`Approved for use through 06/30/2008. OMB 0851-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required ta respond to a collection ofinformation untessit displays a vatid OMB control number.
`Application Number
`29/294,133-Conf. #2595
`Filing Date
`December 21, 2007
`rast Nameivenir
`After Allowance Communication
`to TC
`Appeal Communication to Board of
`Appeals and Interferences
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`(to be usedfor all correspondenceafterinitial filing}
`J. A. Rivard
`Total Number of Pages in This Submission|9|Attomey Dockel Number 03115/116007
`ENCLOSURES (Check alf that apply)
`Replacement Drawing(s}
`[ Fee Transmittal Form
`[| Fee Attached[| Licensing-related Papers
`[| Amendment/Reply|| Patition
`Appeal Communication to TC
`(Appeal Notice, Grief, Reply Brief)
`[| After Final
`Petition to Convert to a
`[| Proprietary Information
`Provisional! Application
`[| Affidavits/deciaration(s)
`[| Status Letter
`Powerof Attorney, Revocation
`Changeof Correspondence Address
`[| Terminal Disclaimer
`[ Extension of Time Request
`Other Enclosure(s} (please
`Identify below):
`|_| Express Abandonment Request
`[| Requestfor Refund
` Declaration and Powerof Attorney
`(3 pages} SIGNED
`[| CD, Numberof CD(s)
`[| Information Disclosure Statement
`[| Landscape Table on CD
`Certified Copy of Priority
`Reply to Missing Parts/
`Incomplete Application
`Applicant submits herewith replacement drawings and a
`Reply to Missing Parts under
`37 GFR 1.52 or 1.53
`substitute Declaration and Powerof Attorney in compliance with
`the Examiner's Amendmentin the Notice of Allowance dated
`June 4, 2008.
`— |af
`Thomas K. Scherer
`pate|dune 23, 2008 45,079