`Before the irionorabie Charles 13. Bullock
`Administrative Law Judge
`In the Matter of
`Investigation No. 337—'I“A-626
`The Uniteci States International Trade Commission (“Commission”) has instituted the
`above-captioned investigation under section 337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 as amended (19
`U.S.C. § 1337), based upon the aliegations contained in the Coomopiaint flied by Compiainant
`Bose Cozporation (“Comp1ainant” or “Bose”) which alleges unfair acts in the importation into
`the United States and the saie wiihin the United States after importation, of certain} noise
`cancefling headphones by (EN US, Inc. formerly known as GN Netcom, Inc. (“Respo:1dent”or
`GN has moved to terminate this investigation as to GN based on a Consent Order. In
`support of GN’s moiion, Respondent GN hereby stipuiates as foiiowsz
`Respondent GN US, 1110., forrneriy GN Neicom, Inc. is a corporation with its
`principal place of business at 7? Northeastern Bivd, Nashua, New Hampshire 03062.
`The Commission has in rem jurisdiction over the noise cancelling headphones
`that form {he ‘oasis of this Investigation and the Commission has in personam jurisdiction over
`(}N for purposes of this Stipu¥a:io:1 and ?ropoSeo Consent Order.
`507€)650v.4 1282 i4f000()4
`Responcleiit expressly waives all rights to seek judicial review or otherwise
`challenge or contest {he validity of the Conse11t0rder.
`Respondent will cooperate with and will not seek to impede by litigation or other
`means the Commission’s efforts to gather information under subpart I of the Commission’s
`Rules of Practice and l’rocedure, E9 C.F.R. ?art 2l0.
`The enforcement, modification, or revocation of the Consent Order will be carried
`out pursuant to subpart I of the Commissio1i’s Rules of Practice and Procedure, 19 C.F.R. Part
`210, incorporating by reference the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure.
`The Consent Order shall not apply with respect to any claim of any intellectual
`property right that has expired or been found or adjudicated invalid or unenforceable by the
`Commission or a Cour: or agency of competent jurisdiction, provided that such finding or
`judgment has become final and nonreviewable.
`Respondent will not seek £0 challenge ihe validity or enforceability of claims 1, 2
`and 5 of US. Patent No. 5,181,252; and/or claims l and 2 of US. Patent No. 6,597,792, in any
`administrative or judicial pmceeding to enforce the Consent Order.
`Respondent shall not sell for imporiation, import into the Uniteé States, or sell in
`the United Staées after importation, the noise cancelling headphones that infringe claims 1, 2 and
`5 ofU.S. Patent No. 5,281,252; and/or claims I. and 2 of US. Patent No. 6,597,792.
`There are no agreements, written or oral, express or implied between the
`Respondent and Complainants concerning the subject matier of this investigation.
`The statements made herein are only for purposes of terminating the ITC
`investigation and are not made with respect to any other proceeding or purpose and is not an
`admission by Respondent GN that an unfair act or other wrongdoing has been committed or that
`§O70650v.4 E282 E-‘#00004
`any claim of U.S. Patent No. 5,181,252 or US. i’ater1t. No. 6,597,792 is valid, enforceabfe, or
`IN WITNESS WHEREOF, a duly authorized representative of the Resgondent cause this
`Consent Order Stipuiation to be executed as of the date indicated below.
`Dated: Aprii $3, 2008
`Respectfiglly submitted,
`Phyiiis McCui§agh
`President and Generai Manager of
`Wifiiam B. Nash
`Dan Chapman
`Mark Fassoid
`112 E. Pecan Street, Suiiie 2400
`San Antonio, Texas USA 78205
`(210) 978~77OO (phone)
`(210) 2424620 (fax)
`Alan Cape Johnston
`G. Brian Busey
`Cynthia Lopez Beverage
`2000 Permsylvania Avenue, NW.
`Washington, D13. 20006
`(292) 887»1500(phone)
`(202) 887-0168 (fax)
`Courzselfor Responderzz GN US, Inc.
`S07{)650v.4 1282 IMOOGG4