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`Miconazoie Nina!
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`gmal Cream
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`_ Magma
`Reusable Applicator
`Vaginal Antliungai
`It‘s": Iirlt'aaaej if§1_é1_ia_a'@_pr§I-_ -=_‘_g91_,»tiita73u3ry}
`Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Cream (2%)
`.yIf you have any questipns or comments, please call 1877-MONISTAT
`(1---877666-4782) or visit our website @ www. monistat. cum
`z O 2
`M o N I s T A T
`Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Cream (2%)
`Vaginal Antifungal
`anacaémz:aaia ‘itli'iir‘éfiii? My 3
`= await-2mm:
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`mitt-a Walmm
`1 1.59 oz. (45g) tube
`Miconazoie Nitrate Vaginal
`ream (2%)
`Vaginal Antifungal
`(Miconazote Nitrate 100 mg per applicator)
`Drug Facts
`Active ingredient
`Miconazole nitrate 2'35, [IDO mg in each apptimtor)...\laginai antifungal
`I treats vaginal yeast infections
`I relieves external itching and irritation due to a vaginal yeast inlection
`For vaginal use only
`Do not use it you have never had a vaginal yeast infection
`diagnosed by a doctor
`Ask a doctor before use ll you have
`I vaginal itching and discomfort for the tirst time
`I lower abdominal. back or shoulder pain. iever. chills. nausea,
`vomiting, or foul-smelling vaginal discharge. You may have a
`more serious condition.
`I vaginal yeast inlections often (such as once a month
`or 3 in 6 months). You could be pregnant or have a serious
`underlying medical cause lor your symptoms. including diabetes or
`a weakened immune system.
`I been exposed to the human immunodelictency virus (Hill) that
`causes AIDS
`Ask a doctor or pharmacist betcre use it you are taking the
`prescription blood thinning modiCine warlarin. because bleeding or
`bruising may occur
`When using this product
`I do not use tampons. couches. spermictdes or other vaginal
`products. Condoms and diaphragms may be damaged and tail to
`prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
`I do not have vaginal intercourse
`I mild increase in vagina! burning. IlCl'Ili'ig or irritation may occur
`I it you do not get compiete reliel ask a doctor beiore using
`another product.
`Drug Facts (continued)
`Stop use and ask a doctor if
`I symptoms do not get. better in 3 days
`I symptoms last more than 7 days
`I you get a rash or hives. abdominal pain. fever. chills. nausea,
`vomiting. or foul-smelling vaginal discharge
`lf pregnant or breast-feeding. ask a health professional before use.
`Keep out of reach at children.
`It swallowed, get
`medical help or contact :1 Poison Control Center right away,
`I before using this product read the enclosed consumer inlorn'iation
`leaflet for complete directions and information
`I adults and children 12 years ol age and over:
`I applicator: insert 1 applicatortut into the vagina at lmdlime
`tor 7 nights in a row. Wash applicator alter use,
`I use the same tube at cream if you have itching and irritation on
`the skin outside the vagina. Squeeze a email amount of cream
`onto your lingartip, Apply to itchy. irritated skin culstdo the
`vagina (vulva). Use 2 times daily for up to 7 days as needed.
`I children under 12 years ol ago: ask a doctor
`Other information
`I do not use il sea! over lube opening has been punctured or
`embossed design U is not visible
`I do not purchase it carton is open
`I store at 20-25 C (BB 51‘?“ F)
`Inactive ingredients
`benzoic acid, celyt alcohol. isopropyi myristate, polysorbale 60.
`potassium hyerXide. propylene glycol. purified water. stoaryl alcohol
`please call 1-877-666-4752
`Questions? If you have any questions or comments.
`Why should I use MDNISTAT' 7 Vaginal Cream?
`MONISTAT’ if Vaginal Cream contains a 2% miconazole nitrate
`cream that cures most vaginal yeast infections. and can be used for
`relief of itching and irritation on the skin outside the vagina (vulva)
`due to a yeast infection. Do not use MONISTAT° 7 Vaginal Cream
`if this is the first time you have vaginal discharge, itching.
`homing and discomfort. See your doctor or hearth professional
`first to find out the cause ofyour symptoms.
`If a doctor has told
`you in the past that you had a vaginal yeast infection and you have
`the same symptoms now (such asvaginal dscharge, 'tching or binning).
`then MONISTAT’ ‘i Vaginal Cream may workfor you.
`What is a vaginal yeast infection?
`A vaginal yeast infection is a common condition caused by an
`overgrowth of yeast (Candida) that may normally live in the vagina.
`Your doctor may call this infection 'monllia" or 'candidiasis.’ Some
`women may have a yeast infection on the skin outside of the vagina
`(vulva) at the same time that they have a vaginal infection.
`who can get a vaginal yeast infection?
`It is most
`You can get a vaginal yeast infection at any age.
`common during the childbearing years. Women who are pregnant or
`diabetic. taking antibiotics. birth control pills or steroids, or who
`have a weakened immune system are more likely to get repeated
`yeast infections that may not clear up easily with proper treatment.
`Some medical conditions can weaken the body's normal ability
`to fight infection. One oi the most serious oi these conditions is
`infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV — the virus
`that causes AIDS}. The HIV vims causes the body to be more likely
`to get infections. including vaginal yeast infections that may not
`clear up easily with proper treatment.
`If you may have been ex-
`posed to HIV and get repealed vaginal yeast infections you should
`see your doctor right away. For more information on HIV infection.
`please contact your doctor or the CDC National AIDS HOTLTNE.
`The CDC phone numbers are: t-Btlll-S42—AIDS (English). 14300-
`344-7432 (Spanish). or LBW-2434889 (hearing impaired. TDD).
`How can I tell it I have a vaginal yeast infection?
`When you have a vaginal yeast infection. you may have one or
`more of the following symptoms:
`- vaginal itching
`- vaginal discharge that may be thick, white, and lumpy like
`cottage cheese
`I vaginal soreness, irritation, or burning
`. rash or redness on the skin outside the vagina (vulva)
`. burning on urination
`¢ painful vaginal intercourse (sexl
`and Relieves Associated External Itching and irritation
`Are vaginat yeast Infections sexualty transmitted?
`Note: Vaginal yeast infections do NOT cause fever. chills.
`lower abdominal, back or shoulder pain, foul-smelling vaginal
`Vaginal yeast infections are usually not spread by having inter-
`discharge, or a missed period. These may be signs at a sexu-
`course (sexl. However. if your partner has a rash, itching or dis-
`ally transmitted disease (STD) or a tubal pregnancy.
`It you have
`comfort in his genital area. he should contact a doctor to find out
`these symptoms. call your doctor right away.
`the cause of his symptoms and tell the doctor that you are treating
`What are other causes of a vaginal discharge?
`your vaginal yeast infection with MONISTAT‘” 7 Vaginal Cream.
`II is normal to have a smali amount of vaginal discharge at cer-
`How can I prevent repeated vaginal yeast infections?
`tain times of the month. This normal discharge may be clear or
`To lower your chances of getting another yeast infection:
`slightly white and does not cause itching. pain or a tent odor.
`- Try to keep the genital area cool and dry. Yeast grow well in
`The most common cause of an abnormal vaginal discharge is an
`warm. moist areas. The foliowing suggestions may be helpful:
`infection. These infections include bacterial vaginosis (EV). tri-
`chomoniasis (Trich), gonorrhea (GC) andior chlamydia. All of these
`(1) Wear cotton underwear and looselitling clothes.
`may be transmitted sexually and are called sexually transmitted
`(2) Change out oi damp clothes ora wet bathing suit as soon as possible.
`diseases (STDs). If you have more questions about sexually trans-
`mitted diseases (STDs) call the CDC STD Hottine at 1-800-227—8922.
`(3) If you use minipads when you are not having a menstrual period.
`Although many oi the infectiors mentioned above can cause symp-
`change the rninipads often.
`loms similar to a vaginal yeast inteclion (vaginal discharge. irritation and
`. Talk with your doctor about any drugs you are now taking.
`itching). their diagnosis must be made by a doctor so that proper
`You are more likely to get a vaginal yeast infection if you are taking
`beatment can begiven.
`certain drugs such as antibiotics. steroids. or birth control pills.
`If more infections are not properly treated or it proper treatment is
`. Do not stop taking these drugs without first asking your doctor.
`delayed. serious problems. such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
`A doctor may need to see you to make sure that you do not have
`may result. which may prevent you from having children in the future.
`you are pregnant and do not get the proper treatment. the infection may
`other medical conditions such as diabetes or a weakened immune
`be passed to your baby before or during delivery and may cause your
`baby to have pennanent damage.
`If you have multiple sex partners or a
`Can I use morasm‘ 'f Vaginal Cream during my menstrual
`newsexpartner.youshouldaisoask adoctorbeforeuseto makesure
`you do not have an STD.
`Yes, this product can be used during your menstrual period.
`Why do women get repeated vaginal yeast infections?
`in fact. many women get vaginal yeast infections lust before their
`Women may get repealed vaginal yeast infections that may not
`period because of hormonal changes. Using MONISTATa 7 Vaginal
`clear up easily with proper treatment. Listed below are some of the
`Cream during your period will not affect how well this product
`causes of repeated yeast infections:
`It you have started treatment and your period occurs. you
`- hormonal changes occurring a few days before the monthly period
`should complete the full course of treatment.
`. use of antibiotics
`Do not use tampons while using this product. because tampons
`- use of some birth control pills
`may remove some of the drug from the vagina. Use deodorant-free
`' pregnancy
`sanitary napkins or pads instead. and change them often.
`0 diabetes ('sugar' or “high blood sugar”)
`- clothing u wearing tight layers or moist clothing in the genital area
`- weakened immune system - some drugs (such as chemother-
`apy or steroids] and medical conditions can weaken the body's
`nom'ral ability to fight infection. One oi the most serious of these
`conditions is infection with the human immunodeficiency virus
`(HIV - the virus that causes AIDS}.
`infection with HIV causes the
`person to be more likely to get infections, including vaginal yeast
`If you got vaginal yeast infections often (such as once a month
`or 3 in 6 months], you should talk to a doctor.
`Can _I_use other vaginal products with MONISTAT‘ 'Ir
`Vaginal Cream?
`This drug should not be used with other vaginal products.
`- Douches and tampons may remove some of the cream from the
`- Spermicides may interfere with MONISTAT“ 7 Vaginal Cream.
`- Condoms and diaphragms may be damaged by this product and
`fail to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
`Itch Relief Cream
`Relieves Itching and Irritation
`Chafing Relief
`Relieves and Prevents Chafing
`Feminine Wipes
`Cleans and Cools
`On-The-Go Relief and Feel
`Clean ttrConfident
`For additional savings from MOMSTATO. go to mmonlctawom
`BONNER: limit one per purview. Redeem at Food. Dnrg. or Discount stores
`aoceptktgoumc.€ormonca1rotbebough,rxrpled.uwsterred.asold. REI'MR:
`him-PFC. Inc. va‘ll reimburse you for Itie face value of this mrpnn plus 5 cents
`handling It mum in oornoliancewlth MotElL—PPC. Inc. Cartoon Hedernptionf'otioy
`CFlP-2. Cartoons are void where prohibited.
`Cash Redemption Value til 00 cent Send coupons to: McNElL-PPC. Inc. EMS Dept.
`#00045. One Fawcett Drive. Del Rio. TX 18840. G MctiEIL-PPC. Inc. 2008
`How can I get the best results when treating my infection?
`I Use 1 applicator full of vaginal cream at bedtime. even during
`your menstrual period for 7‘ nights in a row.
`I Use the cream externally only while symptoms are present. It you
`have symptoms [such as itching and irritation) on the skin outside
`the vagina (vulva). apply the cream externally 2 times a day. up to
`a total of 7 days. as needed.
`I Dry the genital area thoroughly after a shower. bath or swim.
`Change out of a wet bathing suit or damp clothes as soon as
`possible A dry area is less likely to lead to the overgrowtl'l of yeast.
`. Wear cotton underwear and loose-lilting clothes.
`I Wipe from front to back after a bowei movement or alter urination.
`. Do not douche, because douching may wash the drug out of the
`I Do not use tampons. because they remove some of the drug from
`the vagina. Use deodorant—tree sanitary napkins or pads as
`I Do not use spermicides. as they may interfere with tviQNlS'frttT5 7
`Vaginal Cream.
`I Do not have vaginal intercourse while using lilDNlSTAT3 7 Vaginal
`I Do not scratch the skin outside the vagina. Scratching can cause
`more irritation and can spread the infection.
`I Tell your doctor about any drugs you are now taking. Certain
`drugs such as antibiotics, steroids. and birth control pills. may
`make it more likely foryou to get a vaginal yeast infection. If you
`are taking any of these drugs do not stop taking them without first
`asking a doctor.
`. it you have any other medical questions or concerns about
`vaginal yeast infections. call your doctor.
`What warnings should I know about when using MONISTAT‘n 7
`Vaginal Cream?
`For vaginal use only.
`Do not use it you have never had a vaginal yeast infection
`diagnosed by a doctor.
`Ask a doctor before use it you have:
`I vaginal itching and discomfort for the first time. You may need
`a different treatment
`I lower abdominal. back or shoulder pain. fever. chills. nausea,
`vomiting. or tout-smelling vaginal discharge. You could have
`a more serious condition.
`I vaginal yeast infections often (such as oncea month or 3 in 5
`months]. You could be pregnant or have a serious underlying
`medical cause for your symptoms. including diabetes ora weak-
`ened immune system.
`. been exposed to the human immunodeficiency virus [HIV] that
`causes AlDS.
`before use if you are taking the prescrip-
`Ask a doctoror
`tion blood thinning medicine. wartarin (coumadin). because
`bleeding or bruising may occur.
`How Should I also MONISTAT‘T
`Vaginal Creamjwith Disposable
`This product is for adultsfand children 12.yoars.of age
`and over. For children under 12 years. ask a doctor.
`D‘eectionsfor usiig the Vagina Grearn:
`Begin treatment before going to bed:
`1 Open the tube by unscrewing the cap. The first
`time the tube is opened.
`press the sharp paint of‘the
`cap into the seated and of
`the tube. Push down firmly {gr/fl}
`until the seal is open.
`tube of cream by piecing “A' and
`2Attach the applicator to 019%
`of the applicator firmly onto tubeAof cream. (See picture.)
`3Gently squeeze the cream into the WE“
`applicator. continue squeezing until
`applicator is full Separate the applicator
`from the tube. DO NOT release pressure
`On the tube until you hatter separated it
`from the filled applicator. After each use.
`replace the cap and roll up the tube from
`the bottom.
`4Hold the barrel as shown In the
`5 Gently insert the applicator into
`the vagina as far as it will go comfortably. This can
`be done while lying on your back with your knees
`bent (as shown in the picture) or while standing with
`your feet apart and knees bent.
`6 With one hand holding the barrel. use the other
`hand to push the plunger all the way in to place the
`cream as far back in the vagina as possible. Then
`remove both parts of the applicator from the vagina.
`7 Throw the applicator away after each use. Do
`not flush in toner.
`Directions for using the Vaginal Cream Externally
`Use externally twice daily. for up to 7 days as needed.
`1. Squeeze a small amount of cream onto your fingertip.
`2. Apply the cream onto the skin outside the vagina (vulva)
`that itchesend is irritated.
`3. Sclewtheoapbackon'tnembe.
`4. Repeat steps 1 — 3 each moming and at bedtime tor up to r
`days. as needed.
`Stop use and ask your doctor if:
`I symptoms do not get better'In 3 days
`I symptoms last more than 7 days
`I you get a rash or hives, abdominal pain. fever. chills. nausea.
`vomiting. or foul-smelling vaginal discharge.
`These may be signs that this productis not working or you may have
`a more serious condition or an allergic reaction.
`If pregnant or breast--teeding. ask a health professional before use.
`Keep out of reach of children.
`If swallowed. get medical help or
`contact 3 Poison Control Center right away.
`What side effects may occur with MONISTAT" T Vaginal Cream?
`A mild increase in vaginal burning. itching. or irritation may occur
`when the applicator containing the cream is inserted. Abdominal
`cramping has also been reported.
`Stop using MONISTAV‘T Vaginal Cream and consult your doctor it
`you have abdominal pain. hives. skin rash. or if you have severe
`vaginal burning. itching. or irritation or swelling.
`What should i do it I have questions about MORISTAT‘T
`Vaginal Cream?
`Questions of a medical nature should be taken up with your doctor.
`If you have any other questions or need more information on this
`product, call our toil-tree number. Call between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM
`Eastern time. Monday through Friday. A health care specialist will
`gladly answer your questions. Our toll-free number is
`Other information:
`I TAMPEFl-EVIDENT UNIT - do not use if tube seat has been
`punctured or embossed design U symbol is not visible.
`I store at 20’ - 25“ C (68°- T?” F}
`Active Ingredient: miconazole nitrate 2% (100 mg per
`Inactlve ingredlents benzoic acid. cetyl alcohol
`isopropyl myristate. polysorbate 60. potassium
`hydroxide. propylene glycol. purified water. stearyl
`Why should-l use MONISTAT" 'l' VaginalCream?
`MONISTATz T Vaginal Cream contains 2% miconazolo nitrate
`cream that cures most vaginal yeast infections. and can be used for
`relief of itching and irritation on the skin outside the vagina (vulva)
`due to a yeast infection. Do not use MONISTAT’?‘ Vaginal Cream
`if this is the first time you have vaginal discharge. itching,
`homing and discomfort. See your doctor or health professional
`@ to find out the cause ofyour symptoms.
`It a doctor has told
`you in the past that you had a vaginal yeast inlecticn and you have
`the same symptoms now (such as vagiral disclarge. itching or buming).
`then MONISTAT“ T Vaginal Cream may work foryou.
`What is a vaginal yeast infection?
`A vaginal yeast infection is a common condition caused by an
`overgrowth of yeast (Candida) that may normally live in the vagina.
`Your doctor may call this infection 'monilia' or “candidlasisf Some
`women may have a yeast infection on the skin outside of the vagina
`(vulva) at the same time that they have a vaginal infection.
`Who can get-a vaginal yeast infection?
`It is most
`You can get a vaginal yeast infection at any age.
`common during the childbearing years. Women who are pregnant or
`diabetic. taking antibiotics, birth control pills or steroids. or who
`have a weakened immune system are more likely to get repeated
`yeast infections that may not ctear up easily with proper treatment.
`Some medical conditions can weaken the body's normal ability
`to fight infection. One oi the most serious of these conditions is
`infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV — the virus
`that causes AIDS). The HIV virus causes the body to be more likely
`to get infections. including vagina! yeast infections that may not
`clear up easily with proper treatment.
`If you may have been ex-
`posed to HIV and get repeated vaginal yeast infections. you should
`see your doctor right away. For more information on HIV infection.
`please contact your doctor or the CDC National AEDS HOTLINE.
`The CDC phone numbers are: 130034245)le (English). 1-800-
`344-1432 (Spanish). or 1-BOU»243-i'889 (hearing impaired, TDD).
`How can I tell if I have a vaginalyeast infection?
`When you have a vaginal yeast infection. you may have one or
`more of the following symptoms:
`- vaginal itching
`. vaginal discharge that may be thick. white. and lumpy like
`cottage cheese
`I vaginal soreness. irritation, or burning
`. rash or redness on the skin outside the vagina (vulva)
`I burning on urination
`- painfui vaginal intercourse (sex)
`and Relieves Associated External Itching and Irritation
`Note: Vaginal yeast infections do NOT cause fever, chills.
`Are vaginal yeast infections sexually transmitted?
`lower abdominal, back or shoulder pain. foul-smelling vaginal
`Vaginal yeast infections are usually not spread by having inter—
`discharge. or a missed period. These may be signs of a sexu-
`course (sex). However. if your partner has a rash. itching or dis-
`ally transmltted disease (STD) or a tubal pregnancy.
`if you have
`comfon in his genital area. he should contact a doctor to find out
`these symptoms. call your doctor right away.
`the cause of his symptoms and tell the doctor that you are treating
`What are'ottrer causes of a vaginal discharge?
`your vaginal yeast infection with MONISTAT” T Vaginal Cream.
`It is normal to have a smalt amount of vaginal discharge at cer-
`How can .I prevent repeated vaginal yeast infections?
`tain times of the month. This normal discharge may be clear or
`To lower your chances of getting another yeast infection:
`slightly while and does not cause itching, pain or afoul odor.
`- Try to keep the genital area cool and dry. Yeast grow well in
`The most common cause of an abnormal vaginal discharge is an
`warm. moist areas. The following suggestions may be heipful:
`infection. These infections include bacterial vaginosis (BV). tri-
`(1) Wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes.
`chomoniasis fl’richl. gonorrhea (GO) andlor chlamydia. All of these
`may be transmitted sexually and are called sexually transmitted
`(2) Change out of damp clothes orawet bathing suit as soon as console.
`diseases (31135). If you have more questions about sexually trans-
`mitted diseases (STDs) call the CDC STD Hotline at 1—800-22?-8922.
`(3) If you use minipads when you are not having a menstrual period.
`Almough many ofthe infections mentioned above can cause syrup
`change the mlnipads often.
`toms similar to a vaginal yeast infection (vagina: discharge. irritation and
`- Talk with your doctor about any drugs you are now taking.
`itching). their diagnosis must be made by a doctor so that proper
`You are more likely to get a vaginal yeast infection it you are taking
`treatment can be given.
`cenain drugs such as antibiotics. steroids. or birth control pills.
`Iftheseinfectionsarenotproperlytreatsd orilpropertreatn'tentis
`Do not stop taking these drugs without first asking your doctor.
`delayed. serious problems. such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
`A doctor may need to see you to make sure that you do not have
`may result. which may prevent you from having children in the future.
`other medical conditions such as diabetes or a weakened immune
`you are pregnant and do not get the proper treatment. the infection may
`bepassedtoyourbaby beforeordmingdeliveryand maymuseyour
`baby to have permanent damage.
`If you have multiple sex partners or a
`Can I use MGNISTIATe 7 Vaginal Cream during my menstrual
`new sex partner. you should also ask a doctor before use to make sure
`you do not have an STD.
`Yes. this product can be used during your menstrual period.
`Why do women get repeated vaginal yeast infections?
`In fact. many women get vaginal yeast infections just before their
`Women may get repeated vaginal yeast infections that may not
`period because of hormonal changes. Using MONISTATE i' Vaginal
`clear up easily with proper treatment. Listed below are some of the
`Cream during your period wiil not attract how well this product
`causes of repeated yeast infections:
`If you have started treatment and your period occurs. you
`‘ hormonal changes occuning a few days before the monthly period
`should complete the full course of treatment.
`- use of antibiotics
`Do not use tampons while using this product. because tampons
`0 use of some birth control pills
`may remove some of the drug from the vagina. Use deodorant-free
`' pregnancy
`sanitary napkins or pads instead. and change them often.
`- diabetes (‘sugar‘ or 'high blood sugar")
`Can l-use other vaginal products with MONlSTAT' 1
`t clothlng - wearing tight layers or moist clothing in the genital area
`Vaginal Cream?
`- weakened immune system — some drugs (such as chemother.
`This drug should not be used with other vaginal products.
`apy or steroids) and medical conditions can weaken the body's
`0 Douches and tampons may remove some of the cream from the
`normal ability to fight infection. One of the most serious of these
`conditions is infection with the human immunodeficiency virus
`- Sperrnicides may interfere with MONISTAT’ 7 Vaginal Cream.
`(HtV —lhe virus that causes AIDS). Infection with HIV causes the
`person to be more likely to get infections. including vaginal yeast
`' Condoms and diaphragms may be damaged by this product and
`fail to prevent pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
`if you get vaginal yeast infections often (such as once a month
`or 3 in 6 months), you should talk to a doctor.
`Itch Relief Cream
`Relieves Itching and Irritation
`Chafing Relief
`Relieves and Prevents Chafing
`Feminine Wipes
`{leans and Goals
`Orr-Theifio Relief and Fee!
`Clean arConfident
`for additional savings from llfJIIISTATo. go In www.monlstatoom
`WIS): llm'n one per pram. Redeem at Foot. Drug. or Discount stores
`amaptirg ormmns. Canon rarrrrothe fraught. muted. transferred. or sold. RETAILER:
`MohElL-Pf-‘C, Inc. will reimburse you for the face rotor) of Ibis coupon plus 5 cents
`handling It submitted in corollaries with MnNEiLePPc. Inc. Coupon Redemption Policy
`W72. Coupons are void more protnbilod. taxed. or otherwise molded by law.
`Cash Bowman Vatuo ill DO cent. Send coupons to. McNElL-PPC. inc, OMS Dept.
`#00045, One Falwell Dove. Del Rio. Di 73840. G McNEl—PPC. Inc. 2008
`How can i get the best results when treating my infection?
`I Use 1 applicatorfuli of vaginal cream at bedtime. even during
`your menstrual period for 7 days in a row.
`I Use the vaginal cream externally only while symptoms are pre.
`sent. If you have symptoms (such as itching and irritation) on the
`skin outside the vagina (vulva). apply the cream externally 2 times
`a day. up to a total of 7 days. as needed.
`I Dry the genital area thoroughly ailera shower. bath or swim.
`Change out of a wet bathing suit or damp clothes as soon as
`possible. A dry area is less likely to lead to the overgrowth of yeast.
`I Wear cotton underwear and loose-fitting clothes.
`I Wine from front to back after a bowel movement or after urination.
`I Do not douche. because douching may wash the dmg out of the
`I Do not use tampons. because they remove some of the drug hour
`the vagina. Use deodorant-free sanitary napkins or pads as
`I Do not use spermicides. as they may interfere with MONISTAT“ 'r'
`Vaginal Cream.
`I Do not have vaginal intercourse while using MONISTAT‘ 'r'
`Vaginal Cream.
`I Do not scratch the skin outside the vagina. Scratching can cause
`more irritation and can spread the intention.
`I Tell your doctor about any drugs you are now taking. Certain
`drugs such as antibiotics. steroids. and birth control pills. may
`make it more likely for you to get a vaginal yeast infection. it you
`are taking any of these drugs do not stop taking them without first
`asking a doctor.
`I if you have any other medical questions or concerns accut
`vaginal yeast inlections. call your doctor.
`What warnings should i know about when using MONISTAT'” 'r'
`Vaginal Cream?
`For vaginal use only.
`Do not use if you have never had a vaginal yeast infection
`diagnosed by a doctor.
`Ask a doctor before use it you have:
`I vaginal itching and discomfort for the first time. You may need
`a different treatment.
`I lower abdominal. back or shoulder pain. fever. chills. nausea,
`vomiting. orfoulusmelling vaginal discharge. You could have
`a more serious condition.
`I vaginal yeast infections often (such as once a month or 3 in 6
`months). You could be pregnant or have a serious underlying
`medical cause for your symptoms. including diabetes or a weak-
`ened immune system.
`I been exposed to the human immunodeficiency vims lHiV) that
`causes AIDS.
`Ask a doctor or pharmacist before use if you are taking the prescripe
`tton blood thinning medicine. warfarin (cournadin). because
`bleeding or bruising may occur.
`How Should I Use MONISTA‘I‘T
`Vaginal Cream with Reusable
`This product is for adults and children 12 years of age
`and over. For children under 12 years, ask a doctor.
`Directions for using the Vaginal Cream:
`Begin treatment before going to-bed:
`Open the tube by unscrewing the cap. The first
`time the tube is opened.
`press the sharp point of the
`cap into the sealed and of
`the tube. Push down firmly '%
`until the seat is open.
`2 Attach the applicator to the
`tube of cream by placing "A” and
`attire applicator firmly onto tube
`of cream. (See picture.)
`3 Gently squeeze the cream into the sum
`applicator is full. Separate the applicator me
`from the tube. DO NOT release pressure
`on the tube until you have separated lt
`from the filled applicator. After each use.
`replace the cap and roll up the tube from
`the bottom.
`4 Hold the barrel as shown in the
`5 Gently insert the applicator into
`the vagina as far as It will go comfortably. This can
`be done while lying on your back with your knees
`bent (as shown In the picture) or while standing with
`your feet apart and knees bent.
`6mm one hand holding the banal. use the other
`hand to push the plunger all the way in to place the
`cream as far back in the vagina as possible. Then
`remove both parts of t