`Feb. 13, 1962
`Filed Sept. 23, 1947
`2 Sheets—Sheet 1
`6270cr '6,7:e2
`Panasonic Corporation
`Panasonic Corporation
`Exhibit 1005
`Exhibit 1005
`Feb. 13, 1962
`United States Patent Ofi‘ice
`Patented Feb. 13, 1962
`Edwin F. Kingsbury, Rutherford, N.J., assignor to Bell
`Telephone Laboratories,
`Incorporated, New York,
`_ NE, a corporation of New York
`Filed Sept. 23, 1947, Ser. No. 775,695
`3 Claims.
`(Cl. ss—t)
`This invention relates to optical systems and more spe-
`cifically to systems of this type suitable for object locat-
`ing and distance measuring systems employing light.
`The term "light" as used herein is descriptive of radia-
`tions from both the visible and invisible portions of the
`spectrum. While the invention will be described below
`with particular reference to an arrangement employing
`visible or invisible light radiations, it is to be understood
`that in certain of its aspects the invention is not so limited
`but is applicable to use with other types of radiations.
`The waves may be of any length which will cause the
`rays to be rectilinear as the waves travel
`through the
`transmitting medium. They may be, for example, heat
`waves, sound waves or microradio waves. The term
`“mirror“ as used in this application signifies any device
`for reflecting waves incident thereon. Various forms of
`mirrors for obtaining desired relationships between in-
`cident and reflected waves for different forms of radiat-
`ing wave energy are known and may be used in practic-
`ing the invention as defined in the appended claims. The
`term "retrodirective reflecting device" as used herein may
`be defined as a device capable of reflecting a ray of
`radiating wave energy so that the incident and reflected
`rays are parallel and spaced apart by a distance not
`greater than the effective dimension of the device trans-
`verse to the rays. A group of such devices may also
`be used in order to increase the amount of reflected light
`without appreciably increasing the size of a unit.
`In a copending application of E. Bruce, now Patent No.
`issued January 31, 1961, an object locating
`system employing visible or invisible light rays is dis-
`In one embodiment described in the Bruce patent,
`a light pulse tram a flashlamp is reflected by a parab—
`oloidal mirror and directed toward a target which is
`preferably a retrodirective reflecting device and echoes
`or reflections therefrom are picked up by a receiver
`optical system (comprising lenses) and applied to a photo-
`multiplier. The amplified output of the photomultiplier
`is applied to the vertical deflecting plates of a cathode ray
`oscilloscope to the horizontal deflecting plates of which
`is applied a sweep wave initiated by a synchronizing pulse
`produced at the same time as the light pulse. This syn-
`chronizing pulse is also utilized to produce a range
`(indicating distance to the target) as in radar
`practice. The present invention, in one of its primary
`aspects, relates to improved optical systems for an object
`locating and distance measuring system of the type dis-
`closed in the Bruce patent although it is to be understood
`that the illustrative optical arrangement to be described
`below is not limited to use in such a system.
`It is an object of this invention to provide an improved
`optical system for object locating and distance measuring
`It is another object of this invention to provide an im-
`proved optical system utilizing a zoned mirror, that is, a
`mirror or system of mirrors having zones or strips of
`dilierent reflective capabilities.
`In accordance with .a specific illustrative embodiment
`of the invention, light or other waves from a suitable
`source are reflected by a first paraboloidal mirror and
`directed toward a target which is preferably a retrodirec-
`tive reflecting device and thus reflects some of them back
`toward the source.
`In the paths of the reflected rays from
`both the mirror and the target is a zoned mirror which is
`preferably paraboloidal and comprises a central reflecting
`zone and an outer annular reflecting zone spaced from
`the central zone by a transparent annular zone. The re-
`flecting surfaces of the zoned mirror cause reflections in
`the direction away from the first paraboloidal mirror.
`At the focal point of the second paraboloidal mirror
`(the zoned one) is placed a photocell or photomultiplier
`cell to pick up those radiations from the source which
`pass through the annular transparent space between the
`two reflecting zones of the second parabcloidal mirror
`and which are reflected back from the retrodirective re-
`flecting device and strike the reflecting zones of the second
`paraboloidal mirror and are in turn reflected thereby
`to the photocell or photomultiplier. The signal pIOduced
`by the photocell or photomultiplier can be utilized by any
`suitable circuit.
`The invention will be more readily understood by re-
`ferring to the following description taken in connection
`with the accompanying drawings forming a part thereof
`in which:
`is a schematic diagram of an optical system
`suitable for an object
`locating and distance measuring
`system employing light radiations;
`FIGS. 2 and 3 are schematic diagrams (which have
`been distorted .for purposes ot' better explaining the in-
`vention) showing, respectively, certain of the rays in-
`cident upon the retrodirective reflecting device in the ar-
`rangement of FIG. 1 and the rays reflected therefrom;
`FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a suitable retrodirec—
`tive reflecting device: and
`FIG. 5 is a perspective view of a zoned mirror of the
`type used in the arrangement of FIG. 1.
`Referring more specifically to the drawings, FIG.
`shows, by way of example for purposes of illustration,
`an optical system suitable for an obiect locating and
`distance measuring system employing visible or invisible
`light rays. Preferably infra—red light is used and when
`this form of light is employed the system is frequently
`called an “Irrad.” Briefly stated, the system comprises
`a flashlamp 10 mounted between two paraboloidal mirrors
`M1 and M2, the lamp 10 preferably being placed sub-
`stantially at the focus of the mirror M1. The mirror
`M1 is capable of reflecting rays over a large portion of
`its paraboloida'l surface which is without gaps of non—
`reflecting material therein, but the mirror M2 is of the
`zoned type, that is, it has portions which are not reflect-.
`ing and portions that are. By way of example, the mirror
`M2 comprises a paraboloidal glass member 11 having two
`spaced coaxial reflecting portions 12 and 13 separated
`by an annular transparent portion 14 (see FIG. 5). The
`paraboloidal mirror M1 tends to form radiations from
`the source 10 (as near a point source as possible) to a
`beam of parallel rays but due to slight imperfections in
`the surface thereof and to the fact that the source 10
`is not a point source located exactly at the focus of
`the mirror M1, many of the rays reflected from this mirror
`are slightly converging. Rays of this type have been
`indicated in FIG. 2.
`It is to be understood that the
`convergence of the rays shown in FIG. 2 is greatly ex-
`aggerated so as better to explain the principle of opera-
`tion of this invetnion.
`'In actual practice, the rays are
`more nearly parallel than those shown in FIG. 2. The
`rays shown in this figure converge on a target 15 which
`has been indicated schematically as a retrodirective re-
`flecting member. A device having the properties of retro-
`directive reflection is shown in FIG. 4 and comprises three
`mirrors '16, 17 and 18 each placed at right angles to the
`other two.
`Such a triple mirror arrangement and its
`properties are Well known to the workers in the optical
`It is capable of reflecting a ray of light or other
`wave energy so that the incident and reflected rays are
`parallel and spaced apart by a distance not greater than
`the effective dimensions of the device transverse to the
`rays. This is schematically represented in FIG. I where
`ray 1 is a ray which -just clears a point on the circum-
`ference of. the inner reflecting surface 12 of the mirror
`M2 and reaches a point eg at one end of the line of the
`effective reflecting area of the target 15 in the plane of
`the drawing while ray 2 is a ray which is also in the
`plane of FIG- I and just reaches the other end of the
`line of the effective reflecting area of the target 15 in
`the plane of the drawing. These rays 1 and 2 are also
`shown in FIG. 2 along with other rays 3 and 4 which
`just clear a point on the inner circumference of the outer
`reflecting surface 13 and strike the points es and eg,
`respectively, of the target 15. Rays similar to l, 2, 3
`and 4 pass through the annular transparent surface 14
`throughout the entire area thereof. Some of these rays
`have been indicated in the lower portion of FIG. 2. The
`ray 1 is reflected back from the target 15 in the form
`of ray 1' while the ray 2 is reflected back from the
`target 15 in the form of a ray 2’. Similarly rays 3 and 4
`are reflected back in the form of rays 3’ and 4’, as shown
`in FIG. 3. As shown in FIG. 1 the ray 1’ strikes the
`surface 12 at a point p; from whence it is reflected to the
`photosensitive device 19 which is preferably a photo-
`multiplier of the type referred to in the abovementioned
`Bruce patent. The signal produced by the photocell or
`photomultiplier 19 is connected to a signal utilization cir-
`cuit 20 which has been shown schematically as a box in
`the drawing but which may comprise an amplifier for
`the photomultiplier signal, a cathode ray oscillograph
`tube and its various auxiliary circuits for applying the
`amplified signal
`to one set of deflecting plates in the
`cathode ray oscillograph tube and a sweep voltage to the
`other set of deflecting plates therein.
`If desired, pulses
`from the lamp 10 may be utilized (as in the Bruce patent}
`to produce in each case a synchronizing pulse which con-
`trols a range unit to generate a range mark pulse which
`is also applied to the set of deflecting plates to which
`the amplified echo signal is applied. As the signal utiliza-
`tion circuit 20 forms no part of the present invention,
`it will not be described in detail but reference is made
`to the Bruce patent for a more complete description of
`a suitable signal utilization circuit.
`The operation of the optical system shown in FIG. 1
`will now be described. The system is adjusted so that
`all portions of the annular opening in mirror M2 radiate
`uniformly to the target 15. Thus M2 as viewed from
`the member 15 would appear to be a uniformly bright
`In practice, this optimum reflected signal can
`be secured by adjusting the mirror M1 and the source 10
`the optimum returned signal
`is obtained in the
`zoned mirror and associated photo-electrical system as-
`suming that the latter has been previously adjusted for
`the proper focal collection. Consider a point p1 at an
`edge of the luminous zone.
`In the sectional plane of
`FIG. 1,
`two marginal rays proceed therefrom, one to
`the edge 31, the other to edge 22 of the triple mirror 15.
`Disregarding atmospheric scattering and constructional
`errors, it is a property of such a mirror 15 to return a
`beam back along a path parallel to the incident beam but
`displaced diametrically with reference to the mirror vertex.
`The beam which goes from £1 to a; will return to p;
`displaced and lost out from the reflective edge by the
`distance r which equals the separation of e; from 93.
`Likewise the eg to e; beam will come back displaced but
`in the opposite direction and wiH strike at a distance of r
`from m,
`thereby being reflected to the photocell or
`photomultiplier 19. All rays vvithin the plane angle 91,
`pi, a; will likewise be reflected diametrically and on re—
`turn either become lost or are reflected to the photo
`picloup device 19 at corresponding distances in from the
`point p1.
`If it is considered what happens to the entire bundle
`in the solid angle determined by the vertex p1 and the area
`of the target 15, 'it will be clear that
`the return beam
`the mirror M2 will be within a circle of radius r
`around 3:31 and will be approximately half reflected and
`half lost.
`Since p1 is any point on the edge of the
`luminous zone, the projected area of illumination on the
`inner mirror 12 will be annulus of width r around the
`circumference. However,
`the illumination will not be
`uniform but will be a maximum adjacent to the point p1
`and decrease to zero beyond a point r distance away.
`The intensity distribution of the illumination can be de—
`termined as follows: Let point p; be moved out into the
`luminous zone away from its edge.
`In accordance with
`the principle stated above, at any position the returned
`beam at M2 is found within a circle of radius r so that
`if p1 is moved more than that distance away, no point
`of the inner mirror 12 will be illuminated.
`Inside of this
`limit all positions of the point p1 within a radius r of
`any point pm on the reflective surface will contribute
`to the intensity of illumination on it. The locus of efiec—
`tive p1 points will thus be that portion of the circular
`area of radius r and center pm overlapping the luminous
`zone. Furthermore, this area will be proportional to the
`illumination on pm if the luminous zone is uniformly
`So far nothing has been said concerning the outer re-
`flective zone of the mirror M2. Suppose the points p1
`is moved over to the outer end of the luminous zone.
`It will illuminate a distance of :- over the outer mirror
`and a luminous annulus of the same width will be created
`as in the former case. The intensity distribution in from
`the edge will, howaver, be somewhat dilferent because
`it is determined in part by the direction and magnitude of
`the curvature of the boundary between the luminous and
`reflective zones. The distribution can also be affected by
`the width of the luminous zone for it one starts with a
`very narrow one the annulus of width :- will be created
`but the illumination toward the edge cannot rise much.
`An informative experiment in this connection is the pro-
`jection on a triple mirror :1 suitable short distance away
`of an intense but minute beam through a smaH hole in
`a white cardboard. 0n the cardboard will be seen an
`image of the triple mirror, uniform in brightness, double
`in size and with the vertex coinciding with the hole.
`As the width of the luminous zone is increased the
`illumination of the reflective zone increases towards its
`edge until a maximum is reached when the width of the
`luminous zone equals r. Beyond this no further change
`in illumination takes place and its efliciency of collection
`The photo pick-up device 19 and the apparatus asso-
`ciated therewith are in front of the dark center of the
`optical path of the zone mirror M2. The diameter of
`the receiver plus twice the diameter of the triple mirror
`15 should equal the diameter of the inner reflecting sur-
`face which obviously need be but an annulus. The re-
`ceiver diameter plus four times the diameter of the triple
`mirror equals the outer diameter of the luminous zone
`and the receiver plus six times the triple mirror equals
`the outside useful diameter of the mirror M2. As such
`reflectors are apt
`to have considerable marginal error
`some allowance should be made for this in the over-
`all diameter. Some allowance should also be made for
`beam scattering due to great distances, optical imperfec-
`tions in the retrodirective reflectors or other causes. When
`the triple mirror 15 is square to the beam, the effective
`reflecting surface is actually hexagonal in projection but
`assuming it circular of equivalent area and having a di—
`ameter r introduces little error.
`During the operation of the device pulses are produced
`by the lamp 10 and reflections thereof are produced by
`the mirror 15, as pointed out above, and certain of these
`reflections are reflected upon the photo pick-up device
`19 to produce echo signals which can be utilized in a
`device of the type disclosed in detail in the Bruce appli-
`cation. Experiments indicate that more light is projected
`3,020, 792
`upon the photo pick-up device 19 using the optical ar-
`rangement of FIG.
`1 than there is when the optical ar-
`rangement described in the Bruce patent (which utilizes
`lenses) is Used since the lens mount cuts off much Light.
`Although the present invention has been described in
`terms of preferred illustrative embodiments it should be
`realized that the invention and its several features are
`susceptible of embodiment
`in a wide variety of other
`forms, hence the invention is to be understood as com~
`prehending such other forms as may fairly come within
`the spirit and letter of the appended claims. For ex-
`ample, the optical system of FIG. 1 can be utilized with
`devices other than object locator and distance measuring
`systems, and moreover the principles of FIG.
`1 are ap-
`plicable to waves, other than light waves, which are of a
`length which will cause the rays to be rectilinear as the
`waves travel through the transmitting medium such, for
`example, as heat waves, sound waves and microradio
`What is claimed is:
`1. An optical system comprising a first zoned concave
`mirror having a central reflecting zone and an outer re-
`flecting zone spaced from said central zone by a trans-
`parent annular mirror, 3 second concave mirror substan-
`tially parallel
`to said first concave mirror, means po-
`sitioned between said concave mirrors for transmitting
`rays towards said second mirror to cause a portion of the
`reflected rays therefrom to pass through said transparent
`annular zone, means positioned in the path of said trans-
`mitted rays for reflecting incident radiation so that the
`incident and reflected rays are parallel and spaced apart
`by a distance not greater than the efiective dimension of
`the device transverse to the days, said dimension also
`being the dimension of said transparent annular zone
`transverse to the transmitted rays, said last-mentioned
`means comprising a plurality of mutually perpendicular
`plane mirrors, and means located near the axis of said
`first concave mirror for collecting rays reflected from said
`reflecting device and further reflected by said mirror re-
`flecting zone.
`2. An optical system comprising a first zoned parabo-
`loidal mirror having a central reflecting zone and an outer
`reflecting zone spaced from said central zone by a trans-
`parent annular zone, a second paraboloidal mirror sub-
`stantially parallel with said first mirror,
`light source
`positioned between said two mirrors at the focus of said
`second mirror for transmitting through the transparent
`zone of said first mirror substantially parallel light rays,
`2: retrodirective reflecting device having three mutually
`perpendicular reflecting surfaces positioned in the path
`of said parallel rays, and a photosensitive device posi-
`tioned at the focus of said first mirror for collecting the
`rays reflected from said rctrodirective device and further
`reflected by said first mirror.
`3. An optical system comprising a first zoned parabo—
`loidal mirror having a central
`reflecting zone and an
`outer reflecting zone spaced from said central zone by a
`transparent annular zone, a second paraboloidal mirror
`spaced substantially parallel to said first mirror, a light
`source positioned betvveen said two mirrors at the focus
`of said second mirror for transmitting through the trans-
`parent zone of said first mirror substantially parallel light
`rays, a retrodirective reflecting device having three mu-
`tually perpendicular reflecting surfaces positioned in the
`path of said light rays and having an efl‘ective dimension
`transverse to the direction of said light rays equal to this
`same dimension of the transparent zone of said first
`mirror, and a photosensitive device positioned at
`focus of said first mirror for collectnig the rays reflected
`from said retrodirective device and further reflected by
`said first mirror.
`References Cited in the file of this patent
`Straubel _______________ Aug. 25, 1903
`Fessenden ______________ July 5, 1921
`Assmus ________________ Nov. 20. 1934
`Ott ___________________ Apr. 23, 1940
`Warmisham ____________ Dec. 7, 1943