`Before the Honorable Charles E. Bullock
`Administrative Law Judge
`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 337-TA-626
`Pursuant to Commission Rule 19 C.F.R. § 210.21(c), Respondent GN US, Inc. formerly
`known as GN Netcom, Inc. (“Respondent” or “GN”) submits this memorandum in support of its
`Motion to Terminate Respondent GN based on Entry of a Consent Order.
`Under Commission Rule 210.21 (a)(2) “[a]ny party may move at any time for an order to
`terminate an investigation Qnn as to any or all respondents on the basis of . .. a consent order !n .”
`See e. g., In the Matter of Certain Coupler Devices For Power Supply Facilities, Components
`Thereof and Products Containing Same, Inc. No. 337—TA-590, Order No. 32 (August 23, 2007)
`(granting unilateral motion to terminate a respondent based on entry of consent order); In the
`Matter ofCertain Sucralose, Sweeteners Containing Sucralose, and Related Intermediate
`Compounds Thereof, Inv. No. 330-TA—60-4, Order No. 12 (August 9, 2007) (same).
`Commission Rule 210.2 1 (c) provides that “[a]n investigation before the Commission
`may be terminated pursuant to section 337(c) of the Tariff Act of 1930 on the basis of a consent
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`order,” and that “[a]n order of termination by consent need not constitute a determination as to
`violation of section 337.”
`For consent orders entered after initiation of an investigation, the Rule requires that the
`motion be accompanied by a stipulation that, in the case of an intellectual property investigation
`such as the one here, contains the following six items:
`(1) An admission of all jurisdictional facts;
`(2) An express waiver of all rights to seek judicial review or
`otherwise challenge or contest the validity of the consent order;
`(3) A statement that the signatories to the consent order stipulation
`will cooperate with and will not seek to impede by litigation or
`other means the Commission’s efforts to gather information under
`subpart I of this part,
`(4) A statement that the enforcement, modification, and revocation
`of the consent order will be carried out pursuant to subpart I of this
`part, incorporating by reference the Commission’s Rules of
`Practice and Procedure;
`(5) A statement that the consent order shall not apply with respect
`to any claim of any intellectual property right that has expired or
`been found or adjudicated invalid or unenforceable by the
`Commission or a court or agency of competent jurisdiction,
`provided that such finding or judgment has become final and
`nonreviewable; and
`(6) A statement that each signatory to the stipulation who was a
`respondent in the investigation will not seek to challenge the
`validity of the intellectual property right(s), in any administrative
`or judicial proceeding to enforce the consent order.
`19 CFR §2l0.21(c)(l)(ii), (c)(3)(A), and (c)(3)(B). The Rule also provides that the stipulation
`may contain “a statement that the signing thereof is for settlement purposes only and does not
`constitute admission by any respondent that an unfair act has been committed.” 19 CFR §2l0.2l
`(c)(3)(C). Finally, the Rule requires the stipulation to incorporate a proposed consent order. 19
`CFR § 210.21(c)(1)(ii).
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`The Consent Order Stipulation of GN submitted with this Motion and Memorandum,
`Exhibit A attached hereto, contains all of the six required elements.
`It therefore supports the
`Proposed Consent Order, Exhibit B attached hereto, and is incorporated by reference in the
`stipulation. Accordingly, GN respectfully requests that its motion be granted, the consent order
`be entered, and this investigation terminated as to Respondent GN.
`Dated: April ggii 2008
`Respectfully submitted,
`illiam B. Nash
`Dan Chapman
`Mark Fassold
`112 E. Pecan Street, Suite 2400
`San Antonio, Texas USA 78205
`(210) 978-7700 (phone)
`(2l0) 242-4620 (fax)
`Alan Cope Johnston
`G. Brian Busey
`Cynthia Lopez Beverage
`2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20006
`(202) 887-1500 (phone)
`(202) 887-0168 (fax)
`Counselfor Respondent GN US, Inc.
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