<19)United States
`<12)Patent Application
`Bolta et al.
`(10)Pub.N0.:US 2004/0120152A1
`(43)Pub. Date:
`Jun. 24, 2004
`US 200401201 52A1
`lnvenlors: Charles Bolta, Ft. Collins, CO (US);
`Phillip C. Watts, Longmunt, Ct) (US)
`Correspondence Address:
`Emery L. Tracy
`P. (). Box 1518
`Boulder, CO 80306-1518 (US)
`(31) Appt NU_:
`l)ec. 10, 2003
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Provisional 2!ppliC3liOt1Nu. M),-’432,4Z9,tiled on D126.
`11, 2002.
`Publication Classification
`Int. Cl.’
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`F2lV 29/00
`362/294; 362“8U(J; 3()2.»249;
`lighting fixture is provided. The lighting fixture
`An l..E.l).
`comprises at least one heat transfer mounting bar, at least
`one emitter plate secured to the mounting bar, and an array
`of l..E.D. lights secured to each emitter plate. A method for
`providing light is also provided.
`--L.E.D. Array
`Single Tee
`with Angled Base


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 1 of 18
`US 2004/0120152 Al
`\ 9~
`L.E.D. Array
`Single Tee
`Heat Transfer
`Mounting Bar
`Single Tee Mounting Bar
`___ L_E.D. Array
`Single Tee
`MOunKing Bar
`with Angled Base
`Single Tee Mounting Bar with Angled Base
`FIG. 2


`Patent Application Publication Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 2 0f 18
`US 2004/0120152 Al
`( 0
`' if
`- ’
`i _—'_;
`Emitter Angle
`sink fins
`| (9
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`I B
`_ Heat Transfer
`Mounting Bar
`Single Tee Mounting Bar with Multiple Angled Emitter Plates
`\~ i V‘a/
`Light Distribution Diagram


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 3 of 18
`US 20()4/0120152A1
`I 0 Q
`L.E.D_ Array
`Multiple Angled
`Emitter Plate
`_ '
`‘ "
`I ‘+
`I “l

`Mounting Bar and Mulitple Angled Emitter Plate Assgmbly


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 4 of 18
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`US 20[)4/0120152A1
`Lens Cover
`L.E.D. Array
`Mounting Bar and
`Angled Emitter
`Plate Assembly
`Air Channel
`Exhaust Fan
`Fixture Body
`Inlet Fan
`—Active Cooling by Fan and Staggered Air Channels


`Patent Application Publication Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 5 of 18
`US 2004/0120152 A1
`Lens Cover
`Filler Emitter
`Plate with
`Half L.E.D. Array
`Main Emitter
`Plate with
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`Filler Emitter Plates
`Fm; 7



`Patent Application Publication Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet
`6 of 18
`US 2004/0120152 A1
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`; #4
`ight Distribution Diagram


`Patent Application Publication Jun. 24, 2004 She
`et 7 of 18
`152 A1
`US 2004/0120
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`Emitter Plate
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`Vgnf Hgle
`Exhaust Fan
`Monolithic Mounting Bar and Arc Shaped Emitter Plate
`FIQ 9


`Patent Application Publication J un. 24, 2004 Sheet 8 of 18
`US 2004/0120152 A1
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`VEmitter Plate
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`Recbssed L.~E.D._ Array
`FIQ. 19 '



`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 9 0f 18
`US 2(](]4/012()152A1
`Pic. H
`Interior Chrome Lens Cupp
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`Lens Bar
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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 10 of 18
`US 2004/0120152A1
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`Light Radiant
`Translucent White
`‘Plastic Diffusion Lens
`Plastic Diffusion Lens


`Patent Application Publication Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 11 of 18
`US 2004/0120152 A1
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`e Tube Fixture
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`Patent Application Publication Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 12 0f 18
`US 2004/0120152 Al
`MRl6 Type
`Reflectorfor Q0
`L.E..D. Array
`911:. we
`Single Tee
`Mounting Bar
`(other types of
`mounting bars
`could also be used
`with this design)
`MRI6 Type Reflector


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 13 of 18
`US 2004/0120152A1
`— Support System
`1 5:"?
`- Heat
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`Heat Transfer
`F336. F7
`Integrated Heal Sink Design


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 14 of 18
`US 2004/0120152A1
`L.E.D. Lighting Fixture


`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 15 0f 18
`US 2(](]4/0120152A1
`Blue and White L.E.D. Array


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`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 16 of 18
`US 2004/0120152A1
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`Patent Application Pubhcatlon Jun 24, 2004 Sheet
`17 of 18
`US 2004/0120152 A1
`'0'» weOn
`" ’/".//.‘,
`ig ly
`Sectlons, each
`sl ht
`different angle
`A /’fY-1"
`._ /j/'
`FIG 22
`Varied Angle Lens Detail



`Patent Application Publication
`Jun. 24, 2004 Sheet 18 of 18
`US 2004/0120152 A1
`¢. W
`_ ‘fig
`FIG. 23
`Varied Angle Lens
`Q y
`l” x l" Lens
`Sections, each at
`slightly different
`FIG. 24
`Varied Angle Lens Detail


`US 2004/0120152 Al
`Jun. 24, 2004
`LIGHT ENIl'l"l‘lN(} l)l()l)l<I (l..E.l).) l.l(}H'l‘lN(}
`[0001] The present application is a continuation and
`claims priority of pending provisional patent application
`Serial No. 60/432,429, filed on Dec. 11, 2002, entitled
`“I.ight Emitting Diode (L.E.D.) lighting Fixtures With
`Emergency Back-Up and Scotopic Enhancement”.
`1. Field of the Invention
`[0003] This invention relates generally to light emitting
`diode lighting fixtures and, more particularly, the invention
`relates to light emitting diode lighting fixtures with emer­
`gency back-up and scotopic enhancement.
`2. Description of the Prior Art
`[0005] Although receptive field sizes account for some of
`the differences in visual sensitivity across the retina,
`sensitivity at a given retinal
`location can also vary. The
`human eye can process information over an enormous range
`of luminance (about
`twelve (12) log units). The visual
`system changes its sensitivity to light; a process called
`adaptation, so that it may detect the faintest signal on a dark
`night and yet not be overloaded by the high brightness of a
`summer beach scene. Adaptation involves four major pro­
`l. Changes in Pupil Size. The iris constricts and
`dilates in response to increased and decreased levels of
`retinal illumination. Iris constriction has a shorter latency
`and is faster (about 0.3 s) than dilation (about l.5
`are Widevariations in pupil sizes among individuals and for
`a particular individual at different titnes. Thus, for a given
`luminous stimulus, some uncertainty is associated with an
`individual’s pupil size unless it is measured. In general,
`however, the range in pupil diameter for young people may
`be considered to be from two (2) mm for high levels to eight
`(8) mm for low levels of retinal illumination. This change in
`pupil size in response to retinal
`illumination can only
`account for a l.2 log unit change in sensitivity to light. Older
`people tend to have smaller pupils under comparable con­
`2. Neural Adaptation. This is a fast (less than one
`(1 s) second) change in sensitivity produced by synaptic
`interactions in the visual system. Neural processes awount
`for virtually all the transitory changes in sensitivity of the
`eye where cone photopigment bleaching has not yet taken
`place (discussed below)—in other words, at
`values commonly encountered in electrically lighted envi­
`ronments, below about 600 cd/mg. Because neural adapta­
`tion is so fast and is operative at moderate light levels, the
`sensitivity of the visual system is typically well adjusted to
`the interior scene. Only under special circumstances in
`interiors, such as glancing out a window or directly at a
`bright light source before looking back at a task, will the
`capabilities of rapid neural adaptation be exceeded. Under
`these conditions, and in situations associated with exteriors,
`net|ral adaptation will not be wmpletely able to handle the
`changes in luminance necessary for efficient visual function.
`3. Photochemical Adaptation. The retinal receptors
`(rods and cones) contain pigtnents which, upon absorbing
`light energy, change composition and release ions Which
`provide, after processing, an electrical signal to the brain.
`There are believed to be four photopigments in the human
`eye, one in the rods, and one each in the three cone types.
`When light is absorbed, the pigment breaks down into an
`unstable aldehyde of vitamin A and a protein (opsin) and
`gives off energy that generates signals that are relayed to the
`brain and interpreted as light. In the dark,
`the pigment
`regenerated and is again available to receive light. The
`sensitivity of the eye to light is largely a function of the
`percentage of unbleached pigment. Under conditions of
`steady brightness, the concentration of photopigment is in
`equilibrium; when the brightness is changed, pigment
`either bleached or regenerated to reestablish equilibrium.
`Because the time required to accomplish the photochemical
`reactions is finite, changes in the sensitivity lag behind the
`stimulus changes. The cone system adapts much more
`rapidly than does the rod system; even after exposure to high
`levels of brightness, the cones will regain nearly complete
`sensitivity in ten (10 min) minutes-twelve (I2 min) minutes,
`while the rods will require sixty (60 min) minutes (or longer)
`to fully dark-adapt.
`4. Transient Adaptation. Transient adaptation is a
`phenomenon associated with reduced visibility after view­
`ing a higher or lower luminance than that of the task. If
`recovery from transient adaptation is fast (less than one (l s)
`second), neural processes are causing the change. If recov­
`ery is slow (longer than one (1 s) second), some changes in
`the photopigments have taken place. Transient adaptation is
`usually insignificant in interiors, bt|t can be a problem in
`brightly lighted interiors or exteriors where photopigment
`bleaching has taken place. The reduced visibility after
`entering a dark movie theater from the outside on a sunny
`day is an illustration of this latter effect.
`the primary photoreceptor
`[0010] Studies suggest
`system for melatonin suppression is distinct from the rod
`and cone photoreceptors for vision. This action spectrum
`suggests that there is a novel retinaldehyde photopigment
`that mediates human circadian photoreception.
`[0011] The L.E.D. (Light Emitting Diode) lighting fixture
`of the present invention has been developed as an alternative
`light source, capable of replacing typical fiuorescent and
`incandescent fixtures. L.E.D.’s inherently emit either a
`direct highly concentrated beam spread or a diffuse light
`with extremely low lumens. The L.E.D. array is configured
`so that the light fixture emits a direct wide beam spread
`similar to the output of existing fluorescent and incandescent
`[0012] The L.E.D. lighting fixture can also be part of an
`emergency fighting system that can withstand extreme
`stresses, be reliable, and have a long life. It has been
`demonstrated that it is critical
`to an emergency lighting
`system to include the use of L.E.D."s made with a scotopi­
`cally rich primary color. Increasing the eye’s ability to
`respond to low levels of light could be critical to a person’s
`ability to react in an emergency situation. Also, the primary
`scotopic color of L.E.D.’s in this preferred system prepares
`the eye to respond and adapt quickly to changes in foot­
`candles of light when the emergency hghts come on.
`[0013] L.E.D.’s typically have a lower lumen per watt
`than fluorescent or
`latnps. Using


`US 2004/0120152 Al
`Jun. 24, 2004
`I..E.I).’s with a higher scotopic output increases perceived
`l_ight,visual acuity and response of the eye under typically
`low lumen output L.E.D.’s
`[0014] The designs of the present application address a
`number of problems including: mercury on nuclear vessels,
`breakage of normal
`light filaments during explosions or
`shock, the presence of ultraviolet light that degrades plastics
`over time, maintenannx: issues, interrupted light source with
`unreliable battery back-up, and high energy consumption, all
`of Which are above and beyond normal fluorescent lighting
`used in Navy Subs and surface ships and any application
`where normal
`lighting and/or combined with emergency
`lighting highly resistant
`to explosion or shock is neeclecl.
`Another problem addressed with this design is multiple
`shadows Which are more pronounced with multiple L.E.D.’s
`anclstronger lumen output L.E.D.’s. Anovel shadow reduc­
`tion lens with sub-lens helps reduce the shadowing problem
`and also helps keep up the lumen output of the fixture.
`[0015] The use of scotopic/photopic blends and ratios help
`rnaxiniize eye to lumen response and photochemical and
`transient adaptation to darkness in emergency situations.
`The scotopic range of light can be adjusted to reduce
`melatonin levels depending on desired ellects of perfor­
`mance of occupants of an environment. For example the 3“
`shift in a motor room or industrial application where a higher
`ratio, for example 50% blue light L.E.D.’s between 420-490
`nm and 50% white light L.E.D.’s, could be increased or
`adjusted to lower melatonin levels ancl/orthen the light ratio
`could be put back to any ratio of white light I..E.I).’s,
`therefore keeping 3"‘ shift workers awake longer, depending
`on building design features including ceiling height and
`reflectivity of surfaces.
`[0016] The L.E.D. lighting fixture configures arrays of
`L.E.D.’s so that light is spread out evenly and more closely
`matches the footcandle output and footcandle spread for a
`full 180 degrees or beam spread as required for each
`[0017] The L.E.D. lighting fixture addresses a problem
`with temporary lighting used for example in construction or
`in mines where light fixtures are strung up in an area and not
`securely fastened and fixtures have been known to fall.
`There have been a number of instances of fatal shock that
`have occurred with high voltage lighting. The new L.E.D.
`lighting fixture I0 can be run on either high or low voltage
`therefore reducing or eliminating shock hazard. Also, the
`internal metal framing structure, which holds the L.E.D.’s,
`has special anodized coatings to make them non-conductive
`further insulating people from shock hazard.
`I is a perspective view illustrating a l_ight
`emitting diode lighting fixture, constructed in accordance
`With the present
`invention, With a single tee mounting bar;
`[0019] FIG. 2 is a perspective view illustrating the light
`emitting diode lighting fixture, constructed in accordance
`With the present invention, having a single tee mounting bar
`with an angled base;
`FIG. 4 is a schematic view illustrating light dis­
`tribution for the light emitting diode fixture of FIG. 3;
`[0022] FIG. 5 is a perspective view illustrating the light
`emitting diode lighting fixture, constructed in accordance
`with the present invention, having a mounting bar and a
`multiple angled emitter plate assembly;
`[0023] FIG. 6 is an exploded view illustrating the light
`emitting diode lighting fixture, constructed in accordance
`with the present invention, having active cooling and heat
`[0024] FIG. 7 is an exploded view illustrating the light
`emitting diode lighting fixture, constructed in accordance
`with the present invention, having filler emitter plates;
`[0025] FIG. 8 is a schematic view illustrating the light
`distribution of the light emitting diode fixture of FIG. 7;
`[0026] FIG. 9 is an exploded view illustrating the light
`emitting diode lighting fixture, constructed in accordance
`With the present
`invention, having a monolithic mounting
`bar and arc-shaped emitter plate;
`[0027] FIG. 10 is a perspective view illustrating the light
`emitting diode lighting fixture, constructed in accordance
`with the present invention, having a recessed light emitting
`diode array;
`[0028] FIG. II is a perspective view illustrating an inte­
`rior chrome lens cup of the light emitting diode lighting
`fixture, constructed in accordance with the present inven­
`tion, for maximizing light output;
`[0029] FIG. 12 is a perspective view illustrating a lens bar
`of the light emitting diode lighting fixture, constructed in
`accordance with the present
`invention, with vertical and
`horizontal element construction for reducing the shadowing
`[0030] FIG. I3 is a perspective view illustrating a varying
`degree angle prismatic sub-lens of the light emitting diode
`lighting fixture, constructed in accordance with the present
`invention, for reducing the shadowing phenomenon;
`[0031] FIG. 14 is a perspective view illustrating the light
`emitting diode lighting fixture, constructed in accordance
`with the present invention, with a plastic diffusion lens;
`FIG. I5 is a perspective view illustrating the light
`emitting diode lighting fixture, constructed in accordance
`with the present invention, with three hundred and sixty
`(36U°) degrees tube fixture;
`[0033] FIG. I6 is a perspective view illustrating the light
`emitting diode lighting fixture, constructed in accordance
`With the present
`invention, with a l\/[R16 type refiector;
`[0034] FIG. I7 is a perspective view illustrating the light
`emitting diode lighting fixture, constructed in accordance
`With the present
`invention, with an integrated heat sink
`I8 is a perspective view illustrating an
`[0035] FIG.
`embodiment of the light emitting diode lighting fixture,
`constructed in accordance With the present invention;
`[0020] FIG. 3 is a perspective view illustrating the light
`emitting diode lighting fixture, constructed in accordance
`with the present invention, having a single tee mounting bar
`with multiple angled emitter plates;
`[0036] FIG. 19 is a perspective view illustratin

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