`(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2008/0204888 A1
`Kan et a].
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Aug. 28, 2008
`Publication Classification
`Peter Kan. North Vancouver (CA):
`George E. Matheson. North
`Vancouver (CA): Kwong Man.
`Vancouver (CA); Adrian \Veston.
`New Westminster (CA)
`Correspondence Address:
`Appl. No.:
`Feb. 19, 2008
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Feb 16. 2007
`(CA) ...................................... 2578896
`Int. CI.
`00212 27/14
`F21V 7/00
`(52) U.S.CI.. ........................................ 359/629;362/297
`An optical system for mixing and redirecting light generated
`by a light source is provided. The optical system comprises a
`first reflector operatively disposed relative to the light source
`the first reflector configured to receive first light emitted by
`the light source which propagates along lines of sight ther-
`ebetween and configured to reflect the first light as second
`light: a diffuser for scattering light incident thereon. the dif-
`fuser and the first reflector configured so that second light is
`incident upon the diffuser. wherein the incident light is dif-
`fused as third light and wherein the third light is directed
`towards the target surface; a second reflector operatively dis-
`posed and aligned relative to the diffuser and the first reflector
`is configured to direct light towards the target surface. thereby
`illuminating the target surface.
`Patent Application Publication
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`Aug. 28, 2008 Sheet 12 of 15
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`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 28, 2008 Sheet 14 of 15
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`Patent Application Publication
`Aug. 28. 2008 Sheet 15 of 15
`US 2008/0204888 Al
`US 2008/0204888 A 1
`Aug. 2s, 2008
`[0001] Thepresent inventionpertains to the field oflighting
`and in particular to an optical system for mixing and redirect
`ing light.
`[0002] Advances ir1the development and improvements of
`the luminous flux of light-emitting devices such as solid-state
`semiconductor and organic light-emitting diodes (LEDs)
`have made these devices suitable for use in general illumina
`tion applications, including architectural, entertainment, and
`roadway lighting. Light-emitting diodes are becoming
`increasingly competitive Withlight sources such as incandes
`cent, fluorescent, and high-intensity discharge lamps.
`[0003] Space lighting provides for many challenges. One
`such challenge is to design a luminaire that can provide light
`that illuminates a surface so that the light originating from the
`lu111i11airewhich is reflected from the surface or Which is
`transmitted through the surface makes the surface appear in a
`predetermined Way. This may include luminaires that are
`designed to be set up 011a Wallor proximate an edge of a wall
`and that are used to illuminate one or more large portions of
`the Wall in an increasingly grazing-incident fashion With
`increasing distance fro111the lumi11airewhile generating even
`illumination conditions across the Wholeilluminated portion
`of the Wall. In particular, this problem is related to being
`capable of illuminating portions of an illtuninated surfacethat
`are relatively proximate to the luminaire so they appear as
`bright as portions that are relatively distant to the luminaire.
`With particular regard to multi-color LED-based luminaires,
`a further requirement is the need for effective colour mixing
`of the light emitted by the different-colour light sources in
`order to make the illuminated surface appear, for example,
`uniformly or otherwise coloured or white-ligl1ted With a
`desired correlated colour temperature (CCT).
`[0004] Known luminaire designs for illuminating large
`areas of nearby objects, for example, a wall, a screen, a facade
`or a curtain, in a grazing-incident fashion are often opera
`tively disposed near an edge of the object, for example, proxi
`mate an edge between a ceiling and a Wall, a Wall and a floor,
`or a Wall and another wall. Luminaires for this purpose are
`typically elongate in shape, can be surface or recess mounted
`and include an optical system. The use of an optical system,
`and the relative positioning and aligrunent of the components
`of the optical system and the light sources in the luminaire
`provide the ability to design luminaires Withgreater flexibil
`ity for beam shaping and light mixing. A great number of
`luminaires are known that employ optical systems ofvarious
`designs and combinations that are also useful for surface
`illumination by grazing incident. International Patent Publi
`cation No. WO2006/126114. U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,995,355.
`6,965,205, 6,808,299, 6,601,970, 6,257,737, 6,220,731,
`5,727,870 and Japanese Patent No. 2002-216518, provide
`examples. Further examples are provided by LED Linear
`\Vall \Vasher products fror11the evoTMseries of Renaissance
`Lighting Inc. of Which brochures are obtainable via http://'
`wWw.re11aissancelighting.con1 or by the Recessed Wall
`\Vasher products fror11the NWVVVseries of LS1 Industries Inc.
`of Which brochtues are obtainable via http:/'/vWvw.lsi-indus
`l schematically illustrates a cross-sectional
`[0005] FIG.
`view of a ltuninaire 200 according to a known design for Wall
`illumination. The luminaire includes one or more LEDs 2
`(only one LED is illustrated) and an optical system. The
`optical system includes a reflector 3 and a diffuser 4 and ca11
`be configured to illuminate a predetermined portion of Wall
`100 in a predetermined Way.The luminaire can be positioned
`sothe I.FDs 2 are disposed in a plane parallel to and separated
`by a distance 11 from wall 100. The distance 11 and the
`properties of surface 5 can determine the illumination gener
`ated by the luminaire. The overall fitness of this type of
`lun1i11airefor wall illumination is limited.
`[0006] FIG. 2 schematically illustrates a cross-sectional
`view ofluminaire 300 according to another known design for
`Wall illtunination. The luminaire includes a specular reflec
`tive element 320 positioned proximate below the LEDs 2 for
`blocking a direct line of sight between the diffiiser and the
`LEDs. The rellective element 320 can suppress excessive l1ot
`spots on a proximate portion of an illuminated surface but
`Wastes light When used for wall illumination by also illumi
`nating the floor.
`[0007] These known luminaire systems, however, often
`generate tmdesired hot spots or color spots or other tmdesired
`variations ir1brightness or chromaticity of the illuminated
`surface. Known luminaire systems also often generate dis
`turbing visual impressions when viewed directly or Waste
`light by illuminating areas other than the intended surface, for
`example. a ceiling-mounted luminaire for illuminating the
`adjacent wall that also illuminates the floor. The tmdesired
`ligl1ti11geffects caused by these lur11i11airesystems often arise
`from the configuration of the employed optical systems.
`[0008] Therefore there is a need for a new optical system
`for luminaires that at least overcomes one of the disadvan
`tages of existing systems.
`[0009] This background information is provided to reveal
`information believed by the applicant to be of possible rel
`evance to the present invention. No admission is necessarily
`intended, nor should be construed, that any of the preceding
`information constitutes prior art against the present invention.
`[0010] An object of the present invention is to provide an
`optical system for luminaires. I11accordance Witl1an aspect of
`the present invention. there is provided an optical system for
`mixing and redirecting light generated by a light source, the
`light source disposed and oriented in a predetennined Way,
`the optical system for illuminating a target surface, the optical
`system comprising: a first reflector operatively disposed rela
`tive to the light source, the first reflector configured to receive
`first light emitted by the light source under operating condi
`lions, the first light propagating fror11the light source to the
`reflector, the first reflector configured to reflect a portion of
`the first light as second light; a diffuser for scattering light
`the diffuser operatively disposed and
`aligned relative to the first reflector, the diffuser and the first
`reflector configured so that at least a portion of the second
`li@t is incident upon the diffuser and is transmitted t_herebyas
`third light, the diffuser directing a portion of the third light
`towards the target surface; a second reflector operatively dis
`posed and aligned relative to the diffuser and the first reflec
`tor, said second reflector configured to reflect light towards
`the target surface; wherein the optical system is disposed a11d
`US 2008/0204888 A 1
`Aug. 2s, 2008
`aligned relative to the target surlace in a predetermined way
`and configured for providing predetermined illumination to
`the target surface.
`In accordance With another aspect of the present
`invention there is provided a luminaire for illuminating a
`target surface, the luminaire comprising: one or more light
`emitting elements (LEEs), the LEEs disposed and oriented in
`a predetermined Way; a first reflector operafively disposed
`relative to the LEEs. the first reflector configured to receive
`first light emitted bythe LEEs tmder operating conditions, the
`first light propagating from the LEEs to the reflector, the first
`reflector cor1figured to reflect a portion of the first light as
`second light; a diffuser for scattering light incident thereon,
`the dlffLlSBIoperatively disposed and aligned relative to the
`Ilrst reflector, the difluser and the first reflector configured so
`that at least a portion of the second light is incident upon the
`diffuser and is transmitted thereby as third light, the diffiiser
`directing aportion of the third light towards the target surface;
`a second reflector operatively disposed and aligned relative to
`the diffuser and the first reflector, said second reflector co11
`figured to reflect light towards the target surface; wherein the
`luminaire is disposed and aligned relative to the target surface
`in a predetermined Wayand configured for providing prede
`termined illumination to the target surface.
`[0012] FIG. 1 illustrates a cross-sectional view ofa prior art
`[0013] FIG. 2 illustrates a cross-sectional view of another
`prior art luminaire.
`[0014] FIG. 3 schematically illustrates a number of
`example setups of luminaires that may employ optical sys
`tems according to embodiments of the present invention.
`[0015] FIG. 4 illustrates a cross-sectional view ofa lumi
`naire including an optical system according to an embodi
`ment of the present invention.
`[0016] FIG. 5 illustrates schematically a perspective view
`of a first reflector in combination with LEEs for use in
`embodiments of the present invention.
`[0017] FIG. 6A illustrates a first reflector according to an
`embodiment of the present invention.
`[0013] FIG. 6B illustrates a Ilrst reflector according to
`another embodiment of the present invention.
`[0019] FIG. 7 illustrates an array ofsix groups ot'fourI.F.F.s
`each with different color LEEs per group for use in luminaire
`including optical systems according to an embodiment of the
`present invention.
`[0020] FIG. 8 illustrates an array of eight groups of four
`I.F.F.s each with diflerent color I.F.F.s per group for use in
`luminaire including optical systems according to an embodi
`ment of the present invention.
`[0021] FIG. 9A illustrates ar1example array comprising a
`linear symmetrical periodic arrangement ofmulti-colorI_EEs
`for use i11luminaire including optical systems according to an
`embodiment of the present invention.
`[0022] FIG. 9B illustrates an example array comprising a
`linear non-symmetrical periodic arrangement ofmulti-color
`LEEs for use in luminaire including optical systems accord
`ing to an embodiment of the present invention.
`[0023] FIG. 10A illustrates an example ofan array oI'multi
`color LEEs for use in luminaire including optical systems
`according to a11embodiment of the present invention.
`[0024] FIG. 10Billustrates an example ofan array ofmulti
`color LEEs for use in luminaire including optical systems
`according to another embodiment of the present invention.
`[0025] FIG. 11A illustrates a schematic cross-sectional
`view of a luminaire according to an embodiment of the
`present invention.
`[0026] FIG. 1113illustrates vertical and horizontal illtuni
`nation profiles for the luminaire illustrated in FIG. 11A.
`[0027] FIG. 12A illustrates a cross-sectional view of a
`luminaire according to another embodirnent of the present
`I-‘IG. 12B illustrates vertical a11dl1orizo11talillumi
`nation profiles for the luminaire illustrated in FIG. 12A.
`[0029] FIG. 13A illustrates a cross-sectional view of a
`luminaire according to another embodiment of the present
`[0030] FIG. 13B illustrates vertical and horizontal illumi
`nation profiles for the luminaire illustrated ir1FIG. 13A.
`[0031] FIG. 14A illustrates a cross-sectional view of a
`lun1i11aireaccording to another embodiment of the present
`[0032] FIG. 14B illustrates vertical and horizontal illumi
`nation profiles for the luminaire illustrated in FIG. 14A.
`[0033] FIG. 14C illustrates a cross-sectional view of the
`luminaire illustrated in FIG. 13A.
`[0034] FIG. 15A illustrates a cross-sectional view of a
`luminaire according to another embodiment of the present
`I-‘IG.15B illustrates vertical a11dhorizontal
`nation profiles for the luminaire illustrated ir1FIG. 15A.
`[0036] FIG. 15C illustrates a cross-sectional view of the
`luminaire illustrated in FIG. 13A.
`I-‘IG. 16A illustrates a cross-sectional view of a
`luminaire according to another embodirnent of the present
`[0038] FIG. 16B illustrates vertical and horizontal illtuni
`nation profiles for the luminaire illustrated in FIG. 16A.
`[0039] FIG. 16C illustrates a cross-sectional view of the
`luminaire illustrated in FIG. 13A.
`[0040] FIG. 17 illustrates an end vimv of a luminaire
`including an optical system according to another embodirnent
`of the present invention.
`is usedto
`[0041] Theterm “light-emittingelement”(I
`define a device that emits radiation in a region or combination
`of regions of the electromagnetic spectrtun for example, the
`visible region. infrared andtor ultraviolet region, when acti
`vated by applying a potential diII'erence across it or by passing
`an electrical current through it, for example. An LEE can have
`monochromatic, quasi-monochromatic, polycliromatic or
`broadband spectral emission characteristics. Examples of
`LEEs include semiconductor, organic, or polymer/polymeric
`ligl1t-emitting diodes, optically ptunped phosphor coated
`li@t-emitting diodes, optically pumped nano-crystal light
`emitting diodes or other similar devices as would be readily
`understood by a Worker skilled in the art. Furtllennore, the
`terrn li@t-emitting element is used to define the specific
`device that emits the radiation, for example a LED die, and
`can equally be used to define a combination of the specific
`US 2008/0204888 A 1
`Aug. 2s, 2008
`device that emits the radiation together with a housing or
`package witl1i11wh_ich the specific device or devices are
`[0042] The term “color” is used to define a perceivable
`characteristic of light and may be, used interchangeably to
`identify a certain range of chromaticities, for example, or, as
`the case may be, it may be understood colloquially, including,
`red, green, blue, orange, purple etc, for example.
`[0043] As used herein, tl1eterm “about” refers to a 110%
`variation from the nominal value. It is to be understood that
`such a variation is always included in a11ygive11value pro
`vided herein, whether or not it is specifically referred to.
`[0044] Unless defined otherwise, all techn_ical a11dscien
`tific terms used herein have the same meaning as commonly
`understood by one of ordinary skill in the art to whicl1 this
`invention belongs.
`[0045] The present invention provides an optical system for
`mixing and redirecting light generated by light source that is
`disposed and oriented in a predetermined Way for illuminat
`ing a target surface. The optical system comprises a frst
`reflector operatively disposed relative to the light source, the
`first reflector configured to receive first light emitted by the
`light source u11deroperating conditions, Lhefirst ligl1tpropa
`gating from the light source to the reflector, the first reflector
`configured to reflect a portion of tl1efirst light as second light.
`The optical system further comprises a diffuser for scattering
`light transmitted by the diffuser relative to light incident on
`the diffuser, the diffuser operatively disposed and aligned
`relative to the first reflector, the diffuser and the first reficctor
`configured so that at least a portion of the second light is
`incident upon the diffuser, the diffuser transmitting at least a
`portion ofthe incident light as third light. the diffuser direct
`ing a portion of the third light towards the target surface.
`Moreover, the optical system comprises a second reflector
`operatively disposed and aligned relative to the diffuser, the
`second reflector, the diffuser a11dtl1efirst refiector configured
`so that a portion of the second and/or third light is reflected by
`the second reflector towards the target surface. The optical
`system, when disposed and aligned relative to tl1etarget sur
`face in a predetermined way, is configured to provide a pre
`determined illumination to the target surface.
`[0046] Optical systems according to embodiments of the
`invention can be employed in luminaires,
`example, in LEE-based luminaires, or in multi-color LEE
`based luminaries, or other light source configured luminaries.
`as would be readily understood by a worker skilled in the art.
`According to embodiments of the present invention, an opti
`cal system ca11be configured to 111ixthe light generated by the
`LEEs to provide illum_inationof a desired intensity or color or
`both at a target surface. The target surface can be a planar area
`ofdesired size, distance and relative orientation such as a wall
`or a ceiling ora portion of a wall or a ceiling, for example. The
`target surface may be illuminated in a predetermined way, for
`example, to generate a11illumination With a homogenous or
`inhomogenous brightness or color profile.
`[0047] FIG. 3 schematically illustrates
`views of a number of setups of luminaires that employ optical
`systems according to different embodiments of the present
`invention. Lumi11airesmay have different decorative designs
`(not illustrated). FIG. 3A illustrates setup 10 in which lumi
`naire 210 is recessed in a ceiling 110 for illtunination of a
`surface 101 ona wall100.Lu111i11aire210 is fully recessed and
`its lower end may be flush with the surface of the ceiling. FIG.
`3B illustrates setup 20 of a luminaire 220 that is similarly but
`only partially recessed in the ceiling. A lower portion of
`luminaire 220 partially protrudes the ceiling. FIG. 3C illus
`trates setup 3|) of a ceiling-mounted luminaire 230. Lumi
`naire 230 is surface mounted to the ceiling. The set-up may
`additionally comprise an optional decorative blind 119 to
`obscure luminaire 230 from direct viewing from certain
`observation angles. FIG. 3]) illustrates setup 40 of a wall
`mounted luminaire 240. Lum_inaire240 is con.figured to pro
`vide wall-illumination. FIG. 3E illustrates setup 50 of lumi
`naire 250 Wl1icl1may be disposed proximate to floor 111.
`I.uminai re 50 is configured to provide wall illumination. FIG.
`3F illustrates setup 60 of a wall-mounted luminaire 260 for
`ceiling illumination. Luminaire 260 is configured to emit
`light for ceiling illumination through a top side of the lumi
`naire. FIG. 3G illustrates setup 70 of another w