`Before the Honorable Charles E. Bullock
`Administrative Law Judge
`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 337-TA-626
`Pursuant to Order No. 4, dated February 4, 2008, Complainant Bose Corporation
`(“Bose”) hereby identifies the following experts whom it may call to testify at the hearing.
`Because discovery is ongoing, Bose reserves the right to supplement this identification in
`response to new information. Bose further reserves the right to identify and call additional
`experts, as needed, to respond to Respondents’ experts.
`Gary H. Koogmann, Ph.D.
`Dr. Koopmann’s expertise is in acoustics. Dr. Koopman may testify regarding the
`technical background and prior art, the interpretation of the claims, the validity or the
`enforceability of the patents—in-suit, the infringement of the patents-in-suit by the Respondent’s
`accused products, the practice of the patents-in-suit by Bose’s domestic industry products, and
`other issues in connection with Bose’s claims in this investigation. Dr. Koopman may also
`testify regarding any analysis performed on Respondents’ or Complainant’s products. Dr.
`Koopman may also rebut the expert witness reports and testimony of the Respondents’ experts.
`Dr. Koopman’s qualifications are set forth in his curriculum vitae, attached as Exhibit A.
`Durand R. Begault, Ph.D.
`Dr. Begau1t’s expertise is in acoustics. Dr. Begault may testify regarding the technical
`background and prior art, the interpretation of the claims, the validity or the enforceability of the
`patents—in—suit, the infringement of the patents—in—suit by the Respondents’ accused products, the
`practice of the patents—in—suit by Bose’s domestic industry products, and other issues in
`connection with Bose’s claims in this investigation. Dr. Begault may also testify regarding any
`analysis performed on Respondents’ or Complainant’s products. Dr. Begault may also rebut the
`expert witness reports and testimony of the Respondents’ experts. Dr. Begault’s qualifications
`are set forth in his curriculum Vitae, attached as Exhibit B.
`Anthony Nash
`Mr. Nash’s expertise is in acoustics. Mr. Nash may testify regarding the technical
`background and prior art, the interpretation of the claims, the validity or the enforceability of the
`patents—in—suit, the infringement of the patents—in—suit by the Respondents’ accused products, the
`practice of the patents—in—suit by Bose’s domestic industry products, and other issues in
`connection with Bose’s claims in this investigation. Mr. Nash may also testify regarding any
`analysis performed on Respondents’ or Complainant’s products. Mr. Nash may also rebut the
`expert witness reports and testimony of the Respondents’ experts. Mr. Nash’s qualifications are
`set forth in his curriculum Vitae, attached as Exhibit C.
`Charles M. Salter
`Mr. Salter’s expertise is in acoustics. Mr. Salter may testify regarding the technical
`background and prior art, the interpretation of the claims, the Validity or the enforceability of the
`patents—in—suit, the infringement of the patents—in—suit by the Respondents’ accused products, the
`practice of the patents-in-suit by Bose’s domestic industry products, and other issues in
`connection with Bose’s claims in this investigation. Mr. Salter may also testify regarding any
`analysis performed on Respondents’ or Complainant’s products. Mr. Salter may also rebut the
`expert witness reports and testimony of the Respondents’ experts. Mr. Salter’s qualifications are
`set forth in his curriculum vitae, attached as Exhibit D.
`Respectfully submitted,
`Dated: March 31,2008
`Ruffin B. Cordell
`Andrew R. Kopsidas
`Jeffrey R. Whieldon
`Steven A. Bowers
`Autumn J.S. Hwang
`1425 K Street, N.W., 11* F1.
`Washington, D.C. 20005
`Telephone: (202) 783-5070
`Facsimile: (202) 783-2331
`Charles Hieken
`Gregory A. Madera
`Stephen A. Marshall
`225 Franklin Street
`Boston, MA 02110
`Telephone: (617) 542—5070
`Facsimile: (617) 542-8906
`Jordan T. Fowles
`1717 Main Street
`Suite 5000
`Dallas, TX 75201
`Telephone: 214-747-5070
`Facsimile: 214-747-2091
`Attorneys for Complainant Bose Corporation
`Director of the Center for Acoustics and Vibration
`Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering
`The Pennsylvania State University
`The Catholic Univ. of America 1969
`The Catholic Univ. of America 1966
`B.S.M.E. University of Nebraska
`Mech. Engineering
`Mech. Engineering
`Mech. Engineering
` 2006 (SP/SU) Visiting Professor, DLR, Berlin, Germany, Alexander von Humboldt
` Senior Research Awardee
` 2004 (SU)
`Chair of International Cooperation, Tokyo Institute of Technology
` 2000 (SP)
` 1998-
`Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering, The Pennsylvania State
`1990- Director, Center for Acoustics and Vibration, The Pennsylvania State
` 1988
`University Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Director, Noise
`Control Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University
` 1982-1983 Visiting Professor, Deutsche Forschungs-und Versuchsanstalt fur
` Su 1978
`Luft-und Raumfahrt, Berlin, Germany, BRD
` 85, 87
` 1982-87
`University Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of
` 1976-1982 University Associate Professor - Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
`University of Houston
` 1971-Fall
`University Associate Professor - George Washington U. (JIOPS Program)
`NASA Langley, Hampton, Virginia
` 1970-76
`University Lecturer - Institute of Sound and Vibration Research,
`University of Southampton, England
` 1969-70
`Post Doctoral Research Fellow - Institute of Sound and Vibration
`Research, U. of Southampton, England
` 1966-69
`Research Fellow - Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C.
` 1962-66
`Part-time Masters program under sponsorship of U.S.N.R.L., Catholic
`University of America
` 1962-66
`Research Scientist and Engineer - US Naval Research Laboratory,
`Washington, D.C.
` Outstanding Achievement Award - US Navy Research Lab - 1965
` National Defense Education Act Fellow - 1966-69
`ISVR Post Doctoral Research Fellow - 1969-70
` Research Publication Award - US Naval Research Lab - 1973
` Deutscher Akademischer Ausauschdienst Scholar - 1978
` Nelson Industries Acoustical Paper Award - 1981
` U.H. Faculty Development Leave - 1982-83
` Fellow, Acoustical Society of America - 1989
` PSES Outstanding Research Award - 1990
` Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers - 1991
` Outstanding Alumnus, College of Engineering and Technology, University of Nebraska - 1992
` PSES Premiere Research Award - 1996
`Invited Lecturer, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1996
` Distinguished Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1998
` Rayleigh Lecturer, International Mech. Engr. Conf. & Exposition, 1998
` E. J. Richards Lecturer, University of Southampton, U.K., 2000
` First Recipient of Tokyo Inst. of Technology’s Chair of International Cooperation, 2000
` Per Bruel Gold Medal, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001
` Alexander von Humboldt Senior Research Awardee, 2006
` Institute for Noise Control Engineering Hirschorn IAC Best Paper Prize – 2007
`TEACHING: (*Courses Originated)
`Penn State University:
`Noise Control
`Advanced Noise Control
`Advanced Vibrations
`Designing Quiet Structures*
`I.S.V.R., University of Southampton:
`Random Vibration, Sound Transmission, Fundamentals of Acoustics, Shock and Vibration,
`Experimental Techniques, Instrumentation and Analysis*, Mechanics of Solids
`University of Houston:
`Random Vibration, Mechanical Radiation, Noise Control, Statics, Mechanics, Mechanical
`Oscillations, Vibrations and Acoustics Laboratory, Mechanics-Vibrations Laboratory*, Noise
`and Vibration Control Laboratory*, Experimental Methods Laboratory*, Structural Modal
`George Washington University
`Advanced Acoustics*
`The Pennsylvania State University:
`Ward, W.
`"Transmission and Radiation of Aerodynamic Noise in Piping Systems", Ph.D.,
`"A Suspension Simulator for the Study of Modal Coupling Between an
`Automobile Tire and the Attached Suspension", M.S., 1989.
`"Experiments on Optimization of Active Noise Control on Three-Dimensional
`Extended Radiators", M.S., 1989.
`"A Detailed Investigation Into Cross-Spectral Laser Doppler Techniques for
`Flexural and Longitudinal Vibrational Intensity Measurements", Ph.D., 1990.
`Cunefare, K. "The Design Sensitivity and Control of Acoustic Power Radiated by Three-
`Dimensional Structures - A Boundary Element Approach", Ph.D., 1990.
`Smith, L.
`Giordano, J.
`McDevitt, T.
`George, W.
`Song, L.
`Lucena, A.
`Fahnline, J.
`"The Prediction and Measurement of Acoustic Absorption in High
`Temperature Atmospheric Gas Mixtures Using a Specially Designed
`Capacitive High Temperature Acoustic Transducer", Ph.D., 1990.
`"Modeling of Acoustic Agglomeration of Fine Aerosol Particulates", Ph.D.,
`“Acoustic Power Minimization Through Optimal Material Distribution,” M.S.,
`Naghshineh, K. "Strategies for the Optimum Design of Quiet Structures: Use of Material
`Tailoring and/or Active Vibration Control", Ph.D., 1992.
`"The Generalized Inverse Source Method for the Computation of Acoustic
`Fields", Ph.D., 1993
`Giordano, J. "State Space Coupling of Acoustic (Boundary Element) and Structural (Finite
`Element) Models for Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis, Ph.D., 1993
`Hoffmann, R. "Visualization of Particle Interaction and Agglomeration in an Acoustic Field",
`Ph.D., 1993
`Oh, J.B.
`"An Efficient Method for Designing Quiet Composite Structures via Material
`Tailoring", Ph.D., 1993
`Jagolinzer, B. "A Feasibility Study for Actively Controlling the Radiated Acoustic Power of a
`345/115 kV Autotransformer", M.S., 1993
`St. Pierre, R. Jr. “Minimization of Radiated Sound Power from Beams and Plates Using
`Distributed Point Masses,” M.S., 1993
`Paddock, E.
`Deshpande, N.
`Janzen, P.
`Koudela, K.
`Dershem, B.
`Chang, H-Y.
`St. Pierre, R.
`Kunkle, L.
`Galante, T.
`"The Use of Acoustic Radiation Resistance Measurements to Assess the Noise
`Characteristics of IC Engine Components", M.S., 1994
`"Mechanical Interaction of an Embedded Induced Strain Actuator with a Host
`Composite Structure", M.S., 1995, Co-Advisor.
`"Calibration and Validation of an Interfacial Acoustic Intensity Probe", M.S.,
`"The Development of a Novel Adaptive Composite Panel for Radiated Sound
`Power Mitigation”, Ph.D., 1996
`“Lumped Parameter Modeling and Characterization of a Framed, 3-3
`Piezoceramic Stack Actuator”, M.S. 1996
`“Identifying Noise Generation Mechanisms in a Water Meter”, M.S., 1996
`“Volume Velocity Control of Sound Transmission Through Composite
`Panels”, Ph.D., 1997
`“Sound Abatement in a Water Meter Through the Reduction of Control Surface
`Impacts,” M.S., 1996
`“Design and Fabrication of a High Authority Linear Piezoceramic Acuator:
`The PSU H3 Inchworm”, M.S., 1997
`“A Finite Element Procedure for Minimizing Radiates”, M.S., 1997
`“Radiation Efficiencies of a Submerged Baffled Flat Plate”, M.S., 1997
`Grasmuck, E. “Noise Reduction in a Water Meter Based on Impact Modifications”, M.S., 1997
`Patricio, D.
`Schott, M.
`Sharp, S.
`Constans, E.
`Ho, Y.-R.
`Jonson, M.
`“Transmission Loss Characteristics of an Active Trim Panel”, M.S., 1997
`“Minimizing Radiated Sound Power from Vibrating Shell Structures: Theory
`and Experiment,” Ph.D., 1998
`“Active Control of Broadband Transmission Through an Airplane Trim Panel
`Using Hybrid Feedforward and Feedbackward Techniques,” Ph.D., 1998
`“Minimization of Radiated Propeller Noise Using Material Tailoring,” Ph.D.,
`“ Development and Evaluation of a Surface Acoustic Intensity Probe,” M.S.
`“ Design and Fabrication of a High Authority Linear Piezoceramic Actuator:
`The PSU H3 Inchworm,” M.S., 1998
`“ Shape Optimization of a Mechanical Amplifier for Use in a Piezoceramic
`Actuator,” M.S., 1998
`“ Structural Acoustic Analysis of a Sensus Water Meter,” M.S., 1999
`“ Design of a Small Scale Piezoelectric Actuator for Minimally Invasive
`Surgical Use,” M.S., 2000
`Cunningham, J. “ Design and Optimization of Passive, Broadband Vibration Abosrobers,” M.S.,
`Driesch, P.
`Galante, T.
`Lysena, M.
`Robinson, A.
`Edinger, B.
`Frank, J.
`Sharp, S.
`“ Design and Development of Piezoelectric Motors,” Ph.D., 2001
`“ An Investigation of Optimal Power Absorption as a Noise Control
`Technique,” Ph.D., 2001
`Olchowski, A. “ A Method to Predict the Acoustic Performance of Loudspeaker Tweeters Based
`on Mechanical Properties,” M.S., 2001
`Heinze, E.
`Contursi, A.
`Driesch, P.
`Salesky, E.
`Ericson, D.
`Grissom, M.
`Yang, M.
`Biehl, B.
`“ Design and Application of Broadband Vibration Absorbers for Noise
`Control,” M.S., 2001
`“ Multiple Dynamic Vibration Absorbers for Transmission Loss Enhancement,”
`M.S.M.E., 2001
`“ Acoustic Control in Enclosures Using Optimally Designed Helmholtz
`Resonators,” Ph.D. 2002
`“ Optimal Design of a Discrete Tile Overlay to Increase the Transmission Loss
`of Radiating Surfaces,” M.S. 2002
`“ Measurements of Bluff Body Wake Flow Around a Comformable Control
`Surface,” M.S. 2002
`“ Quiet Product Design Using Optimized Broadband Vibration Absorbers,”
`Ph.D. 2003
`“ Development of Master Design Curves for Particle Impact Dampers,” Ph.D.
`“ Design and Development of Smart Material Actuators,” M.S. 2003
`Jiang, Jia
` Loverich, J.
`" Design and Modeling of a Novel Motion Amplification Using a Axially-
`Driven Buckling Beam", Ph.D. 2004
`"Design and Modeling of a High Power Piezoelctric Stack Driven Actuator"
`Ph.D. 2004
`"Design and Development of a Shape Memory Linear Actuator"
`Shinsuke I.
` MS. 2004
`Lee, D. J.
`“ Optimal Design of Enclosures for Minimal Broadband Sound Radiation”
`Ph.D. 2005
`Gorny, L “ Axial Fan Noise Attenuation Using Optimally Toned Quarter Wavelength
`Resonators” , M.S. 2005
`Kankey, A. “ Proposed Piezoceramic Excitation for Rotational and Translational
`Structural Mobility Measurement” M.S. 2005
`Zellers, Brian “ An Acoustic Superposition Method for Computing Structural Radiation
` In Spatiially Digitized Domains” , Ph.D. 2006
`Rozema, R. “ Assessing the Accuracy of Measuring Sound Intensity and Sound Power
` With an Automated Moving Probe” Master of Engineering in Acoustics
` 2006
`Kraige, D. “ Model-Based Algorithm For Localization of Tethered Bodies Using
`Distributed Sensors” M. S. 2007 (co-advised)
`Kaufman, J. “ Low-Order Modeling ofa Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Device”
` M. S. 2007 (co-advised)
`Ph.D. Students in Progress:
`Hwang. Y.
`Gorney, L.
`Kankey, A.
`M.S. Students:
`Rebecca Buxton
`Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, England:
`Michaelides, L. "Noise Reduction Characteristics of a Closed Thin Cylinder", M.S., 1971.
`"Response of Structures to Sonic Booms", M.S., 1971.
`"The Influence of Low Speed Airflow on the Behavior of a Helmholtz
`Resonator", M.S., 1974.
`"A Model Study of the Effect of a V-Form Ceilings on the Acoustics of Open
`Plan Offices", M.S., 1974.
`"An Investigation of the Acoustic Modes Inside an Enclosure", M.S., 1975.
`"The Excitation of an Acoustic Resonator by Pipe Flow", M.S., 1976.
`"Structural-Acoustical Coupling Phenomena in Enclosures", Ph.D., 1977.
`Orris, R.
`Shearer, J.
`Nelson, P.
`Pinnington, R.
`Bolton, S.
`Lea, J.
`University of Houston:
`Hall, H.R.
`"Computation of Acoustic Surface Pressure Using Boundary Integral Equations",
`Ph.D., 1982.
`Mezache, M. " The Dynamics of Circular Plates with Patch Damping: A Numerical and
`Experimental Study, Ph.D., 1988.
`Cindric, D.
`"Far Field of Planar Radiators of Quadrilateral Shape As Evaluated by the
`Rayleigh Formula", M.S., 1979.
`"Evaluation of Conventional and Low Noise Design Butterfly Valves, M.S., 1979.
`Barb, G.
`Seyfettin, V. "Impedance Tube Verification of the Two-Microphone Intensity Meter", M.S.,
`Perraud, J.
`Wright, C.
`Woelk, L.
`“ A Surface Acoustic Intensity Prediction Method Based on the Helmholtz Integral
`Equation,” M.S., 1981
`"A Computational Method for Predicting the Acoustic Radiation Characteristics
`of a Vibrating Structure Applied to an Automotive Tire", M.S., 1982.
`"Acoustic Source Reconstruction Using the Helmholtz Integral Equation", M.S.,
`Cunefare, K. "An Exterior Acoustic Radiation Solution Method Valid for All Wavenumbers
`Using Interior Field Points", M.S., 1987.
`Senior Honors Thesis
`Loftis, J.
`"Investigation of an Acoustic Pressure Based, Resonant Vibration Technique for
`Evaluation of Automobile Tires", 1985.
`Presented a series of 10 lectures on "Noise Generation and Control in Mechanical Engineering",
`sponsored by the Center for Mechanical Sciences, Udine, Italy, July 1996
`Prepared a series of 3 lectures for "An Advanced Course on Noise and Vibration", The Institute
`of Sound and Vibration Research, Southampton, UK, September 1976
`ISVR Post Experience Course on Noise Control (10 lecture days/year), 1973-1976
`Presented lectures on "Noise Generation and Suppression" to Noise Seminar sponsored by the
`International Woodworking Machinery and Furniture Supply Fair, Louisville, Kentucky,
`September 1978
`Presented a 2-day course on "Noise Control" sponsored by the U. of H. Continuing Engineering
`Studies Program, April 1978
`Short course on Noise Control to the ASME Winter Meeting in San Francisco, November 1978
`Annual Short Course on Vibration Control, Penn State University, 1989-present
`Short Course on “ Designing Quiet Structures”
`General Motors, April 1993
`Penn State, July 1995
`DLR, Berlin,Germany, July 1996
`Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, April 2000
`TEKES VARE Technology Program, Helsinki, Finland, May 2001
`University of Naples, 2004
`EMPA, Zurich, Switzerland, 2004
`Continuing Education Lecture Series on Subjects Related to Adaptive Structures
`Moscow University, 1995
`University of Southampton, 1997
`University of Naples, 1999
`TEKES Symposium, Helsinki, 2001
`Technical University, Berlin, 2004
`Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2000
`Kyoto University, 2000
`Beijing University, 2000
`Northwestern Technical University, Xian, China, 2000
`Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2004
`Stanford Research Institute, 1996
`Komatsu Industries, 1999
`GRANTS AWARDED (past ten years)
`Identifying Noise Generation Mechanisms in a Sensus Water Meter and Designing Modifications
`for Their Abatement, Sensus Technologies, July 1995- December 1999, $251,531, P.I.
`Structurally-Integrated Active System for Sound Power Reduction, NSF/SBIR PCB Piezotronics,
`$240K, 1996-1998, Co-PI.
`Penn State Rotorcraft Center for Excellence, NRTC and Army, $230,000, 1996-2001
`NSF Fellowship, 1996-2000, $45K.
`Synthesis and Processing of Intelligent Cost Effective Structures Program II, Defense Advanced
`Research Projects Agency, April 1997 - January 1997, $125,000. PI.
`Acoustics Transduction - Materials and Devices, Office of naval Research (MURI), 1996-2001,
`$680,000, Co-P.I.
`Structurally-Integrated Active System for Sound Power Reduction, NSF/SBIR PCB Piezotronics,
`1996-1998, $240,000, Co-P.I.
`Smart Aircraft and Marine Propulsion Systems Demonstration, DARPA, May 1997 - April 2001,
`$1.1 M, Co-P.I.
`Noise Control Undergraduate Teaching Lab, Ingersoll-Rand, 1999, $25K, P.I.
`Laser Vibrometer, AFRO DUIP, 1998, $125K, Co-P.I.
`NSF, Designing Quiet Structures Using Optimally Tuned Absorbers, January 1998 – December
`2000, $393,646, Co-P.I.
`Smart Aircraft and Marine Propulsion Systems Demonstration II, DARPA, 2001 – 2005, $3M,
` 3
` NAVSEA Ph.D. Fellowships, 2001 – $75K, (Co-advisor with Profs. Lesieutre, and Drs.
`Jonson and Hambric, ARL).
`MEDIRRA Project, DARPA, 2000-2001, $750K, Co-PI.
`Cabin Acoustics, Raytheon Corporation, 2001-2001, $45K, PI.
`Summer Research Program for Underrepresented Students, UTRC, Summer 2001 and 2002,
`$20K, PI.
`Four ONR Fellowships, ONR, 2002-2005, $100K, PI.
`Submarine Engineering, Department of Navy, $69.5K, Summer 2003, PI.
`Morphing Aircraft Structures Program, KCF/SBIR, $38K, 2003
`Electric and Smart-Material Self-Contained Actuators for LCAC Rudder Control, KCF/SBIR,
`$21K, 2002-2003
`Sound Evaluation and Noise Reduction of Shop-Vac Products, ShopVac, $40K, 2003-2004
`Smart Tether Retrofit Device for Localization of Tethered Bodies, KCF/SBIR, $21K, 2004-2005
`Submarine Engineering, Department of Navy, $70K, Summer 2004, PI.
`Design and Fabrication of a Hunter Prototype Fan Driven by a PSU Resonant Piezo Motor,
`Hunter Fan, $25K, 2004
`System Control Architecture and Transducer Concepts for Underwater Port Protection,
`Office of Naval Research, $1,256,121, 2005-2008, PI
`"Noise Generation and Control in Mechanical Engineering", textbook published by Springer-
`Verlag, P. Davies, M. Heckl, G. H. Koopmann, and D. Muster,, 1982.
`"Noise and Vibration", textbook ISBN-0-85312-502-3, Chapters 1 and 2 (co-authored with C.L.
`Morfey), published by Ellis-Horwood, Sussex, England, 1982.
`"Generalized Null-Field Equations for the Helmholtz Integral", published in Integral Methods in
`Science and Engineering, Editors F. R. Payne, et.al., Hemisphere Publishing Corp., pp. 194-203,
`March 1985 (K. Brod and G. H. Koopmann).
`“ Designing Quiet Structures--a Sound Power Minimization Approach” , G.H. Koopmann and J.B.
`Fahnline, published by Academic Press, England, 1997.
`“ Acoustic Source Methods,” G.H. Koopmann and J. B. Fahnline, McGraw-Hill Yearbook of
`Science and Technology, pp. 3-6, 2001.
`“ Design and Performance of a Linear Piezoelectric Wedgeworm Actuator,” Piezoelectric
`Materials: Advances in Science, Technology and Applications, C. Galassi et. Al. (eds) Kluwer
`Academic Publisers, pp. 383-390, 2002 (G.H. Koopmann, G.A. Lesieutre, J.E. Frank, and W.
`Refereed Journal Publications:
`"The Vortex Wakes of Vibrating Cylinders at Low Reynolds Numbers", Journal of Fluid
`Mechanics, Vol. 28, Part 3, pp. 501-512, 1967.
`"Model Studies of Helmholtz Resonances in Room with Windows and Doorways", Journal of
`Sound and Vibration, 16, pp. 489-503, 1971 (G. H. Koopmann and H. Pollard).
`"An Improved Method for Assigning a Dynamic Magnification Factor of N-Waves", Journal of
`Sound and Vibration (letter to the editor), Vol. 19 (3), 1971 (G. H. Koopmann and R. Orris).
`"Building Vibration and Acoustics", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 28 (3), June 1973 (G.
`H. Koopmann and M. Petyt).
`"The Vortex-Excited Resonant Vibration of Circular Cylinders", Journal of Sound and Vibration,
`Vol. 31 (2), 1973 (O. M. Griffin, R. A. Skop, and G. H. Koopmann).
`"A Finite Element Method for Determining the Acoustic Modes of Irregularly Shaped Cavities",
`Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 45, 1975, (M. Petyt, G. H. Koopmann, and J. Lea).
`"A Joint Acceptance Function for Structural-Acoustical Coupling Problems", Journal of Sound
`and Vibration, Vol. 46, 1976 (G. H. Koopmann and H. Pollard).
`"Model Studies of the Effect of V-Form Ceilings on the Acoustics of Open Plan Offices",
`Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 50 (3), 1977 (P. A. Nelson and G. H. Koopmann).
`"The Vortex Excited Lift and Resistance Forces on Resonantly Vibrating Cylinders", Journal of
`Sound and Vibration, Vol. 54 (3) k, 1977 (O. M. Griffin and G. H. Koopmann).
`"The Acoustic Modes of a Rectangular Cavity Containing a Rigid, Incomplete Partition", Journal
`of Sound and Vibration, 1977, Vol. 53 (1).
`"A Joint Acceptance Function for Enclosed Spaces", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 73
`(3), 1980 (G. H. Koopmann and H. Pollard).
`"Reduction of Centrifugal Fan Noise by Use of Resonators", Journal of Sound and Vibration,
`Vol. 73 (2), 1980 (W. Neise and G. H. Koopmann).
`"The Use of Resonators to Silence Centrifugal Blowers", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.
`82 (1), 1981 (G. H. Koopmann and W. Neise).
`"A Method for Computing the Sound Power of Machines", Journal of the Acoustical Society of
`America, 71 (1), Jan. 1982 (G. H. Koopmann and H. Benner).
`"The Use of Resonators to Silence Centrifugal Blowers", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol.
`82 (1), pp. 17-27, 1982 (G. H. Koopmann and W. Neise).
`"Engine Noise: Excitation, Vibration and Radiation", editors: R. Hickling and M. Kamal, Section
`3, "A Method for Computing Surface Acoustic Intensities on Vibrating Structures", Plenum
`Press, NY, London, 1982 (G. H. Koopmann and H. Benner).
`"Noise Reduction in the Centrifugal Suction Fan for a Berlin Street Sweeper", Noise Control
`Engineering Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 78-88, Sept., Oct. 1984 (W. Neise and G. H.
`"Laermminderung an den Sauggeblaesen der Strassenkehrfahrzeuge der Berliner Stadtreinigungs-
`Betriebe", Zeitschrift fuer Laermbekaempfung 31, 95-1096, 1984 (W. Neise and G. H.
`"Active Noise Control to Reduce the Blade Tone Noise of Centrifugal Fans", ASME Journal of
`Vibration, Acoustics, Stress, Reliability and Design, Vol. 110, pp. 377-383, July 1988 (G. H.
`Koopmann, W. Neise, and W. Chen).
`"Active Source Cancellation of the Blade Tone Fundamental and Harmonics in Centrifugal
`Fans", Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 126 (2), pp. 209-220, Aug. 1988, (G. H. Koopmann,
`W. Neise, and D. J. Fox).
`"A Technique to Predict the Acoustic Radiation Characteristics of an Automobile Tire", Tire
`Science Technology, pp. 102-115, Oct. 1988 (C. Wright and G. H. Koopmann).
`"A Boundary Element Method for Acoustic Radiation Valid for All Wavenumbers", Journal of
`the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 85 (1), pp. 39-48, January 1989 (K. A. Cunefare and G.
`H. Koopmann).
`"A Method for Computing Acoustic Fields Based on The Principle of Wave Superposition",
`Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 86(6), pp. 2433-2438, December 1989 (G. H.
`Koopmann, L. Song, and J. Fahnline).
`"A Boundary Element Approach to Optimization of Active Noise Control Sources on Three-
`Dimensional Structures", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 113, No. 3, pp. 387-
`394, July 1991 (K. Cunefare and G. H. Koopmann).
`"Active Control of the Acoustic Radiation of a Vibrating Structure Using a Superposition
`Formulation", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 89 (6), pp. 2786-2792, June
`1991 (L. Song, G. H. Koopmann, and J. Fahnline).
`"Fan Casing Noise Radiation", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 113, pp. 37-42,
`January 1991 (G. H. Koopmann, W. Neise, and K. A. Cunefare).
`"Active Sources in the Cutoff of Centrifugal Fans to Reduce the Blade Tones at Higher-Order
`Duct Mode Frequencies", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 113, pp. 123-131,
`January 1991 (W. Neise and G. H. Koopmann).
`"Numerical Errors Associated with the Method of Superposition for Computing Acoustic
`Fields", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 89 (6), June 1991 (J. B. Fahnline and
`G. H. Koopmann).
`"Global Optimum Active Noise Control: Surface and Farfield Effects", Journal of the Acoustical
`Society of America, Vol. 90(1), pp. 365-373, July 1991 (K. A. Cunefare and G. H. Koopmann).
`"A Numerical Solution for the General Radiation Problem Based on the Combined Methods of
`Superposition and Singular-Value Decomposition", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
`90(5), 2808-2816 (1991) (J. Fahnline and G. H. Koopmann).
`"A Model of the Enhancement of Coal Combustion Using High-Intensity Acoustic Fields",
`Journal of Energy Research and Technology, Vol. 113, pp. 277-285. December 1991 (S.
`Yavuzkurt, M. Y. Ha, G. H. Koopmann, and A. W. Scaroni).
`"Effect of an Acoustic Field on the Combustion of Coal Particles in a Flat Flame Burner", ASME
`Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 113, pp. 286-293, December 1991 (S. Yavuzkurt,
`M. Y. Ha, G. Reethof, G. H. Koopmann, and A. Scaroni).
`"Acoustic Design Sensitivity for Structural Radiators", ASME Journal of Vibration and
`Acoustics 114(2), pp. 178-186, 1992 (K. A. Cunefare and G. H. Koopmann).
`"Material Tailoring of Structures to Achieve a Minimum Radiation Condition", Journal of the
`Acoustical Society of America, 92(2), pp. 841-855, August 1992 (K. Naghshineh, G. H.
`Koopmann, and A. Belegundu).
`"A Design Method for Achieving Weak Radiator Structures Using Active Vibration Control",
`Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 92(2), pp. 856-870, August 1992 (K. Naghshineh
`and G. H. Koopmann).
`"An Experiment on Optimization of Active Noise Control on a Three-Dimensional Extended
`Radiator", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 115, pp. 53-59, January 1993. (J. A.
`Giordano, K. A. Cunefare, and G. H. Koopmann).
`"Two-Channel Laser Vibrometer Techniques for Vibrational Intensity Measurements, Part I:
`Flexural Intensity", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 115, pp. 436-440, October
`1993 (T. E. McDevitt, G. H. Koopmann, and C. B. Burroughs).
`"Active Control of Sound Power Using Acoustic Basis Functions as Surface Velocity Filters",
`Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 93(5), pp. 2740-2752, May 1993 (K.
`Naghshineh and G. H. Koopmann).
`"Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Bimodal Acoustics Agglomeration", ASME Journal of
`Vibration and Acoustics Vol. 115. No. 3, pp. 232-240, July 1993 (T. L. Hoffmann, W. Chen, G.
`H. Koopmann, A. W. Scaroni, and L. Song).
`"An Active Control Strategy for Achieving Weak Radiator Structures", ASME Journal of
`Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 116, pp. 31-37, January 1994 (K. Naghshineh and G. H.
`"Two-Channel Laser Vibrometer Techniques for Vibrational Intensity Measurements Part II:
`Longitudinal Intensity", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Vol. 116, pp. 100-104,
`January 1994 (T. E. McDevitt, G. H. Koopmann, and C. B. Burroughs).
`"A General Optimization Strategy for Sound Power Minimization", Journal of Structural
`Optimization Vol. 8, pp. 113-119, 1994 (A. D. Belegundu, R. R. Salagame, and G. H.
`"Analytical Sensitivity of Acoustic Power Radiated from Plates", ASME Journal of Vibration
`and Acoustics 1994 (R. Salagame, A. D. Belegundu, and G. H. Koopmann).
`"A New Technique for Visualization of Acoustic Particle Agglomeration", Review of Scientific
`Instruments 65 (5), May 1994, (T. L. Hoffmann and G. H. Koopmann).
`"A Design for a High Efficiency Sound Source Based a Constrained Optimization Procedures",
`Journal of the Russian Acoustical Society, 1995 the Jubilee Issue - 40th Anniversary V41,(5),
`Sept-Oct, (J. B. Fahnline and G. H. Koopmann).
`"A Design Method for Minimizing the Sound Power Radiated From Plates by Adding Optimally
`Sized, Discrete Masses", ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Special 50th Anniversary
`Design Issue, V117, June 1995, pg. 243-251 (R. L. St. Pierre and G. H. Koopmann).
` “ State Space BE-FE Coupling for Fluid-Structure Interaction Analysis” , Journal of the
`Acoustical Society of America., Vol. 98(1) pp. 363 - 372, July 1995, (J.A. Giordano and G.H.
`“ A lumped parameter model for the acoustic power output from a vibration structure” , Journal of
`the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 100 (1), pp. 3539 - 3547, 1996 (J.B. Fahnline and G.H.
`“ Visualization of acoustic particle interaction and agglomeration: Theory evaluation, Journal of
`the Acoustical Society of America, April 1996, (T.L. Hoffmann, and G.H. Koopmann).
`“ Visualization of acoustic particle interacti