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`rat: 202 2-54212
`August 7, 2017
`ViaElectronic Filing
`The Hon. Rhonda K. Schmidtlein, Chairman
`The Hon. David S. Johanson, Vice Chairman
`United States International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, SW
`Washington, D.C. 20436
`Statement on the Public Interest
`Certain Seniiconductor Devices, Semiconductor Device Packages, ai1dProdzicls
`Conta1'm'i1gthe Same, Inv. No. 337¢T/i-101!)
`Dear Chairman Sciimidtlein, Vice Chairman Johanson, and Commissioners:
`As a member ofthe United States House of Representatives, l respectfully submit these
`comments in response to the Commission’s Notice of Request ForStatements on the Public
`Interest in the matter of Ccimiii Semiconductor Devices, Sernicoiuhrctor Device Packages‘, and
`Products Conrafnfnglhe Same, Inv. No. 337-TA-liil, dated July 10, 2017.
`it is my understanding that an Administrative Law Judge presiding over this Investigation has
`recommended an exclusion order, a cease-and-desist order, and a maximum bond preventing the
`importation and/or sale ofproducts including cable set~topboxes, cable modems, wireless
`routers, telecommunications switches, mobile phones, tablets, and more. 1'respectfully request
`that you and your fellow Commissioners consider the potential negative impact that such
`remedies in this investigation could have on American Consumers and the U.S. economy.
`My immediate concern is that such remedies could negatively impact access to essential services
`like cable television, internet. and telecommunication for millions of American businesses and
`consumers, including many in my district. For example, it is my understanding that Respondent
`Broadcom is the sole supplier ofchips for set-top boxes manufactured by co-Respondent ARRIS,
`which supplies cable set~top boxes to co-Respondent Comcast, and that such remedies could
`result in the disruption of Comcast’s ability to provide access to cable television and internet
`services to its more than 22 million subscribers. This outcome would not only be harmful to
`Corncasfs subscribers but also non-Comcast subscribers who could potentially end up in a less
`competitive marketplace with higher prices and fewer choices. Furthermore, such remedies
`could negatively impact some ofthe more than 2.3 million Americans who, according to the
`Internet and Television Association, are directly or indirectly employed by the cable industry.
`\¢'\/ASWNGTDN. DC 255l5»'£€3G7
`The Hon. Rhonda K. Schmidtlein, Chairman
`The Hon. David S. Johanson, Vice Chairman
`August 7, 2(}l7
`Page 2
`l have been informed that the Respondents may not know until the day the Commission issues its
`final decision and any remedial orders whether the infringement finding on the current products
`will be upheld and whether to alter the products based on the Commission's final decision to be
`non-infringing. While l express no opinion on the merits ofthe Investigation, ifthe Commission
`ultimately determines that a remedy of some kind is appropriate, I respectfuliy request you to
`consider tailoring and/or delaying any remedies, as appropriate, in an effort to avoid impeding
`access to cable television, internet, and telecommunications services Forthe tens of millions of
`American consumers and business that rely on them and also for the millions of Americans who
`work tirelessly to deliver such services.
`Member of Congress