`May 9, 2016
`Attorney at Law
` Telephone: 330.626.5600
`Cochran Professional Building
` Facsimile: 330.230.6136
` 1385 Russell Drive
` Streetsboro, Ohio 44241 [transmitted by email to sleivick@kasowitz.com] Email: lawchrist@gmail.com
`Sarah G. Leivick
`Kasowitz Benson Torres & Friedman LLP
`1633 Broadway
`New York, NY 10019
`This office was recently retained by Olen York, Amy York and Nancy York to assist with their
`objection to the fairness of the above-captioned proposed settlements with a dozen auto parts
`suppliers who allegedly conspired to fix prices in sales to auto manufacturers such as Ford Motor
`Company. The Ford vehicles involved are as follows:
`In Re: Automotive Parts Antitrust Litigation
`E.D. Mich. Case No. No. 12-md-02311
`• 2009 Ford Escape XLT 2.5L (Vin No. 1FMCU03739KA59048) -- purchased
`by Amy York on May 23, 2009 from River Cities Ford in Lavalette, WV; and
`• 2010 Ford Focus SE 2.0L (Vin No. 1FAHP3FN9AW117065) -- purchased by
`Olen York, Jr. (deceased) and Nancy York on September 12, 2009 from
`Stephens Auto in Danville, WV.
`Because the parties did not publish a master list that links parts to vehicles, it is impossible to
`determine which of the automobile parts covered by the settlements were installed in the foregoing
`vehicles. We have tried every source we could think of—ranging from the settlement website, the
`settlement agreements, the class complaints, the local dealer, and even the settlement
`administrator—to no avail.
`As expected, class counsel is challenging my clients’ standing to object based on their inability to
`verify membership in any of the proposed classes. We now turn to the manufacturer as our last
`hope. As Ford’s counsel, I trust you have fielded numerous other inquiries for the same reason. If
`you (or the appropriate department) could please provide some direction on how to solve this
`mystery, we would greatly appreciate it. Please call the undersigned at 330-607-2187 with any
`information you may have on this subject. Thanks in advance for your prompt attention to this
`important matter. The fairness hearing is Wednesday, May 11th.
`George W. Cochran