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Displaying 2319-2333 of 11,740 results

Paul Cortez, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 13-10617, Supreme Court of the United States (June 20, 2014)

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Brendan Cochrane, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 06-5834, Supreme Court of the United States (Aug. 14, 2006)

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Matthew J. Roach, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 03-10838, Supreme Court of the United States (June 16, 2004)

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Kyle Watson, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 08-10662, Supreme Court of the United States (June 1, 2009)

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Eric Rodriguez, et al., Appellants v. George E. Pataki, Governor of New York, et al.

Docket 04-218, Supreme Court of the United States (Aug. 17, 2004)

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Gerald Lieblich, et al., Petitioners v. Fron Nahzi, fka Fron Nazi

Docket 13-172, Supreme Court of the United States (Aug. 6, 2013)

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Ronald Jackson, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 06-9425, Supreme Court of the United States (Feb. 13, 2007)

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Gavin Kirkland, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 08-7617, Supreme Court of the United States (Dec. 9, 2008)

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Frank D'Antuono, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 03-8889, Supreme Court of the United States (Feb. 13, 2004)

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Howard Griffith, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 14-5897, Supreme Court of the United States (Aug. 21, 2014)

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Cross Country Bank, Inc., Petitioner v. New York, et al.

Docket 08-405, Supreme Court of the United States (Sept. 29, 2008)

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Anthony Rucano, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 15-5753, Supreme Court of the United States (Aug. 25, 2015)

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Xiu Jain Sun, Petitioner v. Philip O. Ohene, et al.

Docket 18-1231, Supreme Court of the United States (March 21, 2019)

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Mario Arjune, Applicant v. New York

Docket 17A818, Supreme Court of the United States (Feb. 5, 2018)

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Arts4All, Ltd., Petitioner v. Judith L. Hancock

Docket 09-699, Supreme Court of the United States (Dec. 16, 2009)

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