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Displaying 2379-2393 of 11,744 results

Thurman Brown, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 02-7704, Supreme Court of the United States (Nov. 27, 2002)

cite Cite Docket

Harry Christian, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 03-10617, Supreme Court of the United States (May 28, 2004)

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New York, Petitioner v. Rashid Theodore

Docket 14-329, Supreme Court of the United States (Sept. 22, 2014)

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Ronald Coleman, Petitioner v. Nassau County, New York

Docket 04-5755, Supreme Court of the United States (Aug. 11, 2004)

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Candy Stephenson, Petitioner v. New York Electric & Gas, et al.

Docket 05-10968, Supreme Court of the United States (May 17, 2006)

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David D., Petitioner v. Grievance Committee of the Eighth Judicial District of New Yo...

Docket 12-5257, Supreme Court of the United States (July 16, 2012)

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Stahl York Ave. Co., LLC, Applicant v. City of New York, New York, et al.

Docket 18A842, Supreme Court of the United States (Feb. 19, 2019)

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50 Murray Street Acquisition LLC, Petitioner v. John Kuzmich, et al.

Docket 19-554, Supreme Court of the United States (Oct. 30, 2019)

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Hal Karen, Applicant v. New York

Docket 05A277, Supreme Court of the United States (Sept. 21, 2005)

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Edelmiro Cesario, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 10-7059, Supreme Court of the United States (Oct. 19, 2010)

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Hong Mai, Petitioner v. Southeast Produce, et al.

Docket 06-7861, Supreme Court of the United States (Nov. 20, 2006)

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David Harnish, et al., Applicants v. Episcopal Diocese of Rochester, et al.

Docket 08A638, Supreme Court of the United States (Jan. 20, 2009)

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Denis P. Kelleher, et ux., Petitioners v. New York State Department of Environment...

Docket 18-394, Supreme Court of the United States (Sept. 27, 2018)

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Andrew Curro, Petitioner v. New York

Docket 01-7394, Supreme Court of the United States (Dec. 19, 2001)

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Angel Perez, Applicant v. United States

Docket 08A603, Supreme Court of the United States (Jan. 8, 2009)

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