`April, 2016
`Professor Emeritus
`Dept of Computer Science
`University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22904
`Paul F. Reynolds, Jr. joined the Computer Science faculty at the University of Virginia in
`1980, departing in August 2012 to pursue expert advisory opportunities in government and
`industry. His primary research activities are in simulation technology, parallel and distributed
`computing, high performance networking, software quality, and software analysis. He has been
`awarded over 60 grants. He has conducted research sponsored by DARPA, the National Science
`Foundation, DUSA (OR), the National Institute for Science and Technology, the Defense
`Modeling and Simulation Office, Virginia Center for Innovative Technology and numerous
`industries. His most recent research while at UVa addressed simulation issues –fault localization
`in simulations, uncertainty management, and automated determination of sources of
`unexpected outcomes. He led two interdisciplinary institutes: The Institute for Parallel
`Computation and the Modeling and Simulation Technology Research Initiative (MaSTRI) at UVa.
`With one of his PhD students he co-published the first general, rigorous approach to multi-
`resolution modeling. Funded by DARPA and NSF, he was a co-architect of Isotach Networks,
`capable of supporting scalable concurrent caches with message delivery order guarantees. Two
`special-purpose, ASIC-based, hardware networks were built based on his technologies.
` Professor Reynolds has supervised to completion 65 graduate degrees, including sixteen
`Ph.D. students. Half of his Ph.D. students hold faculty positions in U.S. universities, including
`CMU and the University of Illinois. His record for graduating women and minority graduate
`students ranks among the best in his department. He co-advised a winner of the UVa
`Engineering School’s annual senior thesis competition and five finalists. He was awarded
`multiple teaching awards. In 2009 he advised the national second place finisher (Erin Carson) in
`the annual Computing Research Association undergraduate research award competition.
`He has served in numerous leadership roles within the Department of Defense, including
`initial setup and later oversight of the Joint National Test Facility in Colorado Springs, and
`conceptualization and design of the DoD High Level Architecture for Modeling and (distributed)
`Simulation (standard: IEEE 1516).
`Currently, Professor Reynolds is a University Expert for the U.S. Army in cyber analysis at
`the National Ground Intelligence Center in Charlottesville. Also, he is actively engaged as a
`subject matter expert in patent litigation, having supported ten Patent Office petitions for Inter
`Partes Review in the last 3-1/2 years. He has recently been an expert for Shine S&T on a Virginia
`SBDC grant, regarding identification of viable IP in modeling and simulation technologies.
`Ex. 1002, p. 1 of 14
`FUJIFILM Corp., et al.
`Marital Status:
`Paul F. Reynolds, Jr.
`Cleveland, Ohio, 5 Nov 1948
`Married, Three Grown Children
`Ph. D. (Computer Science)
`University of Texas at Austin, 1979
`M. S. (Computer Science)
`University of Texas at Austin, 1975
`B. A. (Psychology) Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio, 1970
`Professional Fulltime Employment History
`Professor Emeritus, Computer Science, University of Virginia, Aug, 2012 – present
`Professor, Computer Science, University of Virginia, 1998 - 2012
`Associate Professor, Computer Science, University of Virginia, 1986 – 1998.
`Director, Institute for Parallel Computation, U. Virginia, Aug, 1987 - June, 1989.
`Associate Director, Institute for Parallel Computation, University of Virginia,
`Dec, 1986 - Aug, 1987.
`Assistant Professor, Computer Science, University of Virginia, 1980 - 1986.
`Instructor, Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin, 1979 - 1980.
`Software Architect and Developer, Tracor, Inc., Austin, Tx. 1975 – 1977.
`Selected Professional Consulting/Expert History
`Design/develop VideoSpeedTracker: https://github.com/pfr/VideoSpeedTracker (2016)
`Patent subject matter expert (2012 – 2016) See next page for details.
`Shine S&T (2011- present) Intellectual property identification and advancement.
`U.S. Army, NGIC (1992-present) (Active clearance: TS/SCI) Software analysis, emitter description
`and analysis.
`Into Networks (2000-2001) High performance networks.
`Vanguard Research (1996-1999) Committee Chair, Joint National Test Facility review, Colorado
`Institute for Defense Analyses (1994-1998) DoD Modeling and Simulation High Level
`Architecture (IEEE standard 1516).
`Mystech (1990-1996) High performance simulation.
`MITRE (1987-1989) Stand-up of DoD Joint National Test Facility, Colorado Springs.
`NASA/ICASE (1986-1992) High performance networks.
`IBM (1981-1985) High performance networks.
`Honeywell (1978-1980). Capacity planning and analysis.
`Ex. 1002, p. 2 of 14
`FUJIFILM Corp., et al.
`Patent Expert Experience (2012 – 2016)
`Expert on ten IPR’s
`Deposed nine times
`Testimony: none (but would like to)
`US6631449 (Borrill) Dec 2012 expert for IPR filed with PTAB
` Deposed Spring 2013. Case settled.
`May 2013 expert for IPR filed with PTAB
` Case settled.
`Sept 2015 expert for IPR filed with PTAB
` PTAB institutes trial March 2016, deposition scheduled.
`US6918014 (Borrill) Dec 2012 expert for IPR filed with PTAB
` Deposed Spring 2013. Case settled.
`US5825891 (Levesque) Dec 2012 expert for IPR filed with PTAB
` Deposed Spring 2013. Case settled.
`May 2013 expert for IPR filed with PTAB
` Case settled.
`Dec 2013 expert for IPR filed with PTAB
` Deposed Spring 2014. Case settled.
`July 2014 expert for IPR filed with PTAB
` Deposed Feb 2015.
` Deposed July 2015. All claims invalidated by PTAB, Oct 2015.
`US6259381 (Small)
`April 2014 expert for IPR filed with PTAB
` Deposed Fall 2014. All claims invalidated by PTAB, Oct 2015.
`US7032089 (Ranade) Aug 2014 expert for IPR filed with PTAB
` Deposed March 2015.
` Deposed July 2015. All claims invalidated by PTAB, Dec 2015.
`Ex. 1002, p. 3 of 14
`FUJIFILM Corp., et al.
`Refereed Journal Publications (Reynolds student names underlined)
`Gore, R, P.F. Reynolds, Jr., Statistical Debugging for Simulations, ACM Transactions on Computer
`Modeling and Simulation, submitted, accepted with revisions, 2014.
`Gore, R, P.F. Reynolds, Jr., INSIGHT : A Methodology for Understanding Unexpected
` Behaviors in Agent-Based Models, Journal of Simulation, Volume 4, Issue 1, pg. 170. September
`Honkanen, H, Liuti,S, Carnahan,J, Loitiere,Y, P.F. Reynolds, Jr., New Avenue to
` the Parton Distribution Functions: Self-Organizing Maps, Phys. Rev. D79, 034022 (2009);
`Giordano, J. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "WARSIM 2000: A Case for Technological Subject Matter
`Experts," Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, Fall, 2004
`Pullen, J.M. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr.,Guest Editors "Special Issue of Papers from the Distributed
`Simulation - Real Time Applications Workshop," SCS Transactions, Society for Computer
`Simulation, 2002.
`Morse, K., M. Petty, P.F. Reynolds, Jr., W. Waite, and P. Zimmerman, Findings and
`Recommendations from the 2003 Composable Mission Space Environments Workshop,
`Simulation Technology, Volume 7, Issue 2, September 9 2004
`Williams, C., P.F. Reynolds, and B.R. de Supinski, “Delta Coherence Protocols,” IEEE Concurrency,
`Spring, 2000.
`Srinivasan, S and P. F. Reynolds, Jr., "Elastic Time," ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer
`Simulation, 35 pages, (April, 1998).
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., S. Srinivasan and A. Natrajan, "Consistency Maintenance in Multi-Resolution
`Simulations," ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, pp. 368-392 (July 1997).
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., C.C. Williams and R. Wagner, Jr., "Isotach Networks," IEEE Trans on Parallel and
`Distributed Systems, 8,4, pp 337-349, (April, 1997).
`Dickens, P., D. Nicol, P.F. Reynolds, Jr., and M. Duva, "Analysis of Bounded Time Warp and
`Comparison with YAWNS," ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, pp. 297-
`320 (October, 1996).
`Williams, C.C., and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Combining Atomic Actions," Journal of Parallel and
`Distributed Computing, pp. 152-163 (Feb, 1995).
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F. "The Silver Bullet," - invited rebuttal to article by R. Fujimoto on the State of the
`Art in Parallel and Distributed Simulation, ORSA Journal on Computing, 5,3, pp. 239-241
`(Summer, 1993).
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., C. Pancerella and S. Srinivasan, "Design and Performance Analysis of Hardware
`Support for Parallel Simulation," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp. 435-453
`(Aug, 1993).
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., "An Efficient Framework for Parallel Simulation," International Journal on
`Ex. 1002, p. 4 of 14
`FUJIFILM Corp., et al.
`Computer Simulation, 2,4, pp. 427-445 (1992).
`Nicol, D.M., and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Optimal Dynamic Remapping of Parallel Computations," IEEE
`Transactions on Computer Systems, pp. 206-219 (Feb, 1990).
`Carson, S.D. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "The Geometry of Semaphore Programs," ACM Transactions on
`Programming Languages and Systems, 9,1, pp. 25-53 (Jan, 1987).
`O'Hallaron, D.R. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "A Generalized Deadlock Predicate," Information Processing
`Letters, pp. 181-188 (Nov, 1986).
`Refereed Conference Publications (Reynolds student names underlined)
`Dutton, K., R. Gore, P.F. Reynolds Jr., “Investigating Unexpected Outcomes through the Application
`of Statistical Debuggers,” ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation Conference, 2012.
`Gore, R, P.F. Reynolds Jr., “Reducing Confounding Bias in Predicate-level Statistical Debugging
`Metrics,” International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE, June 2012.
`Gore, R, P.F. Reynolds Jr., “Modifying Test Suites to Enable Effective Predicate-Level Statistical
`Debugging,” In Alwyn Goodloe and Suzette Person, editors, NASA Formal Methods, volume 7226
`of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 70{84. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2012.
`Gore, R, P.F. Reynolds Jr., D. Kamensky, “Statistical Debugging with Elastic Predicates,” ACM/IEEE
`Automated Software Engineering Conference, 2011
`Kamensky, D., R. Gore, and P.F. Reynolds Jr. “Applying Enhanced Fault Localization Technology to
`Monte Carlo Simulations. In Proceedings of the 43rd Winter Simulation Conference, pages 2798-
`2809, San Diego, CA, USA, 2011 (Finalist, Best Paper Award).
`Tolk, A., P.F. Reynolds Jr., O. Balci, B. Ziegler, “Standards for Modeling and Simulation,” In
`Proceedings of the 43rd Winter Simulation Conference, WSC '11, San Diego, CA, USA, 2011.
`Gore, R, P.F. Reynolds Jr., “Improved Methods and Measures for Computing Dynamic Program
`Slices in Stochastic Simulations,” ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation Conference, Dec, 2010.
`Spiegel, M, P.F. Reynolds Jr., “Lock-Free Multiway Search Trees,” ACM/IEEE
` International Conference on Parallel Processing, Sept, 2010.
`Gore, R, P.F. Reynolds Jr., “Program Slice Distribution Functions,” ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation
`Conference, Dec, 2009.
`Gore, R, P.F. Reynolds Jr., “Causal Program Slicing To Understand Program Behavior,” IEEE/SCS
`Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, June 2009.
`Tang, L, and P.F. Reynolds Jr. “Exploiting User Insight for Efficient Simulation Adaptation” 2008
`VMASC Capstone M&S Conference
`Spiegel M., R. Gore, and P.F. Reynolds Jr. “Quantifying and Analyzing Uncertainty in Simulations to
`Enable User Understanding” 2008 VMASC Capstone M&S Conference. Won Best
`Paper/Presentation Award in its track.
`Gore, R, P.F. Reynolds Jr., L. Tang, and D. Brogan “Explanation Exploration: Exploring Emergent
`Ex. 1002, p. 5 of 14
`FUJIFILM Corp., et al.
`Behavior” ACM/IEEE Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, June,
`Tang, L. P.F. Reynolds Jr.,“ Agile Optimization for Coercion” 2007 ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation
`Conference, Dec, 2007.
`Gore,R, P.F. Reynolds Jr. “An Exploration-Based Taxonomy For Emergent Behavior Analysis In
`Simulations” 2007 ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation Conference, Dec, 2007.
`Carnahan, J, S. Policastro, E. Carson, P.F. Reynolds Jr., R. Kelly “Using Flexible Points in a Developing
`Simulation of Selective Dissolution In Alloys” 2007 ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation Conference,
`Dec, 2007.
`Reynolds, P., M. Spiegel, X. Liu, R. Gore, “Validating Evolving Simulations in COERCE” ICCS, 2007.
`Gore, R., P.F. Reynolds Jr., L. Tang, and D. Brogan, “Explanation Exploration: Exploring Emergent
`Behavior” ACM/IEEE Workshop on Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, June,
`Spiegel, M., P.F. Reynolds Jr., and D. Brogan. “Grand Challenge Case Studies in A Simulation
`Curriculum” Invited paper, 2006 ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation Conference.
`Carnahan, J.C., P. F. Reynolds, Jr., “Requirements For DDDAS Flexible Point Support,” Proceedings of
`the 2006 ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation Conference.
`Liu, X, P.F. Reynolds, Jr., and D. Brogan, “Using Abstraction in the Verification of Simulation
`Coercion” ACM/IEEE Principles of Advanced and Distributed Simulation, May 2006.
`Reynolds, Jr. P.F., D. Brogan, J. Carnahan, Y. Loitiuere, M. Spiegel, “Capturing Scientists' Insight for
`DDDAS” ICCS, 2006.
`Brogan, D., H.Honkanen, S. Liuti, Y. Loitiere, P.F. Reynolds, Jr., and S. Taneja, “Parmeterization of
`Parton Distributions Functions Based on Self-Organizing Maps” XIV Workshop on Deep Inelastic
`Scattering, 2006.
`Spiegel, M., P.F. Reynolds, Jr., and D. Brogan,“A Case Study Of Context Assumptions For Simulation
`Composability And Reusability” 2005 ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation Conference.
`Carnahan, J., P.F. Reynolds, Jr., and Brogan, D., “Simulation-Specific Characteristics and Software
`Reuse” 2005 ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation Conference.
`Bartholet, R., P.F. Reynolds, Jr., and D. Brogan,“The Computational Complexity Of Component
`Selection In Simulation Reuse” 2005 ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation Conference.
`Brogan, D., P.F. Reynolds, Jr., R. Bartholet, J. Carnahan, Y. Loitiµere, “Semi-Automated Simulation
`Transformation for DDDAS,” ICCS, May 2005.
`Carnahan,J., P.F. Reynolds, Jr., and D. Brogan, “Visualizing Coercible Simulations,” 2004 ACM/IEEE
`Winter Simulation Conference.
`Giordano, J., P.F. Reynolds, Jr. and D. Brogan, “Exploring The Constraints of Human Behavior
`Representation,” ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation Conference, Dec, 2004.
`Fox, M., D. Brogan, and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., “Approximating Component Selection,” ACM/IEEE Winter
`Simulation Conference, Dec, 2004
`Ex. 1002, p. 6 of 14
`FUJIFILM Corp., et al.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., C. Milner, and T.J. Highley, “Scalable Personalized Learning,” ACM Frontiers in
`Education, October, 2004
`Bartholet,R., J. Carnahan, P.F. Reynolds,Jr., D. Brogan,“Semantics, Scope, or Scale: Simulation
`Composability Versus Component-Based Software Design” Fall ’04 Simulation Interoperability
`Carnahan, J., P.F. Reynolds,Jr., and D. Brogan, “Language Support for Identifying Flexible Points in
`Coercible Simulations” Fall ’04 Simulation Interoperability Wkshp
`Waziruddin, S., D. Brogan, P.F. Reynolds, Jr., “Selecting Optimization Techniques in Support of
`Simulation Transformation” Fall ’04 Simulation Interoperability Wkshp
`Loitiµere,Y., D. Brogan, and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., “Simulation Coercion Applied to Multiagent DDDAS,”
`ICCS, June 2004.
`Tavakoli, A., D. Chu, and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., “Richer Semantic Representations of Simulations Using
`DAML/OWL,” Spring Simulation Interoperability Workshop, 2004.
`Morse, K., M. Petty, P.F. Reynolds, Jr., W. Waite, and P. Zimmerman, “Findings and
`Recommendations from the 2003 Composable Mission Space Environments Workshop,” Spring
`Simulation Interoperability Workshop, 2004 (WON SIWzie Award), also appeared in SCS Journal.
`Vicaire, P., P.F. Reynolds, Jr., and D. Brogan, "Semi-automated Abstraction, Coercion, and
`Composition of Simulations." I/ITSEC, December, 2003.
`Carnahan, J., P.F.Reynolds, Jr. and D. Brogan, “An Experiment in Simulation Coercion,” I/ITSEC,
`December, 2003.
`Waziruddin, S., D. Brogan, and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "The Process for Coercing Simulations." Fall ’03
`Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, Sept, 2003. (nominated for SIWzie award.)
`Highley, T.J., P.F. Reynolds, Jr., and V. Vellanki, V. “Marginal Cost-Benefit Analysis for Predictive File
`Prefetching” ACM Southeast Conference, March 2003
`Drewry, D., P.F. Reynolds, Jr., and W. Emanuel, “An Optimization-Based Multi-Resolution
`Simulation Methodology,” ACM/IEEE 2002 Winter Simulation Conference, Dec, 2002.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., “Using Space-Time Constraints to Guide Model Interoperability,” Spring ’02
`Simulation Interoperability Workshop, Orlando, April, 2002.
`Reynolds, Jr. P.F., “Grand Challenges in Distributed Simulation,” Fifth Annual Workshop on
`Distributed Simulation – Real Time, July, 2001.
`Srinivasa, R., P.F. Reynolds, Jr.. and C. Williams, “A New Look at Time-Stamp Ordering Concurrency
`Control,” 12th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA
`2001, Sept, 2001.
`Viega, J, P.F. Reynolds, Jr. and R. Behrends, “Automating Delegation in Class-Based Languages”,
`TOOLS2000, July, 2000
`Natrajan, A., and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., “Resolving Concurrent Interactions” 3rd Distributed Simulation-
`Real Time Conference, Aug 1999, Washington DC
`Srinivasa, R., P.F. Reynolds, Jr., and C.C. Williams, “IsoRule: Parallel Execution of Rule-based
`Ex. 1002, p. 7 of 14
`FUJIFILM Corp., et al.
`Systems,” 1999 Int’l Conference on Parallel Processing, (June 1999).
`Natrajan, A., and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., “Multi-Resolution Modeling” ACM/IEEE Parallel and Distributed
`Simulation Workshop, (June, 1998).
`Srinivasan, S., and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., “Performance of Elastic Time Distributed Simulation,”
`ACM/IEEE Parallel and Distributed Simulation Workshop, June, 1998.
`Srinivasan, S., M Lyell, J. Wehrwein and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., “Fast Reductions on a Network of
`Workstations,” 1997 International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC97),
`Bangalore, India, Dec 1997.
`Natrajan, A, P.F. Reynolds, Jr., and S. Srinivasan,”Consistency Maintenance” ACM/IEEE Parallel and
`Distributed Simulation Workshop, June, 1997.
`Srinivasan, S. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Update on HLA Performance Model,"1stSIW Conference,
`Orlando, March, 1997.
`Srinivasan, S. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Performance Modeling for the High Level Architecture," 15th
`DIS Conference, 8 pages, appeared on CD, Sept, 1996, Orlando, FL.
`Srinivasan, S. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Adaptive Algorithms vs. Time Warp: An Analytical
`Comparison," ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 666-673, Dec, 1995.
`Srinivasan, S. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "NPSI Adaptive Synchronization Algorithms for PDES,"
`ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 658-665, Dec, 1995.
`Srinivasan, S. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Super-Criticality Revisited," 9th Workshop on Parallel and
`Distributed Simulation, pp. 130-136, June, 1995.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F. and C. Williams, "Asynchronous Rule-Based Systems in Computer Generated
`Forces," invited paper for 5th Conference on Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral
`Representation, pp. 559-566, May 1995, Orlando, FL.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., "DISOrientation," Electronic Simulation Conference, Roger Smith (ed), Mystech
`Corp, 9 pages, May, 1994, (voted best paper award).
`Dickens, P., P.F. Reynolds, Jr., D.M. Nicol and J.M. Duva, "The Impact of Adding Aggressiveness to a
`Non-Aggressive Windowing Protocol," Proceedings of ACM Winter Simulation Conference, pp.
`731-739, Dec, 1993.
`Srinivasan, S. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Non-Interfering GVT Computation via Asynchronous Global
`Reductions," Proceedings of ACM Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 740-749, Dec, 1993.
`Williams, C.C. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Network-Based Coordination of Asynchronously Executing
`Processes with Caches," Workshop on Fine-Grain Massively Parallel Coordination, 4 pages, May,
`1993, San Diego, CA.
`Pancerella, C. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Disseminating Critical Target-Specific Synchron-ization
`Information in Parallel Discrete Event Simulations," Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Parallel
`and Distributed Simulation, pp. 52-59, May, 1993, San Diego, CA.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., C. Pancerella and S. Srinivasan, "Making Parallel Simulations Go Fast,"
`Proceedings of the 1992 ACM Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 646-656, Dec, 1992.
`Ex. 1002, p. 8 of 14
`FUJIFILM Corp., et al.
`Dickens, P.M. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "A Performance Model for Parallel Simulation," Proceedings of
`the 1991 ACM Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 618-626, Dec, 1991.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., "An Efficient Framework for Parallel Simulations," Proceedings of the SCS Multi-
`Conference, pp. 167-174, Jan, 1991.
`Dickens, P. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "SRADS with Local Rollback," Proceedings of the SCS Multi-
`Conference, pp. 161-164, Jan, 1990.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., C.F. Weight and J.R. Fidler II, "Comparative Analyses of Parallel Simulation
`Protocols", Proceedings of the ACM Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 671-679, Dec, 1989,
`Washington D.C.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., "SPECTRUM: A Testbed for Parallel Simulation," Proceedings of the Fourth ACM
`Hypercube Conference, 6 pages, March, 1989, Monterey, CA.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., "Heterogeneous Distributed Simulation," Proceedings of the 1988 ACM Winter
`Simulation Conference, pp. 206-209, Dec, 1988, San Diego, CA.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., "A Spectrum of Options for Parallel Simulation," Proceedings of the 1988 ACM
`Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 325-332, Dec, 1988, San Diego, CA.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., "Distributed and Parallel Simulation," Proceedings of the 1988 Military
`Computing Conference, May, 1988, Anaheim, CA.
`O'Hallaron, D.R. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "A Dynamic Model of Hierarchical Control," Proceedings of
`the IEEE Conference on Factory Automation, Aug, 1987, Vienna, Austria.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F. and C.S. Kuhn, "A Performance Study of Three Protocols for Distributed
`Simulation," Proceedings of the SCS Eastern Simulation Conference, 6 pages, March, 1987,
`Orlando, FL.
`Nicol, D.M., and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "An Optimal Repartitioning Decision Policy," Proceedings of The
`ACM Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 493-497, Nov, 1985, San Francisco, CA.
`Nicol, D.M. and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "A Statistical Approach to Dynamic Partitioning," Proceedings of
`the SCS Winter Multi-Conference, pp. 53-56, Jan 24-26, 1985, San Diego, CA.
`Nicol, D.M., and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Problem Oriented Protocol Design," Proceedings of The ACM
`Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 471-474, Dec, 1984, Dallas, TX.
`Davidson, D.L., and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Performance Analysis of a Distributed Simulation Algorithm
`Based on Active Logical Processes," Proceedings of ACM Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 267-
`268, Dec, 1983, Washington, D.C.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., "Active Logical Processes and Distributed Simulation: An Analysis," Proceedings of
`The ACM Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 263-264, Dec, 1983, Washington, D.C.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., "A Shared Resource Algorithm for Distributed Simulation," Proceedings of The 9th
`International Symposium on Computer Architecture, pp. 259-266, April, 1982, Austin, TX.
`Chandy, K.M., and P.F. Reynolds, Jr, "Scheduling Partially Ordered Tasks with Probabilistic
`Execution Times," Proceedings of Fifth SIGOPS, pp. 169-177, March, 1975, Austin, TX.
`Ex. 1002, p. 9 of 14
`FUJIFILM Corp., et al.
`Other Publications, Unrefereed (Not Published Elsewhere)
`DeSupinski, B., C. Williams and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Delta-Cache Protocols," UVa CS Technical Report
`TR-96-05, University of Virginia, March, 1996.
`S. Srinivasan and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Non-Interfering GVT Computation via Asynchronous Global
`Reductions," UVa CS Technical Report TR-93-17, University of Virginia, April, 1993.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., "SPECTRUM: A Testbed for Parallel Simulation Algorithms," Butterfly Net, Bolt,
`Beranak and Newman, Cambridge, MA, Jan, 1989.
`S.D. Carson and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Adaptive Reorganization of Disk Cylinder Structures," UVa CS
`Technical Report TR-85-20, University of Virginia, Aug, 1985.
`S.D. Carson and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "The NP-Completeness of the Optimal Disk Cylinder Arrangement
`Problem," UVa CS Technical Report TR-85-13, University of Virginia, July, 1985.
`D.M. Nicol and P.F. Reynolds, Jr., "Problem Oriented Protocol Design," ACM SIMULETTER, April,
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F., (ed) "Distributed Simulation 1985," Society for Computer Simulation, San Diego,
`CA, 15,2, Jan, 1985.
`Reynolds, Jr., P.F. and K.M. Chandy, "A Recognizer and Post-Recognizer for Optimizing Execution
`Times," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No. 24 (Springer-Verlag, 1974).
`Invited Panels
`"Future Challenges in Parallel Discrete Event Simulation," Workshop on Distributed Interactive
`Simulation - Real Time, 1998, Montreal Canada, July, 1998.
`"The Next Five Years in Parallel Computing," MITRE Parallel Computing Symposium, June, 1992.
`"Methods for Supporting Parallel Simulations," SCS/ACM/IEEE Conference on Parallel and
`Distributed Computing, Jan, 1991.
`"Where Next in Distributed Simulation?" SCS Winter Simulation Conference, San Diego, CA., Jan,
`"Distributed Simulation," ACM Winter Simulation Conference, San Francisco, CA., Dec, 1985.
`"System Integration," National Bureau of Standards Workshop on The Automated Manufacturing
`Research Facility, Gaithersburg, Maryland, Oct, 1985.
`"Distributed Simulation," ACM Winter Simulation Conference, Washington, D.C., Dec, 1983.
`Invited Lectures
`“Limitations on Standards for Modeling and Simulation” Virginia Modeling and Simulation
`Consortium (VMASC), 12 May 2011 Suffolk, VA
`“What Makes Good Research In Modeling And Simulation: Sustaining The Growth And Vitality Of
`The M&S Discipline” 2008 ACM/IEEE Winter Simulation Conference, Dec, 2008
`Ex. 1002, p. 10 of 14
`FUJIFILM Corp., et al.
`“RDL: Design of a Domain Specific Representation and Analysis Language for Complex Emitters,”
`Invited presentation given eight times to National and DoD organizations between Feb, 2005
`and January, 2007.
`“Designing for Change: Simulation Adaptation, Composition and Reuse,” DOE Corrosion Modeling
`Workshop Airlie, VA, June 2005.
`“Handheld Acquisition of Critical Information,” Voice of the Blue Ridge, Roanoke, March, 2005
`“Transforming Simulations,” U of Richmond, November, 2004
`“A Reading Technology for the Visually Impaired,” Virginia Dept for the Blind and Visually Impaired,
`Roanoke, March, 2003
` “Coercing Simulations” Invited presentation at the Institute for Defense Analyses
` Workshop on the Future of Modeling and Simulation. Jan, 2003, Wash DC
` “Multiresolution Modeling Using Optimization Methods,” DMSO Simulation Workshop
` Defense Modeling and Simulation Office, Aug, 2002
` “Isotach Caching,” George Mason Univ, Fairfax, VA, April, 24, 2001
` UVa Teaching Resource Center invited lecture on scalable personalized teaching, January 2001.
`“Multi-Resolution Modeling,” Lawrence Livermore Labs, August, 2000
`"Elastic Time," BMDO, Washington, D.C., May, 1998.
`"Parallel Simulation and the HLA," JNTF, Colorado Springs, October, 1997.
`"Isotach Networks," U.S. Army STRICOM, Orlando, July, 1996.
`"Consistency Maintenance," Defense Modeling and Simulation Organization, Nov, 1995.
`"Isotach Timing," invited presentation to the Deputy Undersecretary of the ARMY (OR), Sept, 1995.
`"Time Management in the DoD High Level Architecture," US Army STRICOM, Aug, 1995.
`"Time Management in Distributed Simulations," Institute for Defense Analyses, June, 1995.
`"DISOrientation," Institute for Defense Analyses, June, 1994.
`"Adaptive Parallel Simulations," Systems Engineering Invited Lecturer Series, Univ of Virginia, May,
`"Special-Purpose Hardware for Military Simulations," IBM, June, 1993.
`"Enhancing Military Simulations with Fast Parallel Simulation," U.S. Army/TACSIM Senior Users’
`Meeting, Manassas, VA, April, 1993.
`"Performance Analysis and Recommendations: REFORGER92," Aggregate-level Simulation Protocol
`Interface Working Group, Oct, 1992.
`"Enhancing Military Simulations with Fast Parallel Simulation," STRICOM, Orlando, Sept, 1992.
`"Fast, Hardware-supported Parallel Simulation," NCR/AT&T internal technical meeting, Sept, 1992.
`"Making Parallel Simulations Go Fast," MITRE Parallel Computing Symposium, June, 1992.
`Ex. 1002, p. 11 of 14
`FUJIFILM Corp., et al.
`"Hardware Support for Parallel Simulations," MITRE Parallel Computing Symposium, May, 1991.
`"Atomic Actions," Cal. Irvine, Department of Computer Science, Jan, 1990.
`"Shared Data Structures and Massively Parallel Computing," College of William and Mary, April,
`"A SPECTRUM of Options for Parallel Simulation," UCLA, Department of Computer Science, Dec,
`"Shared Data Structures," Yale University, Department of Computer Science, March, 1988.
`"Analysis of Three Distributed Simulation Algorithms," ADPA, Wash D.C., March, 1988.
`"Incremental Analysis of Parallel Programs," Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science, Jan,
`"The State of the Art in Distributed Simulation," Simulation Engineering Group for the National
`Testbed, Washington, D.C., Nov, 1987.
`"Incremental Analysis of Parallel Programs," First Joint U.S./U.K. Workshop on Parallel Computation,
`Royal Military College of Swindon, Shevenham, U.K., July, 1987.
`"Incremental Analysis of Parallel Programs," The University of Victoria, B.C., Canada, May, 1987.
`"New Models of Concurrency and Their Application to Program Analysis," The University of
`Richmond, Richmond, Virginia, April, 1986.
`"Models to Support Static Incremental Detection of Synchronization Errors in Parallel Programs,"
`ICASE, NASA Langley, Feb, 1986.
`"Static Incremental Detection of Synchronization Errors in Parallel Programs," IBM Corporation,
`Bethesda, Maryland, June, 1985.
`"Deadlock and Other Synchronization Errors in Concurrent Systems," The National Bureau of
`Standards, Feb, 1985.
`"Partitioning Simulations," IBM Corporation, Manassas, Virginia, Dec, 1984.
`“Dynamic Partitioning for Distributed Simulation," Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Nov, 1984.
`"Partitioning Strategies for Distributed Simulation," IBM Corporation, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Oct, 1984.
`"The SRADS Approach to Distributed Simulation," IBM Corporation, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Oct, 1983.
`"The SRADS Approach to Distributed Simulation," IBM Corporation, Endicott, New York, July, 1983.
`Ex. 1002, p. 12 of 14
`FUJIFILM Corp., et al.
`Student Supervision Summary (details follow)
` Sixteen PhD students graduated. Over half of graduated PhDs have been or are faculty at U.S.
`institutions, including U. Illinois, CMU, Furman, Vanderbilt and Lasalle. Two more are at National Labs
`(Lawrence Livermore and Sandia). Two more operate their own companies.
` Forty-nine Masters (MS and MSCS) degrees supervised to completion.
`Student Supervision Details
`Ph.D. Students Directed
`Gore, Ross
` Fault Localization for Exploratory Simulations, Aug, 2012
`Spiegel, Michael
` Cache-conscious concurrent data structures, May, 2011
`Highley, Timothy J.
` File Prefetching over Homogeneous Networks, May, 2005.
`Venkateswaren, Raja
` Compiling for Isotach Timing, May 2002
`Srinivasa, Rashmi
` Isotach Distributed Databases, May, 2001.
`Natrajan, Anand
` Consistency Maintenance in Multi-Resolutio