`W.K. Richardson
`SAN D l E G O
`1425 K Street, N.W.
`1 1 th Floor
`Washington, DC 20005
`202 783-5070
`202 783-233 1
`Web Site
`December 20,2007
`The Honorable Marilyn R. Abbott
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E Street, S.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20436
`Certain Noise Canceling Headphones, Docket No. 337-TA-258 1
`Dear Secretary Abbott:
`Pursuant to the request of the Office of Unfair Import Investigations, Complainant
`Bose Corporation (“Bose”) provides the following supplemental/corrective
`information to its Complaint filed November 29,2007 bearing the above referenced
`In Paragraph 5.6 (p. lo), “2023 142-2” is the patent application number for the
`counterpart to the ‘252 patent in Canada, “0414479” is the patent number for
`the counterpart to the ‘252 patent in Europe (now revoked), and “3269774” is
`the patent number for the counterpart to the ‘252 patent in Japan.
`In Paragraph 5.12 (p. 1 l), the portion that reads “indicated that claims 26 and
`15-17 would be allowable . . .,” should read, “indicated that claims 2-6 and
`15-17 would be allowable . . . .7’
`In Paragraph 6.1 (p. 13), the portion that reads “respondents Jabra and Phitek
`New Zealand . . .,” should read, “respondents GN Netcom ( m a “Jabra”) and
`Phitek New Zealand . . . .”
`With respect to Paragraph 10.1 (pp. 17- 1 8), to clarify, the Aviation Headset
`XTM and the Military Headset known as the Triport@ Tactical Headset are
`covered by only the ‘252 patent claims.
`Honorable Marilyn R. Abbott
`December 20,2007
`Page 2
`5. On page 19, the last line under Paragraph (a) was accidentally deleted. That
`paragraph should conclude: “claims 1,2, and 5 of U.S. Patent No. 5,181,252
`and/or one or more of claims 1 and 2 of U.S. Patent No. 6,597,792.”
`6. For purposes of its domestic industry allegations, Bose has determined not to
`rely on the Military Headset identified as “Product Improved Combat Vehicle
`Crewman Headset.” Consequently, Bose sets forth below changes to certain
`paragraphs in the original complaint in order to reflect this decision.
`Similarly, Bose is also submitting an Amended Confidential Exhibit 32
`which omits references to this headset, as well as reflects the appropriate
`economic data for the Bose domestic articles.
`7. In Paragraph 2.1 1 in the next to last line (p. 5), the words “& Product
`Improved Combat Vehicle Crewman Headsets” should be deleted.
`8. In Paragraph 4.2 on the fourth line (p. S), the words “& Product Improved
`Combat Vehicle Crewman Headset” should be deleted; the sentence should
`therefore end with the words “Tripod@ Tactical Headset.”
`9. In Paragraph 10.1, beginning at line 5 (p. 1 S), the words “the military
`headsets, including the Triporta Tactical Headset & Product Improved
`Combat Vehicle Crewman Headsets (together the “Military Headsets”),
`should be replaced with the following: “and military headset, the Tripod@
`Tactical Headset (the “Military Headset”).”
`10. In Paragraph 10.2, first line (p. 1 S), the words “The Aviation Headset and the
`Military Headsets” should be replaced with the words “The Aviation and the
`Military Headsets.. .”
`1 1. The patents asserted in the action against proposed respondents Jabra and
`Phitek New Zealand in the District of Massachusetts are the ‘252 patent, the
`‘792 patent, and U.S. Patent No. 4,922,542, the latter of which is not asserted
`in the Complaint in this proposed investigation.
`12. States of incorporation of certain proposed respondents:
`Phitek Systems Limited of California-No
`Audio Technica, U.S. 1nc.-Delaware;
`Creative Labs, Inc.-California;
`Loaitech, 1nc.-California;
`Panasonic Corporation of North America--Delaware
`record of incorporation
`Honorable Marilyn R. Abbott
`December 20,2007
`Page 3
`Bose is also submitting herewith a substitute Exhibit 30, which is the claim chart for
`its domestic articles under the ‘252 patent. Finally, Bose is submitting an Amended
`Confidential Exhibit 32.
`Bose respectfully requests that the Commission accord confidential treatment to the
`Amended Confidential Exhibit 32, as it contains confidential domestic industry
`information of Bose Corporation.
`Please advise me if you have any questions.
`Counsel for Bose Corporation
`Jeffrey Hsu, OUII
`Exhibit 30
`Exhibit 30
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