`Sxrasbourg, France
`lu\y \9—‘2.4. 1998
`Guest Edhors
`Anloinc Skou\'\0s
`Dm'\c\ Gu'1\\on
`Q 5°"-O‘ "ah N'H'u- sumac: 9uB\.\sp-gens
` ~
`Page 1 of 12
`Tianma Exhibit 1035
`Section A
`Editoriin Chief
`M. M. Labes, Dcpartrnent of Chemistry,
`Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 USA
`Manuscripts should be submitted to the following editors. Seeinside back cover for addresses. Notes for
`Contributors can be found at the back of the Journal.
`Liquid Crystals: D. W. Bruce (UK); S. Chandrasekhar (India); G. Heppke (Germany); S. Kobayashi
`;M. M. L be (USA ;P. P lff -Muhoray (USA); F. Simoni (Italy)
`mwfiitiiilisianaz Solidss and iioiecuiarycrysmis: M. M. Labes (USA): 6. Sam (Japan); F. Wudl
`Book Reviews: D. J. Sandman (USA)
`Editorial Advisory Board
`M. A. ANISIMOV (USA). R. BLINC (Slovenia), L. BLINOV (Russia), A. BLUMSTEIN (USA). R. COM;-IS
`(France). H. FINKELMANN (Germany). A. F. GARITO (USA), D. GUILLON (France), R. HADDON (US )1
`(USA), C. M. PALEOS (Greece), S. A. PIKIN (Russia), N. PLATE (Russia), A. SAUPE (USA), M. SCHADT
`(Switzerland). E. F. SHEKA (Russia), J. N. SHERWOOD (Great Britain), A. SKOULIOS (France), J. TANAKA
`(Japan), G. WEGNER (Germany), 1. WILLIAMS (USA), H. C. WOLF (Germany). H. YOKOYAMA (Japan).
`C. ZANNONI (Italy).
`Aims and Scope
`Primarily fundamental in tenor, MCLC publishes original research papers of both an experimental and the-
`oretical nature in three areas of specialization: molecular crystals (Spectroscopy, energy, and charge transfer,
`solid state reactions, photo and radiation effects); low-dimensional solids (structure, electronic. magnetic,
`and optical properties, transport mechanisms); and liquid crystals (electro and magneto-optical phenomena,
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`(Continued on inside back cover)
`Page 2 of 12
`Proceedings of the
`17th International
`Liquid Crystal Conference
`Part II of V
`Strasbourg, France
`July 19-24, 1998
`Guests Editors
`Antoine Skoulios
`Daniel Guillon
`Page 3 of 12
`Page 3 of 12
`Q) I99‘) 0|’/\ (()vcrsr:Is l’iIl»li\lit‘i‘\ /\-.si>\'iiItiim) N,V,
`1>.,i.1,5im1i.y “mm. "ml" ,1“.
`ouniim lllltl ”IL'lIt.‘i| H('ii‘II\'C |'tiltll\|It‘I\ Illllllllll.
`l‘iiiiicd in i\’ilIlll_V\IL|
`Crys1., I999, Vol. 329. pp. 579-587
`Reprints available directly from the publisher
`Photawrrlns Perillittcd by license only
`Generation of Pretilt Angles on Polyimides with a
`Single Linearly Polarized UV Exposure
`aKem‘ State University, Liquid Crystal Institute, Kent, Ohio, 44242, USA and
`bJSR Co., Yokkaichi Research Laboratories. I00, Kawajiri-cho,
`iiikkuiclii. Mir,
`510-8552. Japan
`We designed polyimide (Pl) films containing fluorine atoms for liquid crystal (LC) alignment
`using linearly polarized UV exposure. Using a single oblique polarized UV exposure we
`obtained unidirectional LC alignment with any desired pretilt angles from 0 ‘’ up to 90 ".
`Pretilt angles depend on the concentration of fluorine atoms in PI and the UV exposure time
`and angle. Dichroic ratio and capacitance measurements of the LC cells suggest that ohliquc
`polarized UV exposure breaks the surface order degeneracy of the LC molecules, generating
`uniform pretilt angle along the optic axis of Pl film.
`liquid crystal; polyimidc; prctilt angle; polarized UV exposure
`Liquid crystal (LC) alignment using polarized UV exposure” is a promising
`candidate for overcoming problems such as generation of static chargc. dUSl. 0!
`scratches caused by rubbing. However. generation of pretilt angle using this
`technique is not easy because conventional photo-alignment materials. poly(vinyl
`cinnamate)m and polyimides (PIs)'W. result in LC alignment pcrpcndiculfir 10 lht
`UV polarization. Some methods have been proposed to generate prctilt angles: (1)
`double polarized UV exposure with different polarization and irradiation anglcsl".
`(2) combined polarized UV exposure with both p-wave and s-wave”. (3) °i’“‘l“¢
`Double UV exposure is
`polarized UV exposure on poly(coumarin)m-
`Page 4 of 12
`58()l[l 1921
`complicated for mass production. and combined UV exposure with both p- and 5-
`wave decreases the polarization efficiency of the polarizer. Poly(coumarin) aligns
`the LC parallel to the polarized UV direction and results in any desired pretilt angle
`by adjusting the oblique irradiation angle. However, the long term reliability ofthe
`LC displays incorporating UV cured poly(coumarin) alignment film is uncertain
`because of the unreacted coumarin group and lower glass transition temperature.
`ln our previous papers, we have reported that PI materials containing fluorene
`units align LC parallel to the UV polarizationm and the introduction of fluorine
`atoms into Plm generates any desired pretilt angles from 0 ° up to 90 °. However,
`the mechanism of generation of pretilt angles has not been clarified.
`In this paper,
`we explore the mechanism of generation of pretilt angles on Pls with a single
`oblique linearly polarized UV exposure.
`Pl materials used in these experiments are shown in Fig. 1. These Pl films photo-
`decompose upon UV exposurem. Pl films were prepared by heat curing of the
`precursor polyamic acid.
`lt has already been repor1ed“°'"l that PI formed from
`fluorine containing diamine (F-diamine) causes high pretilt angles.
`FIGURE l Chemical structure or’ Pls used.
`LC cells were prepared to measure the dicliroic ratios and pretilt angles of the
`LCs aligned by polarized UV exposed Pl films. Pl films were deposited on [T0
`glass substrates and then cured at 250 °C for l hr. The lhickncss ofghe p] mm was
`controlled at 50 nm. The Pl films were exposed with polarized UV at 3 number of
`Page 5 of 12
`Page 5 of 12
`ll l93V5lll
`incident angles to the Pl surface”. We used a 450 W-Xe lamp (Oriel. model 6266)
`as a UV source. and a surface film polarizer (Oriel. model 27320) whose effective
`range is between 230 nm to 770 nm. The intensity of UV alter passing through the
`polarizer was about
`l mW/cm’ at 254 nm. LC cells were fabricated using two
`polarized UV exposed substrates with anti-parallel polarization axis. LC. ZLI-2293
`(Merck), and dichroic LC, ZLl-2293 and 0.5 ‘V0 M-618 (Mitsuitoatsu, Amax-$50
`nm). were filled into the cells in the isotropic state (120 °C) and slowly cooled to
`room temperature for measurement of pretilt angles and dichroic ratios of LC cells,
`The dichroic ratios of the LC cells were measured using one polarizer and a UV-
`Vis spectrometer. We used crystal rotation method to measure pretilt angles below
`IS ‘’ and capacitive method to measure pretilt angels higher than l5 °.
`Figure 2 shows the relationship between the chemical structure of the Pls and the
`resulting pretilt angle of the LCs. The pretilt angles of LCs gradually increase with
`the molar fraction of F—diamine in Pl. Furthermore. the direction of the pretilt angle
`coincides with that of the p-wave in the polarized UV lightjudging from the signs of
`symmetry points in the crystal rotation charts.
`In our previous papers‘"'. We
`UV exposure angle. 45 '
`UV exposure time‘ 20 mm Pretili
`angleofLCcelll°) 5
`Molar fraction of F-dtamine X l|‘fl0l¢7°l
`FIGURE 2 Dependence of pretilt angles on molar fraction of F-diamine in Pl.
`Page 6 of 12
`to the exposed
`the selective photo-decomposition of Pls parallel
`reported that
`polarization of UV light causes the randomization of PI main chains. The residual
`Pl main chains perpendicular to the exposed UV polarization. which show no photo-
`decomposition. cause anisotropic van der Waals forces''’' which align the LC along
`the optic axis of Pl. This means that the director of the LC is controlled by the
`polarization axis of UV light. We assume that the p-wave in polarized UV light
`generates pretilt angles along its polarization axis. We chose the Pl containing 30
`molar ‘/o of F-diamine (Pl-30F) to analyze the behaviors of pretilt angles in more
`Figure 3 (a) shows the relationship between polarized UV exposure time and the
`pretilt angles of the LC cells at different exposure angles. Pretilt angles initially
`increase with polarized UV exposure angle and show maximum values for UV
`exposure time. Furthermore. UV exposure time required to produce the maximum
`pretilt angle gradually increases with UV exposure angles. We measured the
`dichroic ratios of the LC cells by changing the polarized UV exposure angles and
`UV exposure time. Figure 3 (b) shows the relationship between polarized UV
`exposure time and the dichroic ratios of the LC cells with different UV exposure
`angles. The dichroic ratios of the LC cells gradually increase with UV exposure
`time and reach a constant value of about I0.S. which is the same as that obtained
`using rubbed Pl-30F alignment films. Furthermore. the dichroic ratios of the LC
`20 V
`P°'”"“ UV “9°“"‘ ""‘ """‘l
`Polamed UV eiposure time (min)
`FIGURE 3 Relationship bet-weenpolarized UV exposure mm and pram
`IHSICS (I) and dichroic ratios (b) of LC cells using Pl-30F.
`Page 7 of 12
`A n
`helrllltgleofLCeelt’) »
`ll 1951/533
`UV exposure angle
`I4 2:
`,, T:
`I2 .8
`to §
`9 =
`6 E
`3 “
`A 520
`g 510
`4 500
`3 490
`Q 480
`U 470
`Polarized UV exposure time (min)
`FIGURE 4 Relationship between polarized UV exposure time and capacitanees
`of LC cells using Pl-30F for various UV exposure angles.
`cells increase with decrease of UV exposure angles at lower UV dosage. These
`results suggest that the alignment order ofthe LC on PI films with lower UV dosage
`or larger UV exposure angle is smaller than those with higher UV dosage or smaller
`UV exposure angle.
`Figure 4 shows the capacitances of the LC cells as a function of UV exposure
`time. The estimated pretilt angle from the capacitance is also shown on right
`vertical axis. The capacitances of the LC cells show no change even thought
`changing UV exposure time and UV exposure angles, and the estimated pretilt
`angles are about 8 ". These results suggest that the surface pretilt angle on the Pl
`film does not change before and after polarized UV exposure. Funhennore, the
`decrease of the pretilt angles observed in the LC cells with higher UV dosage, Fig. 3
`(a), probably result not from the decomposition of F-diarnine which generates high
`pretilt angle, but from breaking the surface order degeneracy ofthe LC molecules on
`Pl films induced by polarized UV exposure as the same phenomenon observed in
`LC cell with rubbed Pl film using a second harmonic generation technique"°‘"'.
`To analyze the reason why pretilt angle shows the maximum VBIUC TOY UV
`exposure time, we measured the reflected UV light intensity (Fig. 5 (a)) from Pl-
`ITO surface and the absorption spectrum ofthe Pl-30F film (Fig. 5 (b)). The result
`of the reflected UV measurement at the incident UV angle of 67.5‘ to the surface
`Page 8 of 12
`Page 8 of 12
`584/I I I96]
`Refleeled UV
`through 1'1
`Polarized UV
` AbsorbaneeofPl-JOF O D
`o 2
`o I
`wavelenguu (nm)
`FIGURE 5 Reflected UV thought Pl film (a) and absorption spectrum of
`Pl-30F (b).
`normal suggests that about 5 % of reflected UV light to the incident UV light can
`pass through Pl film because of the low UV absorbance of Pl-30F (Fig. 5 (b)).
`Furthermore. it should be noted that the direction of the p-wave in the reflected UV
`light is opposite to that in the incident UV light as shown in Fig. 5 (a).
`To elucidate the mechanism of generation of pretilt angles in more detail. we
`measured the pretilt angles of the LC cells using Pl films with double polarized UV
`exposure. First the Pl film was exposed to polarized UV at an incident angle of 67.5
`UV exposure nngie
`—o—su.nm 3-)
`-o—Dmblc(I1.!'o 411-;
`5 N
`Pu-tiltAngleo!l.Ccell(') oh0
`I00 I20
`I40 I60
`Poll‘!!! UV GWOWR lit“! (mill)
`UV exposure angle
`...o_ Single (61 5 '
`—-o— Double (67.1
`I00 no H0160
`Polarised UV exposure time (min)
`FIGURE 6 Relationship between polarized UV exposure time and (a) ptetilt
`angles and (b) dichroic ratios ol'LC cells with single and double
`UV exposure.
`Page 9 of 12
`I l I97]/585
`° to the surface nonnal. Then film was exposed to polarized UV at the opposite
`incident angle of -67.5 °. Figure 6 (a) shows the relationship between polarized UV
`exposure time and the pretilt angles of the LC cells compared with single and double
`UV exposure.
`In this figure. a negative sign of pretilt angle afler second UV
`exposure means that the direction of the pretilt angle caused by second UV exposure
`is opposite to that obtained by first UV exposure,
`In the case of single UV
`exposure. pretilt angles initially increase and show a maximum value for polarized
`UV exposure time. On the other hand, those after second UV exposure show steep
`decrease of pretilt angles. then show a negative maximum value. and gradually
`decrease for polarized UV exposure time.
`Figure 6 (b) shows the relationship between polarized UV exposure time and
`diehroic ratios of LC cells compared with single and double UV exposure. The
`dichroic ratios of the LC cells monotonically increase with polarized UV exposure
`time, and there is no difference in the tlichroic ratios of the LC cells using single or
`double UV exposure. These results suggest that the tilt angle direction of the LC
`can be easily controlled by the p-wave direction in the UV light.
`Using these results. we can develop a hypothesis of the mechanism of
`generation of pretilt angles. Figures 7 show the in-plane configurations of the LC
`molecules on UV exposed Pl during UV exposure.
`In Fig. 7 (3). "rows $h°W ll"
`tilt angle directions of the LC molecules on Pl
`film. Numbers which are
`Q‘ 314 l¢\/\l/\\d>ll lung
`°~.;e«= “git
`l/D’ all
`rlu l‘
`¢r'n\t >l:ll.“'~r9l'llllW
`Incident I
`Polamed IIV exposure time
`ln~plnne configurations of LC molecules on l’l films (-1) dull"!
`polarized UV exposure (h): arrows show the tilt angle direction of LC.
`Page 10 of 12
`586/[I I98]
`corresponding to the in-plane configurations of the LC molecules shown in Fig. 7
`(a) are also written in Fig. 7 (b). Before UV exposure the in-plane configuration of
`the LC molecules on Pl film is random (Number 1). LC molecules tend to align
`with tilt angle direction along the direction of the p-wave in the UV polarization due
`to the decomposition of PI chains”) (Number 2, 3). The resulting measured pretilt
`angles gradually increase with the degree of PI decomposition until its saturation
`(Number 4). Further UV exposure, however, gradually causes the decrease of the
`pretilt angle due to the reflected UV light from Pl-ITO surface, whose p-wave
`direction is opposite to that in the incident UV light (Number 5, 6).
`In this paper, we reported the mechanism of generation of the pretilt angles on P]
`films with a single linearly polarized UV exposure. Any desired pretilt angles from
`0 ° up to 90 ° were obtained using Pl films with different fluorine concentration.
`Prctilt angles also depended on the UV exposure time and UV exposure angles to
`the Pl surface. We proposed that the pretilt angles on UV exposed Pl films depend
`on the selective photo-decomposition of PI along the UV polarization which
`produces anisotropic van der Waals forces to align the LC along the optic axis of the
`PI. The dependence of pretilt angles ofthe LC on UV exposure conditions can be
`explained by breaking the degeneracy of the in—plane configurations of LC
`molecules during polarized UV exposure.
`We acknowledge Drs. L. C. Chien, B. Taheri. and X. D. Wang of Kent State
`University and Dr. Yu. Reznikov of Institute of Physics of the Ukrainian National
`Academy of Science for their useful discussion, we a|so thank [);5_ N, Bessho and
`Y. Matsuki ofJSR Co. for their support in this research. Research was supported in
`part by NSF Science and Technology Center ALCOM. DMR 89-20147.
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