`July 8, 2008
`The Honorable Marilyn R. Abbott
`US. International Trade Commission
`500 E. Street, S.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20436
`(210) 978-7769 (Direct Dial)
`Via Electronic Filing
`Certain Noise Cancelling Headphones; U.S.I.T.C. Investigation No. 337—TA-626.
`Dear Secretary Abbott:
`Pursuant to the Protective Order issued on January 4, 2008, enclosed for filing in
`connection with the above referenced Investigation are Non-Disclosure Agreements for
`Reporter/Stenographer/Translator for the following individuals:
`1) Jonathan Wonnel, 2) Joan
`Cassidy, 3) Alan H. Brock, 4) Kathleen Mullen Silva, 5) Sean Mattson, 6) E. Cristin O’Keeffe,
`7) William Nelson, 8) Jill Michel, 9) Alicia Wave, 10) Amanda Scott, 11) Brandon Haskins, 12)
`Danielle Frans, 13) Josh Porter del Leon, 14) Krystle Hughes, and 15) Shannon Hoerner.
`Very truly yours,
`Linda G. Stu er
`Litigation Paralegal
`5206609v.l 128214/00004
`112 E. Pecan Street, Suite 2400
`San Antonio, Texas 78205
`(210) 978-7700
`fax (210) 978-7790
`Fort Vi/orrh
`San Angelo
`San Antonio
`~ Member of GLOBALAV\/‘VA

`July 8, 2008
`Page 2
`I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing document has been served on July 8, 2008,
`as indicated, on the following:
`Marilyn R. Abbott
`Washington, DC 20436
`D Via First Class Mail
`D Via Hand Delivery
`El Via Facsimile
`[Xi Via E—Fi1e
`El Not Served
`The Honorable Charles E. Bullock
`Administrative Law Judge
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`500 E. Street, s.w., Room 317
`Washington, DC 20436
`2 copies
`D Via First Class Mail
`D Via Hand Delivery
`[3 V. O
`- ht D 1-
`la “mg
`6 ‘Very
`El Via Facsimile
`El Via Electronic Mail
`‘LE Not Served
`Jennifer Whang
`Administrative Law Judge Attorney-Advisor D Vla Elactromc Mal]
`E] Via First Class Mail
`D Via Hand Delivery
`2 copies w/out attachments
`Christopher Paulraj, Esq.
`Office ofUnfair Import Investigations
`U.S. International Trade Commission
`%8&?SEinSgttr::t>])Sé\X;b1:§§m 401'F
`X} Not Served
`El Via First C1aS'S Mal
`V13 Hand D‘3i1V€TY
`El Via Overnight Delivery
`E] Via Facsimile
`X] Via Electronic Mail
`5206609v.l 128214/00004

`July 8, 2008
`Page 3
`Ruffin B Cordell
`Andrew R. Kopsidas
`J ff
`R. Wh'
`Feisiieiee RICH1.:R(D1SON P.C.
`1425 K Street, N.W.
`Washmgtoni DC 20005
`E] Via First Class Mail
`E] Via Hand Delivery
`'3 V13 OVem’gh‘ Dehvery
`Cl Via Facsimile
`Q Via Electronic Mail
`Attorneys for Complainant Bose Corporation
`James P White
`Gerald T. Shekleton
`e s
`a z
`120 South Riverside Plaza, 22'“ Floor
`ChiCag0= I11i110iS 50605
`[:I Via First Class Mail
`l:l Via Hand DCHVEYY
`I:] Via Overnight Delivery
`[3 Via Facsimile
`E] Via Electronic Mail
`U.S. Inc.
`for Respondent Audio Technica,
`Tom M‘ Schaumberg
`Jamie D. Underwood
`Adduci, Mastriani & Schaumberg, LLP
`1200 Seventeenth Floor, NW, Fifth Floor
`Washington, DC 20036
`Attorneys for Panasonic Corporation of North
`El Via First Class Mail
`El Via Hand De1iV€TY
`[3 Via Overnight Delivery
`El Via Facsimile
`E Via Electronic Mail
`gigniil EbIe<nstCei:in
`ra am as an
`Joseph Casino
`Amster, Rothstein & Ebenstein LLP
`90 Park Avenue
`New York, NY 10016
`E] Via First Class Mail
`C] Via Hand Delivery
`D Via Overnight Delivery
`El V” Facslmlle
`E3] Via Electronic Mail
`Attorneys for Panasonic Corporation of North
`5206609v.l 128214/00004

`July 8, 2008
`Page 4
`Alan Cope Johnston
`G, Brian Busey
`Cynthia Lopez Beverage
`2000 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
`Washington, D.C. 20006-1888
`V1a First Class Mail
`El Via Hand Delivery
`[3 Via OVemightDe1iVeI.y
`D V13 Facslmlle
`g Via Ehctmnic Mail
`for Phitek Systems Limited and
`Creative Labs, Inc.
`Linda Studer
`5206609v.1 128214/00004

`Attachment A
`CUQA A 8 i l
`, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will
`not divulge any information communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation
`or hearing in the matter of CERTAIN NOISE CANCEL-LING HEADPHONES, Investigation
`No. 377—TA—626, except as permitted in the protective order issued in this case.
`I will not
`directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such infonnation for any purpose other than that
`directly associated with my official duties in this case.
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any
`person reveal the nature or content of any information communicated during any confidential
`portion of the investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also affirm that I do not hold any position or official relationship with any of the
`participants in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is
`a violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000,
`5I343l7v.l 128214/00004

`Attachment A
`~‘~éL«L,az 6
`information communi
`, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will
`not divulge a
`ted to me in any confidential portion of the investigation
`or hearing in the matter of CERTAIN NOISE CANCELLING HEADPHONES, Investigation
`No. 377—TA-626, except as permitted in the protective order issued in this case.
`I will not
`directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such information for any purpose other than that
`directly associated with my official duties in this case.
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any
`person reveal the nature or content of any information communicated during any confidential
`portion of the investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also affirm that I do not hold any position or official relationship with any of the
`participants in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is
`a violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000,
`imprisonment of u to ten (10) years, or both.
`Firm or affiliation
`51343l7v.l 128214/00004

`Attachment A
`~ §)(J CK
`, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will
`not divulge any information communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation
`or hearing in the matter of CERTAIN NOISE CANCELLING HEADPHONES, Investigation
`No. 377—TA—626, except as permitted in the protective order issued in this case.
`I will not
`directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such informzztion for any purpose other that: that
`directly associated with my ofticial duties in this case.
`I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any
`person reveal the nature or content of any intbmiation communicated during any confidential
`portion ofthe investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also affirm that
`I do not hold any position or ofticial relationship with any of the
`0 participants in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is
`a violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a line of up to $10,000,
`imprisonment of up to ten (10) years, or both.
`Firm or affiliation
`5 I343 l7v.l 1382 I4/00004

`Attachment A
`E Qtbg gee M ‘2\\\g D
`, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will
`not divulge any information communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation
`or hearing in the matter of CERTAIN NOISE CANCELLING HEADPHONES, Investigation
`No. 377—TA-626, except as permitted in the protective order issued in this case.
`I will not
`directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such information for any purpose other than that
`directly associated with my official duties in this case.
`I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any
`person reveal the nature or content of any information communicated during any confidential
`portion of the investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also affirm that I do not hold any position or official relationship with any of the
`participants in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is
`a violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000,
`imprisonment of up to ten (10) years, or both.
`SIGNED Vgézlgflggg
`EOQ, 3;}
`(aim o8
`Firm or affiliation
`5l34317v.l 128214/00004

`Attachment A
` , do solemnly swear or aflirm that I will not divulge any information
`communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation or hearing in the matter of
`Certain XYZ Investigation, Investigation No. 337-TA-XXX, except as permitted in the protective
`' order issued in this case.
`I will not directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such information
`for any purpose other than that directly associated with my official duties in this case.
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any person
`reveal the nature or content ofany information communicated during any confidential portion ofthe
`investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also affirm that I do not hold any position or official relationship with any of the participants
`in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is a
`violation ofthe Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine ofup to $10,000, imprisonment of
`up to ten (10) years, or both.
`64 6‘ 42 Z
`Firm or afiliation
`\ [Yd i

`Attachment A
`as](,¢.¢ '“\'¢
`rs‘: Wt
`, do solemnly swear or afiirm that I will not divulge any information
`1,2 .
`communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation or hearing in the matter of
`Certain XYZ, Investigation, Investigation No. 33 7—TA-X}O(, except as permitted in the protective
`’ order issued in this case.
`I will not directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such information
`for any purpose other than that directly associated with my oflicial duties in this case.
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any person
`reveal the nature or content of any information communicated during any confidential portion ofthe
`investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also afiinn that I do not hold any position or official relationship with any of the participants
`in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is a
`violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment of
`up to ten (10) years, or both.
`Firm or affiliation
`L ‘i’
`Ll. S

`Attachment A
`I, \/\\ ii iliawl N €—‘i§=9I4, do solemnly swear or afirm that I will not divulge any information
`communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation or hearing in the matter of
`Certain XYZ Investigation, Investigation No. 337—'l‘A-XXX, except as permitted in the protective
`' order issued in this case.
`I will not directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such infonnation
`for any purpose other than that directly associated with my official duties in this case.
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any person
`reveal the nature or content ofany information communicated during any confidential portion ofthe
`investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also affirm that I do not hold any position or oificial relationship with any of the participants
`in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is a
`violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment of
`up to ten (10) years, or both.
`and M»: %
`Q5 ( 1 0 X
`\A 63;‘
`C0” (‘XV
`" W3

`Attachment A
`1, 5 31/ Z Higcl/re/Lie solemnly swear or affirm that 1 will not divulge any information
`communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation or hearing in the matter of
`Ce ain XYZ Investi ation Investigation No. 337-TA—XXX, except as permitted in the protective
`' order issued in this case.
`I will not directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such infonnation
`for any purpose other than that directly associated with my ofifioial duties in this case.
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any person
`reveal the nature or content ofany information communicated during any confidential portion ofthe
`investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also aflirm that I do not hold any position or official relationship with any of the participants
`in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is a
`violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment of
`up to ten (
`) years,
`r both.
`Dated Firm or affiliation

`Attachment A
`" GA WW1, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will not divulge any information
`communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation or hearing in the matter of
`Certain XYZ Investigation, Investigation No. 337-TA-XXX, except as permitted in the protective
`' order issued in this case.
`I will not directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such information
`for any pm-pose other than that directly associated with my oifficial duties in this case.
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any person
`reveal the nature or content of any information communicated during any confidential portion of the
`investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also afiirm that I do not hold any position or official relationship with any of the participants
`in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is a
`violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment of
`up to ten (10) years, or both.
`Q3»/\ \/QNK,
`U '6l” 0%
`Q 5;53)‘f'fl§j
`g %

`Attachment A
`I, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will not divulge any information
`communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation or hearing in the matter of
`Certain XY; Investigation, Investigation No. 337-TA-XXX, except as permitted in the protective
`0 order issued in this case. I will not directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such infonnation
`for any purpose other than that directly associated with my ofiieial duties in this case.
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any person
`reveal the nature or content of any information communicated during any confidential portion of the
`investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also affirm that I do not hold any position or official relationship with any ofthe participants
`in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is a
`violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment of
`up to ten (10) years, or both.
`Signed %b4 gfiQ i _
`Firm oraffiliation

`Attachment A
`J}, do solemnly swear or afiinn that I will not divulge any information
`communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation or hearing in the matter of
`Certain XYZ Investigation, Investigation No. 337-TA-XXX, except as permitted in the protective
`‘ order issued in this case.
`I will not directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such infonnation
`for any purpose other than that directly associated with my ofificial duties in this case.
`Further, Iwill not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any person
`reveal the nature or content ofany information communicated during any confidential portion ofthe
`investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also affirm that I do not hold any position or official relationship with any ofthe participants
`in said investigation.
`I am aware that the imauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is a
`violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment of
`up to ten (10) years,

`Attachment A
`2,94 gfélzfg
`, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will not divulge any information
`communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation or hearing in the matter of
`Certain XYZ Invesfigation, Investigation No. 337-TA-XXX, except as permitted in the protective
`' order issued in this case.
`I will not directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such information
`for any purpose other than that directly associated with my ofificial duties in this case.
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any person
`reveal the nature or content of any information communicated during any confidential portion ofthe
`investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also affirm that I do not hold any position or official relationship with any of the participants
`in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is a
`violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment of
`up to -'
`10) a--. 3, Q1‘
`Sig ed
`- - '.
`I I
`r‘! L...‘ '
`Dated EM
`Firm or affiliation . /7Z/
`' .

`Attachment A
`,6d%/s\olemnly swear or affirrn that I will not divulge any information
`Certain XYZ Investigation, Investigation No. 337-TA-XXX, except as permitted in the protective
`' order issued in this case.
`I will not directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such information
`for any purpose other than that directly associated with my official duties in this case.
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any person
`reveal the nature or content ofany information communicated during any confidential portion ofthe
`investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also aflirm that I do not hold any position or official relationship with any of the participants
`in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is a
`violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment of
`'\-.. an/xl
`Firm or afiiliation

`Attachment A
`1, Km s-vie.
`, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will not divulge any information
`communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation or hearing in the matter of
`Qertain XYZ Investigation, Investigation No. 33 7-TA-XXX, except as permitted in the protective
`' order issued in this case.
`I will not directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such information
`for any purpose other than that directly associated with my official duties in this case.
`Further, I
`not by direct action, discussion, recommendation, or suggestion to any person
`reveal the nature or content ofany information communicated during any confidential portion ofthe
`investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also afiirm that! do not hold any position or official relationship with any ofthe participants
`in said investigation
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of information as specified above is a
`violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment of
`up to ten (10) years, or both.
`0; ‘I 1- v
`Finn or affiiiation
` *
`g’44;:«"_s+ 4 A ,3“: ; géga J;d.1f_5

`Attachment A
`I, Jfilgmmmflggi , do solemnly swear or affirm that I will not divulge any infonnation
`communicated to me in any confidential portion of the investigation or hearing in the matter of
`Cegn XYZ Investigation, Investigation No. 337-TA-XFOC, except as permitted in the protective
`' order issued in this case.
`I will not directly or indirectly use, or allow the use of such information
`for any purpose other than that directly associated with my oficial duties in this case.
`Further, I will not by direct action, discussion, reoomrnendation, or suggestion to any person
`reveal the nature or content of any information communicated during any confidential portion ofthe
`investigation or hearing in this case.
`I also affirm that I do not hold any position or official relationship with any of the parficipants
`in said investigation.
`I am aware that the unauthorized use or conveyance of infonnation as specified above is a
`violation of the Federal Criminal Code and punishable by a fine of up to 5 10,000, imprisonment of
`up to ten (1 0) years, or both.
`Firm or afiliation M

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