`January 22, 2008
`Mark A. J. Fassold
`(210) 978-7746 (Direct Dial)
`010) 343-4536 (Dim F“)
`Via Electronic Filing
`The Honorable Marilyn R. Abbott
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E. Street, S.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20436
`In The Matter of Certain Noise Cancelling Headphones, Inv. No. 337-TA-626
`Dear Secretary Abbott:
`1 (Protective Order), Certain Noise Cancelling
`Pursuant to paragraph 4 of Order No.
`Headphones, Inv. No. 337-TA-626, I state I have read Order No. 1. Also, in accordance with that
`Order, I agree:
`To be bound by the terms of the Protective Order;
`Not to reveal confidential business information under the Protective Order to
`anyone other than another person designated in paragraph 3;
`To use such confidential business information solely for purposes of this
`I further state that I am an attorney representing Respondent Phitek Systems Limited, GN
`Netcom, Inc., Logitech Inc., and Creative Labs, Inc. and am admitted to practice in the State and
`Federal Courts ofTexas.
` / //
`ylar)/A.J Fassold
`-' ./
`4998820v.l l282l4/00003
`112 E. Pecan Street, Suite 2400
`San Antonio. Texas 78205
`(210) 978-7700
`fax (210) 978-7790
`January 22, 2008
`Page 2
`I hereby certify that copies of the following Protective Order Consent of Mark A. Fassold
`has been served on 22"“ day of January, 2008, as indicated, on the following:
`Via First Class Mail
`Via Hand Delivery
`Via Overnight Delivery
`Via Facsimile
`Via Electronic Mail
`Via First Class Mail
`Via Hand Delivery
`Via Overnight Delivery
`Via Facsimile
`Via Electronic Mail
`Via First Class Mail
`Via Hand Delivery
`Via Overnight Delivery
`Via Facsimile
`Via Electronic Mail
`Via First Class Mail
`Via Hand Delivery
`Via Overnight Delivery
`Via Facsimile
`Via Electronic Mail
`E E
`D E C
`E E
`Via Electronic Delivery
`Marilyn R. Abbott
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E. Street, S.W., Room 112A
`Washington, DC 20436
`The Honorable Charles E. Bullock
`Administrative Law Judge
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E. Street, S.W., Room 317
`Washington, DC 20436
`2 copies
`T. Spence Chubb, Esq.
`Office of Unfair Import Investigations
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E. Street, S.W. Room 401-F
`Washington, DC 20436
`Attomey-Advisor to Judge Bullock
`4993820v.l 128214/00003
`Via Hand Delivery
`Via Overnight Delivery
`Via Facsimile
`Via Electronic Mail
`Via First Class Mail
`Via Hand Delivery
`Via Overnight Delivery
`Via Facsimile
`Via Electronic Mail
`Via First Class Mail
`Via Hand Delivery
`Via Overnight Delivery
`Via Facsimile
`Via Electronic Mail
`Via First Class Mail
`Via Hand Delivery
`Via Overnight Delivery
`Via Facsimile
`Via Electronic Mail
`E E
`January 22, 2008
`Page 3
`Andrew R. Kopsidas
`Jeffrey R. Whieldon
`1425 K Street, N.W.
`washingwni DC 20005
`Attorneys for Complainant Bose Corporation
`Charles Hieken
`Gregory A. Madera
`Adam J. Kessel
`225 Franklin Street
`Boston’ MA 02 1 10
`Attorneys for Complainant Bose Corporation
`Audio Technica U.S., Inc.
`1221 Commerce Drive
`Stow, Ohio 44224
`Panasonic Corporation of North America
`One Panasonic Way
`Secaucus, NJ 07094
`4998820v.l 128214/00003
`M A. J.