can be helpful in initial
`investigation, particularly in selecting quantities whose expectations are to be estimated
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 17
`(Heumann, Col. 9, Lines 24-26) and to manipulate machine parameters to determine
`new components.
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art before the effective
`filing date of the claimed invention to modify Tan and Ishimoto, in view of Heumann to
`generate a predictive distribution of machine parameters applicable to the new
`component for classification purposes, but can be helpful in initial investigation,
`particularly in selecting quantities whose expectations are to be estimated (Heumann,
`Col. 9, Lines 24-26) and to manipulate machine parameters to determine new
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art before the effective
`filing date of the claimed invention to modify Tan and Ishimoto, in view of Heumann to
`calculate a posterior distribution of the machine parameters applicable to the new
`component basedonafact that outputs of the two or morerules that do not match are
`generated from a distribution having, as parameters, the machine parameters
`applicable to the new component; and outputs a meanof the posterior distribution
`calculated, as a machine parameter to be applied to the new component among the
`machine parameters applicable to the new component for classification purposes, but
`can be helpful in initial investigation, particularly in selecting quantities whose
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 18
`expectations are to be estimated (Heumann, Col. 9, Lines 24-26) and to manipulate
`machine parameters to determine new components.
`Regarding Claim 6, Tan and Ishimoto disclose the claimed invention discussedin
`claim 2.
`Tan discloses a machine parameter that is actually used for executing the
`component loading operation performed bythe at least one componentloading
`device (as discussed above).
`However, Tan does notdisclose an interface section that displays: a machine
`parameter that is output by the estimator and is to be applied to the new component.
`Nevertheless, Ishimoto discloses an interface section that displays: a
`machine parameter that is output and is to be applied to the new component
`(Input unit 36 performs operation instruction or data input. These data include a setting
`value of component parameter 52 and a setting value of operational parameter 55. That
`is, the setting value of component parameter 52 that includes at least one of component
`information 53 relating to electronic component P and tape information 54 relating to
`carrier tape 23 that is supplied by tape feeder 15 is input into input unit 36. A screen that
`provides a guide at the time of the input by input unit 36, a screen for performing
`processing by rule table creation processor 30a and operational parameter setting
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 19
`processor 30b, or a screen on whicha result of performing the processing is displayed
`is displayed on display unit 37 [0066]).
`However, the combination does not disclose the estimator.
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art before the effective
`filing date of the claimed invention to modify Tan, in view of Ishimoto to incorporate an
`interface section that displays: a machine parameter that is output and is to be applied
`to the new component for a screen on which a result of performing the processing is
`displayed (Ishimoto [0066]) and provide user with an immediate output.
`Nevertheless, Heumann discloses the estimator (as discussed above).
`It would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art before the effective
`filing date of the claimed invention to modify Tan and Ishimoto, in view of Heumann to
`the estimator for estimating an object from a set of projections D of an object under
`Application/Control Number: 17/598,381
`Art Unit: 2863
`Page 20
`inspection on a device under test (Heumann, Col. 7, Lines 2-4) and to manipulate
`machine parameters to determine new components.
`The prior art made of record and not relied upon is considered pertinent to
`applicant's disclosure.
`Frederick Discenzo (US20040267395) discloses mounting system with
`component mounting.
`Angel Sustaeta (US20090204245) discloses componentloading with shared data
`JJ Baier (CN101241358) discloses training data using statistical models.
`Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier co