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`) MDL Docket No. 2196
`) Index No. 10-MD-2196 (JZ)
`) Hon. Jack Zouhary
`Indirect Purchaser Plaintiff Class (“IPPC”) moves this Court For An Order Approving
`Claims, Authorizing Distribution Of Net Settlement Funds, Initial Payment Of Claims
`Administrator Fees And Expenses, And For Attorneys’ Fees And Reimbursement Of Expenses
`Incurred After January 27, 2016, and in support states:
`On January 27, 2016, this Court entered its Memorandum Opinion and
`Order re: Settlement Motions [Doc. #2020] and the Final Order and Judgment [Doc. #
`Subsequent to entry of the Final Order and Judgment, the Claims
`Administrator, working closely with Class Counsel, has methodically received and
`processed 96,246 Claim Forms valued at $52,298,774,060.72, audited claims which
`resulted in the rejection of numerous claims and recommended allocation for this Court’s
`consideration and approval for distribution.
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`Class Counsel also engaged in extensive appellate practice in the Sixth
`Circuit Court of Appeals and motion practice in this Court to protect and preserve the
`$151,250,000 all cash settlement achieved for the benefit of the Class.
`In support of this motion, IPPs rely on the Declarations of Eric J. Miller,
`Marvin A. Miller, Richard M. Kerger, Jay B. Shapiro, and Martin D. Holmes.
`In support of the request to approve distribution of the Settlement Funds to
`eligible members of the Class, Plaintiffs rely on the Declaration of Eric J. Miller, attached
`as Exhibit A.
`As shown in Eric Miller’s Declaration, A. B. Data provided an extensive
`notice program which included an initial direct mail of 81,607 notice packets, a dedicated
`website (www.polyfoamclassaction.com) which contained all relevant documents,
`including the Notice, the Claim Form, the Summary Notice, and downloadable copies of
`other court documents.
`A. B. Data established a case-specific toll-free number, 866-302-7323, with
`an interactive voice response (IVR) system and live operators to accommodate Class
`A.B. Data has received and processed a total of 96,246 Claim Forms with
`total purchases of $52,298,774,060.72. A.B. Data has processed all Claim Forms in
`accordance with the Settlement Agreements, the Notice, and the Court-approved Plan of
`Allocation. See Eric Miller Declaration ¶¶ 10-14.
`A. B. Data also engaged in an extensive audit procedure. See Eric Miller
`Declaration¶¶ 15-24.
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`As a result of the lengthy and extensive audits, A.B. Data has rejected
`53,594 claims with total claimed purchases of $9,455,983,605.71. The 53,594 rejected
`claims include 42,466 claims from one particular third-party filer with an aggregate claim
`purchase total of $1,962,393,458.89. In conjunction with Class Counsel, A.B. Data also
`adjusted 210 large corporate claims submitted by a law firm third-party filer. As a result
`of that process, there was a downward adjustment and a reduction of the claims of
`approximately $10 billion. Together with the rejected claims and reduction of the
`corporate claims, Class Counsel benefitted the eligible claimants.
`$22,142,198,343.96, and thereby increased by $30,156,575,716.76 the allocable payments
`to Eligible Claimants. Following the Plan of Allocation, all Qualifying Claims total
`A.B. Data received Claim Forms postmarked after the February 29, 2016
`deadline established by this Court. As reflected in Eric Miller’s Declaration, those Late
`Claims did not cause any delay in the claims administration proceedings and have a
`minimal impact on the distribution of the Settlement Funds to eligible members of the
`Class. A.B. Data recommends that the Late Claims received not later than June 22, 2017,
`and the corrected claims not later than June 27, 2017, be approved for participation and for
`During the course of the claims administration procedure, the Claims
`Administrator incurred fees and expenses in the sum of $2,421,320.22. Those fees and
`expenses are itemized in the Declaration of Eric Miller, ¶¶ 31 -33.
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`In support of Class Counsel’s request for attorneys’ fees for the services
`provided and reimbursement of expenses incurred to preserve the substantial benefits to
`the Class, Class Counsel submit the Declarations of Marvin A. Miller (attached as Exhibit
`B), Richard M. Kerger (attached as Exhibit C), Jay Shapiro (attached as Exhibit D), and
`Martin D. Holmes (attached as Exhibit E).
`Since this Court entered the Final Order and Judgment on January 27, 2016,
`Class Counsel has provided substantial professional services for the benefit of the Class.
`Those services can be separated into two parts: 1-those directly related to the claims
`administration process and procedures and 2-those services related to zealously and
`vigorously protecting the $151,250,000 all cash settlement amount achieved for the Class
`through numerous motions in this Court and at the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals and the
`United States Supreme Court.
`Consistent with this Court’s earlier application of a 20% reduction to Class
`Counsel’s request for attorneys’ fees, and at the direction of Lead Counsel, the four law
`firms which seek an award of attorneys’ fees at this time have voluntarily reduced their
`lodestars by 20%.
`As stated in ¶14 Class Counsel has provided substantial services relating to
`the claims administration process. In that regard, Class Counsel supervised the process and
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`worked closely with the Claims Administrator to insure that claims were properly
`processed, reviewed and audited.
`In consultation with the Claims Administrator, it was detected that
`numerous claims were not accurate because they did not contain the requisite information
`or appeared dubious.
`As to the claims that lacked proper information, letters were sent to the
`claimants and they were given an opportunity to cure the deficiency. Many of those which
`were individual claimants promptly returned the missing information.
`There were several claims filed by large corporate claimants. A review and
`audit of those claims required extensive investigation and consultation with the
`representatives in order to understand the basis of their claims. That process took several
`months because a methodology needed to be developed to satisfy Class Counsel and the
`Claims Administrator. Even then, once the data was received and reviewed, downward
`adjustments were made to those claims and accepted by the claimants.
`Forty Two Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Six (42,466) claims with an
`aggregate purchase total of $1,962,393,458.89 from one particular third-party filer fell into
`a distinct pattern appeared suspicious and necessitated extensive discussions between
`Class Counsel and the Claims Administrator. Almost all of the claims showed purchases
`in the $35,000-$65,000 range, whereas the average purchase total submitted by other
`individuals was approximately $28 to $107,307. It appeared to be an attempt to stay under
`the radar and avoid the $100,000 threshold which would then require the claimant to
`provide documentation to support the claim. Therefore, we implemented a procedure to
`challenge those claims and requested complete information to support each of those claims.
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`Ultimately, each of the claims was rejected. We also consulted with the Claims
`Administrator and implemented further audit procedures for which letters were sent
`requesting additional substantiation for the basis of the claim. When the information was
`not provided, Class Counsel and the Claims Administrator conferred and agreed that those
`claims should be rejected.
`There were approximately 400 large corporate claims filed by a third-party
`filer. A review and audit of those claims required extensive investigation and consultation
`with the representatives in order to understand the basis of their claims. That process took
`several months because a methodology needed to be developed to satisfy me and the
`Claims Administrator. Even then, once the data was received and reviewed, downward
`adjustments were made to those claims and accepted by the claimants. Such process
`resulted in a reduction of almost $10 billion in claimed purchases from the original filing,
`thereby increasing the overall distributed amount to eligible claimants.
`As a result of the audit procedures, and as set forth in ¶¶ 10-11 above,
`Eligible Claimants have benefitted substantially from our efforts.
`In addition to the claims procedures, Class Counsel oversaw and directed
`the investment of the Settlement Funds. In that regard, Class Counsel remained in constant
`contact with the Escrow Agents and monitored the financial markets to be assured that the
`Settlement Funds earned the appropriate income while remaining invested at minimal risk,
`all in accordance with the Settlement Agreements and Escrow Agreements entered into
`with the Settling Defendants and approved by this Court.
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`Attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred solely in connection with the Claims
`Administration process and for which Class Counsel seek an award is $42,482.00. See
`Declaration of Marvin A. Miller, ¶12.
`The events and proceedings since the entry of the Final Order and Judgment
`have been extraordinary in class action jurisprudence. At the Court’s request, we
`researched and identified potential cy pres recipients whose purposes are closely aligned
`with the interests of the Class in deterring price-fixing antitrust violations. We also
`opposed the Center for Class Action Fairness proposal. Ultimately, the Court identified a
`cy pres recipient. Based on the total purchases claimed, the amount of the settlement and
`the Plan of Allocation, it appears unlikely that any of the settlement funds will be
`distributed to a cy pres beneficiary.
`Steadfast that the settlements achieved were in the best interest of the Class,
`Class Counsel remained resolute in our early announced position that we would not pay
`any objectors. In that regard, we also opposed and prevailed on the fee application of the
`Center for Class Action Fairness. Our vigorous and zealous advocacy to protect the Class
`settlements required substantial commitment of resources and dedication but Class Counsel
`took seriously their obligation and endured the onslaught of motions and appeals filed by
`Andrews. We prevailed at every stage and the substantial $151,250,000 cash settlements
`remain intact. They can only be characterized as an exhaustive marathon of appeals and a
`barrage of motions by Christopher Andrews which required Class Counsel to devote
`substantial efforts, time, and resources to respond. Indeed, this Court acknowledged the
`extensive nature of the numerous proceedings which required the Court’s efforts when it
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`denied Andrews’ motion for reconsideration of the sanctions award, and said, “Andrews
`has exhausted his remedies with this Court, and in the process has exhausted this Court.”
`[Doc. # 2123].
`So that the record is clear and as this Court is aware, we chronicle in detail
`here and in the accompanying Declarations of Class Counsel (Exhibits B, C, D, and E)
`those proceedings and our efforts to protect the Class’ interest.
`Andrews was an objector (one of several objectors) to a $151,250,000 all
`cash settlement achieved for the benefit of a Class of Indirect Purchasers of Polyurethane
`Foam products.
`As a condition of appealing, this Court required Appellants to post jointly
`an appeal bond in the sum of $145,000. Objectors Cochrane, Cannata and Sweeney
`voluntarily dismissed their appeals. After briefing, the Sixth Circuit dismissed the Hinojosa
`appeal. That left Andrews as the sole objector who persisted with his appeal but did not
`post the requisite appeal bond.
`IPPs moved in the Sixth Circuit to dismiss the appeal on the basis that
`Andrews did not comply with the requirement to post the appeal bond. In addition, because
`Andrews’ response to that motion included arguments on the merits of approving the
`settlement, IPPs addressed those issues in reply.
`On June 20, 2016, the Sixth Circuit dismissed Andrews’ appeal and, in so
`doing, commented on the merits of his appeal. See Exhibit A, App. No. 16-3168, Doc. #
`2100 at 2-3. Specifically, the Court reviewed the allegations and found that, “Andrews’
`objections to the settlements lack merit…” Id. at 3.
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`Andrews then sought en banc review which was denied without a single
`judge of this Court voting in favor of Andrews’ request.
`Andrews’ course of conduct delayed finality of the settlement agreement
`with Defendant, Carpenter Co., causing that Defendant to avoid depositing $43,500,000 of
`its settlement obligation. That delay caused the Class to lose interest for which the Class
`sought recovery.
`In Fall 2016, as a result of Andrews repeated vexatious filings which caused
`delay, and because the delay injured the Class since Carpenter Co. did not need to deposit
`into escrow $43.5 million as part of their settlement obligation, Class Counsel moved to
`require Andrews to pay to the Class the amount of interest lost on the delayed Carpenter
`Co. funding obligation.
`This Court granted the request and ordered Andrews to pay $15,303, being
`the amount of interest lost to the Class from April through October, 2016. [Doc. # 2113].
`37. When Andrews did not pay the interest, IPPs moved, pursuant to 28 U.S.C.
`§1927, for sanctions against Andrews.
`Andrews did not pay any of the sanction amount and Class Counsel moved
`to have Andrews held in contempt and for additional relief. [Doc. # 2125].
`By this Court’s Order [Doc. # 2127], Andrews was found in contempt and
`the U.S. Marshal was directed to bring him before the Court.
`On January 6, 2017, the U.S. Marshals located Andrews at the Red Roof
`Inn in Plymouth, Michigan and delivered him to this Court at approximately 4:00 p.m.
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`Undeterred by the Court’s orders, Andrews persisted with his course of
`delaying finality of the settlement and filed with the United States Supreme Court a petition
`for a writ of certiorari.
`IPPs waived briefing and the Supreme Court quickly denied his petition
`without commentary on January 23, 2017. See Andrews v. Indirect Purchaser Class, 137
`S.Ct. 842 (2017).
`Andrews asserted the exact same arguments in his petition for Rehearing,
`which was also denied without commentary less than a month later.
`This Court, pursuant to its earlier Order [Doc. # 2127] and with clear notice
`to Andrews, ordered further monetary and nonmonetary sanction. The additional relief
`requested by Class Counsel and granted in part further protects the Class. That relief
`• This Court confirms the previously imposed sanction award of $15,303 (Doc.
`2113), with the addition of interest for the months of November 2016, December
`2016, and January 2017 in the amount of $6,579 (see Doc. 2042-5), for a total
`penalty of $21,882
`• This Court imposes an additional sanction of $500 to compensate IPC counsel for
`their fees and expenses related to the deposition scheduled for December 21, 2016,
`which Andrews failed to attend.
` •
` Andrews shall report to IPC counsel whenever he receives income not previously
`disclosed to IPC counsel -- including but not limited to any amounts received in
`connection with other class action settlements -- until the sanctions award in this
`case is paid in full.
` •
` Any distribution to which Andrews may be entitled from the settlement in this
`case must first be applied to the balance of the sanction award.
` •
` This Court declines to “refer” this matter to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, to the
`extent that might suggest this Court requests an investigation or otherwise takes a
`position on the merits of IPC counsel’s allegations. However, at the request of
`counsel, this Court will forward copies of the relevant filings in this
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`case to the Criminal Division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern
`District of Ohio. [Doc. # 2150].
`Andrews continued to barrage this Court with vexatious filings, including
`his repeated but denied motion to stay. This Court denied that most recent request, finding,
`as it did earlier, that Andrews’ position was without merit and had not satisfied the
`requirements for issuance of a stay. [Doc. # 2166, citing Doc. #s Docs. 2113, 2123, 2127,
`Class Counsel has begun enforcement proceedings to collect the amount of
`sanctions for the benefit of the Class.
`Andrews moved in the 16th Judicial District Court for The City of Livonia
`to limit collection of the sanctions. That motion was denied. A copy of the Order is
`attached as Exhibit F.
`Class Counsel has served garnishments on Andrews’ disclosed bank
`account, stockbroker, and the entity for which he provides sales services.
`Other counsel in cases in which Andrews has filed objections have
`monitored the proceedings in this case and have contacted Class Counsel. Those Counsel
`have copies of this Court’s sanctions orders.
`Andrews appealed this Court’s sanctions orders and moved for an
`emergency stay of the enforcement to collect on the sanctions.
`Class Counsel has responded to that motion. See Exhibit B to Marvin A
`Miller Declaration.
`He also requested an extension of time by which to file his opening brief.
`The Sixth Circuit granted the request and set the following schedule: Andrews’ brief due
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`July 17, 2017; IPP Response due August 16, 2017; Andrews Reply due 17 days after the
`IPP Response is filed.
`Andrews filed a second appeal from this Court’s denial of his request for a
`stay. (Sixth Circuit Docket # 17-3548). The separate briefing schedule in that appeal
`requires Andrews to file his opening brief on August 10, 2017.
`Based on the respective firm’s declarations (Exhibits B-E), the respective
`firms report the following adjusted lodestar and unreimbursed expenses:
`Miller Law LLC
`The Kerger Law Firm LLC
`Stearns Weaver et al.
`Dickinson Wright PLLC
`$ 44,820.00
`$ 698.87
`$ 69,298.00
`$ 2,100.68
`The detailed records from which the above summary of tasks and expenses reported by each firm
`was derived contain information protected from disclosure under the attorney-client privilege and
`the attorney work product doctrine. Because there are ongoing sanctions collection efforts relating
`to Andrews, as well as pending appeals by him, those records will be submitted for in
`camera inspection by the Court, if necessary.
`Class Counsel request an attorneys’ fee award in the amount of $1,246,323.20 and
`reimbursement of expenses in the amount of $57,275.71.
`Wherefore, Class Plaintiffs request that the Court approve the claims as recommended by
`the Claims Administrator, award A.B. Data Ltd. its fees and expenses in the sum of $421,320.22
`as set forth in the Declaration of Eric J. Miller, ¶ 33, award Class Counsel attorneys’ fees in the
`sum of $1,246,323.20, award Class Counsel reimbursement of expenses in the amount of
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`$57,275.71, and approve distribution of the net Settlement Fund as recommended by the Claims
`Administrator, A.B. Data, Ltd..
`Dated: July 10, 2017
`Respectfully submitted,
`/s/ Marvin A. Miller
`Marvin A. Miller
`115 S. LaSalle Street, Suite 2910
`Chicago, IL 60603
`Phone: 312-332-3400
`Fax: 312-676-2676
`Email: mmiller@millerlawllc.com
`Lead Counsel for Indirect Purchaser
`Plaintiff Class
`/s/ Richard M. Kerger
`Richard M. Kerger (0015864)
`33 S. Michigan Street, Suite 100
`Toledo, OH 43604
`Telephone: (419) 255-5990
`Fax: (419) 255-5997
`Email: rkerger@kergerlaw.com
`Executive Committee for Indirect Purchaser
`Plaintiff Class
`Jay B. Shapiro
`150 West Flagler Street, Suite 2200
`Miami, Florida 33130
`Telephone: (305) 789-3200
`Fax: (305) 789-3395
`Email: jshapiro@stearnsweaver.com
`Counsel for Indirect Purchaser Plaintiff Class
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`I hereby certify that on June 10, 2017, a copy of the foregoing was filed electronically.
`Notice of this filing will be sent by operation of the Court’s electronic filing system to all parties
`indicated on the electronic filing receipt, pursuant to Local Rule 5.1(b)-(c) and Initial Case
`Management Conference Order dated January 20, 2011 (Dkt. No. 17). Parties may access this
`filing through the Court’s system.
`/s/ Marvin A. Miller
`Marvin A. Miller