`Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 119 / Friday, June 20, 2014 / Notices
`affect rice production and exporting in
`these countries;
`4. A qualitative and, to the extent
`possible, quantitative assessment of the
`impact of government policies and
`programs of major producing and
`exporting countries on their rice
`production, exports, consumption, and
`domestic prices, as well as on rice
`prices globally; and
`5. an overview of the impact on the
`U.S. rice industry of exports from the
`highlighted countries of rice to the
`United States and to traditional export
`markets of the United States such as, but
`not limited to, Mexico, Haiti, and West
`The Committee asked that the report
`focus primarily on the period 2009–
`2013 and that the Commission deliver
`its report no later than 11 months
`following the receipt of this request. The
`Committee also stated that it intends to
`make the Commission’s report public
`and asked that the report not include
`any confidential business information.
`Public Hearing: The Commission will
`hold a public hearing in connection
`with this investigation at the U.S.
`International Trade Commission
`Building, 500 E Street SW., Washington,
`DC, beginning at 9:30 a.m. on
`Wednesday, September 10, 2014.
`Requests to appear at the public hearing
`should be filed with the Secretary not
`later than 5:15 p.m., August 26, 2014, in
`accordance with the requirements in the
`‘‘Submissions’’ section below. All
`prehearing briefs and statements should
`be filed with the Secretary not later than
`5:15 p.m., September 2, 2014; and all
`posthearing briefs and statements
`responding to matters raised at the
`hearing should be filed with the
`Secretary not later than 5:15 p.m.,
`September 17, 2014. All hearing-related
`briefs and statements should be filed in
`accordance with the requirements for
`filing written submissions set out below.
`In the event that, as of the close of
`business on August 26, 2014, no
`witnesses are scheduled to appear at the
`hearing, the hearing will be canceled.
`Any person interested in attending the
`hearing as an observer or nonparticipant
`may call the Office of the Secretary
`(202–205–2000) after August 26, 2014,
`for information concerning whether the
`hearing will be held.
`Written Submissions: In lieu of, or in
`addition to, participating in the hearing,
`interested parties are invited to file
`written submissions concerning this
`investigation. All written submissions
`should be addressed to the Secretary,
`and all such submissions (other than
`prehearing and posthearing briefs and
`statements) should be received not later
`than 5:15 p.m., December 9, 2014. All
`written submissions must conform with
`the provisions of section 201.8 of the
`Commission’s Rules of Practice and
`Procedure (19 CFR 201.8). Section 201.8
`and the Commission’s Handbook on
`Filing Procedures require that interested
`parties file documents electronically on
`or before the filing deadline and submit
`eight (8) true paper copies by 12:00 p.m.
`eastern time on the next business day.
`In the event that confidential treatment
`of a document is requested, interested
`parties must file, at the same time as the
`eight paper copies, at least four (4)
`additional true paper copies in which
`the confidential information must be
`deleted (see the following paragraph for
`further information regarding
`confidential business information).
`Persons with questions regarding
`electronic filing should contact the
`Secretary (202–205–2000).
`Any submissions that contain
`confidential business information must
`also conform with the requirements of
`section 201.6 of the Commission’s Rules
`of Practice and Procedure (19 CFR
`201.6). Section 201.6 of the rules
`requires that the cover of the document
`and the individual pages be clearly
`marked as to whether they are the
`‘‘confidential’’ or ‘‘nonconfidential’’
`version, and that the confidential
`business information be clearly
`identified by means of brackets. All
`written submissions, except for
`confidential business information, will
`be made available for inspection by
`interested parties.
`In the request letter, the Committee
`stated that it intends to make the
`Commission’s report available to the
`public in its entirety, and asked that the
`Commission not include any
`confidential business information in the
`report it sends to the Committee. Any
`confidential business information
`received by the Commission in this
`investigation and used in preparing this
`report will not be published in a manner
`that would reveal the operations of the
`firm supplying the information.
`By order of the Commission.
`Issued: June 17, 2014.
`Lisa R. Barton,
`Secretary to the Commission.
`[FR Doc. 2014–14455 Filed 6–19–14; 8:45 am]
`[Investigation No. 337–TA–750]
`Certain Mobile Devices, and Related
`Software Thereof; Commission
`Determination Not To Review an Initial
`Determination Granting Joint Motion
`To Terminate the Remand
`Investigation Based on a Settlement
`Agreement; Termination of Remand
`AGENCY: U.S. International Trade
`ACTION: Notice.
`SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that
`the U.S. International Trade
`Commission has determined not to
`review the initial determination (‘‘ID’’)
`of the presiding Administrative Law
`Judge, granting the joint motion of
`complainant Apple Inc., f/k/a Apple
`Computer, Inc., of Cupertino, California
`(‘‘Apple’’) and respondent Motorola
`Mobility, Inc. (‘‘Motorola’’) of
`Libertyville, Illinois to terminate the
`investigation based on a settlement
`Megan M. Valentine, Office of the
`General Counsel, U.S. International
`Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW.,
`Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202)
`708–2301. Copies of non-confidential
`documents filed in connection with this
`investigation are or will be available for
`inspection during official business
`hours (8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.) in the
`Office of the Secretary, U.S.
`International Trade Commission, 500 E
`Street SW., Washington, DC 20436,
`telephone (202) 205–2000. General
`information concerning the Commission
`may also be obtained by accessing its
`Internet server at http://www.usitc.gov.
`The public record for this investigation
`may be viewed on the Commission’s
`electronic docket (EDIS) at http://
`edis.usitc.gov. Hearing-impaired
`persons are advised that information on
`this matter can be obtained by
`contacting the Commission’s TDD
`terminal on (202) 205–1810.
`Commission instituted this investigation
`on November 30, 2010, based on a
`complaint filed by Apple. 75 FR 74081–
`82 (Nov. 30, 2010). The complaint
`alleges violations of section 337 of the
`Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, 19
`U.S.C. 1337 (‘‘section 337’’), in the
`importation into the United States, the
`sale for importation, and the sale within
`the United States after importation of
`certain mobile devices and related
`software by reason of infringement of
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`mstockstill on DSK4VPTVN1PROD with NOTICES
`Federal Register / Vol. 79, No. 119 / Friday, June 20, 2014 / Notices
`certain claims of U.S. Patent Nos.
`7,812,828 (‘‘the ’828 Patent’’); 7,663,607
`(‘‘the ’607 Patent’’); and 5,379,430. The
`Commission’s notice of investigation
`named Motorola, Inc. n/k/a Motorola
`Solutions of Schaumburg, Illinois
`(‘‘Motorola Solutions’’) and Motorola as
`respondents. The Office of Unfair
`Import Investigation was named as a
`participating party. The Commission
`subsequently terminated Motorola
`Solutions as a respondent based on
`withdrawal of allegations pursuant to
`Commission Rule 210.21(a)(1) (19 CFR
`210.21(a)(1)). Notice (Aug. 31, 2011).
`On January 13, 2012, the ALJ issued
`his final ID, finding no violation of
`section 337. On March 16, 2012, the
`Commission issued a notice,
`determining to review the ID in part,
`and on review, to affirm the ALJ’s
`determination of no violation and to
`terminate the investigation. 77 FR
`16860–62 (Mar. 22, 2012). On April 13,
`2012, Apple timely appealed the
`Commission’s final determination of no
`violation of section 337 as to the ’607
`and ’828 patents to the United States
`Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.
`On August 7, 2013, the Federal Circuit
`affirmed-in-part, reversed-in-part, and
`vacated-in-part the Commission’s
`decision and remanded for further
`proceedings. Apple, Inc. v. Int’l Trade
`Comm’n., 725 F.3d 1356 (Fed. Cir.
`2013). On September 6, 2013, intervenor
`Motorola filed a combined petition for
`panel rehearing and rehearing en banc
`concerning the panel’s holding that the
`Commission failed to consider
`secondary considerations in finding
`claim 10 of the ’607 patent invalid for
`obviousness. On November 8, 2013, the
`Court denied the petition. The mandate
`issued on November 15, 2013, returning
`jurisdiction to the Commission.
`On May 6, 2014, the Commission
`issued a Notice and Order remanding
`the investigation for an ALJ to make
`certain findings concerning
`infringement, validity, and domestic
`industry with respect to the ’607 and
`’828 patents. 79 FR 26993–95 (May 12,
`On May 22, 2014, Apple and Motorola
`filed a joint motion to terminate the
`remand investigation based on a
`settlement agreement reached between
`Apple and Motorola’s parent company,
`Google Inc. On May 27, 2014, the
`Commission investigative attorney filed
`a response not opposing the
`On May 28, 2014, the ALJ issued the
`subject ID, granting the joint motion for
`termination pursuant to section
`210.21(b) of the Commission’s Rules of
`Practice and Procedure. No petitions for
`review were filed.
`The Commission has determined not
`to review the subject ID.
`The authority for the Commission’s
`determination is contained in section
`337 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as
`amended (19 U.S.C. 1337), and in Part
`210 of the Commission’s Rules of
`Practice and Procedure (19 CFR part
`By order of the Commission.
`Issued: June 16, 2014.
`Lisa R. Barton,
`Secretary to the Commission.
`[FR Doc. 2014–14406 Filed 6–19–14; 8:45 am]
`[Investigation No. 337–TA–868]
`Certain Wireless Devices With 3G and/
`or 4G Capabilities and Components
`Thereof; Request for Statements on
`the Public Interest
`AGENCY: U.S. International Trade
`ACTION: Notice.
`SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given that
`the presiding administrative law judge
`has issued a Final Initial Determination
`on Violation of Section 337 and
`Recommended Determination on
`Remedy and Bond in the above-
`captioned investigation. The
`Commission is soliciting comments
`from the public on public interest issues
`raised by the recommended relief,
`specifically that if the Commission were
`to find a violation of section 337, 19
`U.S.C. 1337, that the Commission issue
`limited exclusion orders directed to the
`Nokia and ZTE respondents and cease
`and desist orders directed to the Nokia
`respondents. The ALJ recommended
`that implementation of any limited
`exclusion order be delayed by six
`months. The ALJ rejected the
`respondents’ arguments that the public
`interest stands in the way of relief for
`the complainants. This notice is
`soliciting public interest comments from
`the public only. Parties are to file public
`interest submissions pursuant to 19 CFR
`Sidney A. Rosenzweig, Office of the
`General Counsel, U.S. International
`Trade Commission, 500 E Street SW.,
`Washington, DC 20436, telephone (202)
`708–2532. Copies of non-confidential
`documents filed in connection with this
`investigation are or will be available for
`inspection during official business
`hours (8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.) in the
`Office of the Secretary, U.S.
`International Trade Commission, 500 E
`Street SW., Washington, DC 20436,
`telephone (202) 205–2000. General
`information concerning the Commission
`may also be obtained by accessing its
`Internet server at http://www.usitc.gov.
`The public record for this investigation
`may be viewed on the Commission’s
`electronic docket (EDIS) at http://
`edis.usitc.gov. Hearing-impaired
`persons are advised that information on
`this matter can be obtained by
`contacting the Commission’s TDD
`terminal on (202) 205–1810.
`337 of the Tariff Act of 1930 provides
`that if the Commission finds a violation
`it shall exclude the articles concerned
`from the United States:
`unless, after considering the effect of such
`exclusion upon the public health and
`welfare, competitive conditions in the United
`States economy, the production of like or
`directly competitive articles in the United
`States, and United States consumers, it finds
`that such articles should not be excluded
`from entry.
`19 U.S.C. 1337(d)(1). A similar
`provision applies to cease and desist
`orders. 19 U.S.C. 1337(f)(1).
`The Commission is interested in
`further development of the record on
`the public interest in these
`investigations. Accordingly, members of
`the public are invited to file
`submissions of no more than five (5)
`pages, inclusive of attachments,
`concerning the public interest in light of
`the administrative law judge’s
`Recommended Determination on
`Remedy and Bond issued in this
`investigation on June 13, 2014.
`Comments should address whether
`issuance of a limited exclusion order
`and/or cease and desist orders in this
`investigation would affect the public
`health and welfare in the United States,
`competitive conditions in the United
`States economy, the production of like
`or directly competitive articles in the
`United States, or United States
`In particular, the Commission is
`interested in comments that:
`(i) Explain how the articles
`potentially subject to the recommended
`orders are used in the United States;
`(ii) identify any public health, safety,
`or welfare concerns in the United States
`relating to the recommended orders;
`(iii) identify like or directly
`competitive articles that complainant,
`its licensees, or third parties make in the
`United States which could replace the
`subject articles if they were to be
`(iv) indicate whether complainant,
`complainant’s licensees, and/or third
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