`ORDER 433230
` V.
`01/21/2020 110.00 CASEFLOW REQUEST (JD-CV-116)
`The foregoing, having been considered by the Court, is hereby:
`Defense counsel has reported that she is uncertain as to her availability to participate in the status
`conference currently scheduled for 1/30/20, due to a scheduled trial. Accordingly, the court is
`rescheduling the status conference for 2/20/2020 at 9:15AM. If the plaintiff wishes to appear at the
`rescheduled status conference in person, he made do so, and if the defendant wishes to appear at the
`rescheduled status conference in person, she also may do so.
`In order to avoid or at least identify any problem with respect to preparation of an agreed joint
`scheduling order, the parties are to consult with each other in an attempt to agree upon the dates
`necessary for a scheduling order, which joint scheduling order is to be filed by January 30, 2020. If the
`parties cannot agree on dates, each party is to submit his/her proposed scheduling order, which the court
`will review in advance of the rescheduled status conference.
`Judicial Notice (JDNO) was sent regarding this order.
`Processed by: Catherine Cannizzaro
`This document may be signed or verified electronically and has the same validity and status as a document with a physical
`(pen-to-paper) signature. For more information, see Section I.E. of the State of Connecticut Superior Court E-Services
`Procedures and Technical Standards (https://jud.ct.gov/external/super/E-Services/e-standards.pdf), section 51-193c of the
`Connecticut General Statutes and Connecticut Practice Book Section 4-4.
`FSTCV195021964S 1/22/2020
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