`Public Health Service
`Food and Drug Administration
`Rockville, MD 20857
`NDA 21-083/S-046
`NDA 21-110/S-056
`Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
`Attention: Sharon Pfleger
` Manager, Worldwide Regulatory Affairs
`P. O. Box 8299
`Philadelphia, PA 19101-8299
`Dear Ms. Pfleger:
`Please refer to your Supplemental New Drug Applications dated and received May 18, 2010,
`under section 505(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act for Rapamune (sirolimus)
`Oral Solution (NDA 21-083) and Rapamune (sirolimus) Tablets (NDA 21-110).
`We also refer to your amendments dated June 30, 2010.
`These Prior Approval Supplemental New Drug Applications, submitted in response to the
`Division’s Supplement Request letter dated February 10, 2010, provide for the following
`revisions to the package insert (additions are underlined):
`1. The following two paragraphs were added at the end of the 5.10 Latent Viral Infections
`section of the package insert:
`Immunosuppressed patients are at increased risk for opportunistic infections, including
`activation of latent viral infections. These include BK virus-associated nephropathy, which
`has been observed in patients receiving immunosuppressants, including Rapamune. This
`infection may be associated with serious outcomes, including deteriorating renal function and
` renal graft loss [see Adverse Reactions (6.6)]. Patient monitoring may help detect patients at
`risk for BK virus-associated nephropathy. Reduction in immunosuppression should be
`considered for patients who develop evidence of BK virus-associated nephropathy.
`Cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), sometimes fatal have been
`reported in patients treated with immunosuppressants, including Rapamune. PML commonly
`presents with hemiparesis, apathy, confusion, cognitive deficiencies and ataxia. Risk factors
`for PML include treatment with immunosuppressant therapies and impairment of immune
`function. In immunosuppressed patients, physicians should consider PML in the differential
`diagnosis in patients reporting neurological symptoms and consultation with a neurologist
`should be considered as clinically indicated. Consideration should be given to reducing the
`amount of immunosuppression in patients who develop PML. In transplant patients,
`physicians should also consider the risk that reduced immunosuppression represents to the
`NDA 21-083/S-046
`NDA 21-110/S-056
`Page 2
`2. The following sentence was added in the 6.6 Postmarketing Experience, Infections section:
`Infections – Tuberculosis. BK virus associated nephropathy has been observed in
`patients receiving immunosuppressants, including Rapamune. This infection may be
`associated with serious outcomes, including deteriorating renal function and renal graft
`loss. Cases of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), sometimes fatal, have
`been reported in patients treated with immunosuppressants, including Rapamune [see
`Warnings and Precautions (5.10)].
`We have completed the review of these supplemental new drug applications, and have concluded
`that adequate information has been presented to demonstrate that the drug products are safe and
`effective for use as recommended in the agreed upon labeling text (enclosed). Accordingly,
`these supplemental applications are approved effective on the date of this letter.
`As soon as possible, but no later than 14 days from the date of this letter, please submit the
`content of labeling [21 CFR 314.50(l)] in structured product labeling (SPL) format, as described
`at http://www.fda.gov/ForIndustry/DataStandards/StructuredProductLabeling/default.htm, that is
`identical to the enclosed content of labeling (text for the package insert), which was submitted on
`June 30, 2010. For administrative purposes, please designate this submission, “SPL for
`NDA 21-083/S-046 and NDA 21-110/S-056.”
`Also, within 14 days from the date of this letter, please amend all pending supplemental
`applications for these NDAs, including pending "Changes Being Effected" (CBE) supplements
`for which FDA has not yet issued an action letter, with the content of labeling [21 CFR
`314.50(l)(1)(i)] in structured product labeling (SPL) format that includes the changes approved
`in these supplemental applications.
`All promotional materials for your drug product that include representations about your drug
`product must be promptly revised to make it consistent with the labeling changes approved in
`this supplement, including any new safety information [21 CFR 314.70(a)(4)]. The revisions to
`your promotional materials should include prominent disclosure of the important new safety
`information that appears in the revised package labeling. Within 7 days of receipt of this letter,
`submit your statement of intent to comply with 21 CFR 314.70(a)(4) to the following address or
`by facsimile at 301-847-8444:
`Food and Drug Administration
`Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising, and Communications
`5901-B Ammendale Road
`Beltsville, MD 20705-1266
`NDA 21-083/S-046
`NDA 21-110/S-056
`Page 3
` In addition, as required under 21 CFR 314.81(b)(3)(i), you must submit your updated final
` promotional materials, and the package insert(s), at the time of initial dissemination or
`publication, accompanied by a Form FDA-2253, directly to the above address. For instruction on
`completing the Form FDA 2253, see page 2 of the Form. For more information about submission
`of promotional materials to the Division of Drug Marketing, Advertising, and Communications
`(DDMAC), see http://www.fda.gov/AboutFDA/CentersOffices/CDER/ucm090142.htm.
`If you issue a letter communicating important safety related information about this drug product
`(i.e., a “Dear Health Care Professional” letter), we request that you submit an electronic copy of
`the letter to both this NDA and to the following address:
`Food and Drug Administration
`5600 Fishers Lane, Room 12B05
`Rockville, MD 20857
`We remind you that you must comply with reporting requirements for an approved NDA
`(21 CFR 314.80 and 314.81).
`If you have any questions, please call Diana Willard, Chief Project Manager at (301) 796-1600.
`{See appended electronic signature page}
`Ozlem Belen, MD, MPH
`Deputy Director for Safety
`Division of Special Pathogen and Transplant
`Office of Antimicrobial Products
`Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
`Submitter Name
`Product Name
`This is a representation of an electronic record that was signed
`electronically and this page is the manifestation of the electronic