` patentcenter_eofficeaction@uspto.gov
`SUBJECT: USPTO: Patent Electronic System - e-Postcard Notification for Customer Number 53080
`Wed May 29 10:06:52 EDT 2024
`Dear Patent Center Customer:
`Correspondence Address:
`Rimon PC - Panasonic Corporation
`8300 Greensboro Dr.
`Suite 500
`McLean, VIRGINIA,22102
`An email notification regarding the correspondence wassentto the following
`email address(es) associated with customer number 53080:
`This is a courtesy reminder that new correspondenceis available for the
`application. If you have not done so already, please review the correspondence
`listed below. Theofficial date of notification of the outgoing correspondencewill
`be indicatedonthe f PTOL-90 ing the c d
`To view your correspondenceonline, please sign in to PatentCanter and then
`select Workbench/View correspondence. Or to update your email addresses,
`select Manage/Manage customer numbers.
`If you have any questions, please contact the Patent Electronic Business Genter
`(EBC) at ebc@uspto.gov or 866-217-9197 Monday — Friday, 6 a.m. to midnight
`Please do notreply to this email as it was sent from an unmonitored mailbox.
`The Patent Center Team