`August 8, 2017
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`Secretary to the Commission
`500 E Street, SW
`Washington, DC 20436
`Fish & Richardson P.C.
`1425 K Street, N.W.
`11th Floor
`Washington, DC 20005
`202 783 5070 main
`202 783 2331 fax
`Joseph V. Colaianni, Jr.
`202 626 6434 direct
`Re: Certain Digital Cameras, Software, and Components Thereof,
`ITC Inv. No. 337-TA-1059
`Dear Secretary Barton:
`Attached for filing on behalf of Complainants Carl Zeiss AG and ASML Netherlands
`B.V. in the above referenced proceeding, please find the nondisclosure agreements for translators
`Anna Silcocks, Frank Apps, Francis McGee, and Ronald LeVan.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Joseph V. Colaianni
`Joseph V. Colaianni
`Attachment A
`I, Emmi,
`(Si lg at lg s
`, do solemnly swaar or affirm that I will not divulge
`any information communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation or hearing
`in the matter of Certain
`Investigation No. 337~TA—fl,i except as permitted in the
`protective order issued in this case.
`I will not directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such
`information for any purpose other than that directly associated with my official duties in this
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any
`person reveal the nature or content of any information communicated during any confidential
`portion of the investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also affirm that I do not hold any position or official relationship with any of the
`participants in said investigation
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is
`a violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000,
`imprisonment of up to ten (10) years, or both.
`8 74
`Firm or affiliation Wadi
`7 4
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`Page 10 oflO
`Attachment A
`in the matter of Certam___, Investigafion No. 337-'3f['£:lexoept as pemfiued in the
`protecfiveordcrissundinflfiscase. Iwfllmdimcflyormdimcflyusgoraflowthcuscofmch
`person reveal the nature or content of any information communicated during any confidenfial
`portion ofthciuvesfigafionmheafinginthiscase.
`Ialsoaffinnthatldonotholdanyposifionarofiicialrelafionélfip wifiaauyofthe
`imprisnnmmt ofWflO} years, or 13011:.
`Wm“— ' 8 r1
`Page m cm
`Attachment A
`I, / 78/3ch 1 S
`{465/5 . do soiemnly swear or affirm that I will not divulge
`any information communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation or hearing
`, Investigation No. 337-TA-__, except as permitted in the
`in the matter of Certain
`protective order issued in this case,
`I will not directiy or indirectly use. or allow the LL92. of such
`information for any purpose other than that direoiiy associated with my official duties in this
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion recommendation, or suggestion to any
`person reveal the nature or content of any information communicated during any confidential
`portion ofthe investigation or hearing in this case.
`I aiso affirm that I do nol hold any position or official relationship with any of the
`paflicipants in said investigation.
`1 am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of infommtion as specified above is
`a violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000,
`imprisonment of‘up to ten (10} years, or both.
`Dated __
`- 7
`A:th Gram/1F; LTD ‘
`Firm or affiliation m
`Page 10 of 10
`Attachment A
`1, R0 LR “Y!
`N . do solemnly swear or affirm that I will not divulge
`any information communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation or hearing
`l0 5 (i
`, Investigation No. 337~TA—
`, except as permitted in the
`in the matter of Certain
`protective order issued in this case.
`I will not directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such
`information for any purpose other than that directly associated with my official duties in this
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any
`person reveal the nature or content of any information communicated during any confidential
`portion of the investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also affirm that I do not hold any position or official relationShip with any of the
`participants in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized us: or conveyance of information as specified above is
`a violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000,
`imprisonment of up to ten (10) years, or both.
`Dated g (10 i I?
`Firm or affiliation
`E mg 3
`0‘“ Sup
`w ______ w
`Page 10 of 10
`I hereby certify that true and correct copies of the foregoing NONDISCLOSURE
`AGREEMENTS FOR TRANSLATORS have been served on this 8th day of August, 2017, on
`the following:
`The Honorable Lisa R. Barton
`Secretary to the Commission
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, SW
`Washington, DC 20436
` Via First-Class Mail
` Via Hand-Delivery
` Via Express Delivery
` Via EDIS
` Via Electronic Mail
` Via First-Class Mail
` Via Hand-Delivery
` Via Express Delivery
` Via EDIS
` Via Electronic Mail
` Via First-Class Mail
` Via Hand-Delivery
` Via Express Delivery
` Via EDIS
` Via Electronic Mail
`The Honorable MaryJoan McNamara
`Administrative Law Judge
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, SW
`Washington, D.C. 20436
`Email: Jae.Lee@usitc.gov
`Mark L. Whitaker
`2000 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 6000
`Washington, DC 20006
`Email: NikonITC1059@mofo.com
`Attorneys for Respondents Nikon Corporation, Sendai Nikon
`Corporation, Nikon Inc., Nikon (Thailand) Co., Ltd., Nikon
`Imagining (China) Co., Ltd., and PT Nikon Indonesia
` /s/ Monika Kapuscinska-Kass
` Monika Kapuscinska-Kass
`Litigation Paralegal
`12390 El Camino Real
`San Diego, CA 92130
`Kapuscinska-Kass@fr.com | 858.678.4717