`Case 2:12-md-02311-SFC-RSW ECF No. 2192-4, PageID.39774 Filed 03/17/22 Page 2 of 3
`Chanler Langham <clangham@SusmanGodfrey.com>
`Wednesday, October 13, 2021 1:11 PM
`Burton, Emma; Sasse, Daniel
`Jenna Farleigh; William V. Reiss (WReiss@RobinsKaplan.com); Elizabeth Castillo
`RE: Automotive Parts Antitrust Litigation - Stipulation and Order re Briefing
` External Email
`It is our understanding that all parties have agreed that discussions will be fruitful. Currently,
`you have received our proposal and we have received yours. We plan to proceed with
`discussions expeditiously and will keep you informed of additional discussions and/or
`proposed written agreements.
`‐ Chanler
`From: Burton, Emma <EBurton@crowell.com>
`Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 9:27 AM
`To: Chanler Langham <clangham@SusmanGodfrey.com>; Sasse, Daniel <DSasse@crowell.com>
`Cc: Jenna Farleigh <JFarleigh@susmangodfrey.com>; William V. Reiss (WReiss@RobinsKaplan.com)
`<wreiss@robinskaplan.com>; Elizabeth Castillo <ecastillo@cpmlegal.com>
`Subject: RE: Automotive Parts Antitrust Litigation ‐ Stipulation and Order re Briefing
`Thanks, Chanler. We appreciate the courtesy copy.
`Before we notify EFM of the extension, and particularly in light of efforts on their end to respond quickly yesterday, it
`would be helpful to know where things stand in terms of reaching resolution with all parties.
`Thanks again,
`From: Chanler Langham <clangham@SusmanGodfrey.com>
`Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 9:51 AM
`To: Sasse, Daniel <DSasse@crowell.com>; Burton, Emma <EBurton@crowell.com>
`Cc: Jenna Farleigh <JFarleigh@susmangodfrey.com>; William V. Reiss (WReiss@RobinsKaplan.com)
`<wreiss@robinskaplan.com>; Elizabeth Castillo <ecastillo@cpmlegal.com>
`Subject: Automotive Parts Antitrust Litigation ‐ Stipulation and Order re Briefing
`Case 2:12-md-02311-SFC-RSW ECF No. 2192-4, PageID.39775 Filed 03/17/22 Page 3 of 3
` External Email
`Daniel and Emma,
`Attached is a courtesy copy of the order extending the briefing schedule.
`‐ Chanler
`From: ECFdocuments@pacerpro.com <ECFdocuments@pacerpro.com>
`Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2021 8:14 AM
`To: Jenna Farleigh <JFarleigh@susmangodfrey.com>; Tammie DeNio <tdenio@SusmanGodfrey.com>; Floyd G. Short
`<fshort@SusmanGodfrey.com>; Chanler Langham <clangham@SusmanGodfrey.com>; Kymberli Speedy
`<KSpeedy@susmangodfrey.com>; Marc Seltzer <MSeltzer@SusmanGodfrey.com>; Giovanna Eby
`<GEby@susmangodfrey.com>; Terry Oxford <TOXFORD@SusmanGodfrey.com>
`Subject: New document: Automotive Parts Antitrust Litigation (Doc# 2154, E.D. Mich. 2:12‐md‐02311‐SFC‐RSW)
`Automotive Parts Antitrust Litigation
`Docket entry number: 2154
`STIPULATION AND ORDER Regarding Briefing Schedule as to [2149]
`MOTION to Enforce Settlement Agreements (Element Fleet Corporation,
`Wheels, Inc., Donlen LLC, and Automotive Rentals, Inc.'s Motion to Enforce
`Settlement Agreements) (Response due by 11/3/2021, Reply due by
`11/17/2021) Signed by District Judge Sean F. Cox. (JMcC) (Entered:
`Date entered: 2021-10-13
`Sent from PacerPro, the fastest and most insightful way to access federal court records.
`Questions? support@pacerpro.com
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