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`Microsoft Press
`Microsoft Press
`A Division of Microsoft Corporation
`One Microsoft Way
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`Copyright © 1997 by Microsoft Corporation
`All rights reserved. No part of the contents of this book may be reproduced or transmitted
`in any form or by any means without the written permission of the publisher.
`Library of Congress Cataloging—in—Publication Data
`Microsoft Press Computer Dictionary. —- 3rd ed.
`ISBN l—5723l—446-X
`1. Computers——Dictionaries.
`I. Microsoft Press.
`2. Microcomputers--Dictionaries.
`QA'l6.l5.M54 I997
`Printed and bound in the United States of America.
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`Macintosh. Power Macintosh. QuiekTime, and TrueType are registered trademarks of Apple Computer.
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`Acquisitions Editor: Kim Fryer
`Project Editor: Maureen Williams Zimmerman. Anne Taussig
`Technical Editors: Dail Magee Jr.. Gary Nelson. Jean Ross. Jim Fuchs. John Cortrow. Kurt Meyer.
`Robert Lyon. Roslyn Lutsch
`C u1:tntil';tcturc-rs to huild
`g,1‘am that encourages P
`ergy eilicient. Reqttireitteitts
`s\_;stems that are en
`monitors he capable of
`dictate that systems or
`automatically entering it "sleep state“ or 21 lower
`ptiwer-consumption state wliile the unit
`is inac-
`tive. where the lo\\-'—po\\-'er state is defined as 50
`watts or less. Systeihs and mortitots that cotnply
`with these gttidelines are marked with an Energy
`Star sticker.
`t1stialh__.-' to
`or the end
`l9‘)U—92_ and in compouncl i1Ll_iE;?L‘Ii\"t:.‘.‘-5 where one
`‘st.-4 of may words, as in
`part is liyphenated or consi
`The en clasli is named after a typo-
`rt space, which is
`:11 unit of measure. the e
`See (list: em space.
`half the width of an em space.
`Campsite em tiers-ii. hyphen.
`End key \enci'
`nto\'e.-t the cttrsor to a certain position.
`the end of a line. the end of a screen.
`of a file. depending on the progrant.
`endless loop \encl”las lt",iTip'\
`11?. Set-‘ iitiinite loop.
`end mark \end' miirk\ H. A sym'raol
`that desig-
`nates the end of some entity. such as '6! file or word
`processing document.
`11!‘. A code placed h};
`end-of-file \end' at-'—l“i1 '\
`progtatn alter the last l)\_.‘le of a file to tell the com-
`ptttefs operating st-'sten'1 that no additional data
`l’o1lows. in A:.~}Cli. end—oi'—file is represented by the
`aim: 26 (l.‘tt_‘)-i'.lLlt‘.I;‘ll'].'l‘.i.l 1.-\} or the Ctrl—Z.
`(_ii.'.‘L‘ifl1'.ll \'
`r‘lCJ'tJJI_].‘JJ'l.‘ EOF t F‘ 0-1’ ' 1.
`control character.
`end-of~text \end‘.=a\'—tekst’\
`In data transmis-
`sion. a tzharacter used to ntatk tlte end of a text
`iintl—oi'—text does not necessarily signify the
`end oi" transinission: other intormation. such as
`en-or—cl1ecl<ing, or transmission control cliamcters.
`detl at the end of the file. In _+\:5t‘.li.
`can he inclti
`presented ht‘ the decimal value 5
`is re
`_‘lL‘P“rJiI_]'m.' ETX (E""F—X’l.
`t hexadecimal ()5 1.
`eud—of—transmission \enci“av-tranz—mish'an\
`A character representing the end of -.1 transmission.
`in .»\SCI]. the end—tif—t1‘ansinission chctrttcte-.1‘ has the
`decimal value -1 (hexadecimal U-"it. At:mu_i-m.- IEOT
`it. The beginning or end of
`r\ H. The ultimate user of LI
`lication in its finisheri.
`'j.)n\ H. A processor or portion of -.1
`engine \en
`letermine.s how the progmni man-
`prograin that L
`ages and 1‘I1:.il‘tl[)Lll1tU.’..‘-i data. The term engme is
`most often used in relation to a specific program:
`for example. 2?. datahase engine contains the tools
`for maniptilating :1 ciataliase.
`(Tm:-ipare hack-end
`front—end processor.
`Enhanced Expanded Memory Specification
`kft‘sltart\ H. See El~‘.l\-lbi.
`Enhanced Graphics Adapter \en-hansci' graf'ik.~
`zvdap‘ t:;r\
`.See l‘.(;i.-’\.
`Enhanced Graphics Display \eri—hansd‘
`dis-pl-T\ it. A PC video display cap:-.tl3leo‘fprodt1c—
`ing graphic iniages with rc.-.~‘-oltitiorts ranging from
`320 X 200 through 640 X '+I.']l_l pixels. in color or in
`hlack and white. Resolution and color depth
`depend on the vertical and horizontal scanning, fre-
`ciuencies of the display, the capabilities oithe videu
`tlispla}-' controller card, and available video RAM.
`Enhanced [DE \en—h-ansd‘
`it. 1-lhort
`Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics. An exten-
`sion oi" the IDE stanclarcl. Enhanced IDE is a hard-
`ware interface stztttdarcl for disk drive designs that
`ltottse control circuits in the drives theniselt-‘es.
`allows for st;tnd;trdized lfliL‘1.‘fiiL'CS to the system
`htts while proviciiiig for adianced features. such as
`httrst data
`and direct
`Enhanced ll)E accomrntzndattes drives ;-is large ;1-
`8.4 gig:tln=tes {ID}.-‘. supports up to ‘T328 itiegahytesl
`interface. which permit.-
`it supports the ATA—2
`galiytes pet seconti
`transfer rates up to 13.?) me
`tll)E permits up to 5.3 ittegahytes per secondl.
`and the .»\TAl“l interface, \\'hich connects dt'i\-'es for
`C1'J—ROl\«is. optical discs and tapes. and 1TlLll[l]1l.t."
`a nced {DE dri\'e:'~.
`I\-"lost PCs have iinh
`which are cheaper than SCSI drives and provide
`much of the same itmctionality. Acmn_1'm.- EIDE
`RE" l—D—E'}. See cifso IDE. SCSI.
`endpoint \end'poi
`a line segment.
`end user \c-mi’ t-r.Tr‘:‘ -2.3
`C()lTl[.')U.l.Cl' 01‘ L'l'_ll'l'lpLlT.l'_']‘ lirlp
`marketable fonn.
`End-User License Agreement
`li'sans a—grE‘n1attt\ H. A legal agreement hetween
`LI. software nit-1ntii‘.u;ttti'e:' and the soft“-'are‘s pur-
`chaser Willi regard to terms of distrihtition. resale.
`and restrictecl ttse.
`;1cron_i‘m.- i?i_Tl..A it-'t'T(3'lo. E‘l_'—
`Energy Star \en'31'—iE* sti'tr‘\ N. A symbol affixed to
`systems and components
`that denotes
`rt. Energy Star
`povt-'er—consumption ciesig,
`ental Protection Agenci-' pro-
`name of an l:‘.n\'ironiit