`McGuireWoods LLP
`JPMorgan Chase Tower
`600 Travis Street
`Suite 7500
`Houston, TX 77002-2906
`Phone: 713.571.9191
`Fax: 713.571.9652
`Tyler T. VanHoutan
`Direct: 832.214.4911
`August 7, 2017
`The Honorable David P. Shaw
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, S.W., Room 317
`Washington, DC 20436
`Fax: 832.214.9924
`Certain Semiconductor Devices and Consumer Audiovisual Products Containing the
`Same, Investigation No. 337-TA-1047, Motion Docket No. 1047-025
`Dear Judge Shaw,
` I
` am counsel for non-party ARM, Inc. (“ARM”). I am writing to provide additional information
`relevant to ARM’s Motion for Entry of an Addendum to the Protective Order Regarding ARM
`Source Code and Request for Temporary Relief or Shortened Response Time (Motion Docket No.
`1047-025) of which ARM only became aware after filing its Motion.
`Shortly after ARM’s Motion was filed, respondent Sigma Designs, Inc. (“Sigma”) notified ARM
`that Broadcom had recently requested that Sigma supplement its source code production with
`respect to Sigma SoCs containing ARM CPUs and ARM Mali GPUs. Specifically, Broadcom
`requested that Sigma provide for inspection and production the RTL, software, and firmware
`source code for the ARM CPUs and ARM Mali GPUs in such Sigma SoCs.
`As noted in ARM’s Motion, ARM’s unique business model is based solely on licensing ARM
`Source Code and the same concerns raised in ARM’s Motion regarding the inadequacy of the
`source code provisions of the existing Protective Order with respect to respondent LG Electronics,
`Inc.’s production of ARM Source Code likewise apply to Sigma’s production of ARM Source
`Code. In fact, Sigma’s production will significantly increases the risk of irreparable harm to ARM.
`Not only will another respondent be producing ARM Mali GPU Source Code, but Sigma’s
`production will expose ARM CPU Source Code to the risks associated with source code
`production under the existing Protective Order.
`In light of Broadcom’s request for the production of the entirety of the ARM Source Code for two
`of ARM’s most valuable offerings, ARM CPU and ARM Mali GPU Source Code, the provisions
`of ARM’s Proposed Addendum are even more necessary and reasonable. ARM is only seeking
`protections for ARM Source Code similar, but less onerous and burdensome, to those that
`Broadcom has itself sought and been granted for its code in numerous other investigations.
`Atlanta | Austin | Baltimore | Brussels | Charlotte | Charlottesville | Chicago | Dallas | Houston | Jacksonville | London | Los Angeles - Century City
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`The Honorable David P. Shaw
`August 7, 2017
`Page 2
`For the additional good cause created by Sigma’s production of ARM CPU and ARM Mali GPU
`Source Code, ARM respectfully requests that the ALJ grant ARM’s Motion and enter ARM’s
`Addendum to the Protective Order attached to ARM’s Motion as Exhibit A.1
`Tyler T. VanHoutan
`The proposed addendum that ARM presented for Broadcom’s consideration was edited for clarity prior to
`submission as Exhibit A to ARM’s Motion.
`I hereby certify that true and correct copies of the foregoing were filed and served on August 7,
`2017, as indicated below:
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`Secretary to the Commission
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, SW, Room 112
`Washington, DC 20436
`The Honorable David P. Shaw
`Administrative Law Judge
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E. Street SW
`Washington, DC 20436
`Counsel for Complainants Broadcom Corporation
`John M. Caracappa
`Steptoe & Johnson LLP
`1330 Connecticut Avenue NW
`Washington, DC 20036
`Counsel for Respondents MediaTek Inc., MediaTek USA
`Inc., and MStar Semiconductor Inc.
`Joseph V. Colaianni
`Fish & Richardson P.C.
`McPherson Building
`901 15th Street, NW, 7th Floor
`Washington, DC 20005
`Counsel for Respondent VIZIO, Inc.
`Cono A. Carrano, Esq.
`Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
`Robert S. Strauss Building
`1333 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
`Washington, DC 20036
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`Counsel for Respondents LG Electronics, Inc. and LG
`Electronics, U.S.A., Inc.
`Doris Johnson Hines
`Finnegan Henderson
`901 New York Avenue, NW
`Washington, DC 20001
`Counsel for Respondent Sigma Designs Inc.
`Kecia J. Reynolds
`Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
`1200 Seventeenth Street, NW
`Washington, DC 20036
`Counsel for Respondents Funai Electric Company, Ltd.,
`Funai Corporation, Inc., and P&F USA, Inc.
`T. Cy Walker
`Shawnna M. Yashar
`Baker & Hostetler LLP
`1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW
`Suite 1100
`Washington, DC 20036-5403
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`/s/ Caitlin Coggins__________
`Caitlin Coggins